kiss me

By roadster123

9.6K 328 86

Today I will definitely propose him. I am holding a letter in my hand my hands are almost sweating and shiver... More

Author Note
Part 7


428 16 3
By roadster123

Ten ten point of view 

 I seen tailw  her eyes are full of tears. She just placed her head down. Sorry tailw I am doing this to protect you from jacklin. 

" come with me " I said and pulled her wrist and took her to my cabin. I opened the cabin door angrily and pushed her on sofa. She is just confused. 

" I........I......didn't do anything ten ten. She is the one insulted me. She removed " tailw just said in her sobs. Her tears full of tears. She placed her head down. I just hold my fist tightly. 

I know you didn't do anything. I know jacklin did something to you. What she did to you ? The minute Blake said jacklin is in your cabin. I rushed towards here. I thought may she did something to you. 

" WHAT SHE DID TO YOU ?" I shouted at her angrily. 

Please tell me tailw. She will do anything when I get close to any women beside now you are my wife she will do more harm to you. 

 She just crying on sofa. Covering her face with her hands. I can't able to see her like this. 

" she......she removed my zip. I don't know why she did to me ? If Blake didn't have come in time may she do more than anything. I even don't know her. Why she did something which is insulted me " tailw said in sobs. My eyes widen in shock. I am about to go to her. Suddenly a barged into the cabin. 

" jacklin listen to me " I heard Blake voice from behind. I seen jacklin came into my cabin angrily. 

" YOU BITCH " suddenly she shouted angrily looking at tailw. In a second she walked towards the tailw and slapped her. 

" JACKLIN " I shouted angrily and ran to tailw. And hold her shoulders to avoid her to fall down. 

" how dare you marry ten ten ? I love him " she said angrily. 

Tailw point of view

The minute she slapped me tear rolled in my eyes. 

" let's go from here " ten ten said and we are about to go. She stopped us. 

" I am not yet finished ten ten. How can you marry her ? You know right I love you" jacklin said coming towards ten ten. 

" Blake if you don't take your sister out right now I don't know what I will do to her " ten ten said angrily. Holding my hand tightly. 

" jacklin stop this!! He is married now " Blake said pulling the jacklin hand. While ten tone dragged me out of the room. He just dragged me into the car and throwed me on passenger seat and he took driver seat and raised the speed. 

My heart beat begin to beat fast I don't know where he is taking me to. Suddenly he stopped in front of our house.

He pulled me out of the car and dragged me into the house. I didn't able to ask them about just happened. I don't know suddenly he took me to bedroom and closed the door with a loud sound. I closed my eyes tightly in fear. 

" Ask me something about jacklin DAMN IT !! " suddenly I heard his  loud voice. He is fully frustrated. He is literally shivering in anger. 

" nothing to ask about ten ten " I said slowly looking at him. He just gave a look. He came to me and pulled my shoulders. 

" you are my wife. Why don't you ask me about me and jacklin ? You have right to ask me " he shouted angrily looking into my eyes. I seen a small tears are rolling in his eyes. 

" I know you if there is something between you two you would've already told me. I am not going to suspect you " I said smiling at him. He just started to stare at me with those innocent eyes. 

" why you love me so much ? I am boring person and not even talking to you since the day we came. I am not even gave you happiness on our first night and......" before he speak. I placed my hand on his mouth. 

" shhh.... I love the way you and i am not regretting of marrying you. Because......" before I speak anything. He pulled my lips with his lips. My eyes widen in shock. He started to kiss me slowly. He closed his eyes and just feeling my lips. I don't know why I am not kissing him. He removed his lips and looked into my eyes. 

" please don't involve with jacklin. She is a physco. She don't know what she is doing ? " ten ten said placing his hand on my cheek. I smiled and just nodded. He smiled at me and again pulled my lips. He started to kiss me most passionately. Suddenly his hands are moving towards my waist.

My heart is beating fastly . What's happening to me ? 

Suddenly I seen he placed his hand into my top. I don't know I pushed him. He looked at me confusingly. 

" sorry.....I didn't mean to do it " I said breaking my words. He came to me and pulled me into a hug. He rested his head on my shoulder. 

" don't be sorry. I am the one who say  to apologize. I didn't even ask your permission ? "He said slowly in my arms. 

Why I am resisting him ?  Why I am scared ? The ten ten who I loved since high school. Is in my arms and asking me physically then why I am resisting? 

