A New Beginning

Por Spyroguy

168K 4.8K 1.2K

The league of villains, Desperate, capture hundreds of quirk-less kids in the hope of making a army of nomous... Más

New dream
Unatural Recovery
Note 1
Developed crush
Note 2
The fated battle
The date
Ideas for new stories
Emotions surface
The truth slips
Happy holloween
More than friends?
Thank you
Burning desire
Declaration of war
Happy Thanksgiving
Ending this story?
Obstacle course
Cavalry battle
Bad news
The Clock Starts
True Love Motivates All
The end is here
The Final Chapter
Thank You All

(Season 2) Spirits rise

2.6K 98 18
Por Spyroguy

Third P.o.v

It's been awhile since Shinsous declaration of war, and the U.A festival is just around the corner. Uraraka has been training under dekus training which consisted of runs out to a Forrest where they could train with her quirk alone, they've made great progress and Uraraka is proud to say that she's ready for the festival. All the kids of U.A have been training there asses off to prepare for the event that would shape their future.

Izuku P.o.v

I watched Uraraka tap the trees that had been scattered around the entire forest from me training my quirk, I had ripped a few from the ground and laid them out for her to train with. She approached them and tapped all of them making them float, she kicked 2 up into the air as she grabbed the last on and began swinging it around, soon she let go and sent it flying as she pressed her fingers together deactivating her quirk. It began to fall down and eventually crashed into a rockface cracking it, I looked up and saw the trees she threw up fall down and land next to her as she panted wiping her forehead "Very nice" I complimented her as she jumped up and cheered "I did it...And I don't even feel very sick" She said feeling her stomach "That's very good, Oh look at the time, we should get home, the festival is tomorrow" She slapped her hands on her cheeks as looked at me with distraught "Tomorrow, ooo that's too soon" I walked over and lifted her chin "Your more than ready" She smiled again and leaned up giving me a peck on the cheek "I love you Deku" I stared at her affectionately "I love you too Uraraka" We hugged and turned to go pack up "Oh...You Go On ahead...I need to do something real quick" She nodded and waved rushing toward the entrance of the Forrest "Now then" I made my way through the trees and approached the rock interface that Uraraka cracked with the tree. I walked over to it and took a deep breath before getting in a stance and placing my arms at my sides. For all my training I didn't focus on my telepathy, no I focused on the quirk all might gave me, One for all. It was a very unusual quirk, one that I wasn't used too, but every time i used my telepathy I could feel it pulse through me, the power. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in as I activated the quirk '5%' I mentally capped my power as I shot my eyes open and threw a punch breaking the rock apon impact. I looked at my hand and gripped it tighter before putting it back at my waist '10%' I mentally capped my power again as I shot another much more powerful punch at the wall cracking the rock upward and to the sides, though it stayed still again "Body strain has decreased" I commented as I looked at my hand again, when I first began training with One for all I would break a finger at the shear force it upheld, But much more training has allowed me to come out of a punch without any strain, No strain other than having to clean up. '20%' I doubled my cap and got down in the stance activating the quirk as wind surged around me, I reared back and punched the wall as the entire cliff shattered and all the ruble was flung away in the direction I punched by the shear force of the wind "Awesome" I looked down at my hand that was bleeding "Note, body strain at 20%, More training necessary" I said walking back to the entrance of the Forrest where Uraraka was waiting for me "I thought I told you to go ahead without me" I scolded her as she rubbed the back of her neck "Well...I...can't sleep without you so...I stayed" I couldn't stay mad at her, she was too cute and sweet to, I simply sighed and walked over kissing her on the cheek "Come on then, Lets go home, we need rest" She noticed my bloody hand and nodded "You overdid it again didn't you" I nodded as she took the first aid kit from her bag and cleaned my hands wounds before wrapping it "Know I'm no medical staff but I'm pretty sure it isn't healthy for you to do this every time you train" "I'm sorry Uraraka, It's just this new technique I'm doing is kinda a doesy" I lied as she nodded, I hadn't told her about one for all, So I've just been calling it a new technique "I won't force you to show me, Just be careful" I nodded as she leaned down and kissed my injured hand "Come on, Homes still a bit away" I stood up with her as we walked toward the apartment hand in hand.

