The Echo In The Night

By Ciscoisbae

34.1K 111 34

Olivia Camille Voight always wanted to be a police officer ever since she was seven years old. So it was only... More

Here lies Olivia Voight

I Wasn't Meant To be Saved

4.6K 77 22
By Ciscoisbae


-Suicidal attempt.-

I place this warning for anyone who is dealing with a hard time in their lives and feels like suicide is the only answer. Please, if you ever need to talk to someone PLEASE PM me. I am here for every single one of you guys. I may not know you guys very well but I want you to know that each of you guys has a friend in me.

"Happy Birthday, dear Daniel! Happy Birthday to you!" Justin, Hank, Olive, Erin, and I sang to my nephew Daniel as a smile played on all our faces.

The now one-year-old smiled as he laughed at the family around him. He began waving his hands in the air as little giggles escaped his lips causing all our hearts to spin in love. It was Daniel's first birthday, Olive and my brother Justin decided that for his first birthday they would take a trip to visit so that we could all celebrate together. 

"Happy Birthday, Kiddo! Okay, it's time to blow out that candle." My father smiled as he took the cake and moved it to the little white table that connected to Daniel's high chair.

Now sat in front of the little blonde Voight was a small bright baby blue cake with yellow and green frosting swirls decorating the top as a number one candle was inbeded into the cake. The small wick allowed only a tiny fame to flicker back and forth as it waited to be extinguished. I stood up from the old wooden chair that belongs to the dining room set as I made my way towards the small boy in the high chair.

"One, two, three!" We all counted down as Justin and Hank leaned down and blew out the candle together for little Danny who probably didn't know what was going on at the moment.

"Yay!" We all cheered the little boy on as he clapped his hands and smiled brightly towards us bring me to laugh at the small child.

"Wow, it crazy to think that it's been an entire year. You know it seems like just yesterday you were sitting on my bathroom floor taking your very first pregnancy test while you debated whether you were going to kill Justin or not." I remembered looking up at Olive before taking Daniel out of the chair and bringing him into my arms.

"I bet you're glad you didn't go through with that plan." Justin butted in as he looked towards Olive who shrugged her shoulders causing us all to let out a laugh.

Daniel looked up at me with a smile that lit up my world. He was the perfect combination of Justin and Olive. His light hair inherited from Olive who was a naturally curly haired blonde. His big brown eyes given to him by his father. He was absolutely adorable and would steal anyone's heart if you looking for too long.

 He wiggled in my arms a bit but soon he stopped abruptly as he spotted the small golden necklace that laid against my chest which was given to me by my mother. The necklace read 'Camille' which was written in cursive that swirled and curled until it stopped at the 'e'. My heart cracked at the thought of my mother who would never be able to meet her grandson, at the thought of her never being able to share moments like these with us. Justin must have known what I was thinking about as he placed his hand gently on my back rubbing it slowly causing me to look up at the older Voight. He gave a gentle smile which warmed up my heart knowing how caring my brother was. 

Justin was always one to make sure that I was okay. When our mom died it was like we were inseparable, we both greaved together and we both took care of one another. We both understood the hurt that filled our hearts could only be filled by each other. When I had no one I had Justin and He soon became my rock at a very young age. Our bond was like no other it was one that could never be replaced or duplicated and for that I was grateful.

"Okay, it's time for presents." Hank said breaking the soft silence before taking his blue gift bag and handing it to Justin.

"That is from me." Hank informed us as he looked at Daniel who was still in my arms.

Justin looked at me as he rolled his eyes with a smile that played on his lips. He took the blue tissue paper out of the gift bag as he looked at Hank and then at me. Justin than stopped as he hand touched something in the bag slowly he pulled out a little wooden puppy with red fabric ears. Something that we both held dearly, Justin smiled as he looked at the old toy him and I used to play with as children.

"All these years you kept this?" Justin questioned as he examined the little toy.

"Your mom did, she kept all your and Olivia's baby stuff upstairs in the attic. You know hoping one day to pass it on." He replied looking at me, Justin and then Daniel.

For the second time tonight my mother was pushed to the forefront of my mind. It's been years yet it still felt like a fatal wound that I could never heal from. I looked up at Justin only to be met by his brown eyes that held the same sorrow. 

"I love you." Justin mouthed causing me to nod and lean my head on his shoulders still holding the small child in my arms even closer.

"Hank, it's perfect." Olive thanked him in appreciation for the gift as I pushed myself off of Justin while handing Daniel to Olive who was more than happy to take him in her arms.

"Thanks, Popps! I wish mom was here too." Justin agrees as he looked at the ground for a second before looking towards his child who seemed to be happily playing with the wooden puppy.

"She would be so proud of both you guys that I know for sure." Erin commented as she got up from her chair hugging both Justin and I.

It didn't take long before Hank and Justin moved their drinks and conversation into the next room leaving Olive, Erin, and I chatting at the dining room table.

"So I hear that you have been talking to Jay Halstead for a bit. What's going on there?" Erin's raspy voice told causing Olives curly blonde hair flip violently to the right as she looked at me in shock.

I shook my head lightly at my sister-in-law a small smile playing on my lips as his name was brought up. 

"It's nothing honestly. I mean we had a couple of drinks together but it never went anywhere else. You know with me being in the academy and desperately trying to find a station that would allow me to do forty-eight hours with them. I'm completely booked, I don't even have time to breathe during the day." I informed the two who were now giving full attention to the words that left my lips.

"Olivia, Daniel is going to be twenty-three by the time you and Jay finally get together. I mean seriously!" Olive joked as she continued to clean up the space we occupied.

"Plus, I'm sure if you just asked Hank he would let you earn your forty-eight hours with intelligence. Which mean you and mister ocean eyes get to spend some more time together." Erin offered her thoughts causing me to quickly shake my head at the idea.

"Why not?" Olive asked looking defeated by my antics.

"I would never hear the end of it back at the academy.  You don't even want to know how many times I hear the phrase 'Voight luck'. Being Hank's only daughter has its perks but I don't want people thinking that the only reason that I got through the academy or got to intelligence is because 'Daddy has my back'." I explained as I mocked the deep voice of the men that always chastised me.

"Are you kidding me?" Olive asked in shock as she stopped what she was doing to look me in the eyes. 

"Olivia Camille Voight, you are a total badass. You jump in front of bullets for your friends and family. You take no shit from anyone, you've got through the academy and are getting a spot on intelligence not because you have a father in high places. You are going through the academy because you earned it and because you deserve it more than any of those men in that academy." Olive spoke confidently as she looked at me with a smile.

"Thanks, Olive. Seriously. I don't know what I would do or be if you weren't here to knock some sense into me every once and a while." I thanked softly towards the caring blonde.

"Well, I think I'm going to check on Justin and dad. Make sure that none of them killed each other yet." I spoke as I grabbed the half-empty beer bottle that sat next to me and made my way towards the Voight men who sat in the living room having a conversation. 

I leaned against the doorway smiling at the two men who didn't seem to notice me yet. Justin sat on the beige one seater couch as Hank sat in front of him on the dark blue three seater couch. Slowly I made my way towards Justin and where he was seated. I took a seat on one of the arms of the chair he sat at causing him to lightly push me off before once again patting the spot I was sat before I was pushed.

"Just six more months of getting top mark in training, and I'm eligible for signal corps officer." Justin informed us both causing me to smile and pat his shoulders in pride.

"I'm so proud of you Justin. I haven't seen anyone work as hard as you have after getting out. Mom would be really proud of you as am I."  I told him which causes him to smile and bring his glass of whiskey up towards me before he took a sip.

"Thanks, Liv." He thanked me with a smile.

"Olivia is right, I'm really, really proud of you, Justin. " Hank praised the firstborn. 

"Means a lot pops. Thanks." Justin said before bringing the cup back up to his lips and taking a sip of the drink.

"So, you were in town last month, huh?" Hank asked Justin who rolled his head to the side knowing what was about to happen. 

I look at my brother wondering why he chose to keep his previous visit from me. He looked up to meet my eyes. Guilt and shame were held within the green of his eyes as he shifted his eyes back to our Dad that sat opposite of us.

"Yeah, Yeah, I was seeing a friend. Only had a day and a half, otherwise I would've reached out to you guys." Justin said causing me to nod my head and just believe him knowing that tonight was not the day to pry information out of him.

"Mm." Hank hummed as he nodded his head causing me to roll my eyes already knowing where this conversation was going.

"Don't" Justin commanded a fake smile laying on his face as he spoke.

"So, who's this friend?" Hank questioned causing me to jump in.

"Dad, please stop. Right now is neither the time or place to try to pick a fight. We are all having a good time so let's just continue with that and forget about Justin's previous visit." I suggested looking at both Justin and Hank.

"Olivia's right, it's my son's birthday and I don't feel like being interrogated." Justin said standing up already done with the conversation.

I then hear Daniel's babbling before seeing Olive holding Danny with Erin following up the stairs.

"There's my baby." I smiled as Olive bounced Daniel causing him to laugh and look at me before they retreated up the stairs.

"Besides, I'm not a kid anymore I can handle my own business." Justin spoke as he lightly pressed a fist on dad's chest before walking away and up the stair with Olive and Erin.

I took a deep breath in pinching the bridge of my nose before turning around to face my dad. Disappointment claiming territory over my facial features. I gulped down the last bit of beer that swirled at the bottom of the glass bottle. I looked up once again at my father before speaking up.

"Dad, I love you so much, and I know that you are only trying to look out for Justin's well being but you gotta stop this. All he is trying to do is earn your approval and trust back again. Justin has done a lot of shit and it's hard to always trust him. I get it. But you cannot go all Sargent Hank Voight on him. Please don't mess this up because I don't think that I'll be able to help you mend the broken pieces anymore if you do." I advised angrily towards the man I called Dad.

He nodded his head agreeing with me for the time being. The air was silent before it was broken with a small ringing noise that came from Hank's pocket. He looked up at me for approval to answer the phone. I nodded my head and I crossed my arms in front of me causing him to let out a sigh before answering the phone.

"Voight." He answered with authority.

I zoned out as he continued to have a conversation with the person on the other line which lasted only five minutes before he hung up.

"I know that you still need at least forty-eight case hours before you graduate from the academy. So let's go for a ride." He commanded as he grabbed his jacket that laid on the couch and made his way towards the front door.


