
Oleh uhavetobekiddingme

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She was running from her past, and Corey was in the right place at the right time. Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Untitled Part 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Untitled Part 36

Chapter 24

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Oleh uhavetobekiddingme

He woke up in the middle of the night and she was gone. Sighing he got out of bed and looked around the room, not seeing her. He threw on a pair of boxers, and walked out to the kitchen area. "Vyla?" He called out in the dark.

Getting no response, he walked to the balcony. She was sitting, curled up in a chair, smoking. He opened the sliding glass door, and walked out to her. "What are you doing Vy? We have a long day tomorrow." He said, as walked in front of her.

She didn't look up. "Can't sleep." She mumbled.

"Can't, or don't want to?" He asked.

"Both." She said quietly. He crouched in front of her. "Come to bed Vy. Please?" He said gently.

He took her hand, helping her up. She followed him to the bedroom. After they laid down and got settled, she rolled on her side, facing away from him. He rolled over to her, pulling her close against him. "You guys have to testify tomorrow. I have to go back on the stand. I get to lay more of my private life out for everyone." She said softly.

"It'll be fine. Just get some sleep." He said.

She sat up, turning to look at him. "It may be fine for you, but it's not fine for me. I'm not fine with it being on the news. I'm not fine with strangers knowing private details of my life." She said getting out of bed.

"What can I do to help Vy?" He asked, shocked by her comments.

"Nothing. There's nothing anyone can do to make it better." She said, and left the bedroom.

He was right behind her. "I'm not going back there tomorrow Corey." She said turning to him.

"Yes you are." He growled at her.

"No I am not. This isn't your choice." She snapped at him, "I want to go home. I want away from all of this." She said hotly.

"We're not fucking doing this Vy. You can fucking scream, yell, hit me, I don't fucking care! You're not leaving!" His voice raised at her.

She turned and glared hard at him. "Get the fuck out of my way. Now!" She yelled.

He blocked her path, and she bumped into him. "Corey, I am not fucking around. Get out of the way." She said through her teeth.

"No! Fuck that! You wanna be pissed, then fucking get pissed, but you're not walking out that fucking door!" He yelled, surprising them both. She jumped at his voice.

She went to move around him, and he blocked her again. "Vyla. No. I don't want to do this with you, but I am not letting you go." He said, in a calmer voice.

"It's not up to you. It's not up to the courts, or fucking Mason. I haven't had a say in shit! No one has asked me if I even wanted to do any of this! No one took into consideration my fucking life and how I would fucking feel! I was just told this is what I have to do!" She yelled, tears of anger running down her face.

Sighing, knowing she was right on what she just said, he looked down, then up at her. His expression had softened, "Vy. You're right. No one did ask. Including me. I'm sorry. I really am." He almost whispered, shaking his head.

She looked away and crossed her arms. Reaching up with one hand, she wiped the tears, crossing her arms again. She stayed quiet. She heard him move closer, making her jump. He reached out to touch her arm, making her flinch. She looked at him for split second, then down at the floor.

He hesitated, then pulled gently on her arm, moving her to his chest, holding her tight. "I'm sorry Vy. I am so, so, sorry." He whispered.

He heard her sob hard. Her hands came up and around his waist. She held him tight, like he was going to be taken away from her. Her sobbing grew louder, filling the room. He was actually relieved. She hadn't cried much in the last month. He knew this was coming.

He walked them back to the bed, pulling her up to the pillows. She laid with her head on his chest, sobbing hard. He ran his fingers through her hair, trying to sooth her.

He laid with her for a long time, as her sobs became less and less. "Corey?" She asked, seeing if he was awake still.

"What is it, baby?" He whispered.

"Can we not come back to California for at least a year? I hate this fucking state." She asked.

He chuckled softly, "Babe, we won't be back for a long time. I promise." He said, grinning.

She sat up to look at him. "I shouldn't of yelled at you. I'm sorry. It's all just become too much, too fast. I didn't mean any-" he cut her off.

"No. I'm glad you did. I could see all of it festering. I've been waiting for you too. I'm just glad you didn't punch me." He said making both of them laugh.

