The Fountain of Youth

By Rotin7

450 2 130

When the fountain of youth is threatened by supernatural beings, a team of young heros hope to save the day... More

Chapter one: An Angel falls from the heavens
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Updates Coming Soon!
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter 6
Important News!
Chapter 7
Vacation to the beach
Okay, news

The complete story

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By Rotin7

So, just something to make you guys happy, I have put together the entire story into one chapter, which is 5832 words, almost 6k, looking back on it now, I wonder how I done it, then I realize a short time ago I made a single chapter that is about half of what the entirety of this story is.

       Ray was walking, towards the warehouse when he heard a sudden noise from behind him, he continued walking but was more alert, hearing at least 2 pairs of footsteps behind him. When Ray whirled around he found two people walking closely behind him. 

"And what do you think you're doing, making so much racket?" The two people started approaching him. They took out  small knives, but when he took  his sword out, they ran back to where they came from. sighing         

 Ray walked home, hoping to get to the warehouse in time. He walked into the warm warehouse which he owned and was planning on chilling with some friends later on in it. He was sweeping when he heard something break and went to see what it was. He rounded the corner to end up having a girl with green eyes and angel wings knock into him. 

"Whoah!" Looking up he seen a giant crater in the roof. "H- wait what are you doing in here, also, how did you get in here?"

"You can see me? That should be impossible."

"Lady, if it was impossible, I'd just skipped over you, wouldn't I?"  The strange girl pointed towards him, "What are you?" I had to resist pouring my guts out, telling her about me being trained by legendary ninjas for a better part of 9 years, enabling me to see supernatural beings, instead I replied with, "I don't know what you're talking about lady, I'm just a normal person that can see you." She started chanting something and a magic pentacle surrounded her feet. She summoned a golden scythe and  I nearly fell over, as she had just used angel magic. "Hey, are you okay, you don't look so good?"

"So, you're an angel, here to 'crash' the party?" He said this all while looking at the gaping hole in the metal roof.  Aki P.O.V

Aki was pretty surprised, here this 'normal' guy was knowing that she was an angel without her even having to say anything.

"How do you know I'm an angel?" She just didn't understand, first he's able to see her, then he can tell she was an angel.

"Look, if you really need to know, I should at least tell you my name, it's Ray by the way, so where shall I begin?" Aki was kind of confused, moments ago he had been saying he was normal, why did he change his mind?

"Start at how you can see me." At first he was hesitantly quiet, but then he began telling his story. 

"For nine straight years, I have been trained by some of the best ninja in the world, allowing me to see supernatural beings, like angels."

Wait, but how did he know she was an angel? "I know you're an angel because of that scythe, purified gold, right?" Aki was shocked, how had he come to learn all of this?

"Well, yeah it's purified gold, but how did you know?" Okay, she wasn't going to lie, this boy seemed really good with his weapons.

"Aki, the ninjas there aren't only human, some are demon, some are human, and most of them had weapons made of purified gold or steel." She knew exactly what she was going to ask next...

"What metal is your weapon made of?"


Rays P.O.V

Ray was exhausted, he knew angels were good at fighting, but not this good. After he told her his weapon was made of purified steel, she demanded to fight him. At that moment in time, she was slashing at his chest with her scythe, deciding it wouldn't feel too good to be hit by it. He just managed to parry her blade with his own. Both of them lunged forward to make one last attempt to end this long and tiring six day battle. They had their blades locked in a battle of dominance, until they got too exhausted and collapsed on the floor, swords crossed. Ray woke up to something prodding at his face. He opened his eyes to find that the blonde headed girl he had been fighting with for the past six days was looming over him.

"How long have I been out?" Ray wondered if he had been asleep for too long.

"How should I know, I woke up fifteen minutes ago!" Getting up, he walked back into the blue two story house just outside the warehouse. Ray had decided to be a good host, so he made breakfast.

"Bon appetit." When he cleaned the dishes she came inside and asked him a really odd question.

"Where did you learn to cook like that?" At first, he thought that she was just messing around, but seeing the look on her face, he decided to answer.

"The ninja said everyone should know how to cook in case they ran out of food rations, so I taught myself." At that moment, the presence he had felt decided to speak. "Well, the ninja definitely have good taste in students to bring in."  Rays P.O.V.

Ray started laughing because he knew this person. The silver eyed woman stood there with a smile etched onto her face. Aki was just sitting there looking between the two, probably thinking they were crazy.

