YouTubers one shot book

By exyami

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This is a book about a bunch of YouTubers ships. the ones I like anyway. I'm not sure how long updates will t... More

Vampires Attack (LaurenxScott)
Cute little cafe (septiplier)
Plushies! (Scott x Lauren)
Help I'm being stalked (seapeesound)
Have to seen any ponies? (Scott x Lauren)
Edgar! (Pewdiepie x Marzia)
Puppy! (Scott x Callum)
Spin the bottle

Trapped in a game (seapeesound)

885 15 23
By exyami

E: hello everyone!

Scott: Are we still here?!

E: oh please you like it here! You have Lauren here!

Scott: Lauren's married!

E: not here she's not! she's a single girl here!

Lauren: I don't remember getting a divorce from Bobby!

E: when you walked in you go a divorce from Bobby.

Lauren: crap now my husband can't save me from here.

Scott: what about me?!

Lauren: I would of left you.

Scott: I hate you.

Lauren: love you too Scott.

Oli: do you two ever shut up?

E: not really.

Colum: so why are we here?

E: for seepeesound!

Oli and Calum: what?!

E: *giggles* this will take place half in our wild and half in a video game world.

Scott: enjoy

Oli's POV

I got a ton of requests to do this new game called Your adventure. To be honest I never even heard of it before the fans stared asking me to play it. Calum and I searched it up and no one really knows what the game is about. Which is pretty weird but now I'm going to solve the mystery of what the game is about!

Calum doesn't have a good feeling about the game and doesn't want me to play it or at lest not play it until he gets back but that won't be for another hour! I can't wait that long!
I set up my recording stuff and put the game in my tv and then hook up the controllers. I then look at the camera and start the video.

"hello everyone it's me your boy Oli or the Orionsound. And today we are playing the game so many of you requested! Today we shall be playing Your Adventure!"

I then show them the starting screen. I press play and a tiny box pops up saying what's your name? I type in Oli the great but it doesn't take it.

"Oh come on! People call me Oli the great all the time!" I tell the game. But I then type Oli.
Another box pops up. It says, "are you sure you want to continue? Once you start you can't stop until you complete your adventure." I click the yes button.

Then I felt weird. Like a tingly feeling was going all around my body. I close my eyes and rub the bridge of my nose hoping it will help. it didn't help. I still did it I have no idea why though. The tingling stoped a miute later. I'll have to edit out later. I open my eyes expecting to see my tv and the living room but that isn't what I saw. I saw a lush green forest. I look around and I'm not in my recording room but in the middle of nowhere.

"Where the fudge am I?!" I yell. "Ok Oli calm down your just in an unknown place with no way to get back home......CALUM!!!!!!" I yell panicking.

Caulm's POV

I finially get home from the store and I'm prying Oli's alright. I called Oli to tell him I was going to be late because of trafic but he never answered the phone which is ver uncual because he always answers the phone if I'm the one calling.

"Oli I'm home!" I call out to Oli. and I'm greated with silence.

"OLI?!" I call out worried. Ever since I started dating Oli it's never been quiet and I mean never!

"CALUM!" I hear Oli yell scared. "Oli?!" I yell worried as yell. I drop the bags and go to where I hear Oli. "Oil?! Oli where are you?!" I yell. "Calum? Is that you?! please help me!" I hear Oli say. I look around the room to see where Oli is. then I look at the tv screen and I'm shocked at what I see.

There on the screen was a tiny Oli. I walk over to the tv. "Oil?" I ask." The tiny Oli jumps and looks up at me. "Calum?! How are you so big?" He asks me. "Oli I didn't get bigger you got smaller! How the fudge did you get in the tv?" "What do you mean?" Oli asks me cofused. "Oli you're in our tv!!!!"

Oli looks at me shocked. "Oli what did you do while I was gone?" I ask. "I eat some cookies, took a nap, and put the new game in. "OLI! I told you not to play that game when I wasn't here I knew there was something wrong with that game!"

"Well I never thought I would enter the game!" Oli says. I look at him. "Oli what happened in the game while I was gone?" I ask him. "Nothing much. It asked for my name but after that it asked if I was sure if I wanted to play. I clicked yes then boom! I'm here." "There's got to be a way to get you out of there."