The sky was dark and it seemed like little to no stars were out tonight. I gripped on to my jacket a little tighter as we got out of the car allowing the cold crisp air to hit me in the face. We were at the crime scene and it seemed as if the only thing illuminating the night was the red, white and blue lights that flashed off the cop cars. There was a yellow 'Crime scene Do not cross' Tape surrounding the perimeter where a dark blue abandon car was parked. We walked towards the scene before we stopped at the tape. Hank lifted it up for me to walk through before he walked through himself. As we started to walk closer to the abandoned car I could see two familiar faces that belonged two Kevin Atwater and Antonio Dawson.

"Hey Serge, Livia. We have one dead female found in the trunk." Kevin informed us causing Antonio began to explain in more details.

"The park district attorney was about to have the car towed when he noticed blood on the rear of the car and called the police." Antonio finished as we began to walk towards the car which had the trunk opened for us to view the body.

As we walked closer to the car I was able to make out the rest of the faces that make up the intelligence team. My heart beat violently against my chest as I walked closer towards the brown haired blue eyed man. His hand held the flashlight out helping us see clearly in the dark surroundings. As his light hit the girl's body I felt a sick feeling rise within my throat the urge to vomit more prominent now than ever. I swallow the vile substance down as I try to keep my conceal the sick feeling. 

Her hair was matted down in knots as it splayed around her face. A light gray tee shirt paired with an emerald green cardigan was what clothed her upper body while a pair of lightly washed denim clothed her bottom half. Her wrists were bound with barbwire that pierced her skin causing blood to pool around her hands. She struggled and fought for her life that much was evident. The area around her neck was also bleeding leading me to believe that her neck was injured in the ordeal.

Jay looked up from the girl to take a glace at me before he informed the team on what he knew.

"Victims hands and feet are tied with barbwire and her throat is cut. Fingernails are gone too, I'm guessing she fought back against the assailant. He knew there'd be DNA, so he yanked them off." Jay detailed as he looked up at us all before once again stopping to meet my eyes.

I gave a small smile towards the brunette before I focused my eyes back to the girl in the trunk.

"Cartel hit?" Hank asked not taking his eyes off of the girl that could have so easily been me if I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Or Russians. They've been known to use barbed wire too." Antonio suggested examining the wounds of the girl trying to find us anything that would give away the creep who did this.

"Mouse ran a work-up. Car's registered to the victim. Her name is Melissa Wilds. She's twenty-six years old. We got an address." Erin informed us as she showed us a picture of Melissa but that showed the livelihood of her spirit. 

Her hair was straight in the picture and not matted with blood. Her eyes were a bright green color only a few shades darker than my own. Her smile was wide and bright showing off her white teeth. For the second time this evening a sickening feeling came over me like no other. We were so close in age the thought of all she had to go through in her last moments haunted me. 

"All right, call Ruzek and Olinsky. Tell them to go over there and do a knock-and-talk." Hank commanded causing Erin to walk away and do as he ordered. 

They all dispersed leaving me and Hank alone near the body of the once happy woman.

"You sure you're ready for this?" Hank asked still looking at the body not daring to make eye contact with me.

"To tell you the truth I feel sick to my stomach. That could have been me laying in that trunk. It could have been me fighting for my life while I was trapped in a trunk. In all honesty, I don't think any of us are ready to see this or see what is going to come out of this. But I do know one thing. If we're not ready who is going to stop this bastard?" I stated before leaving him to think about the final question.

I looked around the crime scene but stopped once my eyes landed on Jay who was talking to Kevin.  I made my way towards both of the tall men who seemed to be having a conversation of their own.

"Hey, Little Mama." Kevin greeted me causing a smile to break through.

"Hey, Kev. Long time no see." I commented on the absence of my best friend.

Kevin and I go back some time. We met when Kevin was first placed in intelligence and ever since then him and I are like two peas in a pod. 

"I guess I'll have to make a stop one of these days and come have a drink with you." He replied causing me to nod with a smile.

"Only if you bring the good beer." I joked with him causing him to let out a small laugh.

"You already know it." Kevin said as he formed his hand into a fist before bumping it with my own as he walked away leaving me and Jay alone.

"I didn't know that Hank hired you already. The last time we talked you were still in the academy." Jay broke the silence as he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"He didn't. I'm still in the academy. Hank thought it would be best if I did my forty-eight case hours with intelligence so that he can keep an eye on me. You already know how Hank is when it comes to Justin and I." I responded as I looked up and into his eyes.

"You know I'm here for you if you need anything. I know studying this stuff in the academy and actually seeing it in person is a big difference. I want you to know that just because we put a hold on whatever this is doesn't mean that I am not going to be here for you a hundred and ten percent of the times." Jay spoke each word as he looked directly in my eyes letting me know that he meant every word that escaped his lips.

I nodded my head causing him to take my hand that rested at my side and gently tug me closer to his body. My heartbeat began to accelerate as I get closer to him. Slowly he brought me into a hug causing me to wrap my arms around his waist laying my head against the bulletproof vest that hugged his chest. Even though the vest blocked me from getting any closer the smell of his cologne still intoxicated me. The smell of wood and spices hit my nose in such a way my knees felt weak. It was a smell that can't be described but a smell that was so Jay Halstead. 

We slowly and reluctantly unraveled ourselves from each other the need to have skin to skin contact still very prominent in both of us. We looked into each other's eyes for what seemed to be the hundredth time tonight and stood there not saying a word but being comfortable in each other's silence.

Soon Hank walked over to us breaking the silence with the raspy voice that was so knowingly his.

"Homicide is going to clean up the mess and bring the body down to the morgue. There's nothing much we can do except try to get some sleep tonight. Olivia, you want me to drop you off on my way home?" He explained before turning his attention towards me.

"I'll take her home Serg. It's on the way to my apartment anyway." Jay spoke up causing me to quickly turn to him.

Hank looked at us both with a questionable expression waiting a moment before he spoke up.

"Livia, you okay with Jay taking you home?" He asked for reassurance.

I looked at my father for a minute before looking back at Jay who waited for my answer.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be okay Dad. There is no need to worry it's Jay we are talking about. I trust him with my life." I answered as I nodded my head to give him enough reassurance to please his conscience.

Hank walked away leaving Jay and me alone once again. I waited until Hank got in his car before I turned to Jay to speak.

"You didn't have to do that. I'm sure that he wouldn't have minded making the extra stop." I smiled as I turned my body around to face him.

"Let's get you home." He replied with a smile completely ignoring my comment.

The car ride was mostly silent as we both just listened to the music that quietly came through the speakers of Jay's car. It didn't take us long to reach my apartment the car ride only lasting about ten minutes. As Jay put the car in park outside of the little building I called home I turned slightly in my seat to face the man who was already looking at me.

"Thank you, Jay. You didn't have to do this. I know there are better things that you would much rather do than take me home." I speak lowly as I looked down at my hands that were sitting on my lap.

"There is nothing I would rather do than be with you. Right now in this moment." He whispered causing me to quickly meet his eyes.

His left hand cupped my right cheek softly causing me to let out a small breath as I lean into his touch. He slowly and painfully inched closer to me causing my breath to get caught in my throat and my heart to race a million miles a second. I tilt my head to the side as reach my right hand up to lightly cup his wrist making sure that it stays exactly where it is. 

"Please." I whispered as I looked up into his eyes where were only inches from my own.

His breath hits my lips causing an unusual sensation to shiver up my body. His lips slowly meet mine as if to make sure that I was certain about what he was doing. Our lips danced lightly and softly on each other both of us scared that the other would pull away. I pulled my body slightly over the middle console so that our chests are slightly pressed together. The new proximity allowed me to deepen the kiss causing Jay to let out a soft moan. The moment only lasted a couple of minutes as both of our bodies cried out for oxygen. I reluctantly pulled away keeping my hand pressed gently on his left cheek. Slowly I opened my eyes only to be met with the light blue orbs.

"Do you want to come upstairs?" I asked my voice barely over a whisper as I pointed up towards the red brick building that stood tall. 

He cleared his throat lightly as he scratched the back of his neck which caused his eyes to temporarily leave mines.

"I should probably get going. It's super late and I think what we both need right now is rest and I'm not going to get any rest at all if I go up to your apartment." He answered slowly lowering his voice as he nears the end of his statment.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then, blue eyes." I smirked as I gathered my belongings and open the door of the car.

As I began to walk away I hear the sound of the window rolling down.

"Olivia." I hear his voice call out in the night as I turn around looking inside the car that was now five feet away from where I was standing.

"I can pick you up tomorrow morning if you want seeing as we are both heading to the same place." He offered lowering his head slightly so that he can see my face.

I nodded my head as a smile broke out on my face causing me to let out a slight giggle.

"I'll see you then, Halstead." I replied as I turned around and continued my commute towards my apartment.

I reach into my coat pocket feeling around for the keys to the front door. Sliding the silver key into the lock I twist and turned it until a small click echoed in the hall. Twisting the knob and pushing my body weight against the door. As I walked into the house I closed the door locking every single lock that was bolted to the door and door frame. I let out a pleasurable moan as I slid off the heels that blistered my feet all night.

My hand traced the wall as my fingertips desperately tried to find the light switch. Once my fingers find the switch I flicked it one allowing me to see the apartment that I left behind this morning. A sigh left my lips as I placed my keys on the side table that sat to the right of my couch in my living room.

I trudged towards my room as I rubbed the back of my neck trying to undo the knots that knitted itself in my neck. I sleepily stripped out of my clothes trading them in for a larger shirt and a pair of shorts. I threw my phone at the end of my bed before climbing in and wrapping myself into a burrito with my sheets. My eyes grew heavy as sleep overtook my body bringing me into a deep sleep that would continue until morning


The sound of the infamous iPhone ringtone broke my sleep causing a groan to escape my lips. My hands patter around me trying to come into contact with the damned device. I let out a loud annoyed groan as I remember that I threw it at the end of the bed last night. Cursing whoever was on the phone I sat up and reach towards the Black phone. Without looking at the caller I.D I answer the call ready to let the person hear my groans.

"What have I done to deserve this treatment. Do you know that the most annoying sound to wake up to is the very default ringtone that you have caused to interrupt my much-needed sleep?" I blabber on as I waited for a voice to echo back to me.

