Remember me ( O N H O L D )

By HaveFaith101

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"Promise me one thing... Remember me," He whispered. When you play with fire, you're bound to get burnt but... More

Remember me
1. 'Bracelets do make good conversations'

2. 'Friend request accepted'

84 7 3
By HaveFaith101

Chapter Two. 'Friend request accepted'

I sighed as I slotted my house key into the keyhole of the door. Why were boys so confusing, one minute they acted really cool and the next they were just complete and utter jerks! I was so confused about what Jay was referring to exactly. Did he actually think I was a self-harmer or something? I wasn't that sad or depressed, I loved life, and my life was going fine so far, I couldn't see any reason for why I would self-harm. I had loving parents and a sometimes overbearing mother. My father was annoying but protective at times as well as a huge joker. my younger sister was sweet and a little angel and then there was my older brother who was annoying as well but thankfully he didn't live at home anymore.

I pushed the door open and walked inside before taking my shoes off and throwing them near the front door. I would get an earful from my mother after doing that, but hey it wasn't that much of a big deal. My mother was a little on the obsessive side of cleaning. She loved everything to be perfectly clean and not a single sight of mess anywhere. After my brother left home, she was ecstatic... mainly because he caused all the mess around the house.

"Hannah, are you home?!" I heard my mom call. 

"Yeah!" I yelled back. 

"Can you come here please honey?!" She called again. 

I rolled my eyes and groaned, I didn't particularly want to stay downstairs. I just wanted to go upstairs to my bedroom  and fall asleep.

I dragged my feet to the living room and stayed by the doorway. I saw my mother sitting on the couch, sipping what looked like coffee. My mother had a slight addiction to coffee, she would drink it at anytime of day, even if it was late at night. 

I turned my head and saw my younger sister , playing on the floor of her play room. My sister, Lilly was only four years old, she looked exactly like my mother with her blue eyes and blonde hair. Whereas I took after my father with dark brown hair and hazel green eyes. My brother had sandy blondish hair that sometimes looked brown, and of course, he had my mother's eye colour. 

"What mom?" I asked, with a slight bit of attitude, turning my head back to my mother. 

"Don't talk like that to me," she sighed heavily. She ran a hand through her perfectly curled blonde hair, and slightly narrowed her eyes at me. I would've felt guilty but to be fair I just wasn't bothered. That may have sounded complete and utterly disrespectful but I was fed up of my mother's constant nagging and whining. 

"Yes mom?" I asked her. 

"How was school?" She asked bluntly. My eyebrows raised and I frowned. 

"Err good?" It came out more as a question than an answer. 

"That's good sweetie... I wanted to talk to you about Lilly-"

"Don't tell me the other little kids are picking on her at preschool?" I sighed. My mom was quiet and I knew that was the exact reason she wanted to talk to me. 

"Ah well that's just great!" I exclaimed sarcastically as I dropped my bag on the floor and paced around. I could feel the frustration itching on me.  

"Mom you said she would be fine there-"

"I know honey but you know how little kids are... they have trouble understanding that people are different-"

"Lilly isn't different she's completely normal. She didn't ask to be a do-"

"Hannah May Parker!" My mom yelled at me giving me worried eyes. 

"What mom?" I asked. She moved her eyes to the playroom door and I followed her gaze. 

There stood my little sister looking at me, with her big blue eyes. 

"Hannie!" She yelled in happiness as she ran over to me and hugged my leg. 

"Hey Lills," I smiled crouching down to her level and hugging her tight. 

"How was schwool?" She asked me in her slight lisp, she was just so cute and sweet. 

"It was good, how was your day?" I asked her back, pulling away and holding one of her tiny hands. 

"Good... Hannie play with me?" She asked sweetly. 

"Umm Lills how about a little later, I've got work to do," I said giving her an apologetic smile. 

She nodded her head, in an understanding way and kissed my cheek before skipping off to play with her pretend tea set. 

I stood back up and gave my mom a slightly harsh look. 

"See completely normal." I snapped and with that I grabbed my bag and ran off to my bedroom.

There wasn't anything wrong with my sister at all, I didn't see anything wrong with her mentally... physically maybe...

Once I got to my room, I slammed the door and threw my bag on the floor. I then went up to my vanity and took off all the bracelets that were on my wrist. 

The thing that honestly pissed me off, was the fact that little kids also judged others. Yeah, they were young but that was still no excuse for judging people before you know them.

Tying my hair up into a messy bun, I turned to my desk and switched my laptop on. Once it was on, I signed into Facebook and scrolled down my news feeds. I had some messages from friends from my old schools, and a few messages from my older brother. But the one thing that caught my eye... was a message and a friend request from Jay Evans.
Ignoring all the other messages, I turned to the one from Jay.