I grab the controller then a box popped up. It said, "hello. I'm sure your probably already aware but your friend is now trapped in the game. If you wish to save your friend then you must help your friend win the game. That is the only way to save your friend. If you close out of the game or you turn off the device the game is being played on your friend will automatically die. If you wish to try and finish the game click continue if you don't and wish for your friend to stay in the game press leave. Continue or Leave

I'm shocked. This game thinks that I'll abandon Oli?! If it thinks that then it's dead wrong! I press continue. And the box disappears. Ok let's see here what are the controls."

I press the A button and Oli jumps. "What?" Oli asks confused. I move the joystick up and Oli moves forward. I move it back and Oli goes backwards. If I mive it to the left or to the right he goes left or right. "Calum what ever you're doing stop it! This is weird!" I press the B button and he takes out a dimond sword out of nowhere and attacks the air. "Ok that was cool! Calum make me do that again!" Oli says. "Oli I'm trying to figure out the controlls." I tell him. I then press the C button and Oli takes out a bow and puts an arrow in it. "Where the fudge and I getting all these weapons?!" The asks. I shrug. I then press the A button by accident making Oli fire the arrow.
"Ok Oli I think I got the hang of the controls."

"I can move on my own you know! You don't need to control me!" Oli tells me. "You can?" I ask surprised. "Yep!" I watch as Oli jumps and moves around.
"Alright Oli go where ever you want I'll only help you if you get in a fight." I tell him. "Okie dokie." Oli says and starts walking into the forest.

Oli then starts walking into the green forest. "Hey Calum do you think Slenderman is in this game?" He asks me. "I have. No I idea." I answer.

Oli's POV
I'm really happy Calum's here. I feel safer and more confident that I will escape this evil game. I guess it makes sense if you have a loved one near you, you always feel safer.

As I walk deeper into the forest I hear a twig snap. I jump a little at the noise. /Oli your hearing things!/ I continue walking foword when a giant troll walks in front of me. "Um Calum!" I say very panicked.

Calum's POV

I was about press B button. When a message pops up.

Hello dear friend I seem to have forgotten to tell you something very important. Your friend has only life. And I know what thinking you can't just kill your friend to get them out. If your friend dies in the game they die in real life.

"WHAT?!" I yell panicked. "You tell me this now?!" I imedetly press the C button and make Oli take out the bow. "Calum? Why do I have a bow? Shouldn't I have sword?" Oli asks scared. I don't answer but make Oli get away from the troll and have him shoot it until it's dead.
"Calum! I could've killed it with my sword!" Oli tells me. "I couldn't risk you getting hit and getting hurt!" I tell him. "Relax I've got 4 lives." He say. "No you don't you have only 1 life Oli and if you die in this game you will die in real life!"

Oli looks at me shocked. "Calum are you messing with me? Please tell me your messing with me!" Oli begs. "I wish I was Panda I wish I was." I say using the nickname I have for him. It almost always calms him down......almost always.

Oli was still panicking. "Calum what if I die? What if I do something stupid?! I don't to die!" Oli says on the verge of tears.
"I'm not going to let you die Oli. I'm going to get you out of there I promise." I promise him.
Oli looks at me I can see some hope in his pixilated eyes. "Now come on my Panda Bear it's time to get a move on!" I tell him. He nods and gets up and continues walking.

Time skip and Oli's POV

I've been walking for hours fighting many monsters for hours. I need a break! I then hear a scream come from my right. I run to where I hear the scream.

I see a large monster cornering a young girl.

"Calum take out my sword I need to save her." I tell him. I the take out my sword and fight the monster. I killed it soon after.

