Ignis Fatuus [English]

By glendasogo

46 6 0

Keenan and Lucille are different, at least from every other people within a million hectare. The kind of diff... More

Prologue: Autumn Equinox Gala
Keenan: I lost ten dollars, and it's not like I could care less!
Keenan: Anyone please swipe open my curtain and wake me up from this nightmare?

Lucille: Female version of Keenan

7 1 0
By glendasogo

"Finally, I found you!" I'm stopped by slim, slender, and perfectly manicured fingers circling delicately yet strongly in my arm. Turning around, I observe the origin of the high-pitched voice along with jingling anklet: that Asian girl looks, uh, well groomed. I mean, she must be the perfect picture of every boy's dream girl: bag, shoes, perfume from high-end brands, perfectly three-hours-styling hair, red lips, winged eyeliner, contour and eyebrows on point. She's gorgeous, really. But, I don't know. In my eyes, she only gives off the 'trying too hard' vibes. And, hey, it's not like I know her enough to actually pity her–right, I need to focus! It's getting late and I haven't seen Keenan anywhere. Not like I need his energy, because apparently Greyson brought more attires than needed. I just can't imagine how long his nagging would be after a whole day leaving him on his own.

Last time I checked, he's still strongly against interacting with any human beings.

Welp, first thing first. Got to get rid of the girl. "Sorry, do I know you?"

"Hinata. Call me Hina." She flicks her head in both graceful and impatient gesture. "Now you know me."

Okay? "...Lucille. And what did you mean you found me?"

"I saw you at the library. But you disappeared right after the event ended." She has this a-little-too-much confident aura around her that contradicts the way she talks and approaches me. I'm still debating on how to think of her when she continues, matter-of-factly, yet brings me to my full attention: "You may want to know, your brother passed out in front of the library."

"Brot...?" I stare at her, not knowing what to think, then start to panic the moment I get it. Greyson! I mean, I should've suspected that we're bound to look like siblings, what with our similar physical characteristics–pale skin, jet black eyes and hair, slender and relatively tall posture. And I should've guessed his first daytime experience would end up like this!

Without thinking twice, I turn to Hinata and grip both of her shoulders while asking really nicely, "I'm sorry, but can you help me taking him to infirmary? I need to find my friend Keenan. He's..." the one capable of recovering Greyson. "...the one brought my, uh, brother's meds."

Hinata shrugs. "He's already there. I left him there, to be exact."

I practically beam at her. I mean, I couldn't care less about her appearance. Or her gestures, her remarks, her behaviour. She's so sweet, and I've decided I don't want anyone but her to be my first friend in high school!

"Hina! Thank you, truly!" I grin, then proceed, "I know it starts to sound shameless of me, but will you help me find Keenan? Greyson needs immediate treatment."

"And here I thought I was the one in control," she mutters under her breath.

"Huh?" Got to pretend I didn't hear that. Supernatural topic might be too heavy for first meeting.

"Never mind," dismisses her quickly, then crosses her arms and says sternly, "So how to find this 'your friend Keenan' guy?"

I beam again. "Oh! He's not at all hard to find. His hair is blonde, tall and bulky body with light brown, almost gold eyes. If you found him, just tell him Lucille's waiting at infirmary."

"...We'll see. I don't exactly interact with people I have no business with." Hinata shrugs arrogantly, and I have to pretend to cough to hide my laugh. For moon's sake, I found a female version of Keenan!

"Give me your number. I'll call you once I found him." And as sudden as her arrival, right after she got my number, Hinata vanishes into thin air.


Most junior students choose their high school based on these factors, in this order: financial, location, environment. But, having half-god blood runs in our veins and mission to mingle with human race, we–Keenan and I–have completely different factors.

When we finally chose St. Louis 1, it may be because of its too-varied-it-makes-you-lost-in-first-count students, or that it's one of most prestigious national private high schools. I may blend in pretty easily with my features, but Keenan definitely is too 'different' for Indonesia. While international high school is too risky because of the number of students is too few, no one turns their head for the second time to see a foreigner studies here in Sinlui–small name for our school.

But, never once it came to me that one of those factors would backfire in a situation like this. Just imagine looking for someone among two thousands high school students at lunch, brown and yellow, blond and black, sitting down or standing up, scattered around and constantly moving!

Okay, might not exactly two thousands. But, still, I need to think. If I were Keenan, what kind of place would I go to in this situation? Wait, not quite right. What kind of place would I go to if I were to continue sleeping in this situation?

Okay, this is stupid. My first guess would be any room that's both open and vacant, but then again I couldn't possibly just check them one by one, but then again there isn't any alternative really. So–ah, found him!

I saw Keenan's back just five steps away from where I stand, walking away toward the canteen. I quickly make my way through him, but immediately stop hearing Hinata's voice from my left. It seems like she didn't see me either.


I see Keenan halts and turns around with an extremely annoyed face that I last saw when one of my human friend in middle school tried to talk to him–after that, no one dared to disturb him even when Keenan practically followed me everywhere. "What do you want?" Hey, rude!

Hinata turns to a shock by his words and I'm on my way to save the day when Hinata's comeback almost makes me laugh instead, "Hey, straw hair, does it hurt to show some manners?"

"Well, princess, that's what you got from talking to a straw-haired commoner like me," Keenan snaps back before turning away and leave, but apparently it's not like my new friend to give up so easily.

"Oh, I can't believe Lucille gets to be friends with a snob."

It's amusing to see how fast Keenan snaps his head back at the call of my name. "Lucille?? Where is she??"