Jay Evans: Hey Bracelet Girl ;)

Hannah Parker: Er hi

A sense of confusion ran through me. Why would he want to add me on facebook, a plain and boring girl like me, didn't he have better things to than walk me home and start talking to me on social media? 

I suddenly heard the notification from Facebook and saw that jay had replied.

Jay Evans: I would appreciate it if you accepted my request.

I raised an eyebrow and shrugged my shoulders.

Hannah Parker: I'll think about it :/

Jay Evans: That usually means no, but suit yourself :)

Hannah Parker: so what's up?

Jay Evans: Nm just talking to a pretty girl ;)

I didn't reply straight away to him. In all fairness, I wasn't used to getting attention from guys anymore. After I had left my old school, everything just went downhill for me.

Jay Evans: still there bracelet girl?

I quickly replied.

Hannah Parker: Yeah

Jay Evans: Good.

I didn't know how to reply to that. Usually, I just talked to girls and hardly any guys. There was a completely different way of talking to guys and talking to girls.

I pushed my peas and carrots around on my plate. Not really having an appetite to eat dinner. My sister say across from me, and my dad sat at the head of the table whilst my mom sat across from him.
Ever since I had gotten expelled from my last school, my dad and I weren't on the best terms. Heck he hardly ever talked to me anymore but today I felt like talking to him. 

"So dad... how was work?" I asked finally breaking the silence. He glanced at me in shock, but then his eyes turned hard. 

My dad was an accountant and he actually did get paid a pretty good wage. If my dad didn't get paid well, we probably wouldn't have moved around so much. My mom owned some boutique shop in the town that we lived in before, and she only went in there unless she really needed to. She had people managing it for her, instead of working there herself. 

"The usual," my dad replied gruffly, I hated his cold attitude towards me. 

"Oh well that's good," I said with a small smile. 

I couldn't remember the last time that I had a decent conversation with my dad. He just kept his distance and only talked to my mom and Lilly. I knew he was disappointed in me but I actually did have a good enough reason for doing what I did. I was just lucky enough that I didn't get a worse punishment than I had already gotten. 

I turned my head away from my after and stared at my sister, she was having a slight difficult time with trying to cut her meat. I watched as she tried to vigorously cut her meat but it wasn't working. 

"Lilly, dear do you want some help?" My mother asked her. 

"No mom, let her try and do it herself-"

"Hannah she's struggling-"

"Quit babying her!" I yelled at my mom. 

"I'm not babying her-"

"Yes you are and my getting fed up of it! Stop treating her like she's different-"

"Hannah that's enough!" My father yelled at me, standing up. I stood up too and glared at him.

"What dad? How is that enough? I am so sick of this family acting as if Lilly is some kind of alien! Stop treating her differently, let her grow up normally-"

"Hannah she's only four, what do you expect us to do?" my mom asked, I could see the signs of frustration lingering in her eyes.

"Send her to a better pre-school," and with that, I stormed away from the dinner table before giving my younger sister a quick glance. Lilly looked at me with sad eyes and I knew I had really hurt her deep down. She didn't understand her disability, she knew she wasn't the same as everyone else. But no matter how hard I tried to show her that she was the same as every other four-year-old girl, my mom and dad would just have to ruin it.

I stomped up the stairs and ran into my room and slammed the door shut. It was only seven thirty but I could feel sleep weighing me down.

I hadn't told Daniella about my sister or the reason for getting expelled from my old school. Heck, she hadn't even come round my house. I never invited her over, sure we spent time together on the weekends just going Starbucks or around the mall or even her house. But never once had I offered her to come round.

At times I did feel lonely because I had no one to reach out to, no one to understand my problems. I hardly ever talked to any of my old friends at my old schools since I didn't really like to linger in the past and involve people in my past with my troubles in the present day.

Even at my old school, I was never one to share my problems since I felt like no one was interested in how I felt, that was probably the main reason for why I always had my guard up. It was probably the reason for why I knew that Jay and I couldn't be anything more than close acquaintances. 

Flopping down onto my bed, I graBbed my phone and earphones and plugged them into my ears before hitting play. I let Adam Levine's voice feel my ears and focused on the lyrics to Maroon 5's song maps. 

Maroon 5 was my favorite band ever and they had been since I was like twelve years old or something. 

I decided to look through old pictures on my phone, that usually seemed to calm me down whenever I was feeling frustrated or not myself. 

