Sweetest Revenge

By TheHebrewGriot

663 62 10

Two paths destined to cross... Obsessed with getting justice for her brother who was murdered in a mob hit, M... More

chp. 3


218 18 7
By TheHebrewGriot

- Monica –

I sat on the basketball court bleachers forcing myself not to pull at the little skirt that barely covered my butt. I was going to lose my nerves. What I was attempting was so far past crazy I began to doubt myself.

Oh goodness! If I was caught my Nana would never see me again! My death would probably be bloody and painful! I couldn't do this! What was wrong with me? I was getting ready to get myself killed!

I stood clutching my book-bag to my chest which had enough rock cocaine in it to get me sent to prison for a long time. But then a memory of my big brother by one year, Man-Man, surfaced. He was smiling down at me as he handed me one of Nana's honey buns that were stashed up high in her closet. She thought we didn't know about them. She busted us and he took all the blame. Boy, Nana tore him up!

I eased back down to the bleachers, remembering why I was doing this.

My brother was dead! Murdered!

And the man responsible was down there standing on the sideline, larger than life, watching his younger brother play in a four-on-four hood tournament. Although this event was big in the hood, and Rasheed his younger brother was something of a hood legend, being the biggest and most violent drug dealer this side of town, the groupies were not here to see Rasheed.

No, they were all here to see Kaleb. If Rasheed was the prince around these parts, then Kaleb the was king. Who, rumor had it, was not only the power behind Rasheed but also had his hands in everything from prime real estate to being the money behind several big named record labels here in the Chi. But what he was known for was The King and Sons' Classic Car Restoration Shop.

The story goes, their father, whose name was King, was this big-time drug dealer in his day. And to hide all the money he had coming in, he opened a classic car restoration shop in downtown Chicago. Anyway, the shop gets so big it is said that it was bringing in just as much money, if not more than his dope empire. Needless to say, King did well with the business.

Kaleb, however, has taken it to another level. Their shop had become the place to take your classic car amongst our people. And not just hood rich folks either. Big time rappers have shot their music videos at the shop. They rapped about driving their fresh whip off the lot. Hell, even the mayor joked about having to leave a press conference early, because he was going to pick up his '69 Cutlass that had been restored at The King and Sons. They say the waiting list is like eight years out to even get a quote.

Hmm! Yeah, the women were not here like this to see Rasheed. He was a regular on the block. His older brother was not. So, whenever Kaleb was spotted in the neighborhood, folks surrounded him as if he was a king. And tonight, there was going to be a party at his place. So yeah, the chickens were out.

I looked around at all the women who were here dressed like I was, hoping to be picked by one of the party promoters, who believe it or not, were moving around the park handing invites to certain girls. Certain girls that looked like they were down for whatever. Pretty girls. Scantily dressed girls. And they were cheesing and smiling as if they had just won the damn lottery.

Silly women!

I, on the other hand, was dressed like a whore because I was getting ready to bring down the untouchable. And trust me, being dressed in a mini-skirt that left most of my legs and thighs exposed, and a crop-top that exposed my stomach and hung low on one side exposing my shoulder was not easy. And to top it all off, I was not wearing a bra. I let my long locs fall to cover the side of my face.

I'm not going to lie. I was hiding behind them, letting my body do all the work for me.

Hell yeah, I was ashamed that I was using my body this way. I could only imagine what my Nana or big sister Stormy would say if they saw me dressed this way.

Come on Mon! Remember, you're just playing a part. This is not real. It's acting.

And like Madame Queen, the woman who had been my acting coach for the last ten years, had always said, "To convince the world that you are a certain character, you must first convince yourself." Today I was not Monica. Today I was Toya, hoochie mama extraordinaire. A gold-digger, whose every dream would come true if only Kaleb, Drug Lord, King Pin, would just choose me to come to his big party tonight. And as I watched his goons continue to move around the crowd giving exclusive invites; I almost threw up in my mouth.

