Secret admirer ( Talitha Bate...

By Theupsidedown21

271 1 2

Talitha Bateman is friends with Skylar, Lulu and Jasper and one day she gets a letter from a unknown person s... More

You've been playing for 10 hours?!
Are you okay?
You're talking crazy

Who do you think it is?

56 0 0
By Theupsidedown21

( all their outfits☝) ( what happens in the video) ( Jasper is bottom right and he has a black hoodie on)

( next day)

-Skylar's POV-

My alram goes off so I groan shutting it off and get out of bed still tired, after I get dressed I grab the note putting it in my pocket then go downstairs and walk into the kitchen.

Morning Sky mom says, morning I replie while I walk up to the fridge and open the freezer.

Do you want some eggs? She ask me, sure I say taking out the eggos and grab some waffles and put them in the toaster and grab a plate and my mom puts some eggs on it.

After waiting for them to be done I grab them and put them on the plate, I grab the plate and sit next to Natalia morning she says.

Morning I replie grabbing my waffle and just eat it with my hands slow down Skylar, that's disgusting Natalia tells me so I stop and look at her.

Do a lot of studying last night? I question with a mouthful of food, yeah, actually I did she replies looking at me then takes a bite out of her eggs.

What was your test on again? Human anatomy? I ask her, she looks at me shock with her eyes wide then I feel her kick me so I kick her back.

Hey, what's going on? Mom questions while we both look at her, nothing we both say in unison then contuine eating.

I grab the syrup bottle and open it and put some on my eggs that's disgusting Natalia says.

Your disgusting I replie setting it down glaring at her, okay you two stop fighting mom tells us.

After I'm done I put my plate in the sink later mom I say kissing her cheek, later Nate I tell Natalia and she looks at me then gets up so I quickly run out.

Have a nice day! I hear my mom yell to me, okay! I yell back grabbing my red backpack and open the door walking out then close it.

I walk up to my bike and get on it heading to school, I get to school and lock my bike up at the bike rack.

Hey Sky I hear from behind me so I turn around to see Talitha so my heart starts beating really fast.

Hey I replie and she hugs me so I hug her back, where's Lulu and Jasper? I ask pulling away.

Before she can say anything both Lulu and Jasper come out of nowhere hey both Lulu and Jasper say.

Hey both Talitha and I replie while the bell rings so we all groan, we walk in while Talitha and Lulu are about 5 feet ahead of Jasper and I.

Dude, I wrote Talitha a note saying I like her I tell him, if you didn't know he knows I like Talitha and I know that he likes Lulu but both Talitha and Lulu don't know that.

I signed it as a secret admirer so she won't know it's me I continue taking out the note from my pocket.

Are you going to put it in her locker? He questions, yeah, after she leaves I'm gonna slip it in I replie.

After I get my stuff I shut my locker ready? Talitha ask Jasper and I, we look at each other we have to do something but we'll be right there I tell her and they both nod walking off.

We walk up to her locker hurry up and put it in Jasper tells me, I am, chill I replie putting it in the crack and make sure it's in ( that's what she said)

The bell rings saying we're late for class so we hurry and get to class, we get to class and walk in.

Skylar, Jasper, your late Miss Parker says looking at us, tell us something we don't know I replie sitting next to the Talitha by the window.

Miss Parker looks at me no wonder why your single I mumble, she sighs and starts with class your gonna get in trouble one of these days Lulu whispers from behind me.

And if I do, who cares, she can't do anything about it I replie then look at Talitha and see she's looking at me so I give her a small smile and she gives me one back.

( after class)

-Talitha's POV-

Class is over and miss Parker wanted to talk to Skylar and Jasper about being late so Lulu and I are at my locker.

I open it and a paper falls so I grab it and open it what is it? Lulu ask looking at it.

It's a note I say reading it.

Dear crush,

You don't know who I am but I have to say I like you a lot and you look beautiful today like always.

From your,
secret admirer

After I read it I look at Lulu I have a secret admirer I tell her, really? Let me see she says grabbing it and looks at it.

Who do you think it is? She ask, I don't know but they think I'm beautiful which is sweet I replie.

Who thinks your beautiful? We hear Skylar questions so we turn around to see Skylar and Jasper.

Someone left me this note in my locker I say grabbing it from Lulu, what does it say? Jasper ask.

It just says that someone likes me and they think I look beautiful I replie, does it say by who? Skylar questions.

No, all it says from your secret admirer I say looking at it, well someone has a crush on you Skylar says smiling walking off.

( after school)

We're all at the bike rack because Lulu, Jasper and I are going to Skylar's house.

Lulu gets onto the back of Jasper's bike while I get into the back of Skylar's wrapping my arms around her.

We get to Skylar's house so I get off the back of her bike and we walk in, we walk in setting our stuff down and walk into the kitchen.

Hey guy's Mrs. Mahone says, hey mom Skylar says while Skylar's dog runs up to us so we start petting her.

Hey Mrs. Mahone Lulu, Jasper and I say all say while we all grab a fruit.

Hey Nate Skylar says to her sister smirking, she glares at her I told you to stop calling me that Natalia says.

I don't care Skylar replies, your gonna care when my foot is down your throat she tells her standing up.

Ah, go, go, go! Skylar yells so we all start running upstairs with Skylar's dog Angel follows us.

We get to her room and lay on her bed so do you have any idea who put that note in your locker? Skylar ask.

No not yet I replie taking it out of my pocket, who do you guess it is? Lulu ask me.

I guess it would be Logan I say smiling, Logan? The kid that sometimes picks on Jasper and I? Skylar questions.

Yeah, I think he's cute I replie, she gives me a disgusted face gross both her and Jasper mumble.

( 2 hours later)

See you tomorrow I tell Skylar hugging her after Lulu and Jasper both said later to her.

She hugs back okay, later she replies pulling away, I still wonder have put the note in my pocket I say to myself.

Chapter 2 done, sorry for any spelling mistakes. So Skylar put the note in Talitha's locker and Talitha thinks it's Logan a boy she likes, what will happen in the next chapter? Read more to find out.

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