"Ray, do you know her?" He grinned a little before answering the blonde haired women.

"No, I have let a complete stranger into the house, Aki." She really hates when he uses sarcasm, it's really annoying to her.

"Well, if you do know her, mind introducing us?" Ray was a little scared he would be locked into another six day battle, so he chose to make sure Aki got what she wanted.

"Oh, yeah, Aki this is Jhi, Jhi this is Aki." He really hoped that they didn't start a fight right here, he really didn't want his house to be destroyed. Lucky for him, they just shook hands and walked away talking.

"Phew, now with the girls gone, I can finally do some training." Making a portal to his training grounds and stepping through, he walked up to the nearest dummy and sliced its straw head off. He decided  to continue to slash and thrust into dummies for awhile. Sweat rolling off his brow, he looked at the slight glow from his sword.  Deciding he hadn't trained his good moves enough in the past few weeks, he forced his blade to glow a vibrant blue. He sped  towards another dummy and thrust his sword into the dummy's stomach, making the dummy be blown to the heavens. He hoped the angels wouldn't get too mad. Checking the time he realized he had to go home, or the girls would think something was up. For an extra excuse he went shopping. Going back home with a portal he was a little surprised at what he saw, the two girls had decided to put a net trap above the door. Trying to climb in through a window,,he found it was locked. He climbed up some shrubbery on the side of his house and entered through one of the second story windows and started searching room to room. He found the two girls behind the couch waiting for the trap to be sprung. he knelt down behind them and whispered quietly,

"What're we waiting for?" They had almost jumped out of their skin, and it was pretty funny.

"How did you get in?"  he was chuckling a bit, Aki would never learn. "You couldn't have climbed through the first floor window, they have all been locked." He was slightly dumbfounded, how did she not remember?

"Guys, I'm a ninja, I climbed through the second story window." Ray had to admit, it would have been pretty funny if he had been caught in the net.


Aki P.O.V.

"Hey, Jhi, what do you think Ray was out doing, I mean, he was out for a better part of an hour." Aki knew it was bad to pry things from Ray, she had spoke with him for a good part of the six day fight and had learnt that easily.

"Probably out getting groceries, did you realize the bags he carried in?" In fact, she had, but that didn't mean that's the only thing he did though. She might have to do some research, just to make sure he wasn't hiding something.  

"Hey, jhi, I'll be out for a bit" She walked outside and seen Ray stepping into a portal. This was her chance to figure out what he was doing! She stepped through the portal and found herself at a very up to date training grounds, with a cobble path going to a few buildings. 

"I thought you would follow me." Aki squeaked, turned around and found Ray staring at her. At first, she was kind of scared, but when Ray turned around and decided to slice up a ton of dummies, she was flooded with relief. "Aki, if you wanted to know what I was doing, you could have just asked." being the curious person she was, she sat there looking at his blade, it seemed to be inscribed with some type of ruins.

"Hey Ray, what are those ruins supposed to do?"

"It's easier to show you." His blade started to glow a very bright blue and sliced a dummy that blew up. Okay, she wasn't going to lie, this made her a bit more scared of Ray.

"How come you didn't use that in the duel?" She was a confused, how could he have that, and not use that? He could have won the duel.

"If I did, you would look exactly like that dummy, I don't like having to kill someone who doesn't deserve it." Okay, that made sense to her. suddenly, her cellphone started ringing.


"Aki, this is the general of the third angel division, the Fountain of Youth is being threatened by supernatural beings!"

"Okay, I'm right on it." She hung up her phone and looked at Ray. "The Fountain of Youth is under attack!" Ray made a portal and they both stepped through and had a greeting from Jhi.

"So, where have you two been?" She said, teasing them of course.

"Jhi, there is no time for that, the fountain of Youth is under attack!" Jhi nodded in response. Together they went off to save The Fountain of Youth.

"Okay, so one of us knows where The Fountain of Youth is, right?" Aki and Jhi stopped for a second and Ray looked back at them.

"Well? come on if you want to save the Fountain!" They both sped after him and looked at each other.

"How does he know?"

"He probably learned where it was from the ninjas."

"In fact I did, good job Jhi."
     "Ten points for Jhi" she muttered. Now another question popped up, how did he hear them, from that far away? Ignoring it, they decided to use a portal to get as close as possible.

"How come we didn't just portal in there?"