I just wanted this to be over. I had to get revenge for my brother. I could not let his death go without somebody paying for it. Then I can have peace. Then I can focus on graduating high school in a few months, and then on to Juilliard. I had been accepted there on a dance scholarship. My Nana was sad that I was going to be moving to New York, but she was thrilled about me being accepted at Juilliard. She herself having been one of the first black women to dance on Broadway behind the late, great, Ms. Janet Collins, who had in fact been the very first black prima ballerina of the Metropolitan Opera House. Her and my Nana were my role models.

I too wanted to dance on Broadway. Ever since I was a little girl it had been my dream. Before Man-Man got turned out to the streets, he would help me practice by lifting me high in the air, twirling me around in my little tutu. I had hoped that he would one day come back to us. That he would turn back into the Man-Man me and Nana loved instead of the gangster he was so determined to be. I used to tell Nana that it was just a phase, and he would snap out of it and be normal again.

But, he never will. He will never do anything else because he was dead. I angrily wiped away the tears that began to well up in my eyes.

No! I will not cry! I will not!

Instead, I will get revenge for my brother. And then I will leave town and become a prima ballerina like my grandmother.

I looked back down at the man who was responsible for the death of my brother, and pure hatred shot through my veins. He had messed with the wrong girl's brother. And if it was the last thing I do, tonight he was going to pay for it!

However, later that night I found myself in a bit of trouble.

Everything had gone so smoothly at first. While most of the girls at the park had been loud and obnoxious to get noticed, I had taken a different approach for two reasons. First and foremost, I was terrified and ashamed of showing off so much of my body! The last thing I wanted to do was to draw too many eyes. I just needed to draw the eyes of those that mattered, Kaleb's goons.

The second reason was something Madame Queen had always told me. "You don't have to be loud to be noticed.  Use your body language to speak. Speak with the arch in your back, the curve of your hand, the grace in your step, the swan-like dip in your neck. Let your grace speak for you. It is more noticeable than any voice."

And so, I did. I sat there, reading a book, not speaking to anyone. Every now and again I would flip my hair. When I reached for my water bottle next to me to take a sip, I curved my palm so that my long slender fingers gracefully lifted the bottle to my lips. When I drank, I sat straight up with just a slight arch to my back. I elongated my neck as the cool water ran down my throat, and then when I was done, I licked my lips.

Seconds later, I had my invite. I was handed a card with the address to Kaleb's Gold Coast penthouse condo by some guy that was very proud of his looks. I know this because every now and again he would stop, and take a selfie of himself talking to someone, or shaking their hand or something. And he was proud of his car. He made sure everybody knew he was driving the candy red Lexus. Every now and again he would point his keys at it and click a button to turn it on.

"Got to keep the air conditioner blowing, you know what I'm saying!" he would say to whoever was standing by him before laughing and looking around the park—probably trying to make sure everybody was watching him. Anyway. The clown handed me the card and instructed me to give it to the guards in the downstairs lobby of Kaleb's condo.

"You need a ride boo?" he asked. I flinched.

"Oh no, I can get there. Thank You for the invite though!"

As he made his way back down the bleachers, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that I was in, my plan was to fade into the background while I try to find a place to plant the drugs. I know you're wondering about the drugs. And to make a long story short, I found them in my brother's room. I know my brother sold this crap for Rasheed and Kaleb, so I figure I will just return their product and just maybe, make an anonymous call to the police, saying that a white woman was about to be murdered by a group of black thugs while at the same time making sure the drugs were somewhere that the police could see.

I know the white woman part was low. But hey, it will get the results I needed for this to go off as planned.

When I got to the penthouse, I was pleased to see that the place was packed, which was perfect. I found a seat in a dark corner where I could go unnoticed while I staked out the joint. Kaleb's penthouse was huge. I mean, life of the rich and famous huge. I sat in what I assumed was the parlor, which was good, because it kept me close to the front door and it opened into the rest of the condo, giving me a great view of the sunken living room. You had to walk down a few steps to go into it. Wait staff came in and out of the kitchen. There was a full bar and a DJ table. One whole side of his place was glass windows. Outside of them was a big pool area with an Olympic size pool. There was a full bar out there as well.

