Rise of the Werewolf: RWBY Ha...

By Shadow_Eureka

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This is a story I thought of and when it popped in my head, I decided one day that I will work on this. In th... More

Your Apearance, weapon, and semblance
Prologue: An new hero rises
Chapter 1: Meeting the girls
Chapter 2: New friends
Chapter 3: Nightmares
Chapter 4: The First Transformation and a shocking discovery
Chapter 5: Past Revelation
Chapter 6: First mission and the awakening
Chapter 8: Learning the truth
Chapter 9: Life of a Faunus and the first confession
Chapter 10: The Werewolf's first mate (Lemon)
Chapter 11: The Second and Third mate (Lemon)
Chapter 12: The fourth mate (Lemon)
Chapter 13: The fifth mate (Lemon)
Chapter 14: The Sixth mate (Lemon)
Chapter 15: The Seventh mate (Lemon)
Chapter 16: The Eighth Mate (Lemon)
Chapter 17: The Ninth Mate (Lemon)
Chapter 18: The Tenth mate (Lemon)
Chapter 19: The Eleventh mate (Lemon)
Chapter 20: The Twelfth Mate (Lemon)
Chapter 21: The Thirteenth and Final Mates (Lemon)
Chapter 22: The New Mission! Infiltrating a White Fang Base
Chapter 23: The Battle With Adam Taurus! The Werewolf vs The Bull
Chapter 24: Looking for The Werewolf! A New Faction?!?!
Bailey (L/N) and OC Bio
Fangs of Justice Bio
The Reader's New Outfit and Weapon
Chapter 25: Past Revelation pt. 2! And Meeting two teammates
Chapter 26: Werewolf Training! And The New Team Sets Out
Chapter 27: A Long Reunion
Chapter 28: A Very Special Surprise
Chapter 29: A New Life! A Confession
Chapter 30: A New Mate (Lemon)! And a Second Child born
Chapter 31: Meeting the Family
Chapter 32: Another Life Born
Chapter 33: A Shocking Truth! Another Child
Chapter 34: End of a Bull! The Final Battle with Adam Taurus
Chapter 35: Meeting a Family pt. 2
Chapter 36: A Werewolf/Demigod Hybrid
Chapter 37: Meeting a Family Pt.3
Chapter 38: Taking Care of Team CRDL
Chapter 39: Taking Care of Mercury
Chapter 40: Meeting a Family Final part
Chapter 41: The Capturing of the Werewolf
Chapter 42: Invading the Grimm World! Saving the Werewolf! Battle with Salem
Final Chapter and Epilogue: A Bright Future
A Discussion (Not a Chapter)

Chapter 7: The beast unleashed

16.9K 226 92
By Shadow_Eureka

(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 7 of this story and in this chapter the debut of Wolf's Rage is happening,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"As (Y/N) was unconscious after that explosion he wakes up and feels the pain not there and he hears something from miles away..........

White Fang soldier 1 'echoing': "So, these are the girls that Roman wants to get rid of?"

White Fang soldier 3 'echoing': "Yeah. He's gonna like this, I know for certain he's gonna kill them."

.........(Y/N)'s eyes shot open and he tried to get up, but he still felt dizzy, then as it was getting night he felt a certain rage that made his aura go all the way past the level and his eyes changed color to red and they was beast like, then he howls in the air. And he hears rustling and he hides in the trees and he sees two White Fang soldiers going to his direction and with his eyes changed his vision changes and he sees their hearts and veins in their bodies and you moved and made some rustling sound and they look......

White Fang soldier 1: "What was that? Who was that?"

White Fang soldier 2: "I don't know, it was fast."

.........they investigate and (Y/N) jumps down and runs to one and he kicks him knocking him out and then he knocks out the second guy and he howls in the air and he makes his way to the White Fang base and he sees a White Fang infantry patrolling and (Y/N) rushes in and attacks them.........

White Fang soldier 5: "Contact."

........they start firing and they didn't know where (Y/N) was, but one at a time he knocked them out and as he moved to the last one, he goes to the base and he jumps over the wall. Then he goes to the base and he looks in and sees Team RWBY in a cage and he sees Roman Torchwick order two White Fang soldiers to get Ruby and Weiss, then he jumps through the window and he attacks the two guards and he lands on the ground........

Roman: "You."

Yang: "(Y/N)."

Blake: "You're okay."

Roman: "Get him."

........two soldiers walk up to him only to stop in fear as his (H/C) hair changed to a Dark Crimson and his Faunus parts showed and everyone in the White Fang was shocked, then as his aura showed on his body he lets out a howl and everyone was scared........

Roman: "That howl.........it was him."

White Fang soldier 8: "He's.......a......a...a Werewolf."

........and he puts his weapon in sword mode and he rushes at the soldiers getting ready to fight.......

