The Chronicles of Narnia: The...

By last_queen_of_narnia

191K 5K 684

The Pevensie siblings think they can't return to Narnia, but what happens when they're sent back to Professor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Hey, I got a question for you...
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Thank You!!!! XD
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen-Part One
Chapter Fourteen-Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Just to Clarify
Chapter Eighteen
Watty's 2014!

Chapter Ten

6.2K 169 27
By last_queen_of_narnia

Okay, first of all, I want to start off by saying that I'm sorry that I've haven't updated in so long, but with school, homework, my church youth group, and my school's 8th grade send off dance, plus I cant use the computer for a week so I have to do this in the app, I've just had trouble finding the time. Luckily, though, I finished chapter ten on google docs while I was getting ready for school last Wednesday, so I decided to finally put it on wattpad. Enjoy!

Chapter Ten

Elsa's POV

So, as it turns out, my mother had lied to me my whole life. The Pevensies, or Kings and Queens of Old, as well as King Caspian, explained everything. My mother had told me ever since I was a child that Aslan had let her rule, and that they were on the same side. Once the Pevensies had come, she told me that they were supposed to rule by her side, taking over the throne once she had died. She also said that the Battle of Beruna was to be all of the Narnians-her side and Aslan's- against the Calormenes, who wanted to take Narnia. I was never even told the truth after Jadis died. I was only (indirectly) banished from Narnia and became an outcast. I had heard, however, that the Pevensies were ruling Narnia truthfully, and protecting it bravely. I had grown a respect for them, although I never thought I would meet them.

Their majesties explained to me the truth, thankfully. I'll spare you the chance to know everything they said word for word, since I interrupted more times than they told me anything.

Anyway, they told me that my mother had taken over Narnia by force, and that at least fifty percent of Narnia was against her. They had also told me that the Pevensies were meant to restore Narnia from the endless winter Jadis had sent it into, and that they were also meant to defeat her and rule Narnia at Cair Paraval on their own. Lastly, they told me that the Battle of Beruna was actually the true Narnians (those on Aslan's side) against the White Witch's 'Narnians'.

Now, after giving everyone a room, I sat in my own, wondering what I was supposed to do next. I was, of course, going to let Caspian have the throne back (they had told me not to use titles with them, that it annoyed them), but I didn't know where to go or how to live my life once I left the castle. I certainly didn't want to go back into exile.

My thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock at my door. "Elsa? Are you in here?" Lucy.

"Yes, I'm in here."

"Oh, well, Peter told me to come and get you. He said that it was really important. And he sounded urgent."

"Alright," I opened the door to see Lucy staring up at me expectantly. "I'm coming."

She led me down the grand staircase, where I found Peter in the throne room with Caspian, Susan, and Edmund.

They all looked up as we entered. "Oh, good. You're here," Peter commented.

"Of course. What's wrong?" I asked, generally confused.

"It's about.... the White Witch," Edmund's voice cracked as he spoke. Susan put her arm around him reassuringly.

"Jadis is back," Peter stated firmly, although I could tell that he was nervous.

"What do you mean, 'back'? How so?" If there was ever a time to panic, it was most definitely right now.

"Someone revived her," Caspian answered.

"What? Who would do that?"

"We don't know yet," Susan took her eyes off of her younger brother for a split second to look me in the eye.

"You don't think I did, do you?"

"No, certainly not!" Caspian explained, "But we were hoping you might be able to help us figure out who did."

I thought hard for a moment. I don't think there was anyone who agreed with the White Witch anymore, but I could be wrong. I told them this.

"Then we'll have to figure it out a different way," Peter mumbled, his brow knotted. Was it just me, or did he look really cute when he was deep in thought? Wait, what am I thinking?!

Lucy suddenly piped up. "Can I ask, how exactly do you know that she's alive?"

I looked to Peter and Caspian. Ed seemed to be interested as well, because his head perked up a bit, and his eyes looked as if they widened.

"Outside," Peter uttered, motioning for Lucy and I to follow him to the balcony.

The first thing I saw when I looked outside was white. We hadn't gone onto the balcony, and that was the exact reason why. There was a raging blizzard outside, and I knew I hadn't caused it. There was only one other person in Narnia that could have: Jadis, the White Witch.

I stood staring at the sight in awe. Then I knew what I had to do. "I'll be right back," I said, backing away from the doors.

"Where are you going?" Ed croaked, releasing himself from his sister's grasp.

"To see if I can stop that blizzard."

* * * * * * *

Before I left, though, I made sure to dress in some warmer clothes. I put on a long sleeve white dress and put my hair into a side­-braid. Then I threw on a thick, ivory­colored hooded cloak and headed out into the storm.

My first stop was Aslan's How, to see if there was any sign of Jadis. It didn't seem like there was, but I went inside, just to be safe.

As soon as I got to the stone table, it only proved that Jadis was alive. There was a wall of ice in front of the carving of Aslan, and there was a circle drawn on the ground before it. In the circle was a hole about an inch deep, and I knew that that was where Jadis' staff had been. She had most likely pulled it out when she was revived.

I left ASAP and headed for Lantern Waste. The White Witch's castle was just beyond, so I had a good feeling I'd find her there. When I had reached the lamppost, I suddenly heard a voice behind me.

"I remember seeing that grow out of the ground when Narnia began." I could hear that the person was smiling a sly, evil, luring smile. Jadis.

I turned around to find her glaring at me, but in the way a mother might glare at her child when she's scolding them. "Why aren't you at the palace waiting for me, sweetheart?" she asked.

I mentally cringed at the word 'sweetheart'. The fact that she even had the nerve to call me that after all of the lies that she told me was just infuriating. I glared right back at her, but I did so in a way so that I looked like I was facing my worst enemy (or so I hoped that's how I looked), because I technically was.

"Who revived you?" I countered.

"Why, Lord Drinian, dear! Don't you remember? He said that you had sent him to revive me while you were getting ready for your coronation!"

"But, who's blood did he use?"

She laughed, as if I should already know. "He explained that he took a few drops of blood from the boy Eustace while he slept. He said you told him to. You did tell him to, didn't you, darling?"

I cringed again when she called me 'darling'. I hated her little nicknames for me more than ever now. But then I started thinking as to how Lord Drinian would revive the White Witch. Then I recalled that he was the only Narnian who served me willingly, as if he had given up on Aslan. Perhaps he had a feeling that Caspian and the Pevensie's were coming, and wanted to be prepared. Then once he saw them explaining everything to me, and came to the conclusion that I was siding with them, he took the few drops of Eustace's blood and went to revive Jadis.

I must've been lost in thought for a while, because then Jadis asked, "Dear, are you alright?"

"NO, I'M NOT ALRIGHT!!!!" she seemed very taken aback at my outburst.

I decided to tone it down just a bit. "You lied to me your entire life! You made me think that you were the good guy, just so Narnia would belong to you again! Well you know what? I'm done with the lies, and the cruelty, and the unanswered questions! I've finally been told the truth, and I'm using it to my advantage. I'm putting an end to this blizzard," I snapped my fingers, and the snow stopped in midair. I then turned around and began to walk away. But before I could get too far, I felt a cold, sharp pain in my back that went all the way through my abdomen into my stomach. Then everything went black.

Sorry if the second half of the chapter looks a little off, but I had to copy it from the Google Docs app since I'm doing this via mobile. Anyway, sorry for the long wait guys, hopefully it won't take so long next time, but sadly I haven't written chapter eleven yet so.... yeah....

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