(UP FOR ADOPTION) What if...

By Reptillia94

26.1K 415 203

What if...Order 66 never happened? What if Anakin didn't fall to the Dark side and Padme didn't die and still... More

Chapter 1-The Mission
Chapter 2- The Mission part 2
Chapter 3- Getting to Know You
Chapter 4- Family Decisions
Chapter 5- An Old Family Reunion Part 1
Chapter 6- An Old Family Reunion Part 2
Chapter 7- New Masters, New Padawans
Chapter 8-Progress and High Numbers
Chapter 10-Is When the Light Shines
Not an update(sorry)
Chapter 11- Similarities and New Friends
Chapter 12- Mission Briefing
Thank you all!
Chapter 13- Danger Around the Corner
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

Chapter 9- When the Darkness Seeps In

1.6K 24 27
By Reptillia94

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Including image.

Link of Image: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gathering_Forces

A special shout out to TheChosenJedi67, for giving me such a nice comment on my last update for this story, it makes me happy knowing I am giving you such joy with my story.

Darth Bane POV (omg whaaaaat????)

I sat on my throne, with the Grand Inquisitor bowing before. It was a month after I sent him to Lothal and now he has come back to give his report. Several days after I sent him to Lothal I felt some... fluctuations, in the Force. Now, he here was, ready to give his mission report before the Sith Order.

"My Lord, just as you predicted I encountered the Jedi Knight at the Lothal complex, but he escaped and-," he started choking and floating in the air, his hands desperately clawing at his neck. I got up from my throne and slowly walked towards, putting more pressure to my force choke as I got closer. I then dropped him on the ground, he was now laying flat on his back, getting as much air in his lungs before I placed my dark boot on his gray neck.

"You... let... him... escape?!" I said angrily, applying more pressure to his neck with every word. He then wheezed out his next words.

"T-there was... a-a... child," he said. I lifted my foot off his neck and lifted him up with the force, this time not choking him, but my glare intensifies to that of Tatoonie's suns.

"What?!" I growled out. I dropped him and he fell to his knees.

"A-a child, n-native to Lothal, h-he helped the Jedi es-escape," he said, his eyes filled with pure fear and his voice shaking. I turned to Lyra, a female Ryn who was renowned for her ruthlessness and has choked the living life out of her enemies with her tail and slept like a tooka-kitten, she was one of the 8 Order of the Sith generals. The generals around began slowly inching away from her, sensing my impending wrath. Her eyes that were normally filled with a cool, steel shield, began melting away into a puddle of fear. Sound of choking now filled the room.

"How is it, that I sent YOU, to Lothal and you reported back to me that ALL the younglings on that underdeveloped farm world, have been eradicated?" I said, with anger seething from my words. I increased the pressure, curling my fist tighter. She began to pass out so I released her from my Force Choke, she dropped to the ground, holding her neck and breathing heavily.

"I-I di-did, My Lord, I-I," she stuttered, but I grabbed and yanked her hair up. Hard. I growled out "Then why does the Inquisitor bring news of a native child on Lothal, which is in the Outer Rim!" I let go of her hair and turned back to the Pau'an who flinches in my gaze.

"Show me," I said. He nodded and then used he force to turn on a holo-projection of the security footage. It showed the Pau'an fighting the Jedi, who was carrying a blue lightsaber. A shot was fired between them and the shooter was a green skinned Twilek. A Walker then came in and shot the Inquisitor, the hatch of the walker opened and it was...

A child.

I paused the footage and zoomed in on the child. He was wearing a worn out, dirty cloak and an orange flight suit. Underneath his cloak I could see part of his hair, which was black but yet blue and had shining deep blue eyes that stood out of all the colors of the room.

"B-but, th-that's not poss-," Lyra didn't finish her stuttering as I grabbed my lightsaber, ignited it's bloody red blade and cut her head off. The other generals gasped in shock as they saw her decapitated head roll on the floor. I turned off my lightsaber and placed it back on my belt and stared at the holo-image. The image showing the child from my vision, the one who will defeat me. A cold, calculative smile slowly appears on my face, revealing all my sharp teeth. I turned my golden yellow, red rimmed eyes to the Inquisitor and my now seven generals, who all stood straighter. I pointed to the child, my presence filling the room and I spoke in my most powerful, but lowest voice.

