The Young Believer

By Robbymak

3.7K 271 228

Christianity is not a religion, it is a personal relationship with God. There is isn't a believer that knows... More

One step forward, two steps backwards
You are not alone
Why Me?

Being Born Again

1.8K 108 136
By Robbymak

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. - 2 Corinthians 5:17

I remember the day I received Christ like it were yesterday. I never ever imagined how it would be like. Matter of fact, I didn't even know what being 'Born Again' meant. I never had the slightest idea, because I never had a relationship with God. If you had met me before I knew Christ, I probably would have thought  of it in the most literal way  and of course I would have argued about it. I was already born, how then would it possible to be born again? I would have asked such a question had you met me back in the day. So what was it like when I received Christ? Did my appearance change? No! I didn't suddenly become lighter or a bit taller? I was the same Robby that many knew. The same tall dude. My receiving of Christ had no effect on my physical stature. I was still a black boy.

It happened when I was in the tenth grade at a school that I least expected to receive Christ from. Its one of the schools whose pupils hold records of being notorious. Many times it was a place known for the  occurrence of riots and many other appalling activities. How then did God change me in such a location? It's like hearing a testimony of a prisoner that received Christ while still in jail. How that happened? I guess only God knows! What I do know though is that location really doesn't matter to God. If He wants to do something new, He'll do it regardless of background or whatever may seem to stand in the way of His work. Surely, no one can stand against God.

So this is the place  where I had an encounter with the most High God. I was like a type of Saul on that road to Damascus, Like Saul, I had other plans but surprise, surprise, I ended up in a huge classroom  full of people that I never knew. The young man that led to Christ who is still a great mentor  is thin and tall. He is a very young man actually, God uses Him greatly . He used to invite me to the meetings that they had every night after our study sessions. The programs usually took 30 minutes on weekdays, but close to two hours on weekends. The day I received Christ was on a Saturday.

Have you ever been invited to a place where you didn't fit in? The whole thing seems wrong to you, it's probably right to everyone else but you, you feel that's not really your place. I had been in the service 10 minutes and I was bored to life. I grew up in a house where I was forced to go to church. I never really knew why I had to go to church, but it was my word against my parents' and I just had to comply with their rules for the time being. So here I was, Watching everyone pray, speaking in weird languages and crying to God. There was an atmosphere of worship, but I fought that power that seemed to overwhelm my friends. I wanted to worship God, but I just couldn't. I opened my mouth and no words came out. I raised my hands to the heavenly places and did all the pious activities, but still nothing connected me to His presence. The spirit of God was in that place but I resisted Him, I wasn't ready for Him.

I kept trying and trying to get connected. I actually battled my way to His presence. My mind wasn't with them I was somewhere else busy creating fantasies, totally unaware of what was happening around me. That was how strong my lack of interest was. I kept asking my self how different this place would be? It wasn't even a church to start with, there was no real pastor, was I going to be saved? God uses whoever is available to Him. The scripture says in Revelation 3:8,  "I know your works. See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it; for you have a little strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name.  He has an open door that everyone of us can have access to once we decide to walk in the spirit. He just waits for us to make the call. You need to realize that God will never force you to worship Him. He wants us to freely open up our hearts to His sovereignty. 

Finally, whatever was resisting the power of God started to let go. All of a sudden, I started to feel free, my mind was at peace. See, when you allow His presence to flow in you, your worship or praise become as spontaneous as they could be. It shouldn't feel like you're forcing yourself. You shouldn't struggle, it is not a battle, but an infilling of His presence. Don't fight Him, but let Him abide in you. it is one of the reasons Christ died for us, to repair that broken relationship. So what happens when you become born again? You officially become a child of God and the spirit of the living God is ready to dwell in you. You cannot be a child of God if the spirit of God is not in you, in other words, being born again is your only way to Him. You need to receive Christ as your personal savior to allow the spirit to come live in you. At the moment, I felt what I had never felt before. It was so real, It's hard to explain how I felt. I wanted to be in His presence and finally I let Him. It was such a momentous experience for me. I knew at that time that I had become born again. I was ready to become a new creation. I was ready for a new walk and a new life in God. 

It's so amazing how God sent His son to die for us. I cannot imagine how someone was just ready to forgive me, I was a chief sinner. I never deserved what I received. I  wasn't qualified. The new truth was that I was saved from sin, new born again. I thought about my sinful acts, and became emotional about how God was able to let it go. We are truly saved by Grace. I love what the scripture says in John 1:17,  For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. How amazing is the grace of God sent to us through His son. Grace does not single any one out. we are guilty, yet we appeared innocent. Grace does this for us. One man took up the weight of our sin. God is willing to make you start afresh, make you start on a whole new page. Here is what he says,  "Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. - Isaiah 43:18 

It's that straight forward. God tells us not to remember. Now that does not mean that you won't have the memories of your evil or bad. God is simply telling us to move on. He is saying. " Don't let your past bother you." He has dealt with that already. He sent His son for that very reason.  Your past blocks that which God has in store for you. I know I had to let go of what I clung on, and it wasn't easy just forgetting about it. It wasn't as easy at that. I knew i was guilty, but that's not how God wants us to feel. Trust me, when you are born again, the enemy tries so hard to bring your past in snapshots, bringing a few things that you may have done that were probably not pleasing to the Lord. The enemy will always try to condemn you. Look at what the scripture says, There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. - Romans 8:1 God has never condemned you, and He never will. To Him, that old sinful you is no longer in existence. Of course you still have those memories, but holding on to them can be injurious to your spiritual life. You'll always feel as though God never really forgave you. I tell you, that God is willing to change your nature so much that He gives you a new name. Look at this: Re 2:17 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it."'

God gives you a new name when you become born again. Your feeling of guilt is not caused by God, I tell you, that is just a tactic of the enemy to make you feel unworthy of God's love. To make you feel ashamed and disgraced before His presence, and if you allow him to torment you like that, you might as well believe it. We serve God by faith. You just have to believe that you were forgiven. The moment you stop believing is the same moment that the enemy will attack and cause you to be negative. God sent His son so that you and I could be saved from sin and so that we could have a relationship with our Father!

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