The Boy Next Door ✑(h.s.)

By sillystylesxx

210K 7.7K 2.8K

If you live long enough in your past, thats where you'll stay. More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two/epilouge
Thank You.


9.1K 343 431
By sillystylesxx

Chapter 4

After the movie we decided to head back home. Harry accompanied me considering he lived across the street. Despite my negative attitude towards Harry and his family, I was actually enjoying his company. Yeah, every now and then he'd show his annoying cocky side, but it was mainly just for the sake of a joke. Although I wanted to despise the kid, I couldn't. He had this charm that radiated anywhere he went. The way his laugh filled the air in a matter of seconds, to the way he runs his hand through his mop of curls, he was just simply intriguing.

We made small talk, and bantered back and forth about random things. I still haven't told him about Angie, and I don't plan on it. I really don't feel like I can exactly let him into my life like that just yet, or ever really.

We neared our street and walked closer to our homes. We stopped in the middle of the street in between our two houses. I kept my hands on the handlebars of my bike and fiddled with the rubber grips. I looked over at Harry and he was looking at his feet, kicking at the gravel in the road. I realized then that I still wanted Harry's presence around me. I didn't want us to go our separate ways just yet.

"Uhm.. If you want you can come over." I said avoiding eye contact. I tried to not sound too needy while I bravely looked up at Harry. "But I mean if you don't want to that's cool." I continued while shrugging.

"Yeah sure, why not. My parents are working anyways, so I'd be alone. Might as well be alone together." Harry said with a smirk.


Once I put my bike away in the garage, Harry and I went into the house through the garage door. I put the things I got from the farmers market in the fridge and set down the book on the counter. Harry followed behind me and took a seat at the island in the kitchen. I grabbed two water bottles out of the fridge and stood on the other side, across from Harry. I slid the bottle across the flat surface towards where he was seated. He mumbled a quiet thanks and took a sip.

"So.. what do you wanna do?" I asked while playing with the cap of the bottle.

"It's your house Poppy. What do you want to do?" Harry retorted with the same question. I stood there thinking of things we could do. It was kind of awkward to be honest. I wasn't too sure what Harry was interested in or what he liked to do in his freetime. I also didn't want to be boring and suggest just watching T.V.

I suppose Harry could sense my struggle and spoke up. "We could just hang out in your room I guess." I nodded and picked up the book from the counter. I led Harry up the stairs to my bedroom. Thank god I was well-organized. My room was never messy. Ever.

I opened the door and walked in, Harry following me and closing the door behind him. I placed the book on the desk while Harry took a seat on the edge of my bed. I took a seat at near the top of my bed, my back leaning up against the headboard. I grabbed one of my many stuffed animals next to me and started to play with the soft texture.

"Aren't you a little old to have that many stuffed animals?" Harry mockingly commented with a smirk. I blushed at his comment. He was right, it was just a little ridiculous to still hold onto such childish objects, but I didn't want to let them go. Like I said change scares me. Growing up involves change, and I'm not exactly ready for that.

"If you're just gonna be mean to me, you know where the front door is." I say while rolling my eyes and stare out the window to me left.

"I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything.. I'm sorry." Harry says. I can see him looking up at me in my peripheral vision. I decide to accept his apology and change the topic.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I readjusted myself off the head board and sat up straight, legs crossed.

"Let's play a game." Harry said as he laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

"What kind of game exactly?" I asked with one eyebrow raised. I wasn't exactly sure what kind of game Harry had in mind which scared me slightly.

"20 questions." He said while turning his head towards me, moving his emerald gaze from the ceiling to my blue irises. I was relieved to find out it wasn't a childish game of truth or dare, or would you rather. 20 questions wasn't much of a demanding game, so I figured it'd be okay.

"Okay, you go first." I said repositioning myself yet again. My body could never seem to stay comfortable as it is, but something about Harry's presence made it harder than usual.

"Alright, we'll start off easy. What's your middle name?"

"Rose." I answered nonchalantly.

"Hmm, Poppy Rose Wilson. Has a nice ring to it." Harry stated with a slight smirk.

"Okay, now I'm pretty sure it's my turn." I said shaking my head at his remark. "uhm, what's your favorite color?" I asked. I know that this was probably the most generic, and boring question ever, but I didn't know what to ask. I was slightly afraid to get to know Harry. I know I wouldn't want to share much of my life, but I'm going to try to be less secluded from him. I need to realize that I can't hold onto this forever. It's okay to move on.