"Is it bad I thought about it though?" She grinned at him.

He laughed, "No. I was expecting you to. I was ready." He smiled at her.

"Vy, I should have asked you how you felt about all of this. I assumed it was ok, but I never asked you, and I was wrong. I'm sorry." He said, looking at her.

"No. Don't be sorry. This needed to happen and I wouldn't have done it if you hadn't told me I was going to. So, thank you."She said, pressing her lips against his.

He pulled her back down to him. "Get some sleep. And Vy? I didn't mean to get mad and yell at you either. And I didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry, baby. I love you." He said kissing her head.

She looked up at him. "I know you didn't. I'm not the easiest to deal with right now. I love you too." She said.

The next morning, after she finished getting ready, she walked out of the bathroom, and saw him standing on the balcony, dressed in a suit. She smiled, walking out to join him.

Opening the sliding glass door, he turned to look at her, with his eyes wide. She was wearing a black suit, only this one had a skirt. She had a hot pink sleeveless dress shirt under it, black nylons, and high healed shoes. She smiled at him. "Oh my god, I am never getting through this day." He said. He walked up to her, kissing her hard, running his hands down her back.

"Hey, we have to go. Sid promised me coffee." She said, smiling as she pulled away.

"You aren't supposed to have that, and it makes you jittery as hell. Really think that's a good idea today?" He asked looking at her.

"Yes, dad. I'm sharing it with Sid. Meaning I might get two drinks." She grinned.

"You ok?" He asked seriously.

"Ask me when it's over." She said, turning around, walking to the door.

They met the others in the lobby, and stood waiting for their limo. "Vyla. You can stop this all right now." She heard from behind her.

Vyla sighed, and turned around. She saw Corey moving over to her. She felt him start to walk in front of her. She grabbed his hand stopping him. She glared at Mary.

"Mary, this is your last fucking warning. I will knock your fucking teeth down your fucking throat, if you talk or come near me again. I will not fucking hesitate. Understand? Last fucking warning, you miserable fucking cunt." She said through her teeth.

She turned walking outside away from Mary. She got outside, stopped and leaned against the building. She felt her hands shaking. She looked to see a cigarette being held in front of her. She turned to see who it was, and saw Corey, grinning at her. She took the cigarette from him, and he helped her light it.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "What?" She asked him.

"Miserable fucking cunt, huh? Not bad. You didn't hit her either. Maybe that anger management worked a little after all." He said laughing.

Smirking at him, she said, "I meant what I said. It's her final warning. I'm not kidding."

"And I'll let you, if she comes near you again. At least once." He said smiling at her.

Placing her arms around his neck, she smiled at him. He moved his hands around her waist smiling back. "You enjoyed that way too much Taylor." She said.

He moved to whisper in her ear, "I'm so fucking turned on right now. Just throwing that out there." Making her laugh.

The limo pulled up just then, as they all piled into it, Sid grabbed her hand, pulling her aside. "Hey. You alright?" He asked worried.

"For now. You may have to pull me out of the bathroom again today. Sorry in advance for my behavior." She said.

He smiled, nodding his head. "I can do that. You look really pretty by the way." He said, kissing her cheek.

She smiled at him. "Sid! You're kissing my fiance again. Get in the fucking car, man!" They heard Corey yell, making them both laugh.

Once they both got in, and they started driving, she noticed they were all staring at her. "What?" She asked.

"Miserable cunt?" Mick asked laughing.

"Yeah, and? I can't help it if she is." She said making them laugh.

Pulling up to the courthouse, it was just like the day before with the reporters, and tons of people gathered around. She felt the panic rising again. The guys could tell she panicking as well. "We have to go Vy." Corey said quietly.

Mick grabbed her hand, "Let's get this over with ok? Then we can leave." He said to her. "Please Vy. I need you to do this, ok?" Mick asked. She nodded. The door to the limo opened. All of the others went ahead, leaving her and Corey.

"Let's go babe." He leaned over, kissing her quickly, then grabbed her hand, pulling her out.