"Well good morning to you too, sleeping beauty." I hear the very familiar voice that could only belong to a Mr. Jay Halstead.

 "I was calling you to let you know that it'll take me about twenty minutes to get to your house from the coffee shop I so generously stopped at for you." He informed me causing me to let out a small laugh.

The phone fell silent for a second before his voice once again filled my ears.

"Olivia, I just want you to know that what happened last night I don't want it to be a one-time thing. Hopefully, you feel the same way too." He spoke making the butterflies from last night to be awoken from their sleep.

I bit my lip with my lower bottom teeth trying to keep myself from smile which in the end is a giant fail. 

"I do." I replied in a whisper.

I clear my throat as I get up off the bed and begin my walk towards my bathroom. 

"I should probably get ready now. I'm absolutely positive my dad would not appreciate me going in my pajama's. I'll see you when you get here." I commented as I stared at my reflection in the mirror.

"I'll text you when I'm outside." He told me before hanging up the phone.

After a quick shower, I brushed my teeth and started to search through my small walk-in closet to decide what I am going to wear today. I sifted through all of my clothes before deciding on a beige long sleeved crop top turtle neck that would keep me warm in the chilly crisp air that swirled in Chicago. I paired the shirt with one of my favorite black high waisted skinny jeans and a pair of black ankle boots. I leave my hair loose in its natural copper colored wave not really wanting to deal with it at the moment. With only a couple more minutes left I applied a thin layer of makeup on wanting to be semi-presentable today. 

Just as I finished applying some chapstick from across the room my phone buzzed causing me to quickly push the cap back on the chapstick and jog towards the small device.

'I'm outside.' The text read causing me to let out a deep breath before gathering my things

I walked towards my closet quickly pulling off my black leather jacket from the hanger. I walked towards the door before opening it and turning around my eyes scanned the living room to see if there was anything that I might have left behind. Satisfied with my readiness I walked out the door gently shutting it behind me. 

I walked down the front steps of my apartment building making my way towards the familiar black Chevy Silverado that belonged to the Intelligence unit registered under Jay's name. I smiled at the thought of what happened in that truck last night. Once I was close enough I opened the door and hopped in shutting the door once I was sat down.

"One medium french vanilla coffee for you." Jay spoke as he handed me one to-go cups filled with the precious beige liquid that would keep me up from the next couple of hours. 

I slowly took the cup in my hand before gently leaning over the middle console. I gently leaned in a smile plastered on my face as our lips gently met. I only meant it to be closer as I placed both hands on his cheeks. Our tongues continue to fight for dominance until our bodies desperately cried for oxygen. We pulled away from each other but still held on to the others face. I bit my lip smiling at the thought of the man who sat beside me.

"Thank you." I whispered out of breath before pulling away and clicking my seatbelt on.


It didn't take long for us to arrive at the station the rest of the ride being quiet for the most part. As soon as we walked up the stairs of intelligence I was greeted by everyone.

"Little Mama is in the building!" Kevin joked causing me to give him a fist bump as I walked past him and towards the empty desk that was right in front of Jay's. I set all of my things down making myself comfortable and ready for the case.

"If you haven't put the pieces together Olivia will be joining us for the next forty-eight hours to earn her case hours. Remember everyone, Olivia is still in the academy which means that she is not yet a working officer. So throughout the case, I want you all to have her back and keep her in your line of view." Hank notified the team causing them all to nod their head in agreement.

"Well with that being said let's bring this son of a bitch down." Hank raspily demanded causing Erin to pick up the folder on her desk and move towards the whiteboard.

"This is Melissa Wilds, Her husband was an Army private who was killed in a training exercise last year at Fort Bragg. Three others also died when their chopper went down." She explained as she hung up two pictures of Melissa. One was what looked like an I.D photo while the other one was of the crime scene last night.

"She also had an associate's from Roosevelt and worked as a paralegal for the law firm Sawyer & Sawyer." Antonio added on as he flipped through some papers that held Melissa's records.

"I've heard of them. Even seen a couple of their commercials on TV. They just a bunch of high-profile ambulance chasers." I spoke letting everyone know about what I knew about the company.

"It's bigger than that. It seems like they do seven-figure class action lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies or schools with asbestos." Antonio elaborated as he placed the papers on his desk to fold his arms across his chest.

"Except for a few parking tickets, Melissa has zero priors. She's a working, widowed mom, so the more I'm digging here, I can't see any reason why she'd be associated with cartels or any Russians." Jay informed us as he sat at his desk looking down at the same papers Antonio was previously looking at as he scratched his collar bone.

Hank stood silently near Jay's desk allowing the ex-army ranger to say his peace before speaking up.

"This girl was tortured with barbed wire. That means the killer either wanted something from her, or it was personal. So I want to know where she was before we found her, who she was with and if she was seeing someone new. Hey, look who's here." Hank said getting distracted neared the end of his sentence as he pointed at a man who just walked in from the back.

The male not looking at all familiar to me as he looked up from his box that he was carrying as he heard the voice call him out. His dirty blonde hair stood out from his pale skin. He wore a dark tan jacket with a pair of light blue jeans. As he walked in the bullpen he set his box on the desk which I was presuming his.

"Oh, there he is." Jay smiled as he spoke getting up from his chair and walking over to the unknown man.

"Hey, hey." I heard Antonio say as we all now get up from our previous position to walk towards the gentleman.

"Last day, huh?" Kevin asked with a hint of sadness in his voice as he looked to the man.

"Yep, this is it. Just clearing out my locker." The mystery man spoke putting things that were on the desk in his box.

"Gonna miss you, man." Jay said giving him a slight hug which only lasts a couple of seconds.

"You too." The man agreed as he looked up meeting my eyes.

"You must be new, the names Sean Roman." He introduced putting out his hand for me to shake.

"No, not exactly. At least not yet, I'm just completing my forty-eight hours with intelligence. Olivia Voight." I explained before I formally introduce myself taking his hand in mine and shaking it.

"Voight? As in-" We shook hands for a minute as he looked over to Hank at the sound of his old bosses name.

"Voight as in my daughter." Hank finished as he held a smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you." He smiled at me before continuing to pack up his things.

"Here, I know you never passed a mirror you didn't like." Sean spoke handing Kevin a small black rectangular mirror.

"Yeah, you know, I got to check my fade out around the clock. I appreciate that, bro." Kevin joked looking in the mirror causing us all to laugh and smile at his antics.

"Here, for you. Just in case they ever let you loose in the street." Sean spoke giving mouse a police baton.

Mouse's lips spread from cheek to cheek as he whipped open the baton.

"Are you kidding? Oh, I'm definitely using this on these bozos up here." Mouse joked before walking away from the group.

"This is a bad idea." Erin joked around before going up and hugging Sean.

"Sorry to see you go, Sean." My dad apologized giving him a firm handshake.

"Hey, if the job don't want me, then I don't want the job." Sean spoke letting go of Hank's hand still looking at him in the eye.

"Do yourself a favor. Just leave that at the doorstep when you walk out of here. You served this city proudly. Just carry that with you." Hank gave his advice before walking away.

"Thanks, Sergeant." Sean said before walking towards Adam.

I looked at the two before walking away knowing that whatever they were going to talk about didn't concern me. As I walked towards the desk I could feel eyes burning a hole in my head causing me to look around for the predator. I was soon met with a pair of clear blue eyes that made my knees grow weak at the thought of his name. The moment was soon snatched from us as Erin spoke up gaining both of our attention.

"Hey." Erin said pressing her hand against the bottom half of the office phone.

"Roger Simpson, Melissa's father, is downstairs." She informed us making the room fall silent at the thought of having to tell the father of the horror.

"Al?" Hank asked causing us all to silently let out a small breath.

"We should start drawing straws." Al said as he looked around the room not really in any rush to tell the man downstairs that is daughter is no longer with us.

I got up from my desk slowly making my way towards Hank's office as I rubbed my left hand gently down my face letting a deep sigh out of my lungs.

"I wish I could tell you it gets easier but that's just not the case up here." Hank spoke lightly causing me to look up and sigh once again.

"But what I can tell you is that it's worth it when you see the faces of families being reunited. Seeing how they hold each other when they know the other is safe." Hank explained as he walked behind his desk towards his office chair.

"I need you to make me a promise. I need you to promise that you won't die doing this. You and Justin are the only thing in my life that I have left. If you guys leave me I have nothing to live from down here. So I need you to promise that you won't die, that no matter what happens you will fight. I need you to promise that you will fight for me, dad." I begged as a silent tear slid down my face.

"I promise." He replied allowing me to let out a small breath of relief.

I quickly wipe my tears as I hear the door of Hank's office start to open. I turn towards the door only to see Jay and Erin walz right in with papers in hand. Jay closed the door before he began to speak up.

"Hey, we got, uh, Melissa Wild's phone records." Jay stuttered out as he handed me and Hank a copy of the phone records.

My eyes look over the paper before they abruptly stopped on a name that plastered over the paper twenty times.

Justin Voight

"What the hell is this?" I asked in confusion as I looked at the paper once again to see if my eyes deceived me. 

"Looks like there's maybe 20 phone calls and twice as many text messages between the two of them last month. The last phone call she made was a half hour before the time of death." Jay answered reluctantly meeting my eyes with sympathy. 

"He said he was in town to help a friend. Maybe it was her." Hank said pressing a few buttons on his phone before bringing it up to his ear.

"Where is Justin right now?" I asked feeling my blood pressure rise.

"He should be at home with Olive and Daniel." Hank answered looking at me before pulling the phone away from his ear once again looking at the screen.

"Did he ever mention this girl to you?" Jay asked looking at both me and Hank for an answer.

"Don't you think I would've mentioned it if he did?" Hank said growing irritated with the young detective.

Jay shifted his head to the side knowing that right now there was no reasoning with my father. His eyes slowly meet my own causing me to mental send an apology for my father. Jay must have know what I was thinking when he gave me a small smile as he accepted the apology.

"Straight to voicemail again." Hank complained as he stood up from his chair and walked out leaving Jay, Erin, and I to follow in tow.

