Magnus and Alec's Long Lost D...

By FandomWoman_626

62.1K 778 98

If you want to know what the story is about you have to read it! More

I: Three Months Later
II: Four Years Later
III:Alyssa's Birthday
IV: Training Starts Now
V: First Punch, First Bruise
VI: The Power of a Vision
VII: The Torment Makes The Ones Strong
VIII: Surprise Business Trip?
IX: The Lash of Magic
X: Rumors Arise
XI: Reputation over Friends
XII: Returning Problems
XIII: Finally Friends!
XIV: Going Into Hiding
XV: A Sacrifice Must Be Made
XVI: The Hardest Part Is Saying Goodbye
XVII: New Home, New Life
XVIII: Doing In The Impossible
XIX: Mixing Bloodlines
XX: Under Attack!
XXI: Figuring It Out
XXII: The Aftermath
XXIII: The Search Persists
XXIV: Moving Over Time
XXV: Welcome to the Paris Institute
XXVII: Going Out
It's only their clothes: Part One
It's only their clothes. Part Two
XXVIII: Clubbing at La Femme Silencieuse
XXIX: Parabati Forever
XXX: Answers
XXXI: Let The Past Unwind
XXXII: There Are No Saviors
XXXIII: There Are No Saviors (Part 2)
XXXV: Welcome to the Shadow World
XXXVI: Going Again
XXXVII: Mother
XXXVIII: Believing
XXXVI: City of Bones
XXXV: One Last Chance
XXXVI: The Truth
XXXVII: Come With Us
XXXVIII: Surprises
XXXIX: Change of Plans
XL: Here They Come
XLI: Figuring Conclusions
XLII: Visiting the High Warlock of London (Part 1)
XLIII: Visiting the High Warlock of London (Part 2)
XLIV: Visiting the High Warlock of London (Part 3)
XLV: Christmas Eve
XLVI: Christmas
XLVII: Remembering That Night
XLVIII: Mission Impossible
XLIV: Iron Sister
XLV: Confronting
XLVI: Come Running Home To You
XLVII: It's Not Over Yet
XLVIII: We'll Meet Again
XLXIX: Visions of the Past
L: Back So Soon
LI: Your On
LII: Expergiscimini dicens: Cecidit, et in saecula saeculorum
LIII: Do or Die
LIV: Team Good
LV: What Comes Next?
LVI: Everyone Has A Choice
LVII: The Lost Can Be Found
LVIII: Lost Girls
LIX: One Choice Decides Your Fate
LX: We'll Stand By You
LXI: Four Years Later...
LXII: Rosemary's Birthday
LXIII: Dad,Daddy?
LXIV: Epilogue

XXXIV: Recovery

648 7 0
By FandomWoman_626

The next morning came along, Maria and Dakota were still asleep but Maria was the one holding her tightly just squeezing her to death. She wanted to make sure that Dakota was there, and she wouldn't fade away like her brothers did. Dakota didn't mind she was in pain after all, and she was going to need all the love and the support she could get. Dakota had put her hand on her hair just messing with it, Maria liked it when she did both, both girls would mess around with each other. It was just another symbol of their friendship that existed between both girls, unfortunately Dakota stopped because Maria was waking up. She groaned, because of the light that shined on her face not to mention that it showed her how much of a mess she looked like.

Maria: Uhh...

Dakota: Morning sleepy head.

Maria: *yawns* Morning...

Dakota: Do you ever learn to cover your mouth when you yawn?

Maria: What? *Yawn*

Dakota: It lets out bad breath, that's what Madame Mignard says.

Maria: Oh...

Maria got up from the bed, and looked at herself in the mirror in disgust.

Maria: What happened to my hair?

Dakota: You kept tossing and turning in your sleep, and I messed with it a little bit.

Maria: Oh...

Maria yawns again, but this time she covered her mouth with her hand to give Dakota less annoyance.

Dakota: How are you feeling?

Maria: I'm doing alright, especially since I got sleep for once. Thanks for staying with me I know you didn't have to do it.

Dakota: Hey, what are friends for?

Maria had turned her head into where her closet was standing, barely open but open enough to see an endless swirl of clothes, accessories, shoes you name it. In this blend of her fashion, one thing seemed to glow more than it already had in the past. A small box that was in the left corner of her closet Maria looked at it with thought, and already predicted what she was going to wear for today.

Maria: I'm going to get changed, you should too, see you at breakfast?

Dakota: Sure.

Dakota exited out of her room, and closed the door behind her to give Maria some privacy. Once Dakota was out, Maria took a shower as fast as she could, when she was done she opened her closet all the way, took out some clothes, the box out, and got dressed.

When she opened her emerald box, it revealed a small pin she opened where the heart was and saw her name engraved on it with a small note from Jeffery and Jordan.

Dear Maria,
We saw this amazing pin, and it made us think about you. Happy Birthday, we love you so much.

Maria had put the note back inside, and closed it then she put on at the right side of her shirt then put on the rest of her outfit.

She headed out the door, and joined everyone at breakfast. When she was at the table, everyone was looking at her seeing that this was the new Maria. She was a survivor of losses that were printed on her life, her story. Maria had sat down next to Dakota and Madame Mignard and breakfast seemed to cheer her up, Everyone was talking, and it seemed that the mission on the creator of the Verpletted demons was making some sort of progress. The only problem was, was that nobody knew who this Kiana Bierin person was. They tried asking Monsieur Remi about her, but he said that he had no idea who she was either so that was abysmal to the part. With Maria working, it gave her relief the was put on her before. Everyone's conversation was interrupted when Judith had entered the room in a shocked way.

Madame Mignard: Qu'est-ce que c'est, Judith? -What is it, Judith?-

Judith: Le banal....-The mundane....-

Madame Mignard: A propos d'elle? -What about her?-

Judith: Elle est reveillee....-She's awake....-

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