"Jhi, portals are a type of traveling magic, The Fountain of youth has barriers set up by powerful magicians to where traveling magic can't be used to get inside." So in they marched, hoping to be able to walk out in one piece. They walked into the open cavern where the Fountain of Youth stood triumphantly, as if it owned the place, in which it did. Ray deciding to put his two cents in it all said "well, who's ready for a party?

Ray's P.O.V

He walked inside to find at least 100 angels and 10 other ninjas. He looked at one of them. The person was wearing a very large set of armour, but compared to his size it fit him quite snuggly. He felt like he knew this person... Unfortunately for him, he couldn't ask because Aki just had to run her mouth.

"How come none of them are wearing, you know, ninja outfits?" He was silently laughing, but knew that with modern day stereotypes with ninjas, he let it slide.

"Aki, ninja hoods and ninja costumes are just a stereotype, it's stupid to think that a ninja could disguise themselves in a crowd with those things on." Ray turned his attention back to the ninja he had been looking at before, the snout, his orange cat like eyes... He had just figured out who it was. "You guys stay here for a second, I've gotta take care of something." he walked towards the ninja and started to recite his name in his head, to make sure it was right. "Oliver, is that you?" The fox man looked at him and jumped a little.

"Commander, what are you doing here?" Ray thought about his answer for a second

"Oliver, you know I don't appreciate that title, it was passed onto me when my father was murdered, I did not earn it myself." He knew he hadn't answered his question, but he wanted nothing to do with his rank at the moment.

"Sir, I was just thinking it would be appropriate to call you by your title."

"No need for titles, just know that if you are my friend don't call me that, it brings back too many memories of the past...

Aki's P.O.V

Ray had came over there to tell them to stay where they where, she knew he was hiding something but decided to stay anyway.

"So Aki, what do you think will happen when the demons arrive?" Aki had been thinking about this a little and decided that she was going to give Jhi what she knew.

"Well, apparently the Ninja commander's worst enemy is coming here to destroy what makes the ninja and angels immortal outside of combat." She studied her equipment for a while, hoping to make sure that it was in tip-top shape.

"uh, Aki, who's his sworn enemy?" Aki wished that she didn't have to explain but decided to anyways.

"Jhi, the enemy is a pack of werewolves, the thing is that the population has grown out of control, and tries destroying everything in their path."

1 hour later

The small army of 113 troops where now set up around the perimeter, Aki, Jhi, and Ray standing next to each other in formation. The Angel commander had put the army in a fairly good spot, high ground, lots of cover, even space to spread out. Suddenly she heard a ear splitting scream.She looked to the right and saw a small group of werewolves attacking a group of angels, that's when a group headed towards her and her friends.

third person view

A werewolf flew out of the group towards Ray and was blown to chunky, bloody pieces in one blue, calm slice. "I fucking hate werewolves." Then the entire group attacked. Aki, Jhi, and Ray where all being attacked by the mob. Even with Ray's sword technique it was a little hard not to be clawed to meaty werewolf snacks.

Aki's P.O.V.

When she seen the werewolf jump towards Ray, she was a little afraid for him, until one blue, calm swing of his sword blew the monster up. Suddenly, a claw came out of nowhere and she barely had time to deflect it and cut the werewolf's head off. She had seen Ray, who was slashing through a horde of enemies with his purified steel sword.

"Hey Aki, get your head in the game!" She noticed that he had just killed a werewolf coming at her.

"Thanks Ray!" And with that, they went back to what they where doing. She seen that the werewolves numbers had decreased significantly. And that's when the gates of Hell broke open, thousands of demons, big and small, came at the small force defending the fountain.

Ray's P.O.V.

Ray was kind of scared, was he going to have to go to his full potential? What he didn't know, was that everyone else was thinking the same exact thing, just on different levels. Deciding that he couldn't let his friends die, he chose to go to full potential. He recited words that were engraved into his mind when he trained. His sword not only glowed blue, but it was looking more of a Rapier. With a quick few strokes, the remaining werewolves were finished off, he could now focus on the main force.

Aki's P.O.V

Aki was straight up confused. One minute Ray's slicing things and blowing them up, with a normal broadsword mind you, and then his sword turns into a rapier. What surprised her more was that he destroyed every remaining werewolf that was in the cavern! There Abruptly, in the middle of the battlefield, with flames everywhere, a scaled beast emerged. It was a dragon. She rushed the dragon with 2 other angels around her, twirling their scythes. A sudden heat emerged from the beast's throat, scorching their clothes before they could dodge. Wincing in slight pain from charred flesh, Aki hurtled towards the beast and with some very well placed slashes she cut through the dragons thick, red hide. But, like always, something had to go wrong, like an ammit  showing up, oh wait there's three now.but there was Jhi who was fighting two gorgons with someone in a red cloak...

