elixir. dongjun


3.1K 283 401

started 20171106 ended /// ※ "he's like an elixir, he reduces his anxieties." Mais

iii s·


462 48 83

after school ended, junhee and donghun walked home together. silence between the two, since neither one of them, had anything to sign.

when they both arrive at junhee's home, they're greeted by junhee's mother, currently trimming the roses outside the front of the house.

when she sees the brunet and blonde walking hand-in-hand up the pavement, she smiles and waves at them both.

hello donghun, she signs to donghun first.

hello, miss park he signs then politely bows.

can he stay for when dad gets here? junhee signs to his mom. the pleading look on his face makes her scoff.

sure, why not?

junhee smiles widely and pulls donghun's hand back into his. he pulls the brunet into the house and leaves his mother to continue trimming the growing roses. the two trot up the stairs to junhee's spacious room.

when junhee pushes the door open, he immediately takes his bag off his back and tosses it onto the floor near his dresser. donghun follows his actions.

you got your homework finished? junhee signs.

donghun nods to answer. junhee grins. then let's cuddle.

donghun felt the corners of his lips tug upward into a large smile. the blonde and the brunet intertwine their bodies before falling onto the bed and snuggling against each other.

donghun smells the same scent of cinnamon he loves.

the two snuggle unbothered for a while, donghun sneaking a few pecks of the lip from junhee. even if junhee looked like he was about to attack donghun every time he did peck him on the lips, junhee didn't mind it.

bros can feel that way about each other, right?


"hah-hah! jun, my boy, how are you?"

junhee gives his biological father a confused look. he looks over to donghun, how just shrugs.

"what? ya not gonna answer your papa?" his dad asks, smiling like an idiot.

junhee's lips press into a fine line. he didn't know how he could signal his mother to come be his translator when she was outside socialising with his dad's new wife.

junhee takes a deep breath.

"can't talk," junhee tries to say, but it comes out very hoarse. he clears his throat, pain striking him because of never using it. "i'm.. deaf."

his dad's mouth turns into an "o" shape as his eyebrows rise in surprise.

donghun taps junhee's shoulder to get his attention.

don't you think your biological father would know you were born deaf? donghun signs.

guess he forgot about his eldest son. junhee signs. he's got lola to take care of.

who's lola?

my younger sister. she's only 5.

is she here?

almost like a cue, lola comes running into the house squealing her head off, giggling and laughing as her mom and junhee's mother walk back inside.

junhee's father says something and kneels down for his daughter to embrace him. both the two hug for a bit before his father whispers something in her ear and pointing to junhee.

lola turns her head, her two pigtails whipping around. she waves at junhee with a wide smile on her face. junhee waves back, smiling.

the dinner commenced shortly after reuniting. the whole family had a large conversation about their lives besides donghun and junhee. who are playing footsies with each other under the table while nobody notices.

junhee's dad steals glances at the two constantly, but neither of them seems to notice.


donghun and junhee sit on the porch together, playing rock paper scissors. the two liked playing the game with fun twists, most the of time the twist being whoever wins a round gets to steal a kiss from the loser.

junhee shoots scissors while donghun shoots paper. junhee leans forward and pecks donghun's lips before sitting back down and returning to the game.

donghun shoots rock while junhee shoots paper. junhee steals another kiss from donghun, the kiss longer than the ones before.

junhee shoots paper while donghun shoots rocks again.

you idiot junhee signs, silently giggling.

donghun only rolls his eyes and leans forward for junhee to take another kiss from him.

junhee leans forward and kisses donghun's lips softly, cupping his cheeks with his warm hands. the two move their lips in sync together as the lip deepens.

junhee pulls away first, out of breath. he breathes deeply to catch his breath, his eyes focused on donghun doing the same thing. both their faces were covered with a deep blush.

junhee sees his father walking past the two to enter back into the house. his traces stopped as his hand is gripped on the door handle, about to turn it and push the door open.

"so you're gay?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. junhee doesn't respond, unable to read his father's lips.

his dad laughs. a hardy laugh at the looks of it. junhee and donghun continue to watch him, both as confused as the other.

"i always knew you were gay," his dad retorts with a smile before opening the door and walking into the house. he slams the door shut, and both of the boys turn to look at each other.

what did he say? junhee signs.

donghun only shrugs.

they ignore junhee's father and continue to play rock paper scissors. the game continues on until junhee's mom comes to tell them junhee's dad is finally leaving.

the two boys stand up and walk back into the house to sign their goodbyes to junhee's relatives. while junhee signs, his mother becomes the translator, since she hasn't lost her hearing.

the family leaves, and that leaves donghun, junhee and junhee's mom alone again.

i think i should get going donghun signs.

junhee pouts. don't leave.

my mom's probably worried about me. donghun signs, frowning.

junhee sighs.

fine. i'll walk you home, i guess.

the two walk out of the house and down the street toward donghun's home, only two streets down. the two were surprisingly close to each other, which meant easily being able to visit each other.

a silent walk later and they arrive at donghun's home. donghun hugs junhee one last time before stealing a kiss from his lips.

i'll see you tomorrow donghun signs before walking away to the entrance of his house. he opens the door and walks inside, shutting it behind him.

junhee smiles. but he wipes that smile away and walks back up donghun's street to get back to his home.

little did he know, donghun rushed to the front window of his house to watch junhee leave. he smiles softly and leans against his hand.

his elixir.



my eye really itched

but the skin around it is irritated

so it hurts to rub my eye


i've been cursed



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