My many photos on my phone consisted of pictures of me and my siblings, my old friends, weird tumblr pictures that I liked to screen shot and random male celebrities that were just beyond hot!

I was never one to delete photos or throw away memorable things but there was one time, a few months ago where I did something that I never imagined myself doing. I threw away so many memorable items, I deleted so many pictures all because of two certain individuals who I never wanted to see again. 

I heard a small knock on my door, I was guessing it was Lilly. She was the only one who actually knocked whenever she wanted to come in my room. My mum and brother never knocked they just barged in, my dad never came into my room because he avoided me like the plague ever since I got expelled. 

"Come in," I yelled, loud enough for Lilly to hear. I took my earphones out of my ears and turned to face the door as it opened and Lilly walked in holding a plate and glass of pink strawberry milkshake. Lilly and I shared a love for milkshakes, whenever my brother was home on a Saturday we used to go down to the local Milkshake bar and just spend a few hours in the afternoon there. Although my brother was lactose intolerant, that didn't stop him from getting slushy drinks instead of a milkshake. 

"Hannie I brought cookies and milkshake!" Lilly said excitedly, as I took the glass and plate from her and placed it on the bed; still keeping hold of the glass of strawberry milk. 

"Thanks Lills," I smiled. I watched as Lilly tried to hop onto my bed but she struggled to push herself up.

"Do you need help?" I asked her, placing the glass on my bedside cabinet and standing over Lilly, who still hadn't managed to push herself up.

"Yes pwease," She answered slightly out of breath. Nodding my head, I scooped Lilly up in my arms and sat her down on my bed, near the blue plate of white chocolate cookies. 

"Have one," I said, offering Lilly a cookie. She looked at it sadly and shook her head.

"Daddy said no, only for you," She said as she stared at the cookie, longingly. 

"I won't tell if you won't."

Lilly smiled at me and nodded her head and took the cookie, biting into it straight away. I nibbled on mine, not really bothered to eat the whole thing. My mind was elsewhere, it was overcrowded with other things such as thinking about the kid's who were picking on my little sister. The fact that Jay Evan had talked to me today, everything was a blur and seemed as if it was all moving so fast. It was weird how Jay and I just connected but yet it would have been better if we slowly got to know each other instead of just being pushed towards everything. 

"I don't like schwool," Lilly whispered to me, her big blue eyes weren't shining bright so I could easily tell that she was upset. 

"Neither do I Lilly-"

"No one wants to pway with me," she said sadly, placing her cooking back on the plate. I hated seeing my sister so sad, I wasn't used to it. My sister meant everything to me, she was so special and it would've taken an idiot to realise how much I loved her. When Lilly was born, everyone felt nervous around her, but not me I didn't care. Lilly was born healthy bt I knew she wasn't the same as everyone in our family, but that still made her really special. I had come up with Lilly's name since the actual name Lilly meant pure and innocent, and that was exactly what I thought of Lilly when she was born and I was only twelve years old. 

"I like playing with you, you make me smile," I told her honestly. Lilly smiled softly before sighing.

"You big girl Hannie," she told me. I laughed her and stroked her blonde hair.

"But I still like playing with you," I argured as I grabbed the plate of cookies and put it on my bedside ccabinet near my milkshake. Lilly scooted closer to me and hugged me, her small arms wrapping around my neck. I hugged her tight and stood up, still holding her. 

"I think it's time I put you to bed," I told Lilly.

"Okay Hannie."


"From that day on, the little ladybug never got lost again," I whispered to a sleeping Lilly. Every single night I put my sister to sleep and cuddled with her whilst reading her a bedtime story, untill she fell asleep. Usually she would fall asleep halfwaay through the book but I liked to carry on reading the story, in hope that she would dream of sweet things instead of having nightmares. 

I carefully slid out of Lilly's bed and tucked her in before kissing her forehead and leaving her room. I closed her door halfway so that she could easily get out if she needed to rush to the toilet in the middle of the night. 

"You're so good to her," my father's voice made me jump and almost bang my elbow on the wall. 

"Er thanks?" I wasn't sure what to say since my dad barely even talked to me anymore. 

"Lilly makes you happy-"

"She makes everyone happy," I corrected him, I watched as he frowned at my statement and sighed.

"You're still young Hannah, you have much to learn about the way the world works," My dad said in his patronising tone. 

I resisted to roll my eyes at him and sighed heavily. I didn't say anything but nodded my head, not wnating to cause an argument. 

"Goodnight Hannah, sleep well," My dad said.

"Goodnight Dad," I murmered softly and watched as my dad walked to my parents' room and closed the door. 