Jhis P.O.V          (Is this seriously the first time I've wrote in Jhi's  P.O.V?!)

She had just been fighting two gorgons, which she had to admit, seemed a little difficult. Well, it is when there's a bright blue light in her eyes, anyways.  So she had sliced one in its neck with her sword and twirled around and pierced the other ones body and it slumped to the ground "Well that's going to need a giant belly button ring." She laughed at her sick humor, but continued wading into the battle. And that's when the three friends regrouped, heading towards the middle, ready to slay every demon here. Then he joined them.

Ray's P.O.V.

This could get bad he thought. He has always been able to go full potential,but there is a risk. If he wasn't careful, his rage could engulf the entire place and swallow it whole. So, with that cheery thought In his head, he continued walking forward, some how meeting up with the girls.  He seen a taloned hand come towards him and before it reached him, he had bent down to dodge the attack. He then slammed his foot into his attackers knee. The attacker seemed to be crying in pain, and to finish off his misery, Ray stabbed him through the heart, an almost instant  death. Then, a guy with a red cloak joined them, He admitted to himself that he was a little skeptical of him. And that's when three giant eagles dropped down and started attacking. The person in the red cloak seemed to be moving at a decent speed. And that's when the eagles clawed out and where about to hit a group of angels. He rushed forward and deflected the claw, he then slashed at the largest eagle with his blue rapier and cut off one of it's talons, shocking the eagle. Aki and Jhi took this as an opportunity  and ran up its back and dragging their blades, leaving a trail of deep cuts behind them. Ray kept the eagle too occupied on him to turn and try killing the girls. The eagle lashed out and left a deep cut in the ground where Ray had just been standing. Ray lashed out, leaving a deep cut in the birds underbelly. The bird retaliated, slicing Ray with his claw, leaving a cut from his shoulder to his midriff. And then he fell to his knees, and laid there unconscious from shock.

Aki's P.O.V.

Ray seemed to be just fine one second, then the next he's laying on the ground, unconscious. With the help of Jhi, they took out the remaining eagles and checked on Ray. "He'll be fine, he's just exhausted," she said to herself. She then sat down to use healing magic, something most angels were able to use proficiently. The wound running from his shoulder to near his leg area was beginning to heal, but very slowly.

Jhi's P.O.V.

She was mad, she was angry, she wished these things were dead. And with that thought, a whole lot of fighting occurred. she grew long nails and ears, her eyes also turned amber. she slashed at all of the remaining monsters, and managed to pluck any flying birds. She then slashed through the remaining opponents stupid enough to stand in her way and advanced towards Ray while Aki was treating his wounds. "How bad are Ray's wounds?"

"They're not fatal, but it'll take him a minute or two to get back on his feet."

"Let's get him to a secure position then, so you know, he doesn't die."

Ray's P.O.V.

Ray had just been fighting, then he got hit, REALLY hard. He opened his eyes, looking for his friends, but instead of finding them, he found a sight that almost made him crumble. Standing before him was his father, encased in a mixture of cloth and steel.

"Hello, my son I think we need to talk, there is much explaining for both of us, seeing as how you will not claim your rightful title."

A long pause passed between them, but not of awkwardness, just a father and his son, understanding one another.

His voice shaky he said "So, have you finally forgiven me, father?" He said this and kneeled. All the lies that he pretended gave him guilt, these didn't come close to the guilt of him killing his father. His father only chuckled saying "your sword is sharp but your mind dull. Do you really believe that I could hold a grudge on my son? You had your orders from Alexander, which were orders that came from me. Now rise my son it's time for a little training."

Aki's P.O.V

Jhi and her stepped out of the cave making there way towards the battle wich had been going surprisingly well.
They side stepped a body rolling down the hill and kept walking. Then the man in the red cloak walked up to us.
With a light, but firm voice he said  "Where's Ray. He needs to be here."

Jhi said "Ray is in that cave over there James, but he's unconscious." Silently he cursed under his breath and the nearest monster, which seemed to be a minotaur, got his nose ring pulled out and a sword through the stomach.

