When the dust cleared by Sy...

By SylviaStein

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When the dust cleared by Sylvia Stein Copyright 2013

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By SylviaStein


All I could sense was the faint sound of a sonata playing

in the background even though chaos was erupting. Running

everywhere was a crowd, trying to keep safe from all that

was happening. It was like being inside a very bad nightmare

that never seemed to end.

A massive earthquake had hit our City of Angels like a

bully that was running through town just ready to take

anyone or anything that crossed its path. The shattering

could be heard for miles and miles like a stack of dominoes

falling one after another. I had to make sure that my

thoughts stayed clear.

One thought came to my mind on that terrible

November morning. I hoped that my fiancé John did not

think that I had stood him up for our weekend trip to Napa

Valley. I know it sounds silly to be worried about a date

during a time like this one. I have heard in many cases when

someone is going through something difficult such as this, it

is good to keep happy thoughts.

As I thought about John and how he always made things

better, I heard more rupturing across the Los Angeles area. I

tried to keep a clear perspective, but sadly I learned that

many of the homes in the suburban area of my

neighborhood were destroyed, which included many of my

neighbors. Were they injured? This was so hard to deal with

because I had grown up in California. Yes, I was a valley girl.

My parents had worked hard to provide for my brother,

Jacob, and me. When I got older, I moved to Los Angeles

and was able to attend UCLA to pursue a career in acting.

This is where I met John who was one of the directors at the

Network. I still recall when I went to audition and he called

my name for the first time.

“Very well done, Nadia,” he smiled.

I was in complete shock.

“My name is John Gallagher. I will be directing this

episode. You know, I think you were made to play this role.”

After that there was no turning back. I fell madly in love.

Horrifying echoes were stirring among the street. There

was damage everywhere and I could feel pain coming from

every direction. I tried to stay positive by thinking about

John. Another memory came to me and this time, I recalled

our first anniversary of being together.

“Well, Ms. Nadia Chumsky, do you approve of this

night?” he said as we danced the night away.

“Oh, I definitely approve, Mr. Gallagher,” I answered

with a smile.

In the midst of incredible chaos, I heard someone on a

very loud intercom about to make an announcement.

“Attention, everyone, this is a message from the mayor.

We are working very hard, trying to ensure your safety at this

time. Most of our city has been hit pretty hard by a massive

earthquake, which has also hit the surrounding cities. At this

point we do not know how much of the earth still remains.”

It was bad enough that I had to witness how my

neighborhood was knocked down, but his words made me

even sadder. I could not help but wonder how much of our

world still remained.

Suddenly a horrible numbness began to overtake me, and

a bad feeling began to overwhelm my thoughts. I must think

about John and focus on him! I quickly said to myself. All I could

hear in the background was a siren. Another scream came

from someone who was caught up in the aftermath of this

horrible event, which had affected so many. As I looked up

at the sky, I saw dark clouds begin to cast a gloom and a

more somber atmosphere filled the air. I tried not to panic.

I began to rush through the massive crowd. It felt like I

was flying and leaping through all of them in a dream

sequence that seemed to have lasted for a long time.

“Help! Help!” many of the victims cried out. I felt so

helpless. I wanted to stop and carry them all out to safety,

just like a soldier does in combat for his fellow man. But

somehow when I tried to reach out to them, I was not able

to reach them. It was like I was not in control of my own


Oh, John, I wish I knew if you were okay. Then out of

nowhere, I began to feel the ground begin to shake again.

“Oh, what is happening now? I cannot believe this!” I cried


Then after what seemed like forever, I began to look

across the city and saw houses falling down to the ground

once again. Wait a minute! Wait a minute! I remember seeing this

all before. After a moment, I noticed I was back in my car

going through traffic. “Am I losing it?” I said, trying not to

freak out completely.

As I sat in my car for what seemed like hours, I still was

not sure of what was happening. All of a sudden out of

nowhere, I was parked outside of Andre’s Restaurant where

I was going to meet John. I dragged myself out of the car

and saw the city skyline. One by one the buildings began to

collapse around me. The only building that did not seem to

be affected was the restaurant where we were supposed to

meet up for our trip. Now I was more confused than ever.