Not good. I practically can see fire in his eyes. But–oh, I'm really grateful it's Hinata. Instead of getting scared, she fires back, completely unwavered, "That's not how you to talk to a princess."

I almost laugh as Keenan looks hesitant to follow her game or spend one more minute to find me. Anyway, it's been an awfully long time since he looks dumbfounded with no comebacks whatsoever.

"...Ugh, fine! I'm sorry. So, where is she?"

"Infirmary, waiting for you. I assume you have her brother's medicine?"

"Brother!" Keenan laughs wryly. "She said that to you?"

Hinata scrunches up her face staring at him, and I can hear her little brain analyzing his attitude. Then, "Ah, I get it. But, isn't brother-zoned is one level ahead of friend-zoned?"

Uh-oh. Hina. You don't get even one bit of what actually happened.

Keenan scowls, ready to fire back, when his eyes find me. "Luce!"

"Ah, hey, K." Getting caught, I have no choice but to join them. "And hi again, Hina."

At the sight of me, Hinata attempts to escape immediately. "Then, I'll take my leave. You take it from here, Lucy."

"Ah–Hina, wait!" Hinata stops and turns around with the most disturbed expression. "I mean, I'm sure Greyson can wait a little longer, so if you guys still want to chat some more–"

"Not interested," answer them coldly in unison. I cough again to hide my laugh. And as they finally come to an agreement for once (to make sure my plan fail), Keenan drags me away while Hinata escapes to another direction.

"Ah, thanks, Hina!" I call her before she's really gone. I giggle seeing her waving her hand without even turning around.

"Get that stupid smile off your face." Keenan grunts, pulling me back to reality. Walking side by side with our hands tied together, I feel his energy flows strongly into me. How I love the sensation–not in weird way–though I'm determined to take this to my grave. He's cocky enough as he is.

"You mean, like this?" I draw my face close intentionally, making sure my 'stupid smile' stays all the while.

"Luce!" Keenan cups my face with his free hand and pushes me away–all the while still holding my hand tight. "Not funny."

"You guys match each other, you realize that too, right?"

"I suggest you stop before I start with how you left me all day." He stares at now-silent me with satisfaction before continuing, "Anyway, what actually happened that could possibly cause your 'brother' to be in need of his 'medicine'?"

"Don't make fun of him!" I scold while hitting his arm playfully. "I don't know either. Hina's the one that brought him to infirmary. Isn't she sweet?"

It's Keenan turn to squint, visibly annoyed. "Still attracted to troublesome humans, huh. Come on, what kind of prince charming being saved by his princess?"

"Don't brag just because it's still broad daylight! Anyway, us demigods should help each other!"

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever makes you happy." Keenan ruffles my hair, then walks faster and leaves me with heavy pulses, courtesy of energy transfer. Suddenly, Hinata's words rang in my head.

I can't believe Lucille gets to be friends with a snob.  

Ah, Hina, but it's only because you don't know how cute he is. I mean, isn't it cute? How he keeps on grumbling and criticizing everything, yet still does the energy transfer without me even asking, and even at his own will come checking on Greyson? If you just look a little closely, you can even find a hint of worry in his eyes.

For me, he's just perfect. If it wasn't because his anti-human attitude, but knowing his past, not that I can really blame him ....


I thought nothing could surprise me any longer, now that I found the female version of Keenan. But apparently, it's too early for me to come with a conclusion.

Everything happens really fast: arriving at infirmary, Keenan transfers some of his energy to Greyson, I leave a note for the nurse in charge because no one's there, then together we lead Greyson out–his cheeks start to show some colours, but he has yet to regain consciousness. Though technically Keenan isn't out yet when a human girl suddenly charges in and bumps into his shoulders–and stays there.

Surprised, Keenan is on the verge of pushing her limp body away when my staring stops him.

"L-luce..." He looks at me helplessly, as if waiting for my permission to get rid of that fragile body inside his arms. In my head I imagine it's his eight-years-old self that looks at me all hopeless and afraid, and I admit I'd bury him in my arms first thing if it wasn't for Greyson's limp body I'm currently holding.

But, even so, even when pity twists my heart, I can't just let him repeat the same mistake–even in way smaller scale–and feed on his trauma. So, I hiss instead, "She's unconscious, K."

"I-I... I can't–"

"Yes, you can." Through Greyson's immobile shoulders, I reach his hand and squeeze it. "I believe in you, K. At least lay her down on the bed or something." Finding his gaze at his one arm still supporting Greyson's body, I shift the load to me. "Leave Greyson to me. You gave me too much energy, we'll be fine."

Keenan closes his eyes for a good second before taking a deep breath. Once his eyes are fully opened, his eight-years-old self has gone, replaced by his present self. And when he opens his mouth, hint of the scared child is still there, yet not enough to sound desperate, "You'll wait for me?"

I smile calmly. "We'll be right outside."

While I'm helping Greyson out, Keenan makes a very slow progress–as a demigod–to lift the girl and lay her down safely on the infirmary's bed. And after waiting for a while, his head pops back at the door only to hand me his car key and say, "You'll be fine driving Greyson home by yourself?"

Not that I can't, nor feel like being spoiled. Bish, I should've been happy getting some time alone with Greyson. It's probably all just an illusion, just me being too comfortable with the fact that Keenan only has me all his life. But, for the first time since forever–even though I practically have my so-called prince charming in my arms–I feel a massive jealousy inside my heart.

Toward some girl whose name Keenan has yet to know. Toward a human.

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