Dancing In The Rain •Sirius B...

By WeasleyGirl04

774K 17.9K 9.9K

•Book 1• "You know what? You're right! I'm not gonna sit here and sob over a stupid boy! In fact, I'm gonna d... More

A Fair Warning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60/Epilogue
Completed And Sequel
I Got Tagged!
I Got Tagged Again!
Let's Just Admire The Artwork
More Artwork!
But Wait, There's More!
There's Still More!
Some Masterpieces

Chapter 41

5.6K 135 46
By WeasleyGirl04



"I can't believe we're finally done with N.E.W.T.'s!" Claire grinned as we walked down to the Black Lake hand in hand.
"Only a few weeks left until we graduate," I added.
"I know, and then we'll buy a house, and then get married, and oh merlin I'm just so excited!" Claire exclaimed, her grin widening as she plopped herself down under our tree.
"Speaking of getting married," I trailed off, turning to the brown haired woman I loved.

Her grin turned into a smile as she waited for me to continue.

"What do you want our wedding to be like?" I questioned, grabbing her hand.
"I want to know what you want our wedding to be like," She responded.
"I just want for you to be ha-"
"You're getting married too," Claire stated.

I sighed as she sat there staring up at me. Clueless to the effect she had on me.

Her chocolate brown eyes sparkled in the light, her long eyelashes framing her eyes's perfect circular shape.
The way the wind blew through her hair, making her scowl every time a piece flew in her face.
How every time she smiled her eyes brightened and her adorable dimples appeared.

This woman was the love of my life, and all I wanted was to make her happy.

"Really Claire, as long as by the end of it I get to call you my wife then I'll be the happiest man alive," I mumbled, pulling her into my side.
"Fine, then I'll give you two options and you tell me which one," She explained.
"Fine," I agreed.

She thought for a second, looking out at the lake as she concentrated.

"Indoor or outdoor?"
"Nice or bad weather?"
"Bad weather."
"Merlin I love you."
"That's not two options but I love you too."
"Right, formal or comfortable?"
"Lots of guests or friends and family?"
"Friends and family."
"We've practically planned our wedding now," Claire laughed.
"Well what do you want?" I asked, worried that she didn't like something I had said.
"That's exactly what I wanted. Especially the bad weather part," Claire giggled.

I thought for a second, my hand squeezing hers as I did so.

"Where do you want it?" I questioned.
"I don't know, I was thinking maybe the backyard of wherever we live," Claire shrugged.
"That sounds nice," I agreed.
"But when?" She pondered.
"You mentioned October or November," I stated.
"But I don't know if it'll be raining then," Claire sighed, resting her head on my shoulder as she closed her eyes.
"What if we have our wedding on the last day it rains?" I suggested.
"How would we find out which day that is?" She questioned, opening her eyes to look up at me.
"I don't know. We can ask Camellia, Remus or Lily. I'm sure they'll know a spell or something," I shrugged.
"You're probably right," Claire nodded.

We stayed their for awhile, talking and cuddling. It was bright, not a cloud in sight, and the breeze was nice. It would be better if it was raining of course, but it was still nice.

"There you two are!" The voice of Camellia exclaimed.

Claire and I looked up to see Camellia running at us with James, Remus and Lily hot on her tail. Peter struggling to catch up as he ran a little ways behind.

"Here we are!" Claire exclaimed.
"Yes, now get up! Dumbledore wants us all in his office!" James stated, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. After balancing myself I did the same to Claire, keeping my arm around her waist to balance her.

"What does he want?" I questioned.
"Dunno, just said it was important," Lily spoke.
"Well then, let's go," Claire declared, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the castle. The rest right behind us.

A few minutes later, we arrived in front of the stone gargoyle that would lead us to Dumbledore's office.

"Er, did he give you the password?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at them.
"Uh, no. But I reckon it's a type of candy," James replied.
"Chocolate Frog," I tried, earning a glare from the gargoyle.
"Fudge Flies," Claire guessed.
"Fizzing Whizzbees."
"Exploding Bonbons."
"Cockroach Clusters."
"Jelly Slugs."
"Cauldron Cake," Lily piped, earning a nod from the gargoyle as it stepped aside, revealing a spiral staircase.