Hank, Erin, and I decided that the best way to get in contact with Justin was to go to Hank's home were Olive and Justin were staying for the week. Hank hauled ass towards his home trying to make sure that his only son was safe. It didn't take us but five minutes to reach his house at the rate of speed he was pulling. As we screeched to a stop right outside his home we all jumped out of the car racing towards the door.

As we opened the door we were met with the sound of a baby crying which causes my heart to pump at a quicker rate. 

"Where is Justin!?" I asked in paranoia my mind quickly racing to the worse thing that can happen to him. 

"He left over an hour ago. Said he needed to clear his head." Olive explained to us as she tried her hardest to stop Daniel from crying as he bounced him up and down in her arms.

"Have you tried calling him?" Erin asked her as she looked around the house for any sign of what he may have taken with him.

"He's not answering. I texted him too. Hank, I'm starting to get worried." Olive said as she was on the verge of tears in frustration.

"I promise you we are going to find him." I spoke quickly walking out of the house and back towards the car.

When we were all in the car Erin decided to call Mouse to track the GPS on Justin's car before hanging up the phone. I lowly said a prayer of protection over him as the fear started to grow stronger in my heart. There was no way in hell that he would just leave Olive with Daniel all alone at home.

Mouse soon came through as he sent us an address where Justin's car was at. We quickly made our way towards the junk garage that held what seemed to be only broke down and none working cars. The whole scene caused a mass of anxiety to flood my heart at a rate that I couldn't control. My leg violently bounced up and down and I whipped my head to the right and left to try to stop his car.

"Turn left, here." Erin instructed from the passenger's side of the car as she read the directions off her phone.

Hank violently whipped the car left in a spirit of panic that had set on his body. A low level of relief set on my heart as I spotted the familiar dark blue car that was the pride and joy of Justin Voight. As Hank parked the car I jumped out not even wanting to wait for another minute to find him. I looked all around the car before making my way towards the driver's seat with no sign of Justin in sight. I then tried to open the door to see if there was anything in the car that would lead us to him but abruptly stopped when I felt the door easily open without having to pull the door handle hard.

"Dad." I panicked knowing that Justin would never in a million year leave his car open to the world.

Hank and Erin than make their way towards the trunk pressing the button that automatically swung the trunk open. 

It was then at that very moment that my whole word collapsed right in front of me and there was nothing I could do to fix it. As soon as the trunk was fully open I was in view of Justin Voight the strongest man I knew strung up the same way Melissa was. I let out a murderous scream as my heart began to plummet down my chest. Reacting first I run towards him as violent cries racked out of my body. 

"Oh my gosh!" My dad screamed trying to get close to Justin causing me to push him off with all my strength as I slowly felt myself break apart. 

"We got a pulse!" I screamed as I placed my middle and index finger to his neck.

I quickly pulled back as I feel a wet substance ooze on my fingers. 


I let out a cry of agony as I looked at my fingers in a panic. Hank once again try to separate me from my brother causing me to snap.

"Get the hell away from me and call an ambulance! Someone, please help him! Justin, you can't die you made me a promise! You have to fight for me, Justin! Damnit  just fight for me please!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I tried to shake him awake.

"Olivia, sweetheart I need you to listen to me. Baby, I'm here. Justin is going to be okay. You have to let go." Hank cried into my ear as he tried his best to pull me away.

"No! Dad! You don't understand! He's my brother! He can't die he is the strong one! Dad, he promised!" I broke down as I began to hyperventilate.

I could feel all the tears fall violently down my face causing my nose to grow runny. I let myself become a gross slobbery mess as I leaned down placing my hand on his head praying for a miracle. But once again the nightmare only worsens. I pull my hand away in fear as I once again see my hand dripping with blood. 

"Ahh!!" I scream as I quickly whipped the blood on my shirt not caring about the shirt one bit but desperately trying to get the blood off of me.

"Dad! He's shot! Please help him, Dad!" I screamed out in excruciating pain.

He gently pulled me away from Justin as he hears the sound of the ambulance. Within a matter of seconds Gabby and Shay jumped out of the Ambulance.

"Gabby! You have to help him! You have to help my brother!" I cried out as I felt my body begin to violently shake.

Without saying a word Shay and Gabby waisting no time hauled Justin into the ambulance quickly pulling away as they raced towards Chicago Medical.

I looked down at my hands as I felt myself begin to grow sick. I quickly double over and release all of the contents of my stomach onto the asphalt. Once again I whipped my hands on my shirt leaving my shirt in a blood bath.


All of the sirens fill my ears as we stopped in front of Chicago Medical. Gabby and Shay were now rushing Justin on the stretcher into the hospital. Shouting is heard from all angles causing me to yet again yet out a painful cry. Maggie quickly ran up to me seeing that I was a bloody mess with concern in her eyes.

"Olivia are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" She asked causing me to look around her to see Justin being worked on.

I looked into the room only to see Will and Conor working violently to save Justin. I slowly feel my body sway as the pain in my heart increased dramatically. 

"Please help him, Maggie! You gotta do something!" I cried trying to run into the room but was stopped when a pair of strong familiar arms wrapped themselves around my waist.

"Let go of me! Let go of me you son of a bitch!" I screamed kicking and screaming heavily causing all eyes to fall on me.

"Olivia! I need you to calm down!" Jay shouted angerly at me as he shook me from behind.

"I can't do this without him! P-please!" I cried in immense pain causing my knees to buckle.

I quickly gave out not really wanting to stand up on my own anymore fully trusting that Jay would hold me up as I cried out loudly.

"Baby, come on you have to stand up from me." Jay begged as he attempted to help me stand up failing each time as I continued to fall no strength left in my knees.

"My brother." I wheezed out a violent cry once again leaving my lips causing Hank to quickly turn to me.

His heartbreaking as he saw both of his children in a state of distress and brokenness.

I could feel the grip on my stomach and ribcage grow tighter as Jay tried his best to not let me go. Every so often he would pull me up lightly so that I was not laying on the floor in the state I was in. It was at that moment where I felt as though none of my lungs were working anymore as I continued to see Justin get worked on at a quickened pace.

My breath was now coming out in a hard labored heave which now concerned Hank and Jay along with everyone who saw.

"Olivia." I heard a warning voice echo in my ear.

Turning my head to the side I could see that it was Maggie who was now standing right in front of me trying her hardest to get me to breathe.

 "I-I-I ca-can't b-b-breathe." I cried as I quickly threw my hands on my chest feeling a new type of pain that was aching.

"Dr. Manning I need you over here now!" Maggie shouted causing Natalie to spring into action and run towards the broken girl.

"Olivia, can you hear me?" She asked as she shinned a small light in my eyes.

"Jay, I'm going to need you to transfer her to the bed over here." She spoke as she looked at the man behind me.

I quickly feel myself being lifted off of my feet and into a pair of arms that I could only describe as comforting. Jay walks us to a room that was set up right near Justin's where he sat me on the bed to continue to be examined. I was then set up with an oxygen mask that I needed to be hooked up to for the next fifteen minutes.

Slowly I could feel my body becoming numb to the feeling on sadness. Within a couple of minutes of me staring at the wall, Hank walked in with both of his hands in his front jean pockets.

"As soon you guys are able to leave I need you two to head back to intelligence." He demanded in a soft voice as he looked at his daughter.


Jay and I were now parked outside the station. The engine was off and the buzz of silence filled my ears. Both of us too scared to speak to the other. The ride was silent causing flashes of memories to flood my mind. Memories of my mother and Justin and the times that we spent together that I once wished could last forever. 

Jay seemed a little last at what to do. Fearing that he might say the wrong thing and upset the already broken statues of my heart. I felt numb and there was no other word to describe the current state. I mean who could blame me? Here I was sat in Jay Halstead's car covered in blood that didn't even belong to me but my brother who was fighting for his life at Chicago Medical. Never in my life have I ever felt so weak and helpless. I felt vulnerable and it was a feeling that made me sick. I was always so used to being the badass Voight. The one that didn't take anyones shit and here I was broken and bloody.

"Olivia," Jay called lowly causing a shiver to run down my arms as my fingers began to tingle.

"I don't know what I am supposed to say to make you feel better." He whispered with a longing to help me lingering in his voice.

"Don't say anything," I replied with no emotions as I gather my stuff and got out of the car.

Once I was out of the car I turned around looking at him in the eyes as I slammed the door closed. I voice in my head screamed at me telling me to stop pushing him away while my body did the opposite.

I walked up the stairs to intelligence ignoring all the stares that were being throw my way. A new level of irritation filling my body up to a boiling point. As I grew closer to the bullpen I could hear the voice that belonged only to the Hispanic detective.

"Everybody needs to hold on real tight, and you all know what I mean. If at any point you're not comfortable with something, you come tell me." Antonio spoke but stopped as soon as I was now in view of the detectives.

I nodded my head not really wanting to speak to anyone or get in a fight with anyone. Hank, on the other hand, stalked into the room a duffle bag in hand with an expression that could kill. Dropping the duffle bag roughly on the empty desk I had been using for the day.

"I want you to put a word out to all your C. I. 's. That's 90,000 for any information on who did this to Melissa Wilds and my son." Hank ordered as he opened up the zipper before dumping all the cash out on the desk.

A silent tear raced down my cheek as I brought my hand up to my mouth to stop any sounds that were crying to be released. Kevin looked at me in sympathy before tapping my elbow with his hand gaining my attention. I looked at the dark-skinned man letting him see all the pain in my eyes before shaking my head and looking back to Hank.

"Hey, we got this, Sarge. Think you and Olivia should go to the hospital?" Kevin spoke as he continued to look at me in pain of his own caused by seeing his best friend so broken.

Hank shook his head as he walked towards the middle of the room looking at all of his detectives.

"I don't need condolences. I need commitment from each of you. I'm gonna do whatever it takes to find who did this. Anybody not comfortable with that should take the next couple of days off." Hank advises as he looked directly as Antonio nearing the end of his statement.

I shake my head in anger that was now fueled towards my father. 

"Bullshit! You know what? Bullshit!" I shouted out in a burst of anger as I looked directly in the eyes of my father forgetting about the others in the room.

Hank fully in shock turned to me as he frowned his eyebrows not fully understanding my outburst a hint of anger still visible.