The other women that had been invited were doing their jobs fabulously. They were all dressed in tiny dresses and high heels. I kind of felt underdressed. Most of them had gone home and changed into something far more glamorous than what they had been wearing at the park earlier. I still wore the tiny jean skirt and crop top that I was going to burn on my grill after tonight. Oh well, I wasn't here to be noticed at this point.

I heard a girl scream by the pool. Some guy had snatched off her bikini top and tossed her into the water. Oh, my goodness! I held my breath, waiting for her to emerge from the water and yell, "Rape!" except when she came up, it wasn't her bare breasts she was squalling about. It was her hair.

Em, Em, Em...

Welp! So, like I was saying with all that kind of activity going on, who would pay attention to little old me in a dark corner. Right? Right.

Okay, so this is where things started going wrong.

You see, I had planned on being out of this place by now. But neither Kaleb nor Rasheed was here, and timing was everything. I needed to plant the drugs at the right time and make my call. Hopefully, when they find Man-Man's drugs they will go ahead and search the premises for more drugs. Now granted, from what I've researched on Kaleb, he's nobody's dummy. So, chances are he won't have any drugs here at his house. But I bet he had a gun or two. Plus, Man-Man had enough drugs to put anybody away for a good while. I don't care how it happens, just as long as the bastard goes to jail. Him and his psychotic brother.

The guy that had given me the invite sat down on the wide circular chair next to me. I had to force myself not to stiffen at his nearness. I was playing the role of a whore after all.

He leaned in close to me.  "The book reader."

He had on so much cologne I almost choked. I smiled at him.

"Yep, I like to read," I told him, wishing he would just get up and leave me be.

He held up his hand and one of the serving girls came over carrying a tray with two shot glasses of alcohol on it.

Oh! Crap! I was getting ready to panic.

"Thank you, baby," he said to her as she put the glasses down on a table next to us. When she turned to leave, he smacked her on her butt. Goodness, what a savage!

"You drink Tequila, boo?" He looked at me while handing me one of the glasses.

"It's Patron; only the good stuff for the sexiest girl at the party."

Everything in me screamed No! But I would draw too much attention to myself saying no to a drink. With a very forced smile on my face, I nodded.

"Um, yeah, I like Patron."

He smiled before he turned his glass up and swallowed the contents in one swoop. Oh crap. I have never drunk a thing in my whole life. Oh crap!

I am playing a part, I reminded myself before I lifted the glass to my lips and duplicated his action.

I almost died!

As the fiery liquid washed down my throat, I began to choke. It was taking everything within me to keep it down. Oh goodness! It was horrible! I'm pretty sure I just drank rubbing alcohol.

"You okay, boo?" The creep said, patting me on my back. I nodded.

"Yeah!" I croaked. "It's just been a while."

"Girl, the way you took that, it looks like it's been never." He frowned at me.

Even though it almost killed me, I forced myself to stop choking. The last thing I needed was for this guy to start asking questions. The less anybody knew about me here, the better. Tonight I was supposed to be a phantom.

The drink was beginning to warm me up on the inside. I took my foot and scooted my backpack underneath the chair out of sight. The alarm system was going off in my head and I didn't know why.

He put his arm on the chair behind me. "So, what's your name, boo?"

What is with this guy and the "boo" thang? I cleared my throat.


I cleared my throat again. Something was wrong. I was beginning to feel warm on the inside, and my throat felt scratchy. It was probably just the shot. I guess that's what it was supposed to do. I mean why else would anybody drink such vile tasting stuff?

"Toya. Em, that's a pretty name, just like you." He put his hand on my thigh, and for the third time tonight I almost threw up.

"Thank you," I said, turning to look around at the other partygoers. Please leave! I screamed in my head. I began to fan myself with my hand. Somebody must have turned on the heat because it was really getting hot in here.