One by one we climbed the stairs, arriving in front of the door that blocked us from the office.

Camellia raised her hand, about to knock, when a soft voice came from inside, "Come in."

Camellia pushed the door open, allowing us to pile into the office.

It wasn't unfamiliar to me. In fact I have been here a fair amount of times.

The walls littered with previous headmasters and headmistresses. The aging wizard that sat behind a large desk. His blue eyes twinkling behind his half moon spectacles.

Seven chairs were in front of his desk that we all ended up sat in after being told to do so by Dumbledore.

"None of you are in trouble. Well. Not as of right now. However I have called you here for a more serious topic," Dumbledore spoke.
We all remained quiet, waiting for him to continue.
"You're all aware of the war, correct?" He questioned, all of us nodding in agreement.
"And you know of Lord Voldemort?" He asked, earning more nods.
"Good. But do you know what you're going to do?" He inquired, and I couldn't help but notice that his eyes were no longer twinkling.

"We're going to fight," James stated boldly. The rest of us nodding eagerly.
"A good idea," Dumbledore nodded.
"So what is it you needed, sir?" Lily asked from her seat next to James.
"Well, I wanted to ask if you would join the Order of the Phoenix," Dumbledore answered.
"The what now?" Claire asked, her eyebrows furrowed.
"The Order of the Phoenix. It's a secret society made to protect wizarding and Muggle worlds from Lord Voldemort," Dumbledore explained.
"And you want us to join?" Remus asked.
"Only if you want to," Dumbledore nodded.
"Of course I do!" James and I exclaimed.
"Definitely," Remus nodded.
"I'll join," Claire agreed.
"I will too," Lily spoke.
"Same," Camellia said.
"Peter?" I asked, looking over at the boy who had been quiet the whole time.
"S-Sure," Peter stuttered.
"Great, just sign this parchment and it's official," Dumbledore said, attempting to smile.

We took turns scribbling our names on the parchment. The sound of the quill scratching against the parchment filled the room as we did so.

"It's settled. Welcome to The Order of the Phoenix."
Hello all!
Sorry for the short chapter, but spoiler alert! Next chapters the last day at Hogwarts (Kind of)!
On a more Sirius note thoughpun very much intendedI've got a few things to clear up.
I have done my research (Looked it up on Google) and I have solved my problems. Well one of them.
I saw that the 'Can't use bold, italics, or underline without it being used throughout the whole chapter' issue, is not just an issue for me. Every Wattpad author is experiencing that, and for those of you reading this who are as well, I will explain how I'm using it (I act like I'm so cool when you all probably already know this).
I've been writing my chapters without any bold or italics, and after finishing writing the chapters I highlight – 'Select' if you willand change that one section into whatever I need. For example as I'm writing this Authors Note, it's not in bold, but as you're reading this Authors Note, it is in bold.
I just highlighted – 'Selected' – this whole section and changed it to bold. I personally write on my phone, so I don't know if that's how it'd work for people who write on a laptop or something.
I don't know if there's a solution as of right now, but Wattpad is currently trying to fix this issue.
The problem I did fix though, is one that I'm sure quite a few of you noticed.
The last chapter, as well as the appreciation chapter for the book cover before that, we're pretty messed up. I had noticed while commenting on a chapter that when I put in the letter 'i' it would autocorrect to a square. I was confused because it was an 'i' until I had actually posted the comment. So I went to settings and made a text replacement so that it remained an 'i'. I had started writing Chapter 40 right after that, but didn't finish. The next day when I had started writing more, it was still showing up as an 'i'. I published that chapter and the appreciation chapter, and even after editing I was positive there were no squares.
I don't remember why I was doing it, but I had gone into 'View as a Reader' and realized that there were definitely squares in the chapter.
The only part that wasn't squares was the small part I had written the same day I did the text replacement. I did fix that, and if you go back you'll see that there are no squares. For anyone else experiencing this problem, I found out that it was happening because I hadn't updated my phone. I updated my phone immediately after figuring that out. So you'll notice there are no squares in this chapter for that reason.
I'm sorry for this long Authors Note, but I felt it was necessary to clear that up.
I hope you're all having a fantastic day!

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