"Why does Ray need to be here James?" Aki said, testing out the name.

"You guys don't know who he is, what he is, how powerful he could become?" James said with a slightly confused voice.

"Well, we know how powerful he can become, did you see that blue rapier? It was slashing through monsters like they were made of butter." Aki said while having an expression that made it quite clear that she thought she was right.

"Aki," James said, "that is a fraction of what he can do. He could fight all of us, with his eyes closed."

Jhi's P.O.V

Jhi had been pretty zoned out until the words "we know how powerful he is" came out of Aki's mouth. Apparently we have had no clue how powerful the person we had spent a better part of a week with was. Actually thinking about it is just mind boggling. A scream  shook Jhi to her core. It was Ray.

"He must be in pain! We need to get to him quickly!" And with that Jhi ran towards the cave, but James held her back and dragged her behind cover.

Ray's P.O.V

He woke up screaming. There was pain, everywhere. After a few seconds of screaming, the pain sub-sided. "Damn ritual to pass on the title is only a little nick he said. It would be fun he said." Hell no, getting stabbed through the chest hurts, a lot. Stepping out of the cave that he was put in. He raised his sword and yelled out the words that his father taught to bring out his swords power: Tengoku no ō, smite!

Aki's P.O.V

What. That's the only word that ran through her mind when James told her that. She sat there for a few minutes until Ray came out of the cave they had put him in. With a slight movement of his arm, his rapier began glowing a crimson red, with black intertwined within. His voice rang out with a confident tone. "Tengoku no ō, smite!" His sword was no longer a rapier, but was a 4 foot long mix of a short sword and a broadsword.
The lesser demons vaporized by just looking at the sword, for it was a mix between purified steel and silver. (A/N: I'd just like to point out for you guys, purified silver is rarer then purified steel and gold combined, meaning there is very few weapons made of it.) What interested her the most was that he wasn't in his regular combat armour, he was now in a flowing robe made of a mix between cloth and some sort of metal. He pointed his blade at a drakon and it turned to ash in an instant. (I know I didn't put dragon, I said it correctly, look it up.) With what looked like what should have been a single step, he appeared right next to the group.

Ray's P.O.V

He couldn't explain what was happening to him right at that moment, it just felt so, instinctive. He used hayaokuri, a technique his father had taught him to get to his friends faster then if he ran or walked to them. Letting himself relax for a second and take a breath he faced the enemy again, and mumbled "Nikuhen." Once the word left his mouth, the runes on the end of his sword lit up and energy gathered in a sphere at the point of his sword. Burning the air where the black ball was , it finally stopped forming, and shot off like a laser and got rid of most of the opponents, and the ones it didn't get rid of were to badly injured to get up and fight, so they retreated back through The Gates of Hell that still happened to be open. Once all the enemies were gone he powered down to normal strength and he and his equipment turned back to their original form. Falling to his knees from exhaustion, his normal body not used to the consumption of energy, he looked at his old and new comrades and gave them a smile. It was over, Finally over.

Jhi's P.O.V

It had been three months since Ray, Aki, James, and her had took down the Monsters at the Fountain of Youth, which was not easy.
But recently what made things a lot better was James had asked her out! (To everyone that knows me, no, not gonna be a lemon)
He had took her to a movie, one about people with green cloaks and strange people with masks in red cloaks.(haha, get the reference?)
They had ended the night by James walking her home, holding her hand along the way. James would say she was Blushing the entire time, but that was a total lie. Back at the matter at hand she looked down at the envelope in her hand. What could it be? Opening it up she saw it read "You're invited!" She leaned back in her chair and continued reading the letter. Leaning back she smiled to herself. This was going to be fun.

Aki's P.O.V

The past three months had been kind of dull. There. She said it. Without her friends it was sort of boring, like candy, without the sweetness.
Hearing knocking at the door she looked up and shouted loud enough for them to hear outside the door. "Come in!" In came a messenger and placed an envelope on her mahogany wood desk. After the messenger left,  she opened the envelope and found a card inside that read "your invited!" with a time and date on it along with the location. She whistled and thought 'time to have some fun.'