"He wanted approval, Dad! Your freaking approval! That's all Justin ever wanted from you! Ever since we were little you constantly belittled him always made him feel like a shit of a son. And now you greave? Now you want to greave!? You screwed up, Dad. Not Justin! You, Hank Voight, pushed your own son away. That was your fault!" I shouted in anger quickly grabbing the nearest thing near me and throwing it his way.

Jay and Kevin quickly held me back keeping me at distance from my father as I continued to scream.

"Now look where he is Hank! He is dying and all you want to do is find a way to screw your life up! Hank your son is lying in a hospital bed dying! At least I get to see this side of you, right? Gosh, I would hate to see what you would do to screw up your life is I was shot or even worse dead." I shouting in the beginning slowly making my voice deeper as I spat with disgust.

The room fell silent everyone looked at both Hank and I. Everyone scared of what could happen next.

"Hey, Liv. Come on. Little Mama lets just go to this corner." Kevin spoke taking my arm lightly in his hand as he leads me to the far left of the bullpen away from my father.

Erin looked between Hank and I before she began to speak. Her eyes and nose both red leaving it evident that the woman was crying not too long ago.

"So, turns out Justin went through basic training with Peter Wilds at Fort Campbell before Peter got shipped to Fort Bragg. That's how they knew each other. They stayed close friends. Melissa started reaching out to Justin about four weeks ago." Erin raspy voice read as she looked at the paper and then back to Hank.

"Still doesn't tell us how they were mutual targets." Hank explained not looking in my direction not even for a second.

"Maybe there's a nexus with her job at the law firm." Jay recommended as he stood not to far away from me.

"Check it out." Hank ordered causing Jay to nod his head and looked at me with hesitation in his eyes before grabbing his coat and walking out of the bullpen.

The team stayed behind looking through files trying to find anything that could make a connection on why the man targetted Justin. Hank left the station a while ago leaving all of us to work in pure silence as we read all the papers. I was sat at my assigned desk no looking or speaking to anyone at all. All the detective on their toes ready for the next outburst that may occur.

"Liv." Erin's voice filled the room as she called out to me.

 I looked at her not saying a word but really just examining her outer being. She played with her fingers as she looked at me a tip to tell me she was scared and nervous. Not at anything that I could do but what might happen with Justin at the end of the day.

"My heart feels like its being ripped out of my chest." I breathe out a deep breath as I tried to explain all that I was going through at the moment.

"I feel like I'm breathing in the air but I'm suffocating at the same time. It feels worse than any physical pain I can ever go through. I don't expect any of you's to understand what I am feeling. How could you? I mean I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy." I explained as my chest begin to ache once again. 

I let out a hard cry as I shut my eyes bring the back of my hand up to my mouth to bite on to stop the cries of pain that forced it's way out of my mouth. My body shook as I hiccuped trying my best to calm myself down.

"I mean I was just telling Hank." I cried out thinking of our previous conversation about Justin causing me to shake my head and stop for a moment.

"I was just telling Hank not to get hurt. I made him promise that he wouldn't get hurt. I told him I much of a mess I would be in if anything ever happened to Justin or Him. Now, look where we are." I expressed as I hiccuped in pain and sadness.

I let out a cry of pain bringing my hands up to my chest to try to ease the pain.

"Do you know how it feels to see the person who you saw as the strongest person on earth be bound with barbwire with a bullet in his head?" I trying to keep from closing my eyes in fear that I might be transported back to the trunk of that stupid blue car.

"He looked so helpless. The strongest man I knew completely helpless. I have never in my entire life seen him so weak and to think that this might be how I see my brother for the last time haunts me to death. I just want Justin to be okay." I whispered the ending as more tears found their way out of my eyes for the millionth time today.

I stood frozen for a second before standing up and walking out of the room and towards the break room. I slowly closed the door as I slide down the wall feeling nothing but pain run up my body. I slid my knees closer to my chest as I let out a cry on agony. I pulled my hands up to my face not knowing exactly what to do with myself before I pulled them away not being able to physically take it anymore.


The room stayed silent as I looked at the wall in front of me from my position on the floor. The sounds of my crying have died down leaving me in a state of numbness. I could feel the dried tear stains as they marked my cheeks. I stood up allowing myself to gain my balance before walking towards the door. I took a deep breath already preparing myself for the looks that I was going to receive from the team. Slowly and as quietly as I could I opened the door I stood straight as I tried to perceive myself as strong at the moment. All the heads turn to look at me in worry. Trying to see if I was okay or if I hurt myself. I looked around the room and noticed that both Erin and Jay were missing. I slowly nod my head to silently let them know that I was okay for now at least. 

I walked towards my assigned desk getting back to the files that I was previously reading. The room stayed silent everyone afraid to make a joke or talk at a moment that was so sensitive not only for me but also Hank.

The silence soon faded as Hank walked back into the bullpen. Not making eye contact with any of us but quickly making his way towards Mouse.

"Can you look up a man that goes by the name 'ginger'?" Hank asked as he stood behind Mouse.

"Yup, give me a second." Mouse spoke as he began typing violently on his keyboard.

"I checked leads, NCIC, CHRIS, CPIC. There is no offender who's been arrested in the city of Chicago with the alias "Ginger." Mouse explained as he shook his head while looking at Hank.

The room was silent for a moment causing Antonio to speak up and break up the quiet room.

"I'm waiting on my guy in the FBI. See if 'ginger' pops for anything federal." He offered as he looked at Hank.

"All right, thanks, man." Hank thanked him with his raspy voice causing Antonio to softly nod his head once as a way to say 'you're welcome'.

"Uh, hey that was Jay." Adam spoke up which caused us all to look up at the man.

"Sounds like Melissa Wilds might have been involved in a series of home invasion robberies feeding the addresses of clients who got large settlements through her law firm." Adam explained as he pointed toward the picture of the girl in question.

"She's got no record, a four-year-old at home doesn't add up." Antonio shook his head in confusion as he was trying to find a reason she would do such a thing.

"Dead husband, a hungry kid, the girl has bills." Kevin commented from his desk with his hands on his chin as he began to think.

"She's a paralegal. She's not starving." Antonio disagreed as he shook his head at Kevin.

"Look, just call robbery-homicide get the details on these home invasions." Hank ordered getting tired of the detectives trying to guess as he began to make his way towards his office.

"Look, if she was involved in the robberies, it seems like Justin probably knew about them. You know, whatever that means, but it's unlikely that Melissa ran a robbery crew by herself." Adam spoke up stopping Hank in his tracks with his words.

I sucked in a long breath not liking where this is heading and knowing my dad he will not let this rest quietly.

"What are you saying?" Hank questioned Adam suspiciously a face of anger starting to grow quickly on his features.

"Just that he might've had a different role in all of this." Adam answered causing everybody in the room to feel the tension.

Without thinking I quickly got up from my desk and walked towards Hank. If there was one thing that you don't want to mess with is Hank Voight's Family or Kids.  As I reached Hank I grabbed his arm lightly as I began to try to pull him towards his office so that he doesn't do anything that he might regret later.

"Dad, Come on. It's not even worth it." I said lowly as I looked up into his eyes.

I tried a bit harder but was in no luck as he didn't budge one centimeter. Al stood up from his desk slowly making his way toward us. Knowing that the only way I was going to get Hank away from this situation was with his help. He slowly but with much force pulled Hank into the office.

As he walked in he slowly shut the door before turning back to the two of us who stood looking at him.

"You want me to be honest with you two? I'm wondering the same thing that kid is." Al lightly agreed with the young detective outside in the office causing Hank and I to place up our defenses.

"Al, No. You know Justin. There is no way that we was apart of that." I shook my head as I looked at him is disbelieve.

"Olivia, It's because I know Justin that I'm questioning his innocence." Al tried to explain lightly to me.

I shook my head not expecting anything he was saying.

"Justin changed. He was doing so much better. He was going to be promoted at the end of the month. There is no way this was him. I know my brother and this is not something he would do." I tried to persuade the older man in front of me.

"Liv, this is not the first time Justin had found trouble." Al tried to make me understand.

"Al, I said no! I would have known if he was in trouble, okay? He would have told me. He would have come to me. We come to each other for everything no matter what it is. That's who we are." I rejected his argument continuously.

"Well, you didn't even know he was here last month. You had to find that out from a second hand." Al stated facts which caused me to shake my head more violently as I felt my eyes start to lightly sting with tears.

"Why didn't he come to me, Al?" Hank broke down making his way towards the couch to have a seat.

Al slowly moved towards his friend who was brokenhearted at the moment. 

"All that matter is finding out who did this. And however, you guys want to play this I will be with you both till the end." Al said as he looked both Hank and me in the eyes.

A sinking feeling started to build up in my stomach at the thought. Whatever happens today Alvin Olinsky cannot get in the middle of it. Al was such a good man and didn't deserve anything but the best. I was going to just have to make sure that whatever happens stays between Hank and I. The less that Al knows the better.

I was knocked out of my thoughts as a knock echoed throughout the room. Slowly the door opened revealing Antonio who held a file in his hands.

"I just got a call from my Fed. Carl Hearnes, AKA ginger." Antonio spoke as he opened up the file showing us a mug shot of the man 'ginger'.

"He's been on the FBI's radar for the last few years, suspected of home invasions in Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. Seems like he's not much the muscle but the talent at cracking safes. Feds have been dragging their feet trying to arrest the guy but there is a lack of evidence." Antonio explained to us as he walked out to the office and towards the bullpen causing us to follow behind him.

"Sounds like it matches the same MO as the victims from Melissa's law firm." Antonio said handing hank the file he was holding.

"Got an LKA?" I asked taking the file from Hank as I began to read over it looking for a last know address that might help us catch this prick.

"Hearnes hasn't paid a utility bill at any steady address for over five years. But supposedly when he's in town, he likes crashing at a motel on Lincoln where they pimp cheap girls." Antonio answered as I gave him back the file.

"Everybody gear up." Hank commanded as he looked at all his detective who nodded their head before gathering all their things and walking out.

Hank and I stood behind a slow and steady silence filled the room but like every other time it was shattered with the deep raspy voice of my father.

"I hope you're ready for this." He said causing me to nod my head before taking out my gun that was tucked away in pants behind my back.

I checked the bullet casing seeing all of the small silver bullets before sliding it back into place with the ball of my hand. I cocked the gun allowing the first bullet to click into place ready to fire. 