With a small smile on my face, I went back into my room and shut the door. It was good to know that my dad wasn't too angry with what had happened at the dinner table, he was just probably disapointed in what I had done to get expelled. I was probably the only one who wasn't disapointed, I didn't even regret my actions but eep down I knew that what I had done was terrible. 

I logged onto my laptop and decided to start my English homework early, it wasn't due until next week but I had no other homework to do except independant research for Biology on mitosis and meoisis but I already knew enough about that so there was no point of me wasting time onresearch for that. 

In English we were studying dark literature which was interesting to an extent but I prefered more romatic literature than anything else. I wasn't into poetry but I did like good old classics. 

Just when I was about to start writing my essay on why I preferred Frakenstein over The Phantom of the Opera, I got a skype alert... From my brother.

I clicked on Skype alert which immediately brought me to my chat log with my brother.

Tyler Parker: Hey sis, answer your phone I'm trying to call you!!

My eyes widened in shock and I instantly jumped on my bed to grab my phone to see that I had five missed calls from Tyler and also ten texts from him begging me to call him back ASAP. Straight away I called him back. 

My brother was only five years oler than me and was at a college that happened to be two hours away. Tyler didn't want to stay at home and my mom didn't want Tyler staying at hime anymore, either. I was close to my brother but just like my dad he was disapointed in what I did, but yet he had no problems with talking to me.

"Hey Hannah Banana!" Tyler cheered, cheerfully. I rolled my eyes at his nickname for me, it had been since we I was five years old and he was ten years old. 

"Hey Ty," I greeted. 

"How's my brunette sister doing?" 

"I'm fine, just in the middle of doing some homework, how about you?"

"Yeah I'm good. Is dad still giving you the cold shoulder?" Tyler asked, his tone changing slightly. 

"On and off, I'm used to it now so don't worry about my relationship with dad-"

"I'm just looking out for you Hannah." I could picture my brother with the serious frown that he did, my dad did it too whenever he was hearing something that he didn't like. 

"Well you are my big brother so I guess that's understandable," I smiled picturing the times whenever my brother was there to cheer me up when I was down in the dumps. 

"That's me Hannah May Parker's older brother, anyways I better leave you to your homework, don't wana get you expelled!" Tyler joked as he chuckled. 

"Whatever, bye loser, I love you!"

"I love you too sis, bye!" and with that I ended the call and decided to carry on with my homework. 

My brother always called me at least twice a week, he claimed that he didn't want to be one of those bothers that lost contact with their siblings just because they lived far away. In reality Tyler didn't live that far, I could go on the train to see him and it would only take an hour yet by car it was something like two hours. 

A few hours had passed and it was already 11 o'clock, I was nearly finished with my essay but my eyes were way too tired to even stay open. This was one of the main reasons why I hated doing work late at night, I never managed to finish because I was way too tired. The essay I was writing seemed to go on forever and I had gotten to the point where I didn't even know what I was writing about, I had completly lost the point of my essay. 

I decided to leave the essay and finish it the next day, where I would have more time. I was about to get ready for bed when I noticed that I had a facebook notification.

The notification was a message from the one and only Jay Evans.

Jay Evans: Are you going to accept my request or not? :)

I rolled my eyes and huffed, what exactly did Jay want with me? I wasn't one of those popular girls that he usually hanged around with, I was just a normal girl trying to make it out of high school alive. 

Hannah Parker: I don't know, should I?

To be honest, I wasn't even sure that I should accept or not. But yet it wasn't like I was selling my soul to Jay, it wasn't like I was giving him my number.

Jay Evans: Yes you should Bracelet Girl, you'd be missing out otherwise! :O

Hannah Parker: Missing out on what exactly? 

Jay Evans: Being friends with a geniune, good looking guy who is absolutely friendly :D

I laughed at what he had typed and shook my head. It was like Jay was trying to sell himself in an interview or something close enough.

Hannah Parker: I'll think about it. Goodnight Jay 

Jay Evans: Suit yourself, goodnight Hannah xx

The x's meant nothing to me, it was probably something that he did with every girl that he talked to. For all I knew Jay could have been a player just like Daniella's brother Leon but I would never know unless I would allow myself to get to know Jay, maybe he just wanted to be my friend and nothing more, and I was alright with that. 

Give Jay a chance, Daniella's voice said in my head. 

She was right, everyone deserved a chance.

I breathed in deeply and took a chance, even though I had decided I anted to take things slowly. 

Friend request accepted. 


I know I said I didn't want to continue this story but I changed my mind, so here is the second chapter.

I hope you all enjoyed it and please Vote and comment! Let me know what you think!

Have a good day/night 

Dhana xx

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