Ray's P.O.V

"There, all done." He sat down in exhaustion. Looking down he realized bringing thick jeans to the beach in the middle of summer might not have been his smartest decision. He checked the time on his watch and realized it was almost time for everyone to show up. Almost immediately after thinking that, two portals appeared and out stepped Jhi, James, and Aki. Walking up to James, they gave each other a small stare down and then just started laughing. James knew why he had invited them all here, that just made it that much better. Seeing how the girls where eying the two, they stepped back and chuckled a bit. "What's going on that we don't know about?" The two girls said in unison. Ray looked at them and just played dumb. Putting a confused expression on his face he asked, "whatever do you mean, I've only invited you to the beach." With that, he smiled mischievously. Today is going to be a fun day.

Jhi's P.O.V

The group had set up chairs along the beach, making it a constant possibility to get out of their seats and go swimming, something Ray was currently doing. Jhi and James had chose to stick close, for obvious reasons. She was thinking about what had happened about earlier today and why the boys had not told them what they had planned. Breaking her out of her thoughts she felt her hand slip into somebody elses. Looking down where their hands interlocked she realized it was James. The first few months of dating him, she would have blushed and curled up into a ball, but she was used to it by now. James looked over at her and whispered into her ear. Everytime he spoke a word, he nibbled on her ear, strangle James just enjoyed doing it. (A/N I realize, not too subtle with that) Getting up and following James, she found herself at a high enough point at the beach to see the sun set. Leaning on his shoulder she finally whispered two words. "Thank you"

Ray's P.O.V

Ray had gotten sick of the heat and went to change out of his jeans and shirt into his swim trunks, I mean, how bad could a swim with Aki be?
Apparently, pretty bad. It had started pretty fun, him just swimming in the ocean Aki a few yards away. He decided to go underwater and swim around aimlessly, him being a ninja, he had been (unwilling) trained to be able to hold his breath for 6 minutes underwater, well that's how long he let them keep him under the water. So, Aki hadn't thought of this and rushed to where Ray had went under a minute before, sadly, he was in her way and had brushed against her legs. Him being startled he shot up grabbing for her shoulders so he could stop her from trampling him. He found himself holding something that felt like cloth. Him still having salt water in his eyes, he was pretty blind. But after a while he retrieved his hands and went on swimming.

Aki's P.O.V

Had she just imagined that? Ray almost scaring her half to death and him accidentally touching her swim suit top? (You know what I'm implying)
She had just decided to float thinking about what just happened. Well, at least that was the plan until someone swam under her, grabbing her hips and pulled her under. At first, she struggled and tried to break free, but then realized it was Ray. Some way, some how, she just knew it was Ray. She tugged on his shoulder, telling him she needed to breathe, and suddenly, pop, they were out of the water, in the sky. 

Rays P.O.V

Okay , he might have overdid it a little bit, being around 5 yards in the air, but he could still land this without hurting Aki. He clutched her to his chest and began falling back first towards the water (He cant fly right now, because he doesn't have his sword) Landing with a splash and a light sting, he came back to the surface with Aki in his arms. that's when he noticed, apparently she did too, because she punched him in the chest and told him to keep walking.  This was strange, why did she want to stay in his arms, bridal style, it all confused him, he'd have to ask her later. he lifted her up and put her on his back. "good thing you're shorter then me, short stack" ah, another slap to the head.  "Hey Aki, you wanna go get something to eat? I know a place that sells awesome ice-cream." after a bit of what looked like hesitation, and a small blush, she nodded. Why does she keep blushing? she wasn't like this before! but instead of questioning it, he brought her  to his car and drove to the place he had in mind. Once inside he told Aki that he had to use the restroom, and that he would pay for both meals. He got inside and called James.

James P.O.V (yeah, don't get your hopes up, it's a one time thing)

He and Jhi were having a fun time. They had been swing, and caught fish with their hands. Jhi seemed really good at this for some reason though, and eventually stumbled upon a sand dune. They decided to climb it. they both sat down, sitting with an open view of the setting sun. 

Jhi was starting to lean in, after he started of course, but it was not to be, because a sudden ringing filled their ears. he pulled out his phone and read the contact, Ray. "Sorry, I have to take this." He said, Answering the call, he answered all of Rays questions and told him of what was going on, but once James made fun of him for going out on a date, Ray had simply said it was merely a reward they needed. He didn't know if Ray was talking about the relationship or the ice-cream. Hearing Ray hang up on him he sighed, but smiled. "So, where were we?" He asked slyly Then they both leaned in, and gave each other one massive hug. They unhooked each other from their grasp and looked each other in the eyes with a smile on their face. This is where it all ended, the chaos, the mystery, and their adventures, because they had all fallen for each other.

So this is the end for our heros, or is it?

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