"Bring me, that boy."

Kanan POV

"26,200 per cell?" Master Windu said, who was very surprised. I was in the Council Room, telling all the Masters about Ezra's midichlorian count. Masters Koon, Mundi and Tiin were on missions so they in there respective seats in hologram form. All the other Masters were here, with either surprised or impressed looks on their faces after I told them about my Padawan's midichlorian count. Except for Master Fisto who saw it firsthand.

"And he wastes it on doing meaningless pranks on me?" He exclaimed. Me and Master Depa has to stifle our laughter and so did almost all of the other Council members.

"That just means he likes you," I replied. He then retorted with 'humph'.

"Could Ezra really be the one to defeat Darth Bane?" Master Skywalker said in a serious tone. My happiness instantly died down. I was worried of what would happen.

"I think it would be wise to begin his lightsaber training, I fear that he will become the target of many Siths," Master Tano, or as she always tells me to call her, 'Ahsoka'.

"You do Knight Dume, what will?" Master Yoda said. I remembered me and Master Depa's conversation before. Rushing into things will only lead into disaster.

"I will spend the next few weeks on teaching Ezra lightsaber forms and when he's ready, I'll take him to get his Kyber crystal. I don't want to rush into something as delicate as gaining a lightsaber," I decided. Surprisingly all the Council members immediately nodded at my decision. And I also saw Depa look at me pride.

"So where is young Ezra?" Asked Depa. I smiled and chuckled.

"Well...," I started.

Hera POV( been a long time since a Hera POV right?)

"Hera you really don't have to do this," Ezra said while I was pulling his blanket over him, tucking him in his bed which was in a spare room of Kanan's dorm. Sometimes we would all stay in the Ghost but it got in a little fire fight and Kanan is letting me stay in his dorm (there's only two rooms, Kanan's and the spare which Ezra is using, can you guess which one Hera is staying in?;)wink).

"Well I actually like to so...," I trailed off.

"You really don't, I'm really ok, so you can just, you know," he said, his voice getting quieter. I looked at him and placed my hand on his cheek and lifted him gently so I could look at his eyes. Though in them were, bits of sadness and I think even worry.

"Ezra, is something wrong? You can tell me and I promise not to think less or tell anyone," I said with pleading eyes. He sighed in defeat and just stared at me with his blue eyes.

"Well, it's just that, I guess I just don't want you to get, sick of me?" He said slowly. I just stared at him, and then, I hugged him. He was startled at it at first, but then he just leaned into it. I then let go of him and looked at him.

"Why would you think I would or even could be sick of you?" I said. Now Ezra looked a bit guilty, probably sensing my sadness of him thinking such a thing.

"It's just that, when I was on the streets, a lot of people would always look at and treat me like trash or a piece of dirt under their boots and sometimes I could feel their disgust towards me, which was probably from the Force. Though what was worse was that I could sometimes hear them say under their breath that I was just a street rat, something that wasn't even worth looking at," he said, with tears now in his eyes, and I could feel some in mine as well.

"Oh Ezra," I started as I started patting his head in a soothing matter.

"I promise you neither I, Kanan, Ahsoka or anyone will treat you like that," I said.

"And if they do?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Then I'm going to show them when they mess with my kid," I said. He looked at me with surprise.

"Y-you really see me as, your kid?" He said in disbelief.

"Of course," I said and continued to pet his head, soon enough he was asleep, with a smile on his face. I smiled at him a placed a small kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight, Ezzy," I said, with Ahsoka's nickname for him.

3 weeks later...