They made their way to the courthouse, much like the previous day. He held her hand tight. Once inside the doors, she leaned into the wall. Chris put his hand on her shoulder and said, "You did good. Just a little bit more. Then we are done." She nodded, trying to breathe.

"Miss. Jones? It's almost time. I'm going to call the guys up first. Then it will be your turn. You can sit at the table with me at the front." Lydia said.

"Nope. Two things are happening Lydia. I am going first and getting this shit done, and I am never going back on that fucking stand, got it? The other is, I am not fucking sitting up there with you, and being that close to that piece of shit. If there is a problem with any of that, I'll fucking bounce right now." She said sternly.

"Um, ok. Sure. That shouldnt be an issue." Lydia said, taken aback by Vyla's statement. "I'll see you in there then." She said walking away.

"Goddamn Vy! It's not even nine, and you just told two people to get fucked!" Shawn said laughing.

She nodded, walking towards the courtroom, Corey holding her hand. They sat down, and listened to them go over witnesses for the day. Her name was called back to the stand. "I love you." She heard Corey whisper in her ear. She nodded, standing, and walking to the stand.

"How did you meet Mr.Taylor?" Lydia asked.

"He got Mason away from me one night outside of a coffee shop. Mason had been stalking me, and when I left on my own that night, he grabbed me by my throat and punched me in the face. He was going to do it again, until Corey stopped him." She said.

"How did Mr.Taylor stop him?" She asked.

She turned her head, and almost smirked at Mason and said, "He knocked him out."

"Did Mr.Cross harass you after that night?" Lydia asked.

"Yes. Either with texts, or throwing a brick through a window at Corey's house, or sending photos of the tour bus. It was pretty non stop. Like it was for the last three years of my life." She said.

"Why were you on the tour bus with Mr. Taylor that day?" Lydia asked.

"We have been together since that night. He had me go on tour with them, to try and keep me safe from Mason." She said.

"Can you please tell us what a typical day was like when Mason was angry with you?" Lydia asked.

She pressed her lips together, playing with the bracelet Sid gave her on her wrist. "He would come home after work, and find something wrong with the house. He would beat me until I couldn't stand. Then he....." Her voice was breaking, tears escaped her eyes,"then he would tell me to take my clothes off or he would take them off of me. Then he raped me." She breathed out, wiping her eyes. The nausea in her stomach was rolling around. Her hands shook worse than before.

"Did you tell him to stop or try and fight him off?" Lydia asked.

"At first. Then I didn't anymore, because he would beat me more. So I stopped trying to, so I wouldn't get hurt worse." She said.

It was time again for cross examination. "Isn't it true Miss. Jones, that you were into rougher sex?" He asked.

"What?" She asked glaring at him.

"Let me re-" Vyla cut him off.

"I heard you. I just can't believe the audacity of your question." She stated.

"Miss. Jones..." the judge warned.

"No. It's not true." She snarled.

"Didn't you set Mr. Cross up the night you met Mr. Taylor?" He asked.

"No." She snapped.

"Didn't you lead Mr. Cross on this whole time?" He asked

"No." She said.

She was then told she could step down. She walked down the aisle, keeping her eyes on the door, and nothing else. She reached the doors, just in time to be sick in the trash can. She heard the door open behind her, and felt a hand on her back. She turned to see Jim. "You did good Vy." He said in a quiet voice.

She moved from the trash can, leaning against the wall. "Corey is up right now. Then me. Once he's done, he'll be out. Are you ok?" He asked, holding on to her shoulder.

She nodded, moving to find a bench. He sat next to her. She didn't look at him, just down at the floor. "I hate California." She finally said, looking at him.

A slow grin appeared on Jim's face. He chuckled and nodded. "Me too. This state is shit." He said. She leaned into him, as he put his arm around her.

"I am sorry for the last 8 years of your life Vyla. I know it doesn't make it better, but I am. It's not fair; what happened to you wasn't right or fair. But I'm glad you get to start over." He said.

"Thanks." She said quietly.

