Falling For The Wrong One

By xDianaLovesCupcakesx

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Chappy 2

Chappy 1

301 6 4
By xDianaLovesCupcakesx

''Tyler, where the hell are you? The show starts right after an hour! It takes hour and half to get there!'' Allie said. She was so worried that she couldn't stop walking circles.

"Allie, I'm sorry..." Tyler started, but Allie didn't allow him to finish.

"No, no, no... Tyler, not again! You can't fail me again!" she almost started to cry.

"I'm sorry, Allie, but I really can't. Ask Katie to go with you. I'm sure she'll agree," Tyler confidently said.

"Screw you..." Allie muttered and put down the phone. After few seconds, she grabbed the phone again and called Katie. After a while, she hung up.

"Hey, Allie..." she mumbled.

"Katie, do you have this evening free? Please, tell me you do!" Allie was begging.

"I'm sorry, I'm not at home right now. Been busy working..." she said and it left like she wants to continue, but still, she stood quiet.

"It's... It's okay..." Allies said so quietly that it was almost impossible to hear. Katie hung up. Allie felt desprite and alone. Who else could come with her? She tought for a while and then she remembered.

"Hey, Damian?" she said as kindly as she could.

"Hey babe! What's up?" Damian said in his usual tone.

"Thank God! Are you at home? Do you have a free evening? Could you help me out?" Allie dropped all the questions at once.

"Slow down, I'm not a robot. What do you want from me?" He said in a flirty voice and tried to tease Allie, but she was too stressed.

"I have two tickets to The Show this evening and I need someone to come with me. Could you, please, help me out?" Allie begged again.

"I'll be there after five minutes," Damian said and hung up. Allie was ready to jump up and down, but she realised she has no time for that. She fixed up her make-up, checked everything, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Right at that moment someone knocked the door. She opened her eyes and went straight to the door.

"Hey," Damian shouted.

"I'm so glad you're here!" Allie said.

"Yeah, so am I," Damian said and came in the house. 

"What are you wearing?" Allie asked.

"Jeans and a t-shirt, isn't that obvious?" Damian looked confused. 

"No, no, no... Come!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him upstairs.

"Wow, we're already moving to your bedroom?" Damian determined and smiled an evil smile. Allie gave him annoyed look.

"You're disgusting..." she muttered and they both went into the bedroom. "Here's a suit, put it on," she mumbled and grabbed her dress. 

"Wait, so there won't be anything like... a party with you and me... in your bedroom?" Damian asked with a sad look. Allie was ready to slap him, but there was no more time for that, so she just left him alone and went to put on her dress. It was a beautiful one, not too short, not too long, perfect. She weared some white pearls around her neck and a beautiful bracelet. 

Damian was already waiting for her in the living room. Allie came down the stairs and looked at Damian. The suit was perfectly hiding his perverted and contempted nature. He turned around and smiled a bright smile. 

"Wow, looking hot!" He said and raised one of his eyebrows. 

"Hot? I don't want to look hot, I want to look attractive!" he seemed to be shocked. 

"Let's go, drama queen. You do't wanna be late, do you?" Damian said and went to open the door. Allie still stood in the living room, totally speechless.

"Hey? You okay?"  He made some snaps in from of her eyes till she looked at him.

"I've got to change my dress," she muttered and turned to run upstairs, but Damian grabbed her hand and pulled her in his arms.

"NO TIME," he slowly said.

"NEED DRESS," Allie said ad tried to get out of his strong arms. Damian gasped, carried her over his sholder and went right out of the door. 

"Are you crazy?!" She screamed in his ear and tried to get back down.

"Keep your voice down, I don't want to make your neighbours think that I'm tring to steal you or take you away against your will," Damian whispered.

"Maybe this situation would look much more comfortable if you wouldn't carry me like a dead animal!" Allie was angry.

"Wow, you're the first women who calls herself as dead animal instead of choosing me!" Damian tried to do not care and look sarcastic at the same time.

"I don't understand how Katie can handle you..." she muttered and gave up fighting against him. 

"She doesn't love me, she loves only my big best friend," Damian said with a sad, but well covered smile on his face.

"Excuse me?" Allie was confused. Damian gasped again, put Allie down to the street and looked deeply in her eyes.

"The big thing in my pants," Damian said, patted on her shoulder and unlocked the car. Allie stood with disguisted face. 

"You're coming?" Diaman asked through the window. Allie gasped and got into the car. Damian was driving like crazy, while Allie was deeply asleep. Deep in her heart, she hoped that he won't make her feel ashamed about him. 