I go to the little girl. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a dirty blue dress. "Thank you for saving me." She says. "No problem your the first human I've seen around here."
"I'm not a human." She tells me. "Ok then not a human what are you doing out here?" I ask her. "Waiting." "Waiting?" I ask confused. "Are you waiting for someone?" She nods.
"Ok then good luck. Hope your friend comes soon." I say then start walking away. "Oli wait ask her the way to the boss's castle! She might know the way!" Calum tells me. "Oh ok." I say.
I turn around and go back over to the little girl. "Um can you lead me to the boss's castle?" I ask. "Oli! You don't just ask that!" Calum says to me. "You said ask her where the boss's castle is so I did!" I argue back. "The boss most likely has a name in that world! She probably doesn't know what you mean!" He argues. "Well-" "it's over this way." She says then starts walking away. "See Calum she understood me." I say then follow her.

Soon I see a very dark and ominous castle. "This is lord Sin's castle." She says. "Lord Sin?" I ask. She nods. "Sin is the king of darkness and demons. He is this lands ruler." She explains.

"Oh so if I beat him I'm home free!" I say then go to the castle door. I push them open.
A long hallway greets me. I walk down it to a throne room. I then see a teenager sitting in the throne. "A challenger? I haven't had a challenger in years. The last one died on the first attack. Let's see if you can last longer." He says. He attacks me with a large black sword. It drains more than half of my health.

I start to panic. I'm way out of my league but I have to try and beat him. Calum makes me take out a bow and arrow and makes me use a new ability I have. I turned the arrow into a flaming arrow and Launch it at Sin.

It hits him it'll burn him for 5 minutes draining 20 hp or his health down each minute.
Calum makes me fire 8 more flaming arrows until Sin is down to 10 hp. Just enough for me to run and hit him with my sword. Calum make me have my sword I charge at Sin when he hits me with his sword knocking me to the ground.
Sin steps and places himself above me and is about to kill me. "Made it farther then any other challenger I'm almost sad you have to die. He then he brings down his sword.

Then I see a white light......

Calum's POV (a little before the white light)
Oli's going to die. I'm never going to see him again. My promise will mean nothing! "Damn it!"
Then a boxs apperases.

Dear helper. Your friend's life is almost gone. In a few seconds they will be dead and never to be seen again. But there is a way to keep them alive and bring them back without winning the game. Switch places with them. You will be put in the place as your friend while they will take the place of you out in the real world. Your health will be the same as your friend's once you enter so there is a large chance you will die. Even still do you wish to switch places with your friend? YES OR NO

Without thinking I click YES

I see a bright light then I see Sin. Then he brings down his sword into my heart. I feel so much pain. I scream in pain. "CALUM!" I hear Oli yell.
"What's this? Your not the same challenger as before. You switched places with him? How stupid. You chose to die." He says.

"Your right I did. I promised Oli i'd bring him back and I did. If it means I must then so be it." I say weakly. "But I'm not dying alone." I say. I then use the last of my strength and plunge my sword through Sin's chest. He soon busts into millions of tiny crystals.

I look up at Oli to see him crying. I smile at him "I love you." I tell him then I watch him fade into darkness.

Oli's POV

"NOOOO!" I yell and bang on my screen crying streaming down my face as I watch Calum burst into millions of little crystals.
"I-I love y-you too." I say between sobs.
Then a bright light appears next to me. I shield my eyes. When the light dies down I see . "CALUM!" I yell and hug him crying.

Calum's POV

I wake up to Oli screaming my name. "Oli?" I ask opening my eyes. I see him. "Oli!" I say happily. I look around to see that I'm home. But how?

"Me." I hear someone say.

Oli and I look at the scream to see the tiny pixel girl that Oli saved.

"I used my magic to save your friend. I'm part angel and have the ability to bring one person I choose back from the dead. I chose you mister. Your bravery to want to save me and your friends selflessness to protect you is what I've been waiting for. Please burn this game. Never let anyone ever get trapped again. Please just give this angel her final wish." She says then fades into nothingness.

"Thank you little angel." I say. I take the disk and go to the fireplace and throw the disk into it then I lit the fire. Burning the game.

E: what did you guys think? Did I make you cry?

Oli: yes!

E: sorry Oli oh and this was requested by lionwithatitude

Scott: now you see why we object to staying here!

E: I didn't make your chapter sad!

Scott: So you're still making chapters!

E: Oh be quiet!

Luaren: Please comment we'd love to hear what you think.

Oli: Hope you enjoyed!

MADE ON 11/20/17

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