"I was thinking me and you can get out of here and go for a little drive in my Lexus." He winked at me, and oh my goodness! I could not stop the laughter that erupted from my mouth. I don't know why but that wink coupled with his words was hilarious.

He frowned slightly. "What's so funny?"

"You, boo!" I told him before I erupted into another fit of laughter. This dude was trash and so was his game. Dang, was I drunk? Why did I just find that so funny? Was it possible to get drunk off of one shot?

With a grin still on my face, I glanced over at the clown. "Can you get drunk off of one shot?"

He smiled then, very wickedly. "Yep, if it's Liquid Ex."

The grin left my face. "Is that Tequila?"

He shook his head. "Nope."

Those alarm bells were getting louder. "What is it then?"

"It's new... just hit the streets."

My eyes widened. Oh no!

"Don't worry baby. It's just a little something to help you loosen up a bit, that's all." He opened his mouth to say something else to me, but right then the front door opened and Rasheed walked in. Behind him were several guys that I had seen standing with Kaleb. Either they were his main boys or maybe even his bodyguards. Behind them walked in Kaleb.

My breath stalled in my throat. I don't know if it was because of the drugs or just the general impact of seeing this man up close for the first time, but it felt as if I had been sucker punched right in the stomach. You see, I had not gotten a good look at his face earlier.

What a face!

He was extremely good-looking, in a very rugged kind of way. He was good looking without even trying. He wore his beard low as if it hadn't been cut in a few days. However, his fade looked fresh as if it had been cut today. He didn't have a friendly face. You know the kind that welcomed people to approach you?

His face said loud and clear, "Don't mess with me, because I'm not in the mood." He frowned. In fact, he looked as if he was irritated with us all.

That, added to the fact that he was big. I mean really big. He wore a button-up shirt with the top three buttons opened that gave a sneak peek at the immense chest underneath it. The material hugged his arms just enough to see that they too were gigantic. He could probably snap me in half like a twig if he chose to. And him being dressed in all black—black jeans, black shirt, black Gaiter boots—only added to the fear I was feeling right now.

This fear I couldn't blame on the drugs. If anything, the drugs were keeping me from getting up and running for my life.

I have a confession to make. I may have a slight problem of getting an idea in my head and running with it before I could think it all the way through. My Nana and Stormy say my little condition was probably going to get me in trouble one day. And I think that today just may be that day.

I am so stupid!

Why did I just assume that Kaleb was going to be like Rasheed? Yeah, Rasheed scared a lot of people on the streets because he was a murdering thug. Him I could have handled. But this force that was his older brother was a different story. He was... dangerous. I felt way out of my element. He was above anything I had ever encountered. Power and experience just seemed to radiate from him. Everybody felt it. I could tell by the way they all stared at him with a look of awe on their faces.

And to top it all off, I had been drugged. Even as we were speaking, I could feel it making changes to my body, or at least how I felt about my body.

The shame I had felt earlier for exposing so much skin was gone. And although I know I was afraid right now, my brain wasn't sending the proper signals to my body, like..."Run!"

"Welcome home, Boss," the man who had been sitting on the couch next to me said, getting up to approach the group. His voice boomed over the music so that all of us that sat in the front parlor heard.

"Jamie, I don't need you to welcome me to my own home," Kaleb sounding tired. His voice was deep and raspy.

Rasheed shoved Jamie in the head. "Sit your goofy a$$ down!"

A bunch of people laughed finding that funny.

"Why do you keep this chump around?" he asked his brother. Kaleb chuckled, shaking his head a bit. As the men passed me, I prayed to Yah, that I went unnoticed. My heart was beating so loud in my ear it was louder than the music. I wanted to fan myself because I was extremely hot now. I could feel beads of sweat pooling up on my temples, but I sat perfectly still as not to draw attention to myself.

But right as he passed, Kaleb looked down at me. At first, his eyes just seemed to skim over me. I was just about to exhale in relief when they flew back to me.

And, Oh! My! Goodness! He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to look at me fully. The heat had turned into an inferno! I was burning alive!