"I am disappointed we're not getting married. Just sayin." He said, getting her to chuckle a little.

"I'm sure you will get over me in time." She said grinning.

They sat in silence for a long time, waiting for Corey. She leaned into him, sighing, as he rubbed her shoulder.

The doors opened, and Corey came out. Jim stood up, patted her leg and walked into the courtroom.

He crouched in front of her, lifting her face up with two of his fingers. He looked sad and worried. "Baby, are you ok?" He whispered.

"I don't know. Let's go back in." She said standing.

"No. Let's just stay here." He said.

"No. We finish it." She said walking back into the courtroom.

She sat down next to Sid, Corey on the other side of her. They each held her hand.

Jim explained that when he entered the bus, he saw Corey hitting Mason, and he saw Mick and Chris, pulling Corey off of Mason. He stated that he saw Vyla on the floor not moving. He had ran over to her, trying to keep her awake. He said he covered her with a blanket and took her off the bus.

When cross examination time came, the lawyer asked what Vyla had been wearing.

"Shorts and a t shirt." He responded.

"You stated her shorts were mostly pulled down in the police report. Was she wearing undergarments?" The lawyer asked.

Vyla gasped, and both Corey and Sid's grips on her hand tightened. She felt the tears run down her face. She looked down, knowing the response already.

Jim sighed, running his hand over his face. "I don't believe so." He replied.

"I have to go." Vyla whispered, getting up, and almost jumping over Corey. She was out of the courtroom before he could even get up.

He stood, walking out after her. He found her, sitting on the bench, head in her hands.

He knealed down in front of her. "Vyla." He started, she snapped her head up at him.

"I asked you about that Corey. You knew. Didn't you?" She asked, heartbroken.

"I didn't know that day. It wasn't until a lot later, after I read the police reports. Vyla, I should of told you, I'm sorry I didnt." He said, sounding almost as heartbroken.

"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" She demanded.

"I guess I didn't want to upset you more. I'm so sorry Vy." He said sadly.

"There is a room over there, that they said we can sit and wait in." He said pulling her up. He led her to the room, and shut the door. She took off her suit jacket, dropping it on the table.

She sat down on the floor in the corner of the room, stretching her legs in front if her, and crossing them. He stayed where he was, watching her. She looked defeated, and sad, yet angry.

"Hey. Talk to me Vy." He said softly.

"I don't have anything to say." She said staring off into the distance.

She looked like she had just given up. Almost as though Jim's testimony was the final straw that broke the camels back.

He walked over to her, sitting down beside her. She held her hand out to him, still staring off. He grabbed her hand and held on to it tightly. They sat looking forward, not saying anything, for almost an hour.

As he was lost in his own thoughts, he heard her sob suddenly, pulling him back to her. He turned his head, seeing her tears, falling fast down her face. "I'm so tired." Was all she said.

He nodded, holding her close to him. They stayed in the room for another hour, before it opened. Lydia appeared, placing her briefcase on the table.

"Vyla, we should work on your victim impact statment." She said.

It was almost as if the switch in Vyla flipped back on. She was on her feet in an instant, moving around the table to Lydia.

"My what?" She asked, standing front of Lydia

"It's where victims of crimes-" Vyla cut Lydia off.

"I know what the fuck it is. Don't fucking call me a victim. I'm not. And this case has had me drag up every shitty fucking detail of my life. I am not getting up there again, and playing the bullshit of 'Woe is me'. It is pretty fucking clear what he fucking did and there is evidence to prove it. If you can't convict him on that alone, than you are a shit fucking lawyer and need to go back to law school." She said in too calm of a voice.

She picked up her jacket and looked at Corey, who was shocked by what she just said to Lydia. He turned and looked at Vyla and smiled. "Couldn't of said that any better myself." He said walking over to her.

"I'm leaving. Call me with the verdict. Let's go Corey." She growled.

He scrambled to grab her hand, and they walked out of the room. She pushed past the guys, never looking at any of them, and out the doors, Corey in tow. They reached the limo and climbed in, waiting for the others.

"What?" She snapped at him, as he stared at her in awe.