I woke up and looked down seeing Uraraka wrapped around my chest. Her head moved as she looked up sleepily "Hey sleepyhead...Good morning" I called down to her As she crawled up and kissed me and we swapped spit, Her tongue felt so warm and soft, not as soft as her lips though. We broke away as she ran her hands through my hair "Morning Deku" She laid Her Head On my chest as I poked her cheek, she swatted my finger away in response as she moved to her chin "Five more minutes" I sat up as she whined a little, I walked over and put my shirt on before turning back to her "Sleep if you want...Just means you'll miss breakfast" Like that her eyes snapped open and she shot outta the bed like ieda, going strait to the bathroom "Just a minute" She called as I sighed, she cant sleep without me by her side, and since I sleep strip my shirt off she Usually wakes up face full of my abs. I left the room and went to the kitchen to cook breakfast. I sizzled bacon on one pan, cooked eggs on another, and toasted toast "Okay I'm done" I turned to see Uraraka come out in her school uniform all dressed up "Well...If you'll give me a few more minutes I'll finish this up then get dressed" She zoomed over sitting at the table awaiting her 'Godly' Breakfast, her words not mine "you got the coffee" She nodded as I laid a plate of food in front of her "Thank you" I turned away and left toward the bathroom, the sounds of a plate of food being torn apart sounding behind me. I stepped in the shower and washed myself before dying off and getting dressed for school. I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Uraraka sitting in her chair and tapping her belly as she breathed out "Good?" She nodded blushing with joy "So good~" I gave out a little laugh before walking over to her "Come on, it's time for us to get to school" She jumped up immediately and started pumping her fist "LETS DO THIS!" She jumped down and gave a dark look "Woah" I backed away slowly as she smiled a bright smile again "Come on Deku, we're gonna be late" She puffed her cute cheeks out as I gulped 'That was...Some what scary' I walked over as we locked arms and left the apartment, slowly making our way to school. The way there we discussed our training and other things, we giggled at eachother as the school came into view "O-Okay...Let's Do this" Uraraka said a little less energetic "You nervous?" She nodded as I smiled leaning down and cupping her cheek before Giving her a passionate kiss, She lifted her leg as we kissed, our tongues swirling around eachother, as we broke apart I smiled "Better?" She nodded giving me a hug, I took her hand and we walked into school. The second we came across our room we saw everybody standing inside, they all stood in front of their desks and stared intently at the front "And so, through many discussions with the faculty...We've made the final decision...to go ahead with the Festival" I heard all mights voice boom out behind the doors as my eyes widened "Deku, Are you Okay" I pulled back my frown and smiled "Yeah, I'm fine...Just fine" I let go of her hand and swung the door open all the way as everybody looked over at me, and their, at the front, stood the towering giant "Midoriya my boy, It's...been a while" All might said scratching the back of his neck "It has" His Eyes shot up as he placed his fist in his palm "Before I forget...Id like to talk to you...Umm...In private" I looked back at Uraraka and nodded as she nodded back "Nows a good time" He opened his mouth to maybe tell me to 'Enjoy my time with friends' But I cut him off by raising my hand "We can talk in the teachers lounge" He walked with me as we headed to the said area "So...Umm...midoriya...How have you been" "Great actually" I smiled a bit remembering all the time I spent with Uraraka "That's good...Umm...Have you been training you know what" I opened the lounge door and stepped in before replying "Like non-stop...I've been able to use about 20% without any sort of injury" All mights jaw dropped as I glanced at him "What?" He coughed into his fist as he cleared his throat "It makes sense, you do have a quirk that works similarly to it" He day down and let steam escape his body as he shrunk down "So then...Why did you want to talk...was it just about my progress with one for all?" He shook his head and twiddled his thumbs a bit before replying "You see midoriya my boy...The Board has had a ruff time with your case...And they've been considering taking you out of the festival" My blood ran cold and my mind went blank "Well...What did they decide" as I said those words, those cold, distasteful, hate words he flinched at my cold gaze "I...I convinced them otherwise" I sighed and hung my head "I'm sorry all might, I know your only trying to help me...I'm just thinking about some stuff an-" "Do not worry my boy!" He Places his hand in my shoulder as I looked up at him and he turned to his masculine form "FOR I AM HERE!" I chuckled a bit "Thanks" He patted my shoulder before sitting back down "So...You Do Know What this is Right" I nodded "This is my chance...To show the world of my presence" he smiled as I did as well "Well...I should let you get back, The kids are probably waiting for you" I nodded and stood bowing before I took my leave.

