Goddess// Rebekah Mikaelson

By NaomiTheWriterr

349K 8.4K 2.3K

NOT EDITED This is a girlxgirl story. If your not cool with that then leave.... please (I realize that seeme... More



11.3K 295 21
By NaomiTheWriterr

Mania's Pov

Last night was okay. I was currently nude under the covers of Rachel's bed. Her head was on my chest and she was asleep.

Sex is always good. But it didn't even come close to the kiss I shared with Rebekah. I had to push past that. Rachel was amazing. Despite the innocent look she was quite talented in bed. She was a sweet girl, but she wasn't Rebekah.

I felt her shift and I looked down. She had started to stretch and her eyes opened. I smiled at her.

"Your still here?" She asked. I looked at her chuckling.

"Was I not supposed to be?" I asked her. She smiled and giggled.

"I just wasn't expecting it. I thought you'd be gone by now." She said getting off her bed and gathering her clothes slipping them on. I watched her as she looked. Her body looked soft and smooth.

"I'm not a completely awful person." I said. She smiled at me and finished putting her clothes on. She crawled on the bed and she looked at me seductive. Her lips captivated mine, I was surprised but I kissed her back. Just as soon as I thought we were about to go somewhere she pulled away and smirked.

"You tease." I said, she chuckled and I got up and put my clothes back on.

"Last night was amazing." She said. I smirked, duh. I looked at her and noticed she was watching me.

"Well, if you ever want to do it again, just text me." I said handing her my phone so she could put her number in. She typed it in and sent herself a text.

"I guess I'll be seeing you soon then." She flirted. I gave her one last kiss and left her house.

I looked around and noticed no one was around and teleported back home. I looked up and saw Klaus was at my front door.

"Need something?" I asked him. He turned and looked at me.

"Ah, Mania. I've been looking for you. " he said coming down the steps.

"I'm actually kind of busy-"

"This is important. It's about Rebekah." He said. I nodded and continued to walk past him. He looked at me confused as I ignored it. I hope she was okay. But I couldn't act like I was hung up on her.

"Well I'm sure she's fine, if you need help ask Matt." I said going inside. He followed me.

"Why won't you help. You are practically in love with her." He said. I laughed and shook my head.

"Klaus she was a silly crush, plus she's straight. She made that quite clear. Im not attached to her like a puppy on a leash." I have never lied more than I just had. It was the exact opposite.

"She's missing. I haven't seen her in two days. Please help me find her Mania. I'll do anything." He begged. I felt my heart break. Where was she? Was she okay? Whoever hurt her is going to pay. I acted like I gave in, although I was already ready to find her.

"Fine let's go find her." I said. He smiled and I followed him out. I touched him and we suddenly teleported to his house. He looked around confused but nodded. I went inside. It smelled like her.

"Klaus I'm sure she's fine." I said. He shook his head.

"No she usually texts me when she goes places. She hasn't. I had Bonnie do a locator spell but she couldn't find her and-"

"Stop. Klaus let me think." I said. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind.

Find her..

My mind soared through thoughts and memories. Artemis showed up as did Apollo. Then Rebekah's beautiful face appeared. I opened my eyes. Those fools. If I wasn't angry before.

"I know where she is. Meet me at the falls." I said, he nodded and disappeared.


I had gone back home and changed into my armor. My sword and shield were hanging on my back. My white cape hung on the back as well. My curled hair was done beautifully and I teleported to the Falls. I saw Klaus and he jumped.

"Mania- whoa." He said lookin me up and down. I snapped and his eyes went back up to my eyes.

"Just follow me and don't do anything stupid do you understand?" I asked him.

"What do you-"

"Klaus this is serious, if you want your sister back unharmed you'll do as I say." I said. He nodded. We walked out onto a clearing. I saw two familiar faces. As we got closer I saw Rebekah look up at me, her eyes widened. I refrained from making eye contact.

"Ah sister, she's here." Apollo said. Artemis turned around. Her black straight hair whipped around.

"Mania, nice to see you again." She said. She very obviously checked me out.

"Coming down to earth is quite low for you two isn't it? Tell me what you want so you can leave and possibly take me with you." I said. Artemis chuckled.

"Oh no you aren't ever coming back, Mania. All the lives lost because of you, the heartbroken, I'm surprised you didn't get sent to the Underworld." She said. I rolled my eyes as she spoke.

"Get to the point. You always did talk to much." I said. She glared and pulled Rebekah up. I glanced at her.

"You found a woman, congrats." I said. Artemis scoffed.

"A little birdie told me you have a thing for this one." She said touching Rebekah's hair. I clenched my first. She has no right to touch her.

"I think you mean fling. She's straight, yes she's a pretty girl but she's just another one of the many girls I've had a 'thing' for. You know first hand that I'm the promiscuous type." I said, Rebekah looked at me with an unknown emotion. Klaus took my arm. I gave him a warning look. Artemis looked frustrated.

"You bitch." She said pushing Rebekah away. She ran towards Klaus. I quickly turned and looked at Klaus.

"Take her and leave now." I said. He nodded and was gone. I turned back to Artemis and Apollo. I pulled out my sword and shield.

"If a fights what you want, prepare to lose." I said. I gave out a loud battle cry and stabbed my sword into the ground. Suddenly almost a hundred demons came from the cracked Earth, ready to obey my every command. Apollo took his sisters arm.

"We are not prepared for this sister." He said and looked around at my soldiers intimidated. She glared at me.

"You will pay for everything you've done Mania. It may not be today, but it will be soon." Artemis said and both of them disappeared. I sent my army away and let out a breath of relief. I teleported to Klaus's place and saw Rebekah and Klaus in the living room. I walked in gaining their attention.

"Well That was fun." I said. Rebekah looked at me and then down at her shoes. I wanted to tell her that everything I said was a lie. I wanted her.

"Thank you Mania." Klaus said and left the room for Rebekah and I to talk.

"Well now I know the truth." She said. I looked up at her.

"If your talking about-" I was smacked across the face by Rebekah. She looked at me hurt.

"You were going to use me and then throw me away. You sicken me." She said. I looked at her completely shocked. My sword dropped out of my hand making a sound as it crashed on the floor.


"I want you gone. I don't want to see you ever." She said interrupting me once again. I felt my heart shatter. She couldn't even stand to look at me. I felt a tear fall from my eye unexpectedly. I picked up my sword and saw she was crying. I wanted to comfort her. To hold her in my arms and tell her everything I said was a lie.

"If that's what you want." I said. She nodded. I look down and walked out of her house defeated. At least she was safe. I teleported back home and took off the crown, cape and weapons. I changed into comfortable clothes. I put up my hair and rubbed my face trying not to get upset. I felt my phone buzz.

-wanna get lunch?- Rachel

I didn't want to do anything. I felt awful. I sighed and texted her back.

-sure see u at the grill.-

Back to getting over her for real this time.

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