3rd P.O.V

(A/N: Battle music starts here.)

..........one White Fang soldier runs up to him, only for (Y/N) to jump up grab his head and slammed him on a crate knocking him out, then he attacks more soldiers and he delivers a kick that sends him flying. Then he lands behind a soldier and grabs his foot and uses him as a weapon at knocking soldiers back and he throws the soldier in a group knocking them down. Then (Y/N) jumps to two of them and knocks them down and punches them in the face breaking their masks and knocking them out...........

Yang: "Oh. My......."

Weiss: "What's going on? What's wrong with him?"

Blake: "I don't.......know."

........then two soldiers tried to hold him down only to be launched in the air and into some crates and they was knocked out. Then one tries to stab him, only for (Y/N) to grab his weapon and throws him out a window........


.........then he jumps forward knocks down kicks two soldiers in the face and the get knocked down, then some soldiers grabbed guns and starts shooting at him, only for the bullets to bounce off his body.........

White Fang soldier 11: "What the hell?"

........he looks at them and changed one of his weapons back to pistol mode and shots them both knocking them back, then one soldier tries to kick him, only for his foot to be caught and his leg is grabbed and (Y/N) swings him around and into a container denting it. Then more soldiers arrived and (Y/N) grabs the container and picks it up with his wolf strength and he throws it at them and one gets crushed as the others get pushed back, then (Y/N) looks at Roman with hate in his eyes and he slowly walks to him.........

Roman: "Stay back. Don't come near me, I mean it. You want more information of what me and the White Fang are planning I'll tell you. Please, don't come near me."

.........then one White Fang soldier goes to the cage and grabs Yang and holds her hostage with a knife to her neck.........

Ruby: "YANG."

White Fang soldier 15: "Hey."

........(Y/N) looks at him......

White Fang soldier 15: "Stand down and surrender, or the blonde here gets it."

........(Y/N) looks at Yang and as he does he remembers her. Then he changes one of his weapons to gun mode and he shoots the White Fang soldier in the arm knocking his weapon back, then Yang ducks and (Y/N) knees him in the face breaking his mask and he launches back went through a window. Then (Y/N) cuts Yang's restraints and Yang let's her teammates out, then (Y/N) sees Roman escaping and he runs after him........

Weiss: "(Y/N)."

Ruby: "Wait."

Yang: "Let's hurry."

........they grab their weapons and Roman sees the Bullhead arriving and he gets on.......

Roman: "Let's get outta here."

........he was getting on and he suddenly stops and a stabbing on his broken leg and he screams in pain and sees (Y/N) holding him down, then he slams Roman to the ground and he stares at him, eye to eye and Roman was in complete fear at what he was seeing. Then (Y/N) was grabbed and throw, but his reflexes makes him land on the wall and he looks to see a White Fang Alpha in his way.........

White Fang Alpha: "Get outta here Torchwick. I'll take care of this."

.......he gets on the Bullhead and it flies off, then (Y/N) looks at the Alpha in anger.......

White Fang Alpha: "You're going down, Wolf boy."

.......then (Y/N) runs to him, then him and the White Fang Alpha held each other back, then (Y/N) pushes him back and the White Fang Alpha was shocked at what's happening, then (Y/N) picks him off the ground and he slams him down and he jumps on him and punches his face breaking his mask and knocking him out. Then it started to rain and (Y/N) howls in the air.......

(A/N: End the music here.)

.......Team RWBY walks out and they see (Y/N) right in front of them, and they walks to him. Then Weiss accidentally steps on a piece of glass and (Y/N) looks at them and they step back only for (Y/N) to calm down and his hair goes back to his original color and his eyes did the same and his ears and tail disappears and he passes out and Team RWBY runs up to him and they check on him.......

Yang: "(Y/N), are you okay?"

Weiss: "Is he dead?"

Blake: "No. He's only unconscious, we need to get him outta here now."

Ruby: "(Y/N), please be okay."

.......Weiss calls for a Bullhead and it arrives along with Atlas soldiers and the White Fang soldiers that (Y/N) fought was taken in, and a medical team takes him to the Hospital and they check on him.......


.........Team RWBY was in the hospital room with (Y/N) as he was laying down in bed and as they was in the room, Prof. Ozpin walks in with Miss Goodwitch and Team RWBY looks at them........

Ozpin: "How is he?"

Blake: "He's fine, he only was unconscious since last night."

Weiss: "But, overall; no injuries. He's gonna be fine."

Ozpin: "So, what happened last night?"

Yang: "We was attacked by the White Fang, and we was captured."

Ruby: "But, not (Y/N)."

Weiss: "He was knocked back from the rocket explosion and he was unconscious. Then, it was night and (Y/N) was suddenly different."

Ozpin: "Different? How?"

Blake: "He was in his wolf state and his hair was a dark Crimson and his eyes was red, but was more beast like."