"Let's get this son of a bitch." I said taking the safety off and walking out of the bullpen as I walked downstairs where the rest of the team was getting ready.

As I made my way towards down the stairs I am met with a certain pair of blue eyes who were waiting at the bottom of the steps for me. In his hand, was a bulletproof vest along with a gun. He slowly helped me pull the vest over my head as he spoke.

"You know how to shoot one of these?" He asked jokingly causing me to let out a low giggle.

"Jay, I am at the top of my class in the academy. I learned how to shoot my first gun at the age of eight years old. I can shoot any gun from as far as eight hundred feet from the target. I get it right on the dot every time. I never miss." I smiled with confidence as I reached behind me to grab my gun once again.

"And I kinda already have my own weapon of choice." I laughed as I looked him in the eyes.

 "I always loved a girl who could handle her own." Jay joked as he walked away from me as a smile wrinkling my face.


When we arrived at the motel we stayed silent. Not wanting 'ginger' to know that we were on to him. Jay and Kevin went to the motel concierge office to get the room number that 'Ginger' was staying at. Once Jay and Kevin came back we aligned outside of the door ready to bust in. 

"This one we don't announce," Hank spoke with authority causing us all to nod at the Sergent.

I stood in front of the door wanting to be the first person to bust in. I looked toward the group behind me giving them a small nod before looking back at Kevin who stood to the right of the door with the ram in hand. I lifted my gun up before giving the dark-skinned man a small nod causing him to nod back at me before ramming the door open. I ran into the room with my gun held high and ready to shoot. As I walked further into the room to see 'ginger' and a prostitute ran towards the side of the bed stopping dead in their tracks when they saw me and the team bust in.

"Move and I'll shot without blinking!" I shouted as I walked towards the two.

"You, get your clothes. Get out of here." Erin demanded pointing towards the woman and then the door behind her.

I held my gun towards the woman who held the blanket to her body as she gathered her stuff before running out the door in fear.

"You got a warrant?" Ginger shouted as Al pushed his body and face into the bed handcuffing his hands behind his back.

"Melissa Wilds." Hank calmly spoke as he made his way towards the end of the bed.

"Never heard of her." Ginger grunted as he was slowly running out of breath.

"The stove." Hank said causing Al and Adam to pick Ginger up by his biceps as they dragged him towards the small kitchen.

"Cover the door." Ordered Hank causing Kevin to close the door.

Jay and I looked at each other in confusion waiting to see what Hank was planning on doing.

"Wait a minute." Ginger screamed in pain as his face was pushed roughly against the cabinet above the counter.

"Justin Voight is my son," Hank informed the confused man as he punched him hard in the stomach.

Ginger grunted as he doubled over in pain causing Al and Adam to roughly pulled him up again. As they did so Hank turned the clicker on the stove on causing a bright red light to shine within the stove ringers. Two steps forwards wonder what the hell Hank was thinking but was stopped by a arm that wrapped around my bicep. I looked behind me to see Jay who held my arm in his hand. He shook his head knowing that it was not the best idea to move foward.

"You shot him and wrapped him in barb wire?" Hank interigated as he wrapped one of his hands around the base of Ginger's neck.

"No, man, that wasn't me. It was all Kevin!" The fear in his voice was very prominate as he looked at Hank in worry for his life.

"Kevin who?" Hank asked finally gainning some information that he was waiting for.

"Kevin Bingham, a guy I work with sometimes. He-he used to bang that girl Melissa when they were younger. He got his hooks back into her after her husband died. Started forcing her to give up info on who was getting big pay-outs from her law firm." Ginger answered quickly and out of breath as he looked fearfully at the burning red stove.

"Yeah, and you did the home invasions." Hank connected the dots as he punched ginger across the face.

"Ugh! I just do the safes, man. He handles the people, then we split it down the middle." Ginger explained trying to recover from the hit.

"Why did he kill her and shoot my son?" Hank said brutally causing a my heart to ram against my chest violently.

Without thinking I slowly try to find Jay's hand. I then feel his fingers slowly intertwine his fingers with my own allowing a small amount of ease to come across my body.

"Melissa wanted out. But Kevin wouldn't let her, so she went to Justin for help. Then he called me wanted me to meet him at that social club to broker a deal for her safety for five grand. I told him, leave it alone. He had no idea who he was messing with. Kevin knew Melissa was gonna rat him out, so he called Justin to meet, to tie up loose ends!" Ginger explained in fear as Hank slowly leaned his head closer and closer towards the heated stove.

"Where's Kevin now?" Hank asked with anger lacing his voice as he held tightly the back of gingers head so that he was looking straight in his eyes.

"I don't know. I swear! He only calls me when there's a job!" Ginger cried out in complete and utter fear.

Hank nodded before pushing Ginger's face violently on to the stove causing smoke and smell of burnt flesh to permeate the room. A scream left the lips of the man who was bound up and wounded. I released my hand from Jay's as I ran over to Hank and ginger pushing Hank away from the burned man.

"Dad! Stop! Let go!" I shouted pushing his harder away from the man who cried out in shouts.

He looked at me with anger in his eyes before stocking towards the door leaving me and the rest of the team in shock.

"Hey-Hey, Relax." I tried to calm the frantic man down as I bent down towards the man.

"Where is Kevin now?" I asked Ginger softly as he cried due to the burns that were spiraled on the right side of his face,

"Hiding 'cause he knows Voight's after him. But I swear to God that's all I know." Ginger pleaded as he looked me in the eyes before looking down towards the floor causing me to nod my head before walking away from the broken man.

"Go ahead and take him down." I told the Al and Adam before walking out of the room.

Once I made my way outside I can see that Hank was waiting for me in his car. I looked back towards the crappy blue motel building processing everything that just happened before turning around and making my way towards Hank's car. The hum of the engine as he drove was the only sound that heard the whole way towards the station in an eerie silence. I finally decided to break the silence with a big puff of air as he pulled into a parking spot at the station.

"Dad." I let out in a soft voice looking forward not daring to steal a glance in his direction.

The car stayed silent Hank not saying a word at all as if he didn't want to talk about the inevitable.

"Hank." I spoke with authority this time as I looked to the driver's side only to see a side profile of my father who didn't even take a second to look at me.

"Fine, you don't want to talk? Okay, but you are damn sure going to listen." I angrily spoke with rage knowing that there was no way to get through to the hard-headed man besides me.

"You cannot keep this up. I need you to remember that you still have me. I'm still here. I need you to look me in the eyes and tell me that I am enough. That you won't go off and get yourself in trouble that I will later have to clean up." I pleaded tears forming in my eyes knowing that what I was asking of him was way too much.

"I never once asked you to clean up any of my messes. That was your mistake." He said looking me in the eyes before opening his door and walking out.

My heart shook at the words that left his mouth knowing that all we have done today was attack each other instead of helping each other. I closed my eyes praying a small prayer to God that Hank wouldn't do anything that will end up destroying his life. I slowly got out of the car making my way towards the station that awaited me. As I walked in I hear a voice call out my name in a low tone.

"Olivia." The familiar feminine voice calls out causing me to look up and came face to face with Platt.

Trudy was always like a mother figure to me ever since my mom died. Her opinion and judgment was one thing I always took into consideration. Her eyes held so much sadness as she made her way towards me. Her arms quickly find their way around my neck pulling me into a warm embrace. I wrapped my arms around her squeezing tightly as if she was my only source of life left. I took a deep breath in allowing her scent to fill my nose giving me a sense of comfort and love. She smelled of my mom causing a tear to peak through my eyes as I shook in fear in her arms. Knowing that something is not right. Something happened. 

"Livie, If you ever need anything please do not hesitate to come to me or Mouch. You are family, The daughter I always wanted. I love you so much, Olivia." She cried out lowly as a small tear left her eyes.

"Thanks," I said quickly whipping away the tears that formed around my eyes as I started making my way up the stair and towards the bullpen of intelligence.


"Kevin Bingham." Erin introduced as she placed a picture of the man on the board.

Just looking at the man who hurt my brother put my stomach in a frenzy with anger and sickness. I looked away from the board not able to take looking at the enemy anymore.

"He's been racking up felonies since he was eighteen armed robbery, assault, battery, burglary. Five years ago he got popped for attempted murder. A guy spilled his drink at a bar, so Bingham stabbed him 16 times." Erin continued as she started placing more pictures on the board explaining to us who we were dealing with.

"Yeah, and he got out of jail three months ago." Antonio said pointing towards the board as he looked at both Hank and I. 

"Melissa's father said she and Bingham dated six years ago back in high school. And after her husband died, he started coming around again." Al explained what he found out from the father.

"So these were sent over in the robbery-homicide file. All of these are from recent home invasions where the victims were tied up with barbed wire." Jay explained pointing at the pictures on hand with now fingernails, hands bonded by wire causing my stomach to turn with unease.

"That is definitely something he picked up in prison." Kevin commented looking back and forth between Jay and Hank.

"So Bingham's parole officer said he stopped showing up, violated him, but he's got no LKA." Adam voice filled the bullpen as he and Mouse walked up the stairs towards us.

"Yeah, so we've been running an extensive check on all his known associates, including those off his prison visiting list." Mouse started as Adam walked to the board and placed another mug shot next to Bingham's.

"All right, this is Dillon James. It's Bingham's half brother, visited him all the way up until his parole, putting money into his canteen account. He's got priors for methamphetamine and a thing for stealing UPS trucks and selling the stolen goods." Adam said pointing towards the photo of Dillion.

"Where is he?" Hank asked looking at Mouse and Adam for an answer.

"We got a possible house in Rogers Park." Mouse explained looking between Hank and I which caused me to nod my head slowly.

"Let's roll out. Oh, Antonio. You stay here. Just call us if you get anything." Hank calmly commanded causing the group to stop in their tracks looking towards the two before Hank walked out of the office.

I gathered things before slowly sliding the bulletproof vest back over my head preparing for anything that could happen.

"Hey. Any word on Justin?" Erin asked as she walked up towards Hank and I who stood outside of the station.

"Uh, Goodwin called. He's being moved to ICU. Said she'll call in an hour with an update." Hank informed us both. 

I tilted my head to the side as I looked to the man that I called father once hearing about the call that I had no idea about. I stalk away from the two in anger walking towards Jay's car knowing that I needed to be as far away from my dad right now than ever.