Please floor, just open and swallow me, this chair, and my brother's drugs through you. I began to breathe heavily. At least it seemed like it to me. My chest rose and fell with each panic breath I took. This was not the plan! This was not the plan!

"You the shorty with the book."

A quiver went through me as his deep voice washed over me. I almost moaned. His voice felt so good. What the world was happening to me?

I just froze in fear. If Madame Queen could see me now, she would shake her head and say, "Well, you were born to be a dancer. This acting thing just comes in a strong second to that."

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I don't know if it was the drugs in my system or just the power that seemed to ooze from him, but I felt terrified. Having his full attention was like having the attention of an oncoming, speeding Mac truck. I bit my lip, more nervous than I've ever been in my life. His eyes lowered to my mouth.

"Boss, she ain't nobody. I brought her here for me. This is what I have for you," Jamie said turning to gesture towards two very voluptuous women dressed in brown bikinis that matched their brown oiled up bodies perfectly.

Dang! They looked like two bars of chocolate. Rasheed and the other men that came in with them mouths fell open as the women approached Kaleb. They both wore inviting smiles on their faces as their hungry eyes took in all that was Kaleb.

Kaleb looked at them for a minute. His eyes slowly traveled up their bodies and back down again. I eased my hand down on the side of the chair and pushed the bag back to the wall so that it could not be seen at all. My heart was racing so fast I was finding it hard to breathe. I needed to get away from this force that was Kaleb.

I eased to my feet. While everybody's attention was on the two chocolate drops, I would just ease myself out of this situation. With my head down, I quietly slipped away. I had taken five, maybe six steps when I felt a strong, warm hand come around my waist and palm my flat, bare stomach.

Oh! I closed my eyes as a feeling I had never felt before shot through me. Oh! What was happening? I think I was feeling pleasure; pure, intense pleasure. How could this be? How could I feel pleasure for a man I hated? He pressed his front so close to my back I could feel the outline of his strong body.

"Where you going, Shorty? I'm not finished talking to you," he spoke quietly, his lips brushing my ear as his deep voice and warm breath caressed my lobe. I closed my eyes and suppressed a moan that tried to escape my lips. It had to be the drugs.

Oh no! That jerk slipped me a Mickey!

"I..." my voice quivered as I spoke. I cleared my throat. "I was just going to get some air, that's all!"

"Good idea. Let's go together."

He took my hand and began to pull me across the huge parlor. With panicked eyes, I looked back at Jamie. I would rather deal with him and his buffoonery over this power force any day.

"Boss, what's up?" Jamie yelled after us.

Kaleb came to a stop. As he inhaled, his nostrils flared and the muscle ticked in his cheek. He didn't turn around. He just stood there for a few seconds, breathing angrily while staring straight ahead. Right then, two of the big goons that had come in the door with him, stood from where they had been sitting with a girl on their laps. Rasheed, who had been whispering something in one of the chocolate drop's ears, stopped and approached Jamie.

"Man, what the hell you just say?" he growled at Jamie, who now wore a look of terror on his face.

"Nothing. I just wanted to tell the boss to enjoy my treat to him."

Kaleb grunted then continued walking. I was doomed. He led me through the crowd and up the sleek stairs that sat in full view of everyone. I let my hair fall to cover my face, so embarrassed. Everyone was looking at us. Some of the women looked as if they wanted to claw my eyes out. I wanted to beg someone to take my place. Please!

Two big men with guns sat in the open space that was at the top of the stairs.

"Boss," they said as we passed.

Kaleb didn't speak. He just slightly nodded his head. We walked down a long, dark hallway, passing a few rooms, to a pair of wooden double doors at the end of it. He opened one and pulled me through it.

And yes, he was pulling me because I was dragging my feet.

I tried to pull my hand out of his. "Umm, I should go back to the party!"

I couldn't even pretend that I was not afraid, and yet the drugs were making me feel something else. I was trying to fight them, but the feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

"Naw, Ma! I ain't in the mood for all that out there. It's been a long week, and I just want to chill with you, okay?"