“How can this be possible?” I said in a more demanding

tone. “This just cannot be. Am I going mad?” In a matter of

seconds, I began to hear chaos erupting once again.

As I continued to walk further, I began to see roses on

the ground. “Hmm, well this is really odd,” I said in a quieter

tone. But the most shocking thing that I witnessed in the

middle of the path was a vineyard. This had me even more

puzzled than anything. All of a sudden I was able to

recognize where I was. “How can I be here?”

By this point, I was breaking inside. “Please, I need to

know what is going on here!” I had been crying for a while

when finally I heard a familiar voice calling to me.

“Nadia, Nadia, do not worry, babe. Everything is going

to be okay now.”

“John, is that you?” I asked anxiously.

“Yes,” he answered.

All of a sudden I realized what had happened to our

plans for a weekend trip to Napa Valley. When I was on my

way to meet up with John at Andre’s Restaurant, an

earthquake broke out and a car had pinned me down.

“Nadia, please stay with me,” he said. It was then that I

started to feel really cold.

“Sir, we need to try and see if we can move her out of

the car,” a paramedic called out.

“No. I’m not going to leave her,” John said.

“You’re not helping her,” a fireman said. He began the

process of pulling me out of my car.

After a few moments of protesting, John finally agreed

to let the first responders do their job and take me to the


I heard voices calling out to me. I was so caught up in a

dream that I couldn’t pay attention to anything else. I guess

things started to turn around for me because all of a sudden,

I felt a cool breeze enter into my body. At that moment, the

only person I wanted beside me was John.

I felt grateful and relieved that both of us had survived

the earthquake, even though I knew that there were many

who had lost so much. I wanted to shout it out to the world.

When I woke up in my hospital room, one thing that

really puzzled me was the silence. I would think with what

happened today, it would be a mad house. I began to get anxious

because John was not with me. I wonder what is keeping him


Since it did not appear that the hospital staff was

hurrying around any longer, I decided to take a stroll down

the hall. But once I stepped out of the doorway, I was back

in the midst of all the loud chaos.

Then the effects of an aftershock caused another

building to fall. It took everything down to the ground. Once

again, I was at a loss for words, feeling like I was back at

square one.

“Hello? Hello!” I cried out. This seemed to be getting

redundant, and I was at the end of my rope. The most

confusing part of all of this was that I did not understand

what was happening. Why do I keep losing John?

As I tried to get a grip on reality, I began to hear the

sound of a sonata playing in the background. It was almost

like the music seemed to go into a deep crescendo, leading

up to the climax of what was trying to be uncovered. I

needed so desperately to know what was going on. This was

not up for any negotiations. It was either now or never. I

decided to take a deep breath, and plunge my way to

discover the truth. With all my strength, I opened my eyes

and could not believe it.

“Nadia! Nadia!” my very loving John said. He stood in

my hospital room and looked into my eyes.

“Oh, John!” I said, wanting to kiss his lips. I tried to hold

back my tears. “I was so frightened that I had lost you.”

“Nadia, I just want you to know that I love you!” he

gasped. “I always will.”

I heard a loud sound that mimicked a flat line. After the

sound stopped, I saw people gathering in a room. When I

walked in, I noticed there were many pictures of men,

women, and children. By them were names and dates.

“So, who are you here for?” an older woman asked.

“My fiancée, Nadia,” John said.

I could not contain my tears any longer. My picture is on

the table? No! Not me!

“Oh, I am so sorry,” she said. “I am here for my son.”

“I lost her a few days ago,” John said. “The earthquake

took so much from so many of us. But it took my heart away

when I lost my Nadia.”

It was then that I realized that I had not survived. I was

dead. After all the aftermath and the chaos, I realized I had

to let go of my one true love, but I didn’t want to. I choked

out a few words with tears flowing down my cheeks.

“Goodbye, John.”

It all made sense now. The journey of where I had been

was all part of my denial. The answers had been clear. I just

refused to see them.

“Oh, my beloved John. I will see you again. I will love

you forever. I must move on to a greener pasture for now.”

As I began to walk away, I started to see other souls that

were headed somewhere new just like me. It was then that I began

to see the humility of my life. Even though I had not quite

understood what was happening, I was able to realize that once

the dust had cleared, I had to learn the biggest lesson of finally

letting go.

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