By -harryshallway

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You will drown in the sweet sorrow of the passion. More

The Prologue
The Epilogue.
New Book


1.3K 69 16
By -harryshallway

The moon shines bright
in the room,
making us the center of it.
Lightning us like we are important.

But I know we are not,
we are just two people out
of the miljard.
One totally insane, the
other unhappy.

Happy now,
next and close to Harry,
unhappy when she goes back to
her real life,
the life she is supposed to live.

I am stil laying next to him,
making me remember every
detail of his face.
Observing every inch so perfect
I can draw him.

My eyes are fluttering
close every now and then,
but I try to stay present.
Not wasting the last hours
I have with him.

I let out a deep pained
breath and still lay as
quiet as possible next to him,
when movement happens.

I watch him and see
his eyes opening very slowly,
accepting his sleep has ended.

There is not time to get out, so I just accept the fact he is not even a minute away from getting me caught.
I wait and when he is finally fully awake, his eyesbrows furrow when he spots me.

his rasp, sleepy voice
being heard in the room.
I feel myself getting calmer,
with only hearing the sound of his voice.

My hearts skips a beat
and my body is warmed
with the thought of him.

"Yes, I am here,"
I whisper back,
while searching for his hand
and taking it in a strong grip.

Hoping I will hold it forever.
The man in front of me is peacefully silent when I answer his question.
A smile on his face and adoring eyes staring at me
-- all he has ever done and is
still doing.

My mind goes dark
when I think about
what is yet to come;
our separation.
The sadness will last forever.

But all I know is that the two of us can sin now, together in eachothers arms, or spend the rest of our lives alone with no moment to cherish.

And from the stories
I will tell later, this
one will definetely be my best.
Romance seldom happens overnight,
unaware we create it all the time.

He squeezes my hand
and moves himself closer
to my body.
His breath hits my face and his
addictive lips are close,
so close they are in my reach and I long to close the distance.

The one who I was scared of
at the beginning of our story,
laying here next to me in bed.
The one who kidnapped me and
made my life a bit enjoyable again.

Because I was lost,
my heart was slowly getting
lost in my own body,
just as I was lost in my own world.
And he brought me back,
and now I have to leave him.

Trying to think about
school, mother and Lauren
I keep saying myself
I have to go back.

But then I see him,
his lost soul here in front of me.
No one will help him and eventually
he will swallow in his dark thoughts.
He will hurt himself and one day
it will be the end.

I let out a soft cry,
and single tears fall from the
corner of my eyes.
"You have to get help,"
I whisper again,
"You can not do this alone."

He strokes my hair and
his eyes lock with mine.
He wipes the tears away
and his face is now closer
than ever.

"There was a time
I thought I would know
you forever,"
he starts,
his voice barely heard.
"But I am convinced I was wrong."

I shake my head,
ready to say the things I desperate want to announce and admit.
"I can stay here,
with you. I want to help you and be there for you, just like you changed me."

A hesitating smile is seen
and his eyes are watering.
He shakes his head and
his voice is still calming,
"No, darling. It is okay,"
he pecks my chin,
"You have done enough for me,
you may not realise, but you gave
me the biggest gift in the world.
And now it is time to let you go.
You need to go back, angel."

"No, no I don't. I can and
want to help you."
I say while panicking a bit,
struggling to get myself out
of his grip and make my point clear.

"Yes, you do and you will.
You have a life back there, not here.
So we have to seperate."

I shake my head violently
and tears are longing to fall out.
"No, you can not push me away now!
Not after this! I love you, Harry! I can not just leave you and let you go crazy."

He pecks my lips after
what I just said and
says something that he has
said before, but what
still makes my heart go mad.

"I love you too lovely,
that's why I have to let you go."

I take his arms in my
hands and push him
off me because of my fresh anger,
"No stop Harry! Please, please,"
I try, while I burst out in tears.

He takes my head in his
massive, strong hands
and I feel his many rings on the sides
of my face.

He kisses my wet cheeks
and then my lips.
Kissing me with such
passion we always share.

His beautiful lips
colliding with mine is all
I ever want to feel and witness.
My wet cheeks are
drying and I feel myself
getting ready to let out new ones.

He leaves my lips cold
and stares at me,
his beautiful eyes I will miss.
"You can not just leave me,
you can't Harry. I need you."

He smiles at me and
his hands leave my head to
go to my waist,
where his hands go under my shirt and touch my skin.
Setting me on fire.

He leaves my words
for what they are and
focuses his attention on his actions.
His hands and rings pressing
into my skin and leaving marks.

His face going downwards to my
neck and arrived
licking their way over my skin
to my swollen and probably red lips.
He licks them and I feel his hands
squeezing my waist.

I squeeze my eyes close
and enjoy his assualt on my body.
Moving his body so he is hovering
over me, he supports himself with
his elbows.

His affection sets
me on fire, makes
me crave and forget
the painful things
that are yet to come.

We are in our own safe world
again, with just eachother we
survive everything crossing our
paths, although I am afraid it
will no longer be that way.

"I don't want you to forget me,"
he speaks against my lips.
I don't answer him with words,
therefore I press my lips
against his.

We both lose ourselves
in our burning kiss.
I take his long locks in my hair
and pull at them,
hearing him groan a bit
I can not help but to continue.

"I will never forget you, Harry,"
I break the kiss to answer him.
He smiles softly at me and he caresses my face with one hand, the other still supporting him.

My mind is busy with
thinking about my further life;
living without him,
the one I have grown to adore.
Who I was not supposed to love,
but I do now.

And I have never met
someone so special as this
enchanting human
here right in front me.

I can not bear the thought
of leaving him on his own,
with his twisted mind he will go mental and there will be no one
to help him,
no one to stop Harry from hurting himself.


A bit boring I think, I don't know. Thoughts about this one then? I hope you still like my story because I love to write it.
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