I've Dreamed Of You, My Dear

By kjujeee

52.6K 1.3K 269

Allie James is a 23 year old girl who lives with her father and little brother Richie. Bizarre​ dreams have... More

*Store Shenanigans*
An Apology


5.7K 100 26
By kjujeee

My vision is blurry, and from all I can see, I'm in a crimson covered room. I try calling out for someone, but I can't speak.
My sight gets clearer and I spot a door in the other side of the room, which then swings open.
A male dressed in a black robe, with black and white face paint enters the room. He looks familiar, but I can't remember where he's from.
"Ah, you're finally awake, my dear." The man speaks.
I can't help but feel drawn to his voice. It was as if his words were made out of soft velvet, silk even.
Five other figures enter the room, also dressed in black, but they had masks covering their faces. I thought they also looked familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it.
I slowly start backing up, feeling threatened by all of the men's presences in the room.
The man in the robe walks closer to me extending his hand, "Don't fret, we're not going to hurt you. Think of us as friends to guide you away from the awful things of the world."
I have nothing left to lose, so I reach out and grab his hand.
Upon touching his hand, I follow the six men into the light.
*End Dream*

I awake to see that my curtains have been ripped open by my little brother, Richard, who was now at the foot of my bed.
'That explains where the light in my dream came from,' I think to myself.
"Good morning Allie!" My brother yells as he jumps on my bed.
I laugh at his silliness, "Morning Richie, go down and get some cereal, I'll be down in a little."
He gives the best smile be can with missing front teeth then runs down the hall to the kitchen.
My brother is the biggest ball of energy, and the biggest pain that I have ever met, but he's family and I love him anyways.
I quickly get out of bed and grab a simple outfit of a black baggy v-neck tee shirt and red skinny jeans and change into it.
I then continue and do my regular morning routine, and head to the kitchen.
Richie, who is still eagerly munching on his breakfast, waves at me as I walk into the room.
"So, where's dad?" I ask, "He's normally here in the mornings."
"Dad had to work early, so he told me to wake you up when had to go to school."
I nod, and let my brother continue eating, while I browse social media.
As I scroll through, I notice Ghost B.C.'s account has posted something. It said that they have a concert in Denver tonight.
I start to freak out remembering that I bought a ticket and backstage pass for their show tonight.
Running to my room I yell to my brother, "Be ready to go when I come back, I have to grab something then I'm taking you you school!"
I enter my room and search through my nightstand drawer with hope of finding the tickets. I eventually find them, then grab my keys so I can drive my brother to school.
"You ready to go?" I ask.
"Yep." Richie says popping the "p."
"Then let's go." I grab Richie by the hand and pull him out to the car, then open the door for him to get in.
Getting into to driver seat, I start the car and turn on the stereo.
Most of the car ride is quiet until Richie speaks up, "Oh, Allie, Dad says he's gonna pick me up after school so you don't have to worry."
"Ok, cool, because have a concert that I get to go to later tonight, and I’d be sad if I missed it." I tell him, hoping he'd understand.
Richie nods then stares out the window.
All of a sudden, "Cirice" by Ghost starts playing and I sing the guitar part.
Richie laughs at me, "You're so silly!"
His laugh is contagious and causes me to laugh as well, "Well, so are you little dude."
He sighs.
We arrive at the school and Richie unbuckles himself, says his goodbyes, then gets out of the car.
I grab my tickets out my purse and make a noise of excitement while looking at them. I can't wait to see Ghost live.
Pulling out of the parking lot, I drive downtown to get some food and a decent parking place before the concert.
The show is at the Fillmore Auditorium, so I decide to park at the Wendy's just down the street from there and order some food.
I grab my leather jacket out of the back of the car and head inside the food joint.
After ordering my food to go, I go over to the venue, wait in line and eat.
It's going to be a long day of waiting, but it's going to be so worth it in the end.
Having not much to do, I sit on the ground near the entry gate, and start to zone out. While spacing out, I see that same person that I saw in my dream, but only this time they were real and waving their hand in front of my face.
I jolt up, and gather myself again. Only to realize that the person in front if me is the one and only Papa Emeritus III.
"I apologize for scaring you, but you seemed as if you were spaced out, and From the looks of it, that's not really the best thing to do in a part of town like this." He speaks.
I nod, "Yeah, you're right." Shivering, I wrap my jacket tighter around me.
Papa sees me shiver and gives me a small smile, "I would offer to let you come inside the bus or the venue to warm up, but that's against the rules."
He's so nice, I smile, "Thank you for thinking about me, but I should be fine anyways."
"If you say so. Oh, and dear, what's your name?"
Holding my hand out for him to shake, I introduce myself, "I'm Allison, but most just call me Allie for short."
Papa shakes my hand, "Well, Miss Allison, I'm looking forward to seeing you at the show later on. And with that, I'm afraid I must go."
He gives me one last smile then walks away.
'Holy shit, I just met Papa Emeritus III. Today is going great.' I smile to myself and watch the other people get in line and wait for the concert.
At about 3pm the line is wrapping around the block, and there's still about four more hours until the concert.
With time still to waste, I get on my phone and call Dad.
Dad: Hey kiddo, what's up?
Allie: Nothing much, I'm just waiting to be let in the venue for the concert.
Dad: Ah, it's that Ghost concert you've been talking about right?
Allie: Yep, and you won't even be-
I'm cut off by the sound of yelling, and look down the line a bit to see Ghost walking past to get in the venue. As they passed, I could have sworn that Papa E. winked at me, but that was probably my imagination. I then divert my attention back to the phone call.
Dad: Allie, Allie, are you there?
Allie: Oh, yeah, sorry. Ghost just walked by and things got a little chaotic.
Dad: So as you were saying, "I would not" what?
Allie: Right, you’d probably not believe this, but I met the singer for the band, and we actually held a decent conversation.
Dad: Wow. Good for you? Sorry hun, I don't really know what to say.
Allie: It's fine. How's Richie?
Dad: He's fine, he said that he got to play the guitar at school and he was really happy about that.
Allie: I bet, he's gonna be a rockstar when he grows up, I'm sure of it.
Dad: Yeah. Well, I have to go, I'll talk to you after your concert, or tomorrow.
Allie: Ok, bye dad.
Dad: Bye.
I hang up and see that there's only three more hours to go, and that my phone is running out of memory.
I start to delete things off of my phone so I have pictures to remember this day forever. The day that I got to meet the singer of my favorite band and see them live.

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