Kanan POV

It's been nearly 3 weeks of lightsaber training with Ezra. I was using my lightsaber while he was using the training ones. We were focusing on form 5, though he didn't seem to keen on it. Though he does seem to like using a mix of form 1 and my favored one, form 3, both forms focused on defending yourself and approaching your opponent in a way that won't hurt you and your opponent. It seemed to fit his style perfectly. Though right now I was currently seeing him use Djem So against a training droid. Despite Ezra not really accustomed to form 5, he was able to reach level 25 with the small droid floating around him. His eagerness to learn and intelligence made it easy for whatever I threw at him. After a shot nearly hitting his foot we decided to call it a break. Ezra had the skills every Padawan would always dream to have, but then again, Ezra wasn't just any Padawan.

He was my Padawan.

While we were getting a drink from the nearby fountain, I got a call from my com-link.

"This is Jedi Knight Dume, what's wrong?" I said.

"Your presence in the Council Room, Knight Dume, we request," I heard Master Yoda. I looked at Ezra, who seemed to also hear the message. We finished our drinks of water and went to the Council Room. I opened the doors and saw the holograms of my Master Depa and Masters Fisto and Skywalker.

"Masters, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Yeah, what happened?" Ezra asked.

"Well we just received a message from a high ranking Separatist officer, saying that he wants to defect. He is willing to give highly classified intel on the Separatists and data on what the Sith Order is working on and what they are hiding," explained Master Fisto, with his speech slightly mixed due to the static of his transmission.

"In return, he only requires high protection from the Separatists, as defecting is seen as a serious crime and offense, and is punishable by torture and death," Master Windu finished. I shuddered. Ever since the death of Darth Sidious, it seems as though the Separatists has gotten more and more dark, distrusting and evil, along with the Sith Order.

"We will do our best, where are we meeting him?" I asked.

"On the abandoned asteroid base of PM-1203, Fort Anaxes," Obi-Wan said. Fort Anaxes? Why would the Separatist defector hide there? Due to the Fyrnock nest, that place was abandoned. Though I guess the best would've scared away any of the Separatist, or he didn't know that. Either way, we still have to pick the guy up.

"We will get there as fast as we can," Ezra replied.

"Good, we have already contacted Hera Syndulla to get her ship ready to take you there. Good luck and may the force be with you," Master Depa said, and with that we went off.

Darth Bane POV

"So, you have sent the message to the Jedi Order?" I asked spitting the word Jedi out.

"Yes, Lord Bane, once the Jedi arrive on the asteroid base, believing to gain the information and provided with a sufficient amount of, military force, we will be able to capture them," he said, standing tall and with his hands folded behind him.

"Lord Bane, may I accompany Agent Kallus for this mission?" The Inquisitor asked, from where he stood. I contemplated about the possibilities of this mission before I nodded.

"You may assist Agent Kallus for this mission, Grand Inquisitor. Though I warn you, if you do not return with any results, then you will be sorry," I said in a threatening tone. I saw the two men flinch, yet only slightly.

"We will do our best, my Lord," the Grand Inquisitor, before the two bowed in unison and exited the room. I leaned back in my throne smiling at the possibility of gaining the child.

( Nah, I ain't that cruel!)

Hera POV

"So who do you think is defecting?" I asked. Currently, me, Kanan and Ezra we're heading towards Fort Anxes to pick up the Separatist defector. I was flying the Ghost, we were currently in hyper-space. Ezra was in the commons, seeing if he could improve Chopper's taser. Chopper was really happy at the idea, though it made Kanan nervous. I remembered the first time Kanan met Chopper. With Chopper threatening Kanan with his taser and Kanan having to stand on the Dejarik table to avoid it.

"I don't know, I just hope we can get that information about the Sith Order," he said. I sighed, Kanan told me about how the video that was found through the files we found, said about how they were taking children and how Ezra could be the child to defeat this, Darth Bane guy, made sense. I then heard the monitor beep, signaling that we needed to drop out of hyper-space soon. I turned on my com-link.

"This is Specter 2 to Specter 4, we are near our destination. Please report to the cockpit soon," I said. I heard crackling and hen Ezra's voice.