''When the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light we'll see..." Damian was quietly humming along one of Tracy Champan's songs. Allie pretended to be asleep, to enjoy this, more-responsible-kindly-loving-and-touching side of him. 

"Whenever you're in trouble you just stand by me, stand by me, stand, stand by me..." he continued humming til the song stoped. 

"Are we there yet?" Allie asked and pretended that she has just woke up. Damian immediately turned down the sound.

"Yeah, just a few more miles," he replied and kept quiet, keeping his eyes on the road and hand on the wheel. Allie was on her way to the interview. She was a new actress - a very unique and talented one. She was supposed to arrive with her boyfriend, but since Tyler couldn't make it, Damian will have to take his place. The only problem is - how to tell him that he was to pretend to be her boyfriend?

"We're here, beautiful," Damian said and looked at Allie. She gave him a little bit nervous smile. They parked the car and went upstairs to the show. 

"So, what kind of show is this one?" Damian asked and tried to act as gentle as he could.

"I'm having an interview tonight," Allie said and ran away from his look.

"An interview? Then why do you need me?" Damian looked really confused.

"You just have to sit there and act nice. Can you do that?" Allie looked at him with a hopeless look, knowing how futile he can be. 

"Yeah, I can." He said and nodded.

"Okay," Allie smiled. Right after that they met the show presenter.

"Hi, Allie! It's nice to see you!" He said and hugged her. "And this is?" he asked and looked at Damian. 

"He's... he's.. my.. amm.. hmm..." Allie couldn't find the right words.

"I'm Damian, Allie's beloved one," Damian said and shaked his hand. Allie was speechless. How did he know about it? Maybe he has superpowers? I should stop watching all those paranormal movies! 

"Great! follow me, both of you!" The presenter said and Damian wraped his arm around Allie's waist. It was wired, because it actually felt nice and comfortable. Tyler wasn't even able to hug her as comportable as Damian placed his hand on her waist.

"You're okay?" Damian asked and looked at Allie.

"Yes, why?" she was a bit confused.

"Nothing, you just have this perverted look," he quietly whispered. Allie wanted to slap him, but it would look too bad on his face. Instead of slaping, she grabbed his jaw and moved closer to his face.

"Don't you dare to ruin this night," she whispered, "if you could act as you're supposed to just for one night, then I would be ready to give up everything for you. Just - keep - your - mouth - shut!" She whispered so close to his face that she almost kissed him. 

"I canf talg" he muttered and Allie let go of him. "Thank you."

"You're live in five minutes!" someone called from stage.

"You want me to act like a gentleman, be kind, charming and inteligent?" Damian leaned closer to Allie and asked.

"Yes, can you manage that?'' Allie asked.

"Only with one rule," Damian said with a mysterious tone in his voice.

"Okay," Allie said and smiled.

"Kiss me," Damian said. 

"What?" Allie looked at him with nervous look.

"I'll be the best gentleman in human history, if you'll kiss me," Damian said with a serious look in his eyes.

"I won't kiss you," Allie resisted, even though the tought about kissing him seemed quite interesting. 

"Okay, then you're going down," Damian said and overlooked the stage. 

"Only one kiss, okay?" Allie said with a emotionless face. Damian pulled her closer to him and kissed her with such a pasion, that Allie had to hold her breath. His lips were soft and burning and his arms wraped around her waist seemed to be incredibly strong. His body burned up in heat and Allies hands slipped in his hair. She lost the control of herself and she didn't have any idea how could that happen. 

"What a pasion!" The presenter said and claped his hands. Allie and Damian slowly looked in each other eyes.

"We're live after one minute!" Someone called again.

"Come on! We have to be on stage now," The presenter said and walked away.

"You can let go now," Allie whispered and Damian gave her a flirty smile. He released her, but still looked at her. 

"You've got a little bit of lipstick..." she muttered and pointed on his lips. Then she turned around and left him, going straight to the stage. Damian followed right behind her and really did act like a gentleman.

*~Meanwhile Allie and Damian was at The Show pretending a cute couple, Tyler was having fun somewhere else~* 

''That was amazing,'''she said and kissed Tyler's lips. "We should repeat this more often."

"Indeed, we should," Tyler said and kissed her lips, neck and shoulder. 

"What did you say to Allie?" she asked while she was bitting her lip.

"Nothing much," he replied and kept kissing her body.


So this is my first chapter of story "Falling For The Wrong One". If there's something complicated or missunderstood, then feel free to ask me. Don't forget to vote, comment and share! :)

Have a nice day,

Emily xoxo 

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