I opened my mouth to say, "Not okay," but then I got my first view of his room and my words just seemed to die away. Just like the rest of his place, his bedroom was humongous and very masculine. On his big bed was a very plush looking black comforter with matching pillows. All the furniture was made of mahogany wood.

His room smelled like him; a mix of his spicy cologne and soap, and maybe even laundry detergent. He walked to a pair of glass double doors that were across the room and opened them to a beautiful modest size balcony.

"Wow!" I said as I crossed the floor with feet that seemed to have a mind of their own. He had the most amazing view of the lake.

"Best place to get some air." He spoke close to my ear.

I jumped! Not hearing him come up behind me, before walking away from him to the rail and looking out across the dark lake. The gentle breeze felt so good blowing against my warm skin. I held my head back and let the wind blow my locs around my body and face. It felt amazing. I closed my eyes and moaned as the wind caressed my skin that seemed to be inflamed ever since Kaleb first looked at me.

Giving in to the caress of the wind was all the drug needed to take over. I could no longer fight it. I wanted to feel good. I wanted to dance.

And as if on cue, the DJ began to play something slow and sensual. I lost track of reality. In my mind, I was dancing in the night, in the streets of Paris or across the sands of Arabia. I was slightly aware of Kaleb watching me. He felt like a king and I, his harem girl, dancing for his pleasure.

He sat on the edge of his bed and watched me move through lowered lids. I can tell he liked what he saw because of the hungry look on his face. Funny, his look didn't repulse me like it should. No, quite the opposite. It made me feel good, sexy and empowered.

I went up on my toes and came down in a simple balance, which is a rocking sequence of three steps.

"You're a ballerina," he stated quietly as if he was speaking to himself. I stopped dancing and looked at him.

"You don't know me," I laughed. "I'm the phantom of the opera."

One of his eyebrows lifted. "The opera?"

His deep voice washing over my body caused everything within me to want something I had never wanted before. Well, at least not like this.

"And where is this opera?"

I opened my arms wide. "Here!"

His gaze lowered to my stomach and probably the underside of my breast that I was revealing with my raised arms. He licked his lips, watching me like a wolf watched a small deer.

I snatched my arms down and laughed. "You look hungry."

Slowly he nodded. "I am, baby. I want to taste you so bad it's taking everything within me to keep my hands to myself right now."

I closed my eyes as pure uncut pleasure shot through me at his words.

"How old are you?" he asked. I opened my eyes and looked at him.


For just a moment he looked miserable. "Damn, you're young."

I giggled. "How old are you?"

"Twenty-nine. I'll be thirty in a few months."

I shrugged my bare shoulder. "Why does my age upset you?"

"I don't mess with young women. They get attached because I make them feel something they have never felt before. Next thing you know, they're in love and don't know how to go home when it's time."

I lifted one side of my mouth in a grin. "Baby, you ain't never got to worry about me falling in love with you. And as far as going home, that sounds like a great idea. I'll just let myself out."

I turned to head for the door. Damn, that was easy.

I had only gone a few steps before I found myself lifted off my feet and into a pair of strong arms. My startled breath whooshed out my body. I looked at him in shock. He smiled at me.

"I see you a sassy young lady. What's your name?" he asked, carrying me back to his bed. I was so befuddled by suddenly being in his arms that I opened my mouth and uttered the truth.

"Monica!" I closed my eyes as soon as my name escaped my lips. Damn it!

"Well, Monica, if I don't have to worry about you falling in love, then I want a taste."

When we got to the bed, he tossed me in it. I giggled, trying to fight my way out of the plush blanket. Before I could, he was on the bed. He wedged his big body between my legs and was holding himself up over me with one hand. His other hand was coming towards my face. I laid there paralyzed. I know I should be stopping him. My mind said I should. But my body... my body wanted to know how it felt to be touched by a man.

And I ain't gone lie. The fact that this powerful man was looking at me, like that... like I was something he craved... He lifted a finger to my lips and gently rubbed my bottom lip.