"Roger that, Specter 2, just putting the finishing touches on Chopper's upgraded stunner. It's gonna be strong enough to knockout those Stormtroopers in their cheap armor," I heard him say, giggling out the last part, also hearing Chopper laugh a bit. I looked over to Kanan and saw him shudder a bit as well. I smiled and then turned off my com-link. Since I named our ship, the Ghost and our connecting ship, the Phantom, I thought it would be nice to keep the whole Ghost motif going by calling ourselves specters. After a few minutes, Ezra came in with Chopper, just about we were to drop out of hyperspace. We soon dropped out of the blue tunnel and traveled to the asteroid. We entered its golden brown atmosphere that was dotted with other asteroids. I landed the Ghost and we headed out onto the ramp. I told Chopper to stay on the Ghost, though he seemed alright with, and I couldn't blame him.

"So where are we meeting this guy?" Ezra asked, looking around. We were surrounded by the old buildings for the base that was used for refueling and housing.

"We could try searching those caves," Kanan said, painting at the gaping hole that led into a cavern. We started walking, but then I noticed Ezra staying behind looking a little, scared?

"Ezra are you okay?" I asked. He then looked behind me to see the cave and stared at it warily.

"Ezra it's going to be okay, now come on," Kanan said and started to trek towards the cave entrance. I saw Ezra gulp and started to follow Kanan, so I followed in as well. We entered the cave, inside was a platform at the far back and all around us were broken ships. Some were leaning against the wall, others were hanging, many had their windows broken and some were even flipped over with their doors ripped off.


We all flinched.

We turned around to a pile of ships where I think I heard the sound. I then heard growling behind us. Through some of the fallen debris and ship parts I could see... yellow eyes. Multiple of yellow eyes, each of them with pupils in dark slits. We then heard some more metal moving and then something heavy landing. We all turned around... to see a Fyrnock prowling towards us. It's sharp teeth was bared and it's eyes were focused on us. It was almost as big as me and it was coming closer. I turned to Ezra whose eyes were also filled with fear.

"Ezra, try to connect with it," I asked. He looked at me with uncertain eyes. Kanan then placed a hand on Ezra's shoulder. Ezra looked at him.

"You can do it Ezra, just calm down and be one with the force," he said calmly. Ezra then took a deep breath. He placed a hand out, though now almost all the Fyrnocks was surrounding us. Ezra then gave another deep breath and soon, they stopped. The Fyrnocks stopped growling, instead they just sat down on their hind legs and looked at us. Ezra still had his hand out before he opened his eyes to see what was happening. He took a deep sigh, but then he shot up. Fear was in his eyes again.

"Ezra it's ok, you connected with them, don't be afraid of them," I told him, gripping his shoulders, but he just shook his head.

"I-I'm not afraid of them, I-I-I'm afraid of-,"

"Me." A voice came out of nowhere. Kanan turned to the entrance and growled. I turned to the entrance as well to see... the Grand Inquisitor.

( still not done!)

Ezra POV

"You," I heard Kanan say, though my eyes still did not move from the Pau'an that haunted my nightmares. Behind him were dozens of Stormtroopers and another man in ISB clothing with a helmet covering most of his head. There was a wide T-shape so his nose, mouth and brown eyes were revealed. Kanan pulled out his lightsaber, while Hera pulled out her blaster pistol.

"Hmph, it seems that you are overwhelmingly outmatched and outnumbered," said the man. I smirked.

"Who said we were outnumbered?" I held my hand up and then used my connection with the Fyrnocks to attack the Stormtroopers, who had begun to open fire. Red blaster fire was shot from the barrels of the Stormtroopers blasters, though it only took down a few of the Fyrnocks before they crashed into them, taking them down. Kanan took on the Inquisitor, Hera was firing at the troopers while I was still using the Force connection I had with the Fyrnocks. Though the big man was now coming right towards me. I saw Fyrnock try to tackle him down, though he took a weird looking blaster rifle from his back, then an electric prong stuck out and crackled with yellow electricity. He stabbed the Fyrnock with and yellow electricity travel through the creature body, it then dropped onto the floor with smoking rising from its body. He then came at me with his rifle-taser hybrid, which kind of sucks since I don't have a lightsaber yet.

