Tris Pedrad

By uriahpedrad21

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Tris lives in Dauntless with her two brothers, Zeke and Uriah. A stiff comes into their lives, starting as Ze... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Candor or Dauntless
Initiation Day One
Chapter Six
Zeke's Party
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 18

864 12 9
By uriahpedrad21

Hey guys, thanks for continuing to read. This chapter should clear up any confusion from the last chapter. If not, just message me and i can explain what is happening. Didn't have much time to proofread so there may be typos. Let me know what you think in the comment section. If it doesn't make sense who the new character is i can  explain it for you if you ask but it should make sense. 

 - Rosie:) 

Uriah's POV:

I can't believe that idiot Zeke told Tris that I knew as well. I could have gotten away with it and I would have been the favourite brother. Thanks a lot Zeke.

The nurse who previously introduced herself as Nurse Joanna, kicks us all out because apparently we have been 'disturbing other patients'. I never really liked her.

Four, Zeke and I wait outside where everything seems to be back to normal besides a dead body here and there. I can tell that Four is very confused right now but I think he gages that it is a sensitive subject and doesn't ask question.

Zeke delves into the long story about our absentee father, Eli and our little cousin Abigail, who up until a few weeks ago, we all thought were dead.

We are soon called back into the infirmary and Tris is sittng in bed with a smile on her face.

She says "Hey guys, fancy seeing you here" and giggles.

"Are you high? If so, you'd better be hooking me up with some stuff soon." I ask

She points to an empty bottle of pain pills and laughs maniacally.

Zeke's eyes widen and he says "How many did you take, Tris?"

She says "I dunno. Whole thing?"

Maya who was training to be a nurse says "You idiot. You said you weren't even in pain. Don't worry guys, this is just the kind of stuff they put in Amity bread. It'll just make her really happy for a while and then she'll be back to normal. Probably not good that she overdosed, but nothing bad will happen."

I let out a sigh of relief along with Zeke, Four and Darlena.

Maya says "We should probably leave before she does or says anything to embarrassing to us that she will regret."

Four nods but Zeke, Darlena and I just laugh. Darlena says "Are you joking? I want to see what Tris the Druggo sounds like. I don't care if she's embarrassed."

I fist bump with her and I walk up to sit in the chair next to her bed, but Tris sticks out her leg and says "Can't you see that someone is already sitting there?" pointing at the chair.

There is no one sitting at the chair, it must be her imagination.

"Oh. Sorry Tris." I say, trying not to laugh.

She says with an almost scary look on her face "You better be sorry."

Tris is cleared from the infirmary after a few hours, there are still many people who need to be seen so the nurses had to clear bed space.

She leans on Four and Zeke as we walk her back to her apartment. I open the door for them to carry her in and they place her on her bed. 

She says she isn't in any pain at all. Might have something to do with the fact that she's high on pain meds. 

Zeke and I leave her apartment and Four lies on the couch and says he'll spend the night incase Tris needs anything. 

The nurse said she'll be alright to continue teaching the initiates but she will need our help to get around. I wonder what will happen with Abigail. 

She shouldn't be allowed back in Dauntless since she is faction less now. But she should at least get a shot at initiation in two years, maybe Max can make an exception. 

IMPORTANT A.N: There have been two new characters added: Eli and Abigail. if you didn't pick it up or if you are confused, Eli is Tris, Uriah and Zeke's absentee father who is faction less. Tris thought he was dead and Zeke and Uriah also did until very recently when they saw him at a faction less warehouse by mistake. Abigail is their younger cousin, she is 14 years old and has been living with Eli in the faction less warehouse. More will be cleared up next chapter about Abigail and about how she ended up living among the faction less. If you have any questions or if some of this doesn't make sense to you, feel free to message me asking anything and I'll try to clear it up for you. 

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