Olivia and Ricky's Odyssey to...

By MariaJoWrites

336K 10K 5.6K

Accused of an assault he doesn't remember, Ricky's senior year is made doubly complicated when he falls for t... More

Author's note
1. Clumsy Casini
2. Ladies who lunch
3. Banks party
4. Rebellion
5. The First Dance
6. Busted
7. Drenched
8. Genie
9. Misfortunes align
10. Inquisition
11. Divulgement
12. Fred
13. Interruptions
14. Persuasion
15. Alibi
16. The non-date
17. Wet conclusion
18. Pixie & Freddy
19. Restroom 2.0
20. Concussion discussion
21. The non-debate
22. Voice of reason
23. Halloween
24. A touch too much
25. The balcony
26. Over the edge
27. Midnight conversation
28. Gina
29. Seeking answers
30. Upstate
31. Into the wood
32. Give-in-up
33. Rush
34. Blown
35. ER ... again
36. A rare agreement
37. Harlot
38. Homeless love
39. Heat
40. Stay
41. Father Bigot
42. New beau
43. Maggie
44. Wake-up call
45. Guardian
46. Disenchantment
47. Negotiation
48. A swap move
49. Late rehearsal
50. Cotillion
51. Coercion
52. Collision
53. Caught
54. Car clash
55. Aaron
56. Ho ho ho
57. Merry f***ing Christmas
58. New Year's Eve
59. Stroke of midnight
60. Mission to mend
61. Keeping warm
62. Truth will out
63. Certainty
64. Down for the count
65. Breathe
66. Wake
67. Dinner for three
68. Come morning
69. Delicate details
70. Bad news continuum
71. An evening for all intentions
72. Welcome to Miami
73. Tattoo
74. Downfall
75. Old friends - new revelations
76. Mickey
77. All wrong
78. Regret
79. Blue mood
80. Cookie crumbles
81. Blame game
82. Tainted
83. Breaking a promise
84. Prom night
85. Afterparty
86. Graduation
87. Got a secret
88. The Hamptons
89. Happy fourth
90. Culmination
91. Aftermath
92. You lose some
93. M.I.A.
94. Epiphany
95. Shrink
96. Coming clean
97. Flee
98. Distractions
99. Wedding exposé
100. Moves and countermoves
101. Sign here
102. Another day, another arrest
103. Facing the music
104. Sighted
105. Rox and a hard place
106. Son of a gun
107. Push and pull
108. Cool sharp object
109. Rock bottom
110. Questions
111: Bye, Mamma
112. Fight
113. Knowing
114. Sorry
Epilogue - Snowy surprise
Epilogue - Perfect
Outtake - Copy Chris
Bonus - F***ing Utah | Part I
Bonus - F***ing Utah | Part II
Behind the story | Q & As

Preface - Pain

36.2K 562 226
By MariaJoWrites

It felt like the world was spinning uncomfortably even as he lay with his eyes closed, willing his mind to regain consciousness. His head was pounding unforgivingly as the intense ache and agony that was his body started to register.

A low and pained groan escaped when Ricky shifted his head, feeling the tug on his scalp where his hair was stuck to the hard surface underneath him. He pulled it free carefully, wincing at the pain stinging across his scalp—the grimace hurting his face. His hair felt sticky and stiff.

Blinking, he slowly tried to open his eyes, but the left was swollen firmly shut, and his vision on the right was hazy and blurred, his eye watering from the harsh sunlight above.

Attempting to take a deep breath, Ricky discovered his nose was blocked and was immediately hit by a coughing fit, sending an all too familiar pain shooting through his ribcage. He tried to still the coughs, the contractions in his chest and stomach making him feel even worse.

Without warning, the vomit rose to his throat from nausea and he quickly rolled over and regurgitated, crying out when the pain in his body intensified. Dry heaving and gasping for air, Ricky spat out thick saliva before falling onto his back with a grimace and a groan.

Lying next to the stinking pool of sick with his eyes closed, the memory of everything rushed back, making him realize the sharp prickle he felt in his shoulders and back wasn't scattered pebbles, but broken glass.

How long had he been lying there? Too long. He could feel the heat radiating off his skin from the sunburn covering his naked chest. He knew he had to move. Get out of the sun. But his body felt too weak, his head too heavy.

After some time of trying to gather his stamina, Ricky willed himself to move. He slowly pushed himself up with a great effort, giving himself time to collect what strength he had to keep going, ignoring the glass biting into his left hand—the right too sore and swollen to even use, both smeared in blood. Looking through the broken panoramic window, he hazily saw the ruin of his room and the pile of things he had to climb to get out of the sun.

He ineptly tried to brush away pieces of broken glass before he grabbed the window frame to heave himself up, only to collapse on top of his tumbled desk chair in a yell from the pain shooting through his feet. He hit his chin on his broken TV in the fall, biting his tongue and tasting blood. Everything went white before his eyes for a second, the throbbing in his right hand intensifying as he'd automatically used it to soften the fall.

Ricky lay uncomfortably on top of everything, feeling extremely dizzy, only taking small shallow breaths. He tried to push the chair out of his way and clumsily crawled to his bed. Setting his jaw, he put weight on his feet again, groaning at the intense pain when he got up and collapsed on his bed—hardly feeling his sunburned skin scream as his mind quickly slipped into unconsciousness.


His long legs were hanging off the end of the bed that stood askew from the wall when he came to. Once again, it took Ricky a while to break free of the haziness and make sense of his whereabouts. Why his entire body was screaming in agony. He moved a hand to his face, hissing through his teeth when he touched the swollen and sensitive skin that kept his left eye firmly shut.

He needed to call Sebastian. He needed help, and the only one he could think of calling was Baz. Ricky pulled himself further up the bed, becoming painfully aware of his warm and sunburned skin, reaching for his phone, miraculously still placed on the drawer chest next to the bed. He pressed the speed dial for Sebastian and held the phone to his ear, listening as it rang. It sounded distant in his heavy mind.

"Yeah," Sebastian's voice sounded on the other end when he picked up.

"Baz..." Ricky groaned, his face partly buried in the mattress.

"Yeah. Are you okay? You sound weird."

"I...help." Ricky exhaled heavily.

"What's wrong? You sound kind of drowsy." Sebastian's voice became worried.

"I...I can't. Just...come over."

"Ricky, did you OD? Do you need me to call an ambulance?" Sebastian's voice was now severe and slightly panicked.

"No. No amb— Just come." Whether he ended the call or not, Ricky didn't know as the darkness overtook him once again.

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