"So soft," he whispered. "Can I taste you?"

Say, No! Say, No!

I slowly nodded. What am I doing?

He lowered his head. When his lips first touched mine, it felt like electricity. I inhaled. He lifted his head looking down at me. I touched my lips with fingers that shook as I stared up into his searching eyes. He had felt it too. His eyes fell on my lips and he lowered his head again, but this time when he took my mouth, he ravished.

Oh! Goodness! He was so hungry, I—

I clutched his shirt in my fist, trying to hold on for dear life.

"You taste so good... so sweet," he spoke quietly in my ear before his mouth was on my neck.

His big palm lay flat against my belly, feeling each quiver he caused to go off there. Slowly his hand slid up my stomach and chest, and with it my shirt. He broke his lips away from mine and looked down at my tender breast he had just exposed.

He moaned. "Beautiful, baby!"

And as if he was a man starving he lowered his head taking the tip of my--

Okay, yeah. So, I'm going to do a little editing at this point. But for the sake of my story, I'm going to fill you in on a little more detail. At one point, at that very moment, he made me a woman, a look of utter surprise crossed his face when I screamed out in pain.

"You're a virgin?" he whispered. His surprise turned into confusion. His confusion turned into a look of utter... possession?

"You're a virgin," he whispered in my ear as he slowed down, and then very gently continued to awaken my body in a way that will forever ruin me to the touch of any other man.

Now, I want to say that after we finished I felt ashamed and got my clothes and left. But then I would be lying. We made love two more times. Once on the floor and another against the wall when I had tried to leave him before we both passed out in an exhausted sleep.

When I woke up, I was in bed alone. I sat up and looked around the dark room confused.

Where was I?

For a moment, I was completely lost. And then the last few hours came back to me. And yes, for the fourth time that night, I felt as if I was going to be ill. I scrambled out of bed.

"What have I done?" I whispered as I quickly put my clothes back on. Oh, man! This was not good. This was not good! I stopped when I looked down at the condom wrapper on the floor.

One wrapper!

My hand flew to my mouth. Oh, goodness! One wrapper!

The last two times we made love had been unprotected. And if that was not enough to make me feel shame. The fact that my body was now sore in several places that until today had never been touched by a man only drilled home what I had done.

No! No!

Okay. Get it together, Mon. You need to get out of here!

Yes, that's what I needed to do. I had to get out of here. Now was not the time to think of anything else outside of getting revenge for Man-Man and getting on with my life. I had to see this through. I had already botched it something terrible. And I had to move quickly before that bastard came back.

I eased the bedroom door open, listening. It was quiet. It sounded as if the party had died down.

Okay, you can do this!

I took a deep breath, then walked out of the door and down the long hallway. I didn't even look at the men that were still in the opening before the stairs. I just quickly made my way down them. There were only a few stragglers still here. Kaleb stood with his back to me out in the pool area talking to a few guys.

What a bastard! He was probably telling them he was ready for me to be out of his bed. I almost laughed out loud. You don't have to worry Mister. After today, you ain't gone never see me again.

I made my way back to the parlor. I could see that my bag was still under the chair I sat in earlier. Quickly, I pulled it out and carried it across the room to a closet that I had scouted out and figured would be the perfect place for the cops to find dope.

With hands that shook, I took out the drugs and stashed them on the top shelf. For good measure, I scattered a few rocks on the floor.  And then without looking back, I slipped out the front door.

An hour later, I stood outside with the small crowd that was forming and watched as the police came out with a handcuffed Kaleb as well as a few other people. Unfortunately, not Rasheed. But I was fine with that. Like Bob Marley said, "I shot the sheriff. I don't need to shoot the deputy."

I pulled out one of Man-Man's Cuban cigars, his prized possession, that he had more than likely stolen. And as the police car that carried Kaleb rolled past me I lit it and put it to my lips. When his angry eyes connected with mines, I winked at him with a smirk on my face.

Got you, bastard!

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