"Wow you're great at this game Poppy." Harry said with an eye roll. "It's black though. If you were really interested. Anyway, it's my turn again." Harry said while sitting up and bringing his legs onto the bed, crossing them. He now faced me, this knees not more than five inches away from touching mine.

"Let's get a little more personal shall we?" Harry smirked with a raised eyebrow. I nervously gulped and stared back at the green eyed boy. I blinked repeatedly as my heart started to beat faster. I was afraid of what he would ask. The possibilities were endless.

Harry must've taken notice of my nervousness and took it to his advantage. He chuckled slightly to himself while he inched closer to me. Our knees were now touching and it sent a surge of heat throughout my body. I could hear my heart beating, practically pounding in my ear.

Harry licked his lips before talking. "How's your love life Poppy? A pretty girl like you is bound to have boys practically crawling at your feet." Harry asked with a smug grin. Although the question was way out of my comfort zone I wanted to prove to Harry that I could handle it.

I took a deep breath to try and steady my heart before I spoke. "Well.. my love life is pretty much non-exisentant." I said moving my gaze to my hands once again, a nervous habit I had picked up years ago.

"That really doesn't suprise me all that much." Harry said while tilting my chin up from my downward gaze. We locked eyes yet again, me getting lost in his once again. He moved his hand from under my chin to the top of my thigh.

"I believe it's my turn now." I said bravely brushing his hand off of my leg.

"Alright, go ahead." Harry chuckled while shaking his head making his dark curls tossle on his head.

I decided I'd be couragious and ask him a similar question. "Are you a virgin?" Harry looked at me shocked, obviously not expecting me to ask such a blunt question.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Harry responded.

"What?! That's not fair! You can't respond like that."

"Since when were there rules applied to the game?" Harry smirked.

"You're a grade A asshole. I hope you know that." I huffed leaning back so I was laying down with my knees bent.

"Hey, if you're gonna ammount to something might as well lbe the best at it. Grade A, I'll take it baby." Harry said while standing up from my bed. I watched as Harry walked towards the closed door, bringing his hand to the handle.

"I'll be seeing you later Poppy." Harry said with smirk, and like that he was gone. I laid my head back down with a grunt. Harry Styles was the most aggrivating person in the world, and yet I was so overwhelmingly compelled to him it scared me. The way he could practiclly ask me to jump off a cliff, and I would comply without reason. This boy was going to be the death of me, and there was no stopping it.


The rest of the day slowly dragged on. I spent the rest of the day in my room until my parents got home. I didn't really interact much, I mainly just went down for dinner and went back upstairs to continue doing nothing. It was now 11 at night, and my parents were already asleep. I had spent a good coupl of hours doodling away, or writing poetry. I thought about starting the book Rodney gave to me, but I decided against it. I'm not sure why but I have a feeling that book is going to foreshadow too many things for me.

I had a faint glow in my room from my bedside lamp. The rest of my room was illuminated from the moonlight casting through my window. I continued doodlingg when I heard something hit my window. I didn't pay too much attention towards it, seeing as it was summer and Junebugs were more than frequent.It wasn't until the tap was more frequent that I realized it wasn't just a bug.

I moved my legs to the side of my bed and place my sketchpad to the side. I stood up and made my way over to the window. The tapping continued as I looked down to see what the souce was.


Harry stood outside my house throwing pebbles at my window. I unlatched the saftey latch, and slid open the window. Harry took notice of my presence and stopped his throwing.

"What are you doing? It's 11 at night Harry." I said leaning partcially out the window. Harry cleared his throat before stepping closer to my house.

"Who cares. C'mon Poppy, we have to hurry. Get down here." Harry tried to rush me.

"Uhm, there is no way in hell I'm sneaking out to go god knows where with you." I replied with a serious tone. My tone might be serious but every fiber in my being was telling me to jump out the window that instant and run off wherever the curly haired boy wanted to go.

"Yes you are. Now come on. You can climb down that vine." Harry pointed to the vine that grew up the side pf our house. I huffed, knowing that Harry had won. I couldn't believe I was about to sneak out for the first time so willingly. Harry messes with my better judgement, and I'm not sure how to handle that. I guess I'll cross that bridge when it comes.

I turned from the window and grabbed a pair of keds from my closet and threw my blonde hair in a ponytail before I made my way outside.

