Supercorp One Shots

By number-9-is-my-shet

122K 3K 415

Here are some one shots of mine involving Supercorp (Kara x Lena - Supergirl). I also have a full Supercorp s... More

Dreaming Of Her
The Chocolate Capital Of The World
Checkmate (Smile)
My Kryptonite, And My Yellow Sun
Little Miss. Sunshine
I need your opinions
I Did A Thing!
Little Little Danvers
Hot Beverages
Cats Don't Like Water


7.2K 242 34
By number-9-is-my-shet

Author's Note: Another prompt from

I'm not really sure how I feel about this one, but I published it anyway because why not?

Also, shameless self promo: If you're a Wayhaught shipper (but who isn't?) I have a one shot collection for those cuties too which has just hit 1000 reads!!

Hope you enjoy this!

Laughter erupted from the table. Alex, Maggie, J'onn, Winn, James, and Kara had gone out to the alien bar. They'd had to convince Kara to come (she'd been feeling quite down lately because Lena had to go overseas on business, and she'd been there for a week. Kara couldn't very well go and see her as herself, and if Supergirl payed her a visit it would likely make the news, and rumours would start, and Lena wouldn't really be Lena around her anyway), but now it seemed she was the most intoxicated of them all. She had flopped over the table, arms sprawled out in front of her, and stayed that way for the past ten minutes. Every now and then, she would mumble a response or try to join in on conversations, but it was nonsensical. Eventually, it seemed she had given up or maybe even fallen asleep.

"I'm going to go get us some more drinks." Alex offered, getting up to head to the bar.

"No, no. Let me. You got the last round." J'onn pointed out, and Alex reluctantly agreed. As soon as she sat down, Kara's head flung up and her eyes were like saucers.

"Guys!" She said, a little too loud, as she gazed about the table. Everyone looked back at her with concern, wondering if she had heard something going on in the city. If she had, she certainly couldn't handle it herself in this drunk stupor.

"What is it?" Alex asked, eyes wide (but not quite as wide as Kara's).

"Lena is in Paris." Kara slurred, focusing her attention on Alex seeing as she had been the one to respond.

"I know, Kara. You've told me twice already tonight and god knows how many before that." Alex laughed a little, but Kara frowned.

"Oh." She said, quietly, and then tears pricked at her eyes, "I miss her."

"Kara, we all miss her but she's going to be back in a few days." Alex's hand found Kara's, and she smiled, hoping it'd be enough for Kara to put her head back on the table. They'd brought her out to stop being so lonely, not to start crying over Lena. Meanwhile, Maggie tried to hold in a snicker from Alex's side, which earned her a light elbow to the gut.

Kara nodded, whispered something like 'I know', and pulled out her phone. Probably to play some game, Alex thought.

"Drinks!" J'onn announced, somehow carrying enough drinks for everyone (except Kara, who he decided had had quite enough) and a few extra shots in his hands without spilling any.

"Awesome!" Winn smiled, rubbing his hands together as he took his. Everyone else took theirs, but Kara didn't even look up from her phone. She was smiling dopily, and swiping and swiping and swiping.

"What's got your smile back, little Danvers?" Maggie asked, already knowing but wanting to prove it to Alex. She knew her and Lena both wanted to be more than 'friends', and more than 'bestest friends', as Kara had worded their complicated relationship when in a similar drunkard state a while ago.

"She's so pretty." Kara said, not fully answering Maggie's question (though everyone knew who the 'she' was anyway), "And smart. And brave. And really, really se-"

"Kara." James interrupted before that last one could be finished.

"Hmm?" The blonde asked, looking up at the man. Her demeanor was overly childish and innocent, especially since she was about to call her boss 'sexy'.

"Why don't I take you back to your apartment?" He suggested, looking around the table to make sure that was ok.

"Oh, we can take her. Me and Alex were going to drop her off tonight anyway." Maggie smiled back.

"It's fine. I was going to head home now anyway. It's getting late, and I've got some stuff I need to do tomorrow."

And so James took her home, making sure she was comfortable on the sofa and instructing her not to fly off anywhere before he left. She tried to distract herself with the TV, but it wasn't long until she was scrolling through the pictures of Lena once more. Some she'd managed to take sneakily, capturing Lena at work, or across the table at lunch dates; some were taken by Lena herself when she noticed Kara taking pictures and stole her phone, saying she had to 'make sure they look acceptable' but ended up making ridiculous faces at ridiculous angles; and some were taken of them both during game night, or girls' night, or whatever-night.

Before she knew what she was doing, tears (though if they were happy or sad she was not entirely sure) rolled over her cheeks and she dialled Lena's number.

"Kara? Is everything ok? Isn't it really late there?" Lena asked, and if it sounded like she'd just woken up, it was because she had, because Kara's phone call was the only thing she'd wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning on her only day off in Paris for.

"Lena!" Kara said, her clumsy smile audible. She sounded almost surprised that she was there, as though she'd forgotten it was her  who'd called Lena.

"Are you drunk?" Lena asked, and her expression was audible too. Kara knew she'd raised a brow, that she was smirking a little even though she would've fought it if Kara was there.

"A little bit." Kara giggled, "I really miss you and I have to tell you something."

"What is it?" Lena questioned, her smile having grown.

"You're really pretty and you're really smart and I really like you a lot and sometimes you do stuff that's really adorable and I love it and I really wish you were here so that I could tell you in person but I can't just fly over there because it would be suspicious and... Lena!" Kara rambled, and Lena chuckled on the other end.

"Thanks, Kara, but you're drunker than I thought you were. Wait, you never get drun-" Lena was getting concerned, but she was interrupted.

"I love you." Kara had whispered, and Lena stopped talking immediately. A blush grew, and she looked down at the floor of her hotel room even though she had nobody to hide that blush from.

"Kara..." There was a pause, and Kara's eyes widened as she suddenly realised what she'd said. She wanted to take it back, to keep that bottled up like she'd planned, to apologise and probably end up rambing about how that was entirely inappropriate considering Lena was not only her best friend but also her boss.

Just as she was about to, Lena stopped her with a simple 'I love you too.'


When Lena arrived back in National City Airport, Kara had managed to arrange with Lena's secretary to be the on to pick her up instead of her usual driver. She stood there, biting her lip as she held the little paper sign with Lena's name on it, wondering whether Lena had meant what she said. Maybe she'd said it to calm Kara down. Maybe it was a platonic 'I love you too'.

All those worries were swept away when Lena looked up from her phone and caught sight of Kara. Her face lit up, and she hurriedly made her way over (not running, but that awkward half-run, half-walk one does when conflicted between what you want and how you are expected to act). She enveloped her in a hug, almost dropping her luggage in the process, and laughed quietly.

"I missed you." Lena whispered into Kara's ear.

"I missed you too." Kara smiled, and knew that this was just the start.

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