"Uh, by the way, what's your name?" I asked and he just frowned at me.

"My name is Agent Kallus, of the ISB and you are...?" He said, the man now known as Agent Kallus.

"Jabba the Hutt," I retorted back to him. He frowned even more.

He then tried hitting me with the taser part of his weapon but I dodged it and it hit the floor. Though when I did I saw that one of the Stormtroopers that got knocked down was getting up, what was worse was that it had a blaster in his hands and was pointing it at... Hera.

"Hera look out!" I shouted. She turned around and saw the trooper, so I proceeded to force push the trooper away from her, knocking him through one of the windows of a ship he was next to. Though what I didn't notice was that the Inquisitor saw me do so.

Inquisitor POV (dark side POVs everywhere!!!)

I must say that I was almost impressed. This child, was able to control an entire army of Fyrnocks. Lord Bane is right, he could play much usefulness to the Sith. Though how am I able to make him join? Right now though I face off the Jedi Knight, Kanan Jarrus.

"Hmph, so it seems we cross paths once again, Cowboy Jedi," I said, with both my red saber and his blue saber, caught in a lock.

"Cowboy, huh? Did you already use up all your synonyms for unfocused?" He teased at me and then tried to force push me away, though I just used my lightsaber to stab the ground, slowing down the impact. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the boy force push one of the troopers into a broken ships window and away from... the Twilek. That's when the idea came to me.

"Agent Kallus, focus your attack on the Twilek," I said to the Agent. At first he was confused, but then hanged at the Twilek.

"What?! No!" Shouted the boy as the Agent charged at the Twilek. She noticed the charging agent and before he could do anything, he stopped. His weapon above him and was stuck in attack position. I turned to see the boy was stopping, by using the Force. He then lifted the Agent up, who was flailing at the sudden events  and was then thrown on to the ground harshly, which knocked him out.

"So, he is powered by the need to protect the Twilek and his Master, just the thing I needed to know," I thought and then blocked an attack the Jedi threw at me without even looking. I then used the force to throw the child near a ledge, where red light was glowing at the gaping hole behind him. I then force pushed the Jedi far enough and he then came back at me swinging.

"What a fool," I thought and then picked him up with the force, though the action caused him to drop his lightsaber. I then threw him at the Twilek, who was still fighting the troopers. They collided which caused both of them to be knocked out.

"Hera! Kanan!" I heard the boy shout. I then see him use the force to summon the Jedi's lightsaber to his hand and activated it. Though I just used the force to rip it out of his grasp and use it myself. I could now see the fear in his eyes. I dragged both blades on the ground, causing sparks to rise. I slowly walked towards the boy.

"S-st-stay back!" He stuttered out, though I did he opposite. I chuckled, before saying,

"You devotion to your Master and the Jedi is admirable, but it cannot save you," I then force pushed him over the edge, but he was able grasp on the ledge and pull himself up.

"Get back!" He shouted, I could sense his anger and fear, rising. I smiled.

"Ah, yes. Good, good, unleash your anger," I said and chuckled.

"And then, I will be able to teach you everything your Master and the Jedi couldn't," I said. He stared at me defiantly.

"You have nothing to teach me!" He shouted, with even more defiance in his eyes.

"The Darkness is too strong for you, boy. It will swallow you up, and it's doing so even now," I said, I was now closer nearly 20 feet separated us.

"No," he whispered to himself, me knowing that he was trying to convince himself this isn't real. Though, unfortunately, for him, it is.

Third POV

"The Jedi will fall," said the Inquisitor as he got closer.

"No," Ezra said in a louder voice.

"Your Master will die," he said.

"No!" Ezra shouted in anguish.

"And he will die, along side all your friends and everything that you hope for, by my blade! This is the way the story will end. Just...like...your... parents," he said, saying the word parents quieter, but spoke high volumes to Ezra. His eyes widened at the mention of his parents. He looked over to the unconscious Hera and Kanan. Then his eyes closed in anger, in fear of losing another family, to this, to this monster. He will not lose another family to this man, and nor will anyone!