"Nothing." He said, lighting both of them a cigarette, still smiling at her.

The guys started piling back in the limo now. Once they were all in, they started driving. She sat, smoking and staring out the window. No one said anything. The tension in the limo was thicker than the day before. The mood was dark, and no one knew what to say, so they all remained silent.

Fifteen minutes later, they arrived back at the hotel. She got out first, making her way to the elevator. She hit the button, and realized Corey was next to her. The doors opened, and they got on.

She went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. He heard the shower running. He sat down at the table, gathering his thoughts for a moment. What a fucked up day, he thought. Standing up, he walked into the bathroom.

"Hey." He said to her.
"Hey" Was all she said.

He stood there for a few minutes, not sure what to say or do. There was a strange awkwardness between them, but he couldn't place it. "Um, are you ok?" He asked.

"Sure." She said. Wrinkling his brow, he walked closer to the shower. She was sitting like yesterday, on the floor, head in her arms.

"Talk to me Vy." He said.

"I can't right now. I just can't." She said, not looking up. She wasn't crying, just not looking up. Almost as if she was ashamed.

Taking off his clothes, he got in sitting next to her. She moved away from him, not looking up. "What is it? Are you mad at me?" He asked.

"No." She replied, still not looking up.

"Vy? Please? At least look at me?" He asked, pleading with her.

She sat up and turned to look at him. She looked incredibly sad, and defeated. "Jesus. Babe. Talk to me." He said worried. She had never looked like that before.

"I'm tired. I need sleep." She said, standing to get out of the shower, leaving him there.

He watched her dry off, wrap a towel around herself, and exit the bathroom. He turned off the water, and got out. He dried off, wrapping a towel around his waist, and went to look for her.

She was laying on the bed, with her back to him, still wearing only a towel. He sat down, on the edge of the bed.

She's not doing this. She's not shutting me out, he thought. Figuring she may punch him, he took a deep breath, and moved over her, and moved her to lay on her back. She looked startled. "What the fuck are you doing?" She snapped at him.

He grinned at her, "Hey! You do know how to talk." He said chuckling.

"Fuck off." She said trying to move him off of her. "Can you let me up?" She asked.

"Sure," he grinned, "as soon as you talk to me." He said smiling more now.

"Is this National Piss Off Vyla Day? Because if that is the case, you're doing a good job of it." She said glaring at him.

"Well, I am pretty talented at pissing people off. I like to think of it more as a gift really." He said smiling at her. Oh wow, she is really getting pissed, he thought.

"Corey, I am not in the best state of mind right now, and I am telling you to back the fuck off!" She yelled.

"Well babe, you and I both know I can't do that. I also have a real knack at being a pain in the ass." He said, knowing he was pushing her more. He grinned at her. He hated grinning at her, when he knew she was almost ready to break. He knew if he didn't push her, she would shut down completely.

"Corey. I love you to fucking death, ok? The last thing I want to do is hurt you, whether it's words or physically. I am asking you one last, fucking time, to get off of me." She said in her eerie calm voice.

"Vy, I will. Only if you talk to me. Please." He said just as calm.

"What the fuck does everyone want from me! Why can't anyone just leave me alone? I have done nothing but air my shitty, fucked up life for everyone for two fucking days! I've had enough! I am hurt, and I am fucking pissed, and embarrassed! Jesus Christ!" She yelled, the tears back in full force. She looked away, and she felt him move off of her. She rolled to her side sobbing.

She felt him move on the bed, but she wouldn't look up. She felt his arms scoop her up and move her into his lap. "I've just had enough. I never asked for any of this." She said, crying into his chest. "Today was worse than yesterday. I had to hear how I was fucking found, and how I didn't have fucking underwear on by my fiance's friend! What the Fuck!" She yelled.

"Babe, trust me. Jim was just as uncomfortable having to answer that. He didn't want to. He knew it would upset you. It upset him alot today. It upset him even more the day it happened." He said soothingly.

"Why the fuck did it matter to them if I wore underwear or not that day? Because I wasn't wearing them, it was ok for him to fucking try and rape me!?" She asked, moving off of him. She moved so she could see him.