Ozpin: *eyes widen* "It actually happened."

Ruby: "What?"

Ozpin: "He finally awoken his Werewolf side. It was one of his semblances."

Yang: "One of em?"

Blake: "He has more?"

Ozpin: "Yes. The one you witnessed is what I call Wolf's Rage, it enhances strength more and speed, but it also loses control. The only way to break him out of his rage is if he remembers the people that are close and important to him."

........Team RWBY's eyes widen at what he said, when (Y/N) was looking at Yang and the soldier holding her hostage, he remembered her. And when he looked at  all four members of Team RWBY, he remembered them as well........

Ozpin: "Now it's time."

Ruby: "Time for what?"

Ozpin: "For him to know the truth. About what he is and how important he is, and his family."

........they look at (Y/N) as they are gonna get ready to tell him the truth of what he is and who his real family is. Team RWBY goes back to their dorm and they get ready for bed, and as they do they couldn't get their minds off of (Y/N) and what Ozpin told them of his Wolf's Rage semblance about him remembering the ones important to him........

Ruby: (He thought of me. That's amazing.)

Weiss: (He actually remembered me when he was in his rage, I'm so happy.)

Blake: (He thought of me, when he came to the base he didn't do it for anger. He did it to save us.)

Yang: (He really thought of me when I was a hostage. That's awesome.)

.......as they do they drift to sleep.......

Cinder P.O.V

.......Cinder was walking through the White Fang base trying to find Roman, she hears screaming and she goes in a room and sees his broken leg stitched up and in a better cast.......

Cinder: "What happened?"

Roman: "Well, let's see. Those four girls, we captured them, the boy that did this to me, he went berserk and attacked the White Fang soldier and stabbed me in the leg as I was escaping."

Mercury: "Wait, you let the same guy that broke your leg and shot you in the shoulder and arm get you again?"

Roman: "Yes."

Emerald: "Wow. So disappointing."

Roman: "Shut up. This time was different, his hair and eye color was different, and he had wolf ears and a tail."

????: "Wait."

.......they turn to see Adam Taurus in the doorway and he walks in........

Adam: "Say that again."

Roman: "He had ears and tail of a wolf. And he looked like he lost control."

Adam: "It is. It's him."

Cinder: "Who?"

Adam: "You remember Helena Wyver?"

Cinder: "The traitor? Yes."

Adam: "No one knew why she left the White Fang. So, we forced her brother to talk. And he said, that she was pregnant with a human's child."

Emerald: "You're kidding me?"

Mercury: "For real?"

Adam: "But, it's more than that. It was Zane (L/N), the Wolf Fighter. Respected by both humans and Faunuses, his semblance passes to anyone that is related in the family. And what Erick told me about the child, oh my god. Helena Wyver a wolf Faunus, and Zane (L/N)'s wolf semblance, gave birth to something extraordinary. The first ever, Werewolf Faunus."

Mercury: "Werewolf Faunus?"

Roman: "What?"

Emerald: "No way."

Cinder: "That's impossible."

Adam: "It's disbelief I know, but I saw it in his eyes. He was telling the truth, and I couldn't believe it. So, I had a White Fang soldier with a semblance that sees what they saw. And it was beautiful. He was telling the truth. And I wanted to find them and take the child to be in the White Fang, and to defeat our enemies, but Helena got away with the baby. And I thought I would never find that baby. And now that he's grown up. This makes it better."

Cinder: "You still want to recruit him?"

Adam: "We shall see. I don't want anything bad happening to him, I need to see for myself."

Cinder: "Very well."

Roman: "But, Cinder........"

Cinder: *raises her hand silencing him* "He's right, I want to see this for myself as well. We must find him. Adam, go back to your duties."

.......Adam nods and Cinder looks at Emerald, Mercury, and Roman.......

Cinder: "Roman, you rest, as for us. We're going to Beacon to find this Werewolf Faunus."

Roman: "It's not gonna be easy, I think he can hide his Faunus parts since he's a Werewolf Faunus."

Cinder: "Oh don't worry, we'll find him."

.......they walk out and Cinder smiles at what was told to her.......

Mercury: "So, how are we gonna find a Werewolf Faunus if he can hide his Faunus parts?"

Emerald: *shrugs*

Cinder: "Just look around and see if we can find him. Roman did mention those four girls."

Emerald: "Them?"

Cinder: "If they're hanging out with him we are sure to find him easily."

Mercury: "That could work."

........they walk off and Cinder looks at the cracked moon and she smiles at knowing that a Werewolf Faunus has risen and she can't wait to make him join her."

To be continued........

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know. And the next couple of chapters will have lemons in there, 

so for the first lemon of this story who do you want to be first, let me know in comments who you want first in the lemon,

Now with all that said, see y'all next time.)

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