"We got two." Kevin spoke as he looked into the window of the house we suspect Dillion's lived.

"Chicago PD! Chicago PD! Don't move! Stay where you are! Sit down! Stay down! Don't move! Don't move." Jay yelled as he shot the doorknob and ran inside using his long gun to keep them down and intimidated.

I held my pistol up high towards the two men who were sitting on the couch ready to shoot if need be.

"Tear this place up, top to bottom," Hank said with his low raspy voice.

The team quickly started kicking tables over and pulling out drawers as they dumped it out. When the team was done it looked like a tornado ripped the house apart due to the mess that was decorating the home.

"Your brother, Kevin Bingham. Where is he?" Hank asked with anger laced between his words as he pointed his gun at Dillion's leg.

"I-I don't know. Aah! God! Argh!" Dillion stated calmly before Hank shot him near his knee causing a blood-curdling scream to leave his lips.

"The son of a police officer was left for dead. We know your brother did it. So if I was you, I'd be forthcoming." Al tried to reason with the man knowing that if he left it up to Hank he would just shoot him again.

"I ain't seen him." Dillion continued on causing a newly found anger to bubble up in my chest.

I closed the gap between him and my gun as I pressed it against his chest. I then took the safety off almost as a warning.

"Alright, He was here! He came by last night. He was picking up some cash and guns that I was holding for him." He confessed as he looked between Hank and I in fear.

"Where did he go?" I asked wanting more than what he was giving.

"I don't know. On my life. I'm telling you, he said he just needed to get out of town until something blew over." Dillion explained causing Hank to look at his friend before he began plotting.

"Let me see your hands. Keep looking. Keep looking at me. Get Bingham's picture to every train, bus station, airport, and toll camera." Hank commanded as he forced Dillion's friend to press his hands on the gun leaving his fingerprints behind.

His friend shook his head in fear as he had realized what Hank was planning on doing.

"All right, call an ambo. Just tell them it was a domestic." Hank explained to the team before his phone rang.

He dug in his pocket before pulling out his phone and answering.

"I'm listening." He answered as he walked out leaving me and the rest of the team to look at each other wondering who had called.


I decided that it was best if I again rode back to the station with Jay instead of Hank knowing that we are bound to start fighting once again. 

"Are you okay?" Jay asked as he started driving towards the station keeping both of his eyes on the road.

I let out a deep breath looking out the window as I tried to come up with the words to describe how I was feeling.

"Uhm. I'm trying to keep it together. Every time I cry I feel like I am just letting everybody around me see how weak I really am." I explained as I began to play with the ring that was on my middle finger.

It was a simple gold ring that was once my mother's wedding ring. Once she died Hank decided to have it resized to fit me so that I could always have a piece of her with me. But it soon became one of my numerous nervous ticks. As I would turn it around my finger whenever I was nervous or anxious.

"Hey, nobody thinks your weak, you hear me?" He asked as he took his eyes off the road for a second to look at me.

"You are going through something that is unimaginable. It is completely normal to break down and have a moment, You know? Just because you are a Voight doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to have feelings." He comforted me in words as he looked at the road.

"You'll never understand, Okay? It's different when your outside looking in. Besides your dad isn't Hank Voight." I say without thinking.

"No, My dad is just a thankless old prick. Dammit, Olivia! I want to help you but you're making it impossible." He said as he banged on the steering wheel with anger.

"Stop the car." I said as I unlocked my door ready to get out.

"What?" He asked anger and confusion lacing his voice as I looked at him.

"Stop the freaking car now! I'm done talking to you." I screamed not being able to hold it in any longer.

The car slowly stopped causing me to open the door and small it shut behind me. The cold air whipped around me as I walked causing me to wrap my arms across my chest. I wasn't but five steps away from the car when I hear the car door open and close once again.

"Olivia!" Jay shouted as he started making his way towards me.

I ignore his calls as I continue to walk away from the tall man.

"Olivia! Stop freaking walking away from me." Jay shouted once more as I feel an arm grip my bicep and pull me to a stop.

He stood in front of me with my arm still in his grip as I tried to fight him off.

"I'm trying to help you." He struggled as his grip of my arm tightened.

"I don't need your help, Okay? Now let me the hell go." I ground my teeth as I spoke in pure anger.

I finally was able to rip my arm out of his grip as I began to walk away from him once again.

"This is why you are alone, Olivia! You're always pushing people away!" He shouted causing me to stop in my tracks.

I once again hear a door open and close before I hear the engine rev up and speed down the road as he passed me by. I looked around in anger before taking my left hand and punching it right into a tree that was only an arm's length away from me. I let out a little scream as I cried out in both pain and emotional hurt causing me to quickly bring my hand up to my mouth to muffle the sounds. I took a moment before taking a big breath in and standing straight and tall as I pushed back all of my feelings. I look around me before I continued on my way towards the station that was not so far from where I was.


I took my only ten extra minutes to get to the station. As I walked up to the stairs of the bullpen I could see that the rest of the team was sitting down and working on finding where the hell Bingham was. Once I looked into the office I see Hank and Dr. Goodwin waiting for me by Hank office which caused my heart to speed up in pace.

As I made my way towards her I feel a pair of eye burning holes into my face causing me to look around. I stopped once I was met with the angry blue eyes from earlier but this time they just looked at me with no emotion causing a sick feeling to irrupt in my belly. 

"Olivia." Hank spoke up causing me to break eye contact with Jay as I looked at my father.

I nodded my head before making my way inside of his office. As soon as I walked in the room Hank closed the door leaving only Dr. Goodwin, Hank, and I. She looked at us both as she clasped her hand together in front of her.

"Just lay it on us Sharon." Hank breathed out as he looked at both me and then her.

I closed my eyes feeling my heart start to break.

"Please." I beg lowly trying my hardest to keep whatever that I had left of myself together.

"Justin's not coming back. The bullet caused a catastrophic brain injury, and it's inoperable. Dead brain tissue is not regenerative, so he will be on a ventilator and feeding tubes for the rest of his life." Goodwin explained as softly as she could.

I ringing noise starting lowly buzzing in my ear and I feel myself come loose. 

"No, No. This is some sick joke, right?" I asked feeling my heart and breathing quicken in speed and intake.

"I'm afraid no, sweetheart." She spoke with regret.

I frowned my eyebrows in pain as I can feel a surging pain start building up in my chest. I shake my head lightly as I began my hands violently against my head.

"Wake up, Olivia! Wake up!" I sobbed as I tried to wake up from this bad dream.

"Olivia." Hank called out as he tried his best to grab my wrist so that I would stop hurting myself.

"Dad, Help me! You have to help me! I can't wake up." I broke down as he pulled me into his arms

A river of tears and cries began to rack violently out my body. My throat began to dry and close up as flicked my hand around trying to take a breath in. 

"I can't breath." I tried to speak as I began hyperventilating.

Hank once again tried to get near me but was stopped when I pushed him away as I opened the door and ran out of the office.

I leaned on the doorframe as I held my hand over my mouth tears falling from my cheek one by one. I looked around the room meeting Erin's eye who held tears knowing that nothing good happened from the shouts that she heard outside the office. Jay stood up slowly making his way towards me causing me to shake my head and hold out my hand in front of me.

"No." I cried as I pushed myself off the doorframe quickly walking past him and out of the station.


As I walking towards Med my mind starts to wander to memories of both Justin and I.

"Mom! Olivia is wearing your high heels again!" Justin's ten-year-old voice shouted off the walls as I stumbled around in my mother's high heels.

"Shut up Justin!" Five years old me shouted back at my brother with irritation.

I continued to walk down the hall as I pressed my palms against the wall to steady my shaking ankles. Fear struck my small heart as I tried my best not to fall down and hurt myself.

"Olivia! Watch out!" I hear Justin shout causing me to jump in stumble around at the loud shout.

My body started quickly falling to the ground but was stopped by two small arms that wrapped around my stomach. I looked up to Justin knowing that if it wasn't for him I would have probably badly hurt myself.

"Thank you for not letting me Fall," I said as I pulled him into a tight hug.

"I would never let you get hurt, Olivia. I'll always be here to keep you safe no matter what. I'll always save you." Justin replied as he returned the hug.


I honestly don't know how long it took me to get to Med as my mind was preoccupied. I stepped into the hospital the cool air conditioning bit at my fingertips as walked towards the RN nurse who stood with sad eyes.

"He's in room four, honey." Maggie spoke already knowing that all I wanted to do was see my brother for what was going to be the very last time.

I looked down at my shoes knowing that this was it. The last time that I was going to see my brother. I dragged my feet in sorrow towards the room Maggie pointed me to. I stopped outside of the room scared of what I was going to see when I decide to look up at my brother. My eyes slowly found my brothers body who laid still on the hospital bed. Thick gaze was wrapped around his head as he a nasal cannula were in his nose. His once green eyes were hidden behind the curtain of his eyelids. My heart broke at the sight of my brother. Slowly and carfully I made my way towards a chair that sat on the right side of his bed. Taking a seat I placed my hands in his wishing more than anything that he would jump up and tell me this was all some sick joke. But I knew that wasn't going to happen so I let out a deep breath of air from my lungs.

"When we were younger I used to despise you. I used to pray at night that the boogieman would come and drag you away." I began as I laughed at the memory of the anger I used to hold for Justin.

"But know It seems like all I have been praying all day is that you would stay. It's so selfish, I know." I struggled to speak as tears began to pierce through my sight.

"You're in so much pain and all I want you to do is stay. Justin, I-I-I don't want to do this alone. I don't want to have to deal with dad alone. I don't want to get married unless you are there. Justin, I love you so much. I love you so much that I want you to stay." I sobbed in deep pain as I brought his hand up to my mouth.

"But I can't be selfish this time. I can't keep you here even though I would die just to keep you. So I understand. I understand that you have to go know and I won't hold you back anymore, okay? When you get to heaven will you do me a favor? Will you tell mom-." I stopped as a cry left my lips at the thought of my mother.

"Will you tell mom that I love her? Gosh, Justin." I cried out in pain as my chest tightened.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you in time. I'm- I'm sorry I couldn't save you. I'm sorry that I couldn't be the hero that everyone thought I was. But most importantly I'm sorry that I couldn't be the hero that you thought I was." I wept loudly as I brought Justin's hand up to my mouth as I pressed a soft kiss on the back of his hand. 