When I got back we were told to go to our waiting rooms and get ready for the festival. While we waited for the festival I brought back a good old habit of mine and began to do what I did best, Note quirks. Their strengths, weaknesses, and ways to overcome them. I asked everyone about class 1-B and they told me all they knew, I found info about itsuka kendo, Pony tsunotori, juzo honenuki, Tetsu tetsu, And Neito Monoma. The other students of class b weren't that interesting or I just couldn't find any info on them. I wrote down all my ideas into my journal and thought of these quirks as if they were mine, How I would use them, where or when I would use them. I began mumbling my opinions as everyone in the room looked over at me "Yo, what's with midoriya, He's kinda...Spaced out" "Yeah man...Do you think it's because of him and you know who" My thoughts got caught as I listened in on kirishima, kaminari and minetas conversation "Yeah man that could be it...Mina said they've been dating for a few months" "Well they are really close...Guess that's why they always walk home together" "Oh god I gotta know" Mineta instantly turned his body and proded my shoulder "Midoriya, What's Urarakas bra size, D, E, F...OH WHAT COLOR ARE HER PANTIES" He Began to drool as all the girls in the room glared at him with the intent to kill. I felt something I never felt before, Something that felt like a fire. I instinctively grabbed mineta by his face and lifted him of the ground, I looked him in his eyes as his face went white "Ever ask me that again, And not Even all might could save you" I dropped him and kaminari and kirishima gulped as the Now petrified mineta was dragged up to where the girls were as the sounds of him being beaten were heard "Dude...That was scarier that bokugou" I looked up to see Jirou just staring at me as everyone else scooted away a bit "Aww...He's super protective of Uraraka" Mina coed still stomping on mineta, I looked over my shoulder at her and smiled, I placed my pen in the rings of my journal and closed it. I walked over and stood next to her as she blushed a bit "That was...sweet" I leaned over and kissed her as she lightly pushed against my chest "D-Deku, W-we're In public" I backed off and grinned as she blushed more "Oh your so cute when your flustered" She puffed her red cheeks out a bit in fake annoyance "Okay okay, I'll stop" I laughed as smiled and all the girls and most of the boys cheered or coed at us, though I saw that kaminari and mineta were glaring at me. I shot them a glance, and instantly they looked away 'They're just jealous, Though I did scare mineta a bit' I wanted to apologize but didn't, he knew what he did, and hopefully he would learn from it "Midoriya" Everyones attention got pulled to the todoroki "Umm...Yeah?" He got off of leaning on the wall near the door and took a few steps forward "Objectively speaking...I'm stronger than you. More capable" I tilted my head a bit and put on a awkward smile "Yeah...Sounds about Right" His expression didn't change only his tone "All mights had his eye on you for a while, hasn't he? I'm guessing he'll be watching you and bragging about ya to the other pros" I stood my head strait up and locked eyes with him, the expression in my face turning from awkward humor to a serious one "I will beat you, Know that, And Know that Well" Kaminari, who had taken a seat to my right, leaned on the chair and gawked at us "Ooo A declaration of war between the top 2 of the class- AGH" "WHO THE HELL SAID THEY WERE THE TOP 2" Bakugou preceded to choke kaminari, the others trying to help free his neck from bakugous hands. I felt a chuckle escape my lips as everyone focused on me "I'll openly admit that your strong...And That in a one on one fight I'd lose" Uraraka opened her mouth to object but I continued anyways "But...Look around" I gestured to our classmates "Every kid in U.A is gonna give it everything they have...They'll ignore all discipline and shoot strait for number one spot...So know this...You won't win against me...Becuase I'm gonna give it every last bit of energy, every last bit of breath, to be known, to be heard" I Clenched my fist as wind surged around me and everyone backed away a bit, everyone except todoroki and bakugou "I will not lose, So don't expect me to just roll over, Watch your back, BECAUSE THIS...IS MY DECLARATION OF WAR" I heard a laugh behind me and glanced back to see bakugou chuckling "YOU WANNA BE NUMBER ONE EH? WELL YOU'LL HAVE TO BEAT ME TO IT" I smiled a bit, but not a full fledged one. Even though he bullied me, even though he taunted me everyday about me being weak, I respected bakugou, I actually idolized him. "I'll see you out there then" And like that everyone stood up, grins plastered on their faces, and they all cheered together "LETS ALL DO OUR BEST, PLUS ULTRA" We all marched out from the room and headed toward the light, the end of the hallway. 'Well then...Let it begin'

Authors note: Yo Guys, I'm happy to say that I had a amazing thanksgiving and I'm really glad your not mad at me...Though ive been reading...And a few of you said you wanted your chapter...Well...here it is...I've cut this one short because the next chapters are te ones you've been begging me for...wait just one more week...One more suspenseful...Nail biting...Hope rising week...Get you some chips and dip cause next chapters are gonna be long, and they're gonna be very, very action packed. I love you all, Signed, Spyro_Guy

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