"NO!!!" Ezra shouted in powerful anguish, reaching deep within the force while the Inquisitor, holding Kanan's blade up, ready to strike him. Kanan and Hera then came around, both having small headaches, though Kanan felt the presence of the Force happening. He looked over to see Ezra, who's eyes were closed tight and had a face with anger. He then saw them open, with a glint of pure rage inside of them. Hera then noticed that all the small stones, were floating. Soon a larger snarl filled the room, causing all the Fyrnocks who was still fighting the troopers run away with whimpers. Soon a huge Fyrnock that seemed to be the Alpha and was even bigger than the Inquisitor, rose behind Ezra. It climbed its way up from its ledge and stood behind Ezra, giving a powerful and terrifying roar.

All the way back at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant...

Many of the Jedi Masters were meditating. Though a powerful ripple came in from the Force. Many of them were knocked out of their meditations. Many of them recognized who caused this ripple, and what they were sensing. Many were now worried at this development, though one Jedi Master, after sensing this ripple, began to cry.

"Ezra, no," whispered Ahsoka, in a small and afraid voice.

Back to Ezra on Fort Anaxes on PM-1203...

"Ezra, NO!" Kanan shouted, his voice laced with fear and sadness of what was happening. Though his plea fell deaf on Ezra's ears, as he shot his right hand out at the Inquisitor, who began to back out at the sight of the creature. The Queen Fyrnock gave another deafening roar towards the Inquisitor. The Inquisitor activated both blades of his disk saber and it began to spin as the creature went after him. It soon became to much for Ezra, as his eyes rolled back and closed, he crumpled to the ground on his left side, fainting.

"Ezra!" Hera shouted and made her way to him as well as Kanan. Hera still had her blaster and shot some of the Stormtroopers. Kanan quickly looked over to the Inquisitor, who was currently occupied fighting the giant Fyrnock. Hera kneeled beside Ezra, putting his upper body onto her lap, tapping his face to wake him up. Kanan got on his knees as well and tried to send a wake up message to him through their force bond. As the Inquisitor was fight the Fyrnock, it swung its right paw at him, knocking Kanan's lightsaber out of his hand and clattered ontot he ground. Soon Kanan was able to get his message through, and Ezra's eyes fluttered open, while trying to hold on to the little consciousness he had.

"Ezra," Kanan and Hera said in relief

"Kanan? Hera? What happened? And why do I feel so... cold?" Ezra said, who seemed to have forgotten what had happened. Only remembering that the Inquisitor taunted him about losing everything and about his parents death.

"Don't worry Ezra, we're getting out of here," Kanan said, as Ezra snuggled into the warm hold of both of them. He then picked up Ezra and placed him on his right shoulder, who fell back into unconsciousness and started running towards the Ghost with Hera in tow. He then used the force to call back his lightsaber without stopping. The Inquisitor, who was still fighting the creature off, noticed the trio heading towards their ship. He was then able to slash at the creature, which caused it to stumble a few inches. The Inquisitor growled and threatened it with the spinning, double-blades lightsaber, which caused the creature to quickly run off in fear. In an attempt to end the trio he threw his spinning lightsaber at them. Kanan noticed the lightsaber and Hera was able to dodge it, while Kanan activated his and knocked it back, causing the spinning blade to go upwards. They quickly ran into the ramp of their ship and closed immediately. Kanan got Ezra to the ships medical bay, as Hera got the ship into the air. She then activated the blaster of the ship and fired at the Separatists ships, destroying, so they wouldn't follow them and quickly blasted out of the atmosphere. Once they were far enough she activated the hyper drive and entered hyperspace, as well as turning on autopilot and went to check on Ezra. Back at the fort, the Inquisitor was staring at the destroyed ships, that were still on fire, along with Agent Kallus and the remaining troopers who survived the Fyrnocks.

"Lord Bane, is going to have our heads," Ganet Kallus spoke in a calm voice yet truly he was scared of what would happen. Though the Inquisitor didn't like how things played out, he was able to see one silver lining of what had happened.