I gripped the vine with my hands and found a steardy spot to rest my foot. As I started to descend from my window my foot got stuck. I tried to wiggle it free, only to realize it would only make it worse. Focusing on my foot, I lost grip on the vine and fell. Thankfully Harry was there to cushion the fall. I fell right on top of Harry. We both grunted as we hit the ground. My head laid on his chest for only a couple of seconds while I tried to push myself up.

"Well, it seems we're in this position quiet often. Twice in one day Poppy, congrats." Harry mocked as I laid there staring at him. I shook my head and chuckled as I finally pulled myself up from the ground.

"Now that I'm down here, agaist my better judgement, where are we going?" I asked while Harry led me across the street, in front of his house.

Harry stopped in front of his parents car, a cherry red chevrolette convertable. Probably one of the nicedst cars on the street. Harry turned around face me, and instead of answering my question he dangled a set of keys in my face. My eyes widened as I realized what Harry had planned.

"Harry do you know how much trouble we'll get in if my parents find out? Let's not forget about yours! Harry this is ridiculious." I ranted, Harry obviously not going to change his mind. He walked around to the drivers side and opened the door. He put the keys in the ignition and started the car. He sat ther for a second with a wicked grin on his face. He then turned to look at me, still standing outside the car with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I'm waiting." He said in an impatient tone.

"I'm not getting in the car Harry. We're going to get in so much trouble."

"Who said anything about getting caught?" I couldn't believe his calm deminor. This was beyond my comfort level. Hell we passed my comfort level about ten miles ago.

"It's past curfew, and you're practicly stealing your parents c-"

"Poppy, learn to live a little. Life's too short to worry about concequences. Just this once Poppy, don't think. Just let go." Harry said cutting me off. I sighed and opened the passanger door. I can't believe what I just got myself into.


"You're not planning of killing me and dumping me out here are you?" I asked as Harry pulled up into a vast open field just outside of town. Harry chuckled at my question and shook his head.

"No Poppy, I'm not going to kill you, just your innocence." Harry looked over at me with a smirk. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Before I could question him on what he meant, he had turned the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car. I followed his actions as he leaned against the hood of the car. He then housted himself up so he was almost laying on the entire hood of the car. I decided to copy his actions and lay becide him. It was now 11:47 and it was pitch black. The moom was our only source of light, along with hundreds of dim stars.

"You ever wonder how many stars there are?" Harry questioned turning his head to look at me.

"Not normally. I don't particuarlly like thinking about space in general. It scares me." I honestly answered.

"What aren't you afraid of Poppy? I've only heard the things you are afraid of, and that seems to be almost everything."

"It's not that I'm afraid, I'm... cautious." I said while staring into his eyes. Harry sat up and scooted over closer to me. Our hips now touching. I was about to sit up when Harry put his hand in front of me.

"No, stay there. I want to try something." Harry said in a low and undeceive tone. I obeyed his request and layed there, looking back and forth between each eye.

Harry licked his lips, then gulped as he slowly leaned down, his face getting closer and claser to mine. My heart started to skyrocket as I knew of his intentions. He stopped when our faces were only mere inches apart.

He grinned before speaking. "I can hear your heartbeat from here." He brought one hand to my neck where my vein was pulsing. He moved his hand from my neck to my jaw cupping it. He looked in my eyes one more time, looking for a sign to stop, but I wasn't giving him one.

The next thing I feel is his soft lips press to mine.

My heart was racing even faster than before, if that was even possble. Our lips continued to move together in a gentle rhythm. Harry brushed his tongue across my bottom lip. I involuntarily opened my mouth slightly at his action. He took that as an invitation for his tongue to explore my mouth. My mouth had a mind of its own as my tongue started to battle over dominance with his. The kiss deepened as Harry positioned himself so he was hovering above me, in between my bent legs. One hand to the side of us and the other guided my body to a more comfortable position.

I moved my hands to his curly mess of hair, gently pulling every so often. I was rewarded with a moan as I continued my action. I felt Harry's hand move to the front of my stomach, slowly inching its way down to the hem of my shirt. He slowly lifted itso that my hip was visable, his hand rubbing small circles on the now exposed skin.

We finally pulled away from the kiss, but not moving out of our position. Harry looked down at me with nothing my lust and questioning. He didn't have to talk for me to understand what he was going to ask. So instead of ruining this by allowing myself time to rationalize the situation, I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down for another kiss.

I proably shouldn't be doing this right now, but in the moment there wasn't anythine I was more sure of. I decided to turn of my rational thinking, and allow myself to get lost in Harry's incredibly soft touch.

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