"No it wasn't ok. It doesn't matter if you had clothes on or not. He had no right. None." He said placing his hand on her cheek, holding it there.

"How the fuck do I ever even look or talk to Jim or any of the guys again, after all of this Corey?" She asked desperately.

"You've been doing it. They've been doing it. The only difference is, it's been talked about out in the open. You honestly think it's going to be something they sit around gossiping about?" He asked seriously. "They wouldn't do that. I would break their fucking legs. I promise you that." He said, making her grin a little.

She looked at him."I just feel more lost than I ever have."

He nodded, holding her close to him."I know." Was all he said.

They sat silently for a long time, each lost in their own thoughts.

"Want to color with me?" She asked him out of nowhere, as she turned to face him. His face fell, and she could see the excuses running through his head.

"Yeah...I mean..sure..." He said awkwardly.

"You are the worst liar on the planet Corey Taylor." She said, grinning at him.

He rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks went red. "Babe?" She asked. He turned to look at her.

"I was totally fucking with you." She grinned.

He looked relieved, then shook his head at her. "I was going to..." He grinned, at her.

"Liar. Your face went crimson red, and you started rubbing your neck. I could see the excuses going through your head." She said making them both laugh.

"It was that obvious, huh?" He laughed.

"Oh yeah. Bad ass Corey Taylor isn't coloring. I get it." She said laughing.

He smirked, moving over to her. She laid back on the bed, as he hovered over her. "You ok?" He asked. She shrugged. "I will be. It's just going to be a while. I don't know how long it's going to take to feel better." She said.

"However long it needs to take. Don't try and rush it. But you have to deal with this. It will eat you up if you don't. Please trust me when I say this. I know what I'm talking about" He said, staring at her.

"I know." She nodded.

"Sorry I called you a dickhead too." She said, her face full if remorse.

"Um, yeah, you didn't." He said looking at her amused.

"Oh. Of course I didn't. I was just thinking it." She said grinning. He laughed, shaking his head.

"Well, I've been called a lot worse." He said, smiling at her.

"I'm sorry. I feel like I say that all the time anymore. Or throw up somewhere, or cry. Seems to be all I do, say sorry, cry, or puke." She said making him grin.

"You do a lot more than that." He said, laying next to her. "Like earlier, holy shit, I had NO idea how agressive you could be." He said, watching her blush.

"Um, yeah...I didn't either. Sorry. I'm sure that was a little weird." She said looking away.

"Weird? Fuck no! Christ. You seriously broke your foot off three times today, in two peoples asses. After the third time, I wanted to lock the doors on the limo, and let the guys walk." He laughed.

"That really does it for ya huh? Me being pissed off." She said laughing.

"It's how you take charge. And you get this determined look on your face. Like when Lydia came in before we left. You said everything I was going to say. But you said it with this calm, determined voice. You told her how to do her own job. Then you're all like 'Let's go Corey'. And you seriously pulled us to the fucking limo. Not me. You." He said smirking at her.

"Yeah I was done with that shit." She said laughing.

He shook his head slowly at her. "It was fucking amazing. Like I want to have Lydia say some more stupid shit right now to you." He said making them laugh.

"Yeah. I guess, I needed control over something today. I'm sorry." She said.

"Uh, let me know when you feel like you need to control something. I will volunteer to help." He said laughing. She smiled.

"Want to go out for a bit? I need to do something." He said.

"If it was anywhere but the state of California, I would say yes. Go do whatever guy thing you want to do. I'll hang out here." She said.

"You know I can't leave you here alone." He said.

"You won't be. I'll text Sid." She said, grabbing her phone.

"You sure? I don't want to leave if you-"She cut him off.

"Answer me this. Are you planning on doing any of the following: picking up and or sleeping with other woman; going out drinking; going to get drugs?" She asked him.

"No to all of that. I was going to go to a comic book store." He laughed.

"Ok, then. Sid's on his way down. I need clothes and so do you." She grinned. He kissed her softly and nodded.

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