Kitty Killer (Creepypasta x N...

By Daigibin2603

82.2K 1.5K 2.3K

It's the story of a girl like the others with a loving family, one day, all her life is changing and she'll l... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Special Chapter 1!
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Christmas Special! (Part 1/2)
Christmas Special! (Part 2/2)

Chapter 9

4.4K 77 121
By Daigibin2603

☆Shortly explaint☆

(Y/N) = your name

(L/N) = last name

(F/F) = favorite food

(F/G) = favorite game

ि०॰०ॢी Your POV ि०॰०ॢी

I was wandering in the mansion, trying to remember the ways to go at important rooms like the living room, the kitchen or my room.
I arrived at the living room, Jeff and BEN were sitting on the couch, playing (f/g), wait...(F/G)?! I immediatly sat on the couch and took a controller, "What are you doing?" Jeff asked me, "Please, join me at the game! No one can beat me at (f/g)!" I said, BEN grinned, "If you say so~ Well, we'll see who's the real king of (f/g)", "Or queen" I added, smirking.

We started playing, Jeff soon stopped and just watched us playing because he lost to many times, it was tight between BEN and me, we were equal, I stuck out my tongue in full concentration, then I made a series of keys and won the game. "Yay, I won!!" I yelled happily, "No way! How did you did that?!" BEN shouted shocked, "Wow, I've never seen someone beat BEN to that game before" Jeff said a little suprised.

"You will pay for that (Y/N)!" BEN said, "And what will you do?" I said chuckling, "That!" He said before tickling me, I started laughing and fell on my back on the floor, "Haha please hahaha stop!" I said laughing, "Hmm... Let me guess... No!" "Hahaha J-Jeff! Hahaha help m-me!", I pleaded. Jeff just smiled and said "Nope", 'You traitor!' I though before Slender talked, "Children, lunch is ready"

We headed to the dining room, I sat between EJ and Jeff. I punched Jeff on the arm, "Ow, what was that for?!" he said, "You traitor! I almost died!" I said angrily as he grinned.

Slender put many plates on the table with his tendrils, 'Wow I hadn't noticed that he had those' I thought as he put a plate of (f/f) in front of me, "Thanks Slender" I said, smiling, "You're welcome child". I looked at EJ and saw him eating kidneys, "Want some?" He said holding one in front of me, "No thanks, but it's nice of you to ask" I said smiling at him, "N-no problem" he stuttered.

"He won't come to eat?" Masky asked Slender, I tilted my head, 'Him?'. "No I can't hear his thoughts", "I-I bet *tic* h-he's still *tic* s-sleeping" Toby said, "Who are you talking about?" I asked tilting my head, "We are talking about Grim, child. He's one of the residents of the mansion" "Oh okay".

Soon, everyone finished eating, "I'm going to bring Grim his plate" Jeff said, taking a plate with a hamburger and many candies, "Can I come with you?" I asked, I was curious about that guy, Jeff nodded "Sure".

We climbed the stairs and arrived in front of a dark gray and black door. Jeff entered without knocking on the door, I sweat dropped, "You know it's rude to get into someone's room without knocking" He shrugged, "He's always sleeping, it's not like he'll talk if he's asleep."

I followed Jeff and looked at the room, 'Wow, it's dark here'' Jeff opened the curtains, I looked again at the room, the walls were grey, there was a black carpet on the floor, at the right side of the room there was a grey and red king-sized bed, in front of the bed was a small T.V. At the left side, there were a black closet and a window on wich were red curtains.

"Grim, wake up!" he said, the person in the bed shifted a little and mumbled "Another 5 minutes", Jeff took off the blanket, revealing a boy with messy grey hair and lazy dark red eyes, he was wearing a kind of black cloth, a red ribbon was attached on his neck with a red-eyed white skull, he was wearing black pants and shoes.

Chibi Grim (Drawing by me ^u^):

"Slenderp said that you had to eat" Jeff said, "I already ate souls yesterday" the boy now identified as Grim mumbled, "There's a hamburger and candies." he said pointing at the plate. I blinked and looked at Jeff's hand, the plate was missing and Grim had already eaten the hamburger and was munching the candies.

 'He said that he ate souls? And did he even chewed the food before swallowing it?!' I thought confusedGrim sighed, then noticed me and tilted his head, "Who's this?" he asked while pointing at me, "I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you" I said smiling, "A new resident huh? I'm Grim, nice to meet you too", he said yawning as we we went out of his room and headed to the living room.

Grim sat on the couch and instantly fell asleep. I went to my room and sat on the bed, 'I wonder how's Emi, I miss her. Also I found that the persons here are not bad people, it's decided. I'll show them that i'm a neko tomorrow!', I thought determined before, I fell asleep.

★893 words★

Hope ya'll enjoyed! If yes, don't forget to leave a heart or a comment if u want. Bye! (•w•)

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