Kanan POV

Ezra was currently resting on one of the medbays beds. I sighed, scared of what had happened. Ezra just used the Dark Side to raise that, creature. I heard the doors whoosh open and saw Hera stand in the door way. She walked over and looked at Ezra. She sighed in worry.

"Will he be okay, Kanan?" She asked. I sighed. I then heard groaning and saw that Ezra was waking up. We gathered over Ezra and see his blue eyes open up.

"Hera? Kanan? Did I- did I save us?" He asked. I gave another sigh, knowing that I had to tell him what had happened.

"Yes you did," Hera said to him gently.

"But then, why doesn't something feel right," he asked.

"Ezra what had happened on that asteroid, was that you were able to call upon a Queen Fyrnock, but in doing so, you accidentally used the Dark Side," I explained. I saw his eyes widened when I said the Dark Side.

"B-but I was just trying to protect you guys," he said, in worry.

"We know Ezra, and we are grateful," Hera said.

"When you opened up to the Force, your will wasn't strong enough, which made you become vulnerable to the Dark Side. You used your fear and anger, which made that giant creature attack," I said. He then started to whimper and pull the blankets of the bed closer to his face.

"I-I don't remember," he said with fear. I sighed once again.

"It's probably for the best," I said, pausing for a moment.

"Your powers are growing so quickly Ezra, so quick that you weren't prepared for. I'm sorry I didn't teach you what you needed to know," I said.

"It's ok Kanan, don't blame yourself. Though what should we tell the Council?" He asked.

"From what happened I think they were able to sense it, but I'll call them and explain to them what has happened," I explained.

"Should I also tell them about it?" Ezra asked.

"No you don't, you just stay here and rest, we'll be at Coruscant in a few hours," Hera said. She then gave a kiss to Ezra's forehead and then gave a kiss on my cheek and went back to the cockpit. We both smiled and I turned back to Ezra.

"Get some rest kid, you need it," I told him.

"Alright, Master," He said and then fell asleep, with soft snores coming from him. I chuckled at properly tucked him in, heading towards my room to inform the Council.

Darth Bane POV

"You let them escape from your grasp, again?!" I shouted at the human and Pau'an who was bowing in my presence. My Sith generals were able to sense my fear and cowered in their corner.

"We apologize for our, faults, Lord Bane," said Kallus.

"But we were able to gain some knowledge, on the child," the Inquisitor said. My rage turned into curiosity.

"What class of knowledge?" I asked. He then proceeded to summon a holo-projector and inserted a disk that came from a camera on him. The footage played and it showed the boy standing, with a gaping hole that had a glow red like lava. I heard the Inquisitor taunt the child, soon I could see some of the scraps on the floor float and soon a giant Fyrnock climbed from the pit behind him. I could see his face contorted with anger.

"So that's where it came from," I thought, remembering that powerful ripple through the force I felt earlier. It came from the boy.

"The child used the Dark Side and was able to call in a Mother Fyrnock. It seems that his power is growing and he can't control. I also report that the boy used this in order to protect his, friends," he said. I smiled, now knowing he child's weakness, his loyalty to friends.

"Thank you Grand Inquisitor and Agent Kallus. This new information on the boy will certainly help us on how to get him on our side," I said, smiling.

"You two are dismissed, return to your quarters until you are called for another assignment," I said calmly towards them. They straightened out and saluted to me.

"Yes, Lord Bane," they said in unison and left. I smiled. Thinking of how wonderful it would be once we have the child in our hands, and then use him to destroy his friends.

AN: And done! Over 5,000 words people! Also sorry for the wait, school's kind of being bitch. Also don't worry I haven't forgotten about Ghost King 2.0. So what did you think of this chapter? Good, bad middle? Tell me in the comments below and don't forget to vote if you liked it! And don't forget to share it with others who you think will love this story! And now for some foreshadowing questions! Will Darth Bane be able to convince Ezra to go to the Dark Side? Or will he stay in the Light? How will the Council react to Ezra using the Dark Side? And how will this effect Ezra and Kanan's, student and Master relationship? Find out in the next update! And until then, SEE YA! Also, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!🦃🍽🍁

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