" do you want to do it ?" He asked breaking the hug and looked into my eyes. I just placed my head down. 

Should I say yes or no 

" Hey it's okay there is no need to be sad. I understood " ten ten said smiling at me. He removed his hands from me and moved back. 

I don't know I felt like he is leaving me 

I ran to him and hugged him tightly. 

" don't leave me " I said in tears. Ten ten hugged me. 

" hey why are you crying ? It's okay there is no need to be rush " he said smiling at me. Suddenly I kissed him. I don't know why I did it. 

Ten ten point of view 

What tailw kissed me. Eyes eyes widen seeing her kissed me. I pinned her to wall and started to kiss her more. I stopped kissing and looked into her eyes. She placed her head down in shy. I smiled at her and lifted her in my arms. And placed gently on bed. I started to kiss her lips passionately. I am feeling her kissing me. But still I am kissing her hardly. 

" wait......" tailw whispered slowly. I raised my eye brows in confused. I am literally on top of her I can't able to control my touch towards her. 

" That....... I have to prepare something " tailw whispered slowly placing her head down. 

I understood that  she is scared . 

" look at me " I said looking at her. But still she placed her head down. 

" tailw.......tailw......" I called her slowly looking at her but still she is ignoring my eyes. 

" look at me......please look at me there is nothing to me scared of I am here right on you. " I said rubbing her cheek. I seen tears dropped down her cheek. She closed her eyes tightly. 

" I.....think we should use protection " she said in tears. A pain hit in my heart. 

Don't she want to do it. Or she is doing for my comfort. If that's the case I don't want to do it. 

" don't you want kids our kids ? " I asked her. Suddenly she opened her eyes and looked at me. She just nodded in tears. I hugged her tightly. 

" then why are saying those things ? If you are not ready let's not do it " I whispered in her ear and got up. And sat on bed adjusting my shirt. Suddenly tailw got up and hugged me tightly. She is literally crying loudly on my shoulder. 

" hey idiot why are you crying ? It's ok I can understand  " I said laughing at her. I tapped her back  to keep her calm. 

" I am sorry.......I didn't mean to hurt......." before she speak. I hold her head in my hands. 

" tailw look at me " I said looking into her eyes. She raised her head and looked at me. 

" I didn't married you for physical contact I married you because of love. Do you understand ? If you are ready. If you want kids then we can do it ok " I said smiling at her. She nodded her head. I wiped her tears. 


" ten ten let's eat breakfast and go together " tailw said arranging the plates. 

Sorry tailw I won't let you work with me. Jacklin I know her more than you she can do anything if she even sees us close. 

I went to her and hold her hands. 

" you are not going to work with me because......" before I say anything. She gave me  a smile. 

" is it jacklin ?are you scared that she will do anything to me ?" tailw said smiling at me. I didn't said anything just placed my head down. 

" it's okay if you don't want me to than I won't force you " she said smiling at me. 

I am glad that tailw understood me. But because of me she became nurse because of me she also letting down her work. I am sorry tailw there is no other way. 

I nodded my head smiling at her and kissed her forehead and went to my work. 

Tailw point of view

As I am working in kitchen. Suddenly I heard a knock on door. Who it is ? 

I went towards the door I opened the door I seen jacklin stood there. My eyes widen I shock. I remainded yesterday how she slapped me. 

" long time not seen " she said smiling at me. 

" don't be scared I am not doing anything to you " she said pushing me and entered into my house. 

" jacklin please get out." I shouted angrily. She turned her head and looked at me. 

" before you shout at me look at this " she said handing me her phone. I simply grabbed the phone and looked into it. I looked into the phone. I seen a report medical report. I gave a angry look at her. 

" what Is this ?" I asked her angrily. She started to walk around me. 

" you know who ever comes close to ten ten I like to test there whole body. Now you are his wife I should definitely looked into it. When you came to hospital from the workers I came to know that ten ten is married and you are his wife. So, i by removing your zip I pulled your small hair and tested it. Do you know what the results are ? " she said calmly. 

What she is saying I can't able to understand anything. Why she is doing this to me. 

"I don't know what are you saying ? But you can't make me and tenten despair " I said angrily looking at her. She laughed looking at me. 

"I won't separate you. You are the one who is going to leave him " she said laughing at me. 

What this bitch is saying ? 

" you have a ovarian failure " she said in serious tone. 

Hearing her words. My mind got dumb in a second. I took a back step and looked at phone. There are my reports that clearly says that I am ovarian failure. 

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