"Olivia." I hear the raspy familiar voice of my father call out to me causing me to whip my head to the door the tears that were in my eyes blinding my vision.

"Dad." I sobbed as I got up from my seat and running towards him.

He opened his arms bringing me into his protective embrace. I clung for dear life on to him as I cried and cried at the death of my brother. Hank and I were the only ones left. We were all that the other had. 

"Dad he's gone." I tried to speak through the sobs that left my mouth.

 Hank replied by pulling tighter into his chest knowing that at this moment words weren't going to help me. So we stood there holding each other with a death grip each of us scared that the other was going to let go.


After Justin was taken off of the life support Hank and I made our way back to the station knowing that our work was not done just yet. 

As I came into view of the team I was giving a sad and worried look by each one team members. I placed my purse and jacket on the desk that I had been using all day before I decided to speak.

"I wanted to apologize to you guys. Under the cercimstances, I was not fully myself and I'm deeply sorry. We are in a work environment and my behavior is inexcusable. With that being said you guys don't have to keep looking at me like if I am a ticking time bomb. It'll take some time but I will be alright." I spoke with as I covered up all my hurt with a fake smile.

The team all nodded their heads as to say they understand causing me to nod my head in pleasure as none of them saw through my front.

Hank than walked out of his office looking at me and then to the team before he spoke.

"I got an address on Bingham. I want everyone to rolling there now. First two to arrive, breach. This guy could be leaving any minute. Let's go." Hank ordered causing us all to spring into action as we gathered our things and ran towards our cars.

I went in my own car knowing that it might take me a little while longer but I was going to be able to be alone. The sky shared in my pain as raindrops pounded against my car making the streetlights glisten in the night. As I was stopped at a red light my phone lit up and started to ring beside me causing my eyebrows to frown. I picked it up to see Jay's name spelled across the screen. Sliding the bar across the screen to answer the phone before I pressed it against my cheek.

"Jay, I'm stuck at a stop light but I'm like two minutes out. I'll be there as soon as I can." I said before allowing him to speak.

"No one's here. Not for a while at least." His voice came through the phone causing confusion to fall on me. 

"You sure you guys got the right address?" I asked not understanding how no one is home.

"Yeah, Hank had mouse send it to our GPS." He explained which only caused further confusion.

"Is my dad there?" I asked him as I started to connect the dots quickly.

"Not yet." Jay answered.

"Listen, Jay. I gotta go." I spoke as a realization of where my father was hit me.

I quickly hung up the phone and threw it to the seat next to me not giving Jay a chance to talk. I whipped my car around as I did a U-turn into the direction where I knew Hank would be. Speeding down the road I decided to try to call Hank.

"Pick up the freaking phone, Dad." I pleaded as the dial tone kept ringing only bringing me straight to voicemail.

I threw my phone once again towards the passenger's seat as I violently banged my hands against the steering wheel in anger.

"Dammit!" I shouted in utter rage.


It didn't take me long but once I found Hank I wasted no time as grabbed my gun and jumped out of the car. The ran immediately began to drench both my hair and clothes as I walked towards Hank. Once I reached Hank I turn and see Bingham with a shovel in his hands digging a hole. I shook my head as tears began to form in my eyes. Standing in front of Hank with begging eyes I began to plead.

"Don't do this." I cried knowing that what he was about to do is going to ruin him, his career, and land him in prison.

I just lost my brother and I can't take losing my dad on the same day.

"Get back in your car, Olivia." Hank said not taking a glance in my direction as he continued to watch Bingham dig.

"Dad, please do not throw it all away over him. He is not worth it." I continued to plead with him as my tears fell down my cheek and mixed with the rain.

"Get back in your car. Now, Olivia." He demanded causing me to shake my head as I rejected the command. 

"Get out of here." He commanded once more still not daring to look at me.

"Justin wouldn't want this!" I tried once more as I reminded him of Justin.

" Now." He said without blinking.

"Hank. Dad!" I called it knowing I lost him already.

"Olivia." He said finally looking at me with no expression.

"Hank, If you do this-. If you do this you will lose me forever. Do you hear me? Do you understand? Dad?!" I shouted one last threat.

"Then Go." He said biting his lower lip keeping the cries that wanted to escape his lips inside.

"Dad, I can't let you do this. I won't let you take the fall." I cried knowing that what I am about to do next is going to be the end of me.

I quickly whipped my gun out that was tucked in between my pants and shot three bullets. Bingham body hit all three time as his body fell in the grave he dug himself. My body became numb, every feeling that I had numb as I saw the dead man lay on the ground.

I killed a man.

Was the only thing that raced through my mind as I stood frozen in shock.

"What the hell! What did you do?!" Hank shouted as he got closer to me ripping my gun from my hand.

"Olivia, this is your freaking gun!" He shouted as he shook the gun violently.

"I was trying to stop you from digging your own grave!" I explained in a shout as I looked at the man who couldn't be any angrier.

"Well, it's better than watching you dig yours!" I whisper-shouted as I pressed my hand on his chest pushing him back with all the power I had left.

"You need to go! You need to go, Now!" Hank snapped as he pushed me towards my car causing me to stumble.

"Dad, I can help you," I begged as I looked back at the body that laid in the rain a small puddle of water building around him.

"You did enough! Do you hear me? You cannot help me because I don't need it. You need to leave right now!" He snapped his fingers towards my car as he spat in rage.

I brought my hand up to my face covering my mouth as small tears started to burn my eyes. I slowly walked backward towards the car that was still running in the background. I shifted the car out of park and into drive pulling away from the mess that I created. I hear the sound of my phone vibrate against my cars leather seats causing me to take a quick look at my phone.

Jay Halstead

I looked out my rearview mirror only to see my mess shrink in size as I drove further away. An unexplainable rage of both anger and sadness fell hard within me. I gripped on the steering wheel tightly making my knuckles slowly burn white. No longer being able to compress the emotions that burned deep within me I let out a scream of sorrow. The screams that rippled through my throat was not enough though for the pain that was built up in my heart and body all day. I slammed my fist against the steering wheel causing my once white knuckles to become bloody and messy.

"I just want this to be over!" I screamed in pain as I let out a sob of tears as I leaned against the bloody steering wheel.                                                                                                                                                        


I held the bottle of vodka by the neck as I walked on the ledge of the roof the feelings that flooded my body with sorrow was now numb and gone. I brought the bottle up towards my mouth filling my mouth and throat with the burning liquid that helped with the pain. 

"I just want this to be over." I whispered as I looked down at the ground from the four-story apartment building that I called home.

I lifted my left foot off the ledge letting it hang off the edge as a sinking feeling fell on me.

"I can't let you do that."  I heard a voice call out to me causing a shiver run down my body.

I slowly placed my foot back on the ledge before turning around to meet the only person that voice belonged to. Tears started to build up in my eyes as I looked at the man who stood looking at me with a smile.

"Justin," I whispered tears building up too much that I could no longer see clearly.

"You are a hero." He speaks as he took one step closer.

"What?" I whisper in confusion as I frowned my eyebrows.

"Olivia, You are a hero. No, you're not a hero you know why?" He asked as he shook his head with a smile that shined brighter than the stars.

"Justin, I-I tried so hard to make it to you on tim-." I started but was stopped by the next words that left my brothers mouth.

"You're not a hero because you are MY hero. Olivia Camille Voight, you are my hero. From the moment mom told me that she was pregnant you were my hero. You saved me from myself. You saved me when I was on the brink of falling apart you pulled me back together again. Olivia, you are the glue that held me together. When there wasn't a reason to get up in the morning it was you who I got up for. It was you who I wanted to make proud. It was never Dad or Mom or Erin. It was you."  Justin spoke with a passionate smile.

Tears streamed down my face as I felt the last strings to my heart rip apart causing my hands to shake violently.

"Just-Justin, I couldn't--. Justin, I couldn't get to you on time. I tried so hard; I tried so hard to be the person you wanted me to be. I tried so hard to be the hero everyone wanted me to be. I tried to be the daughter dad and mom wanted me to be. But I was never good enough. I let you down. I couldn't get to you on time. I failed. Justin, I failed and that will always, ALWAYS be with me. It will always be with me because now you can never be." I sobbed as I looked at the man I called my brother one last time turning around to face the ground that was calling out loudly for my name.

"Maybe I didn't want you to save me!" He shouted causing me to quickly turn around to face him.

Tears now racing down his face as he looked at the once strong girl. Broken and hurt evident in her eyes and heart. 

"Maybe just maybe, there was nothing you could do to save me! Maybe, I wasn't meant to be saved this time." His voice started as a shout before softly ending in a whisper.

"I'm drunk and you. You are dead. Justin, you are gone. No matter how much I cry. No matter how much I drink. You will always have the same outcome. We used to talk to each other, Justin. What the hell happened with that, huh? I was supposed to save you. But you didn't give me that chance. You never gave me that chance!" I shouted in pain as I threw the bottle in my hand in his general direction making sure not to hit him in the process.

"You didn't save me because I was supposed to save you. I love you, Olivia. That's exactly why I can't let you do what you were thinking about doing before I showed up. You couldn't save me but I am going to save you."  Tears slid violently down his face as he spoke.

"How do you exactly do you expect to do that?" I whisper as I looked in his eyes pain swimming in the green lagune of his iris'.

"It's going to hurt, Olivia. There is going to be so much heartache and pain that you go through but please. Please, don't give up on me. Don't give up on him. I'll be there. Just not in the way that you want." Justin cried as he vaguely explained.

"What do you mean?" I ask in a whimper looking down at my older brother that was looking in the distance.

"I love you." He whispered as tears streamed down both of our eyes.




I heard my name being screamed as the door to the roof busted open. Only one man stood there concern laced his features as he looked up at me standing on the ledge.

"Hey there, Ocean Eyes." I greeted as tears continued to fall down drenching my face in the salty substance.

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Jordan Hermandez used to be a ranger with Jay but left a few years before him due to her mother's illness. They never spoke again or even knew if eac...
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They once promised to always have each other's back but destiny does not always go as planned. Now almost four years later, each one living their lif...