Inimitable Love. (Harry Style...

By MohikaArya

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{Highest ranking: #35 in Directioner 14/10/2018} "And Angry Bird?!" That deep husky voice called out for me... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
BONUS PART. (Harry's P.O.V.)

Chapter 46.

112 17 21
By MohikaArya

I scurried away from Harry to my jeans lying on the carpeted floor. I ignored the wolf whistle passed by Harry when I bended down to retrieve my clothing, showing my panty-clad ass to him.

I tugged at my back pocket to the deepest ends of it because the 'object' is very slim and tiny.

With a gleeful smile, I turned towards Harry to see him propped up on his elbows. His boxer covered body in my full view.

"Wait, are you blushing?" Harry pointed out and I looked down at my clenched fist where his gift was secured, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden. I don't understand why my body loses it's control when it comes to half naked Harry.

At least he can wear his t-shirt. But no, it's his hobby to catch me staring and flushing. Not a problem because I like, no. I love gawking at his perfect torso.

"Come here, Angry Bird." He made a come hither gesture and I gladly accepted it, crawling over to him like a toddler and sat in between his opened legs.

"What's it that you've got for me?" He nodded at my fist with an honest smile. Like he was really very keen to discover what I've got for him. It's not that special, I think. Just a normal present.

"My conditions first." I chimed.

"What conditions?" He finally looked up at me, a confused smile on his lips.

"Admit that you've got 'the best' girlfriend in this whole world." I demanded standing up on my knees.

He raised his eyebrows, "You mean I have to earn my present?"

"There's a cost for everything in life." I triumphantly smiled.

"Okay then." He chuckled and pulled me closer by my waist so that I was straddling him.

Immediately I was surrounded in the warm and heavenly cocoon of his arms that my eyes fluttered shut because of the high diffusion of endearment in the air. I love it when he holds me close.

"I have the most beautiful and perfect woman I will cherish for my whole life." He planted a sweet kiss at my temple.

"You did it." I candidly smiled back and opened my clenched fist.

"It's all I could get. Took me a while to get the business done." I noticed him goggling at the present which was now resting on his huge palm.

"If you don't like it, deal with it because-" He cut me halfway in my sentence by pressing his plump lips to mine.

At first, it took me a while to catch up but almost instantly I responded to his affection.

His actions were showing clear gratitude. I did not expect it in the first place.

"It's great." He breathed, pulling away from me ever so slightly to hook that pendant around his long neck.

Since Harry decided to gift me a bracelet engraved with our initials, I thought that he didn't have any. Therefore, my Einstein brain worked for a way to arrange a small infinity pendant with the same design that Harry gave to me. It was sparkly silver and I immediately loved it the moment it caught my eye.

"I'm not that good with presents but I assumed you had to have one." I noticed how perfect it looked resting peacefully on Harry's chest, close to his heart.

"I love it." He beamed, "I almost thought I'm going to get one for me like this."

Ladies and gentlemen and that's how similar minds work.

After staring at each other for so long, we decided to break the immortal trance and get back to sleep. After all, we both were so tired from our previous activities.

Your perverted minds are bound to work here.

"Good night." Harry whispered pressing a kiss on my forehead.

"Night." I mumbled, burying my head in his hard chest.

I almost fell asleep dreaming something about cupcakes squashed in between bread slices when all of a sudden a loud bang jolted me awake.

It seemed the same happened to Harry because he looked at me with a concerned expression.

"What's going on down there? Did you expect anyone at this hour?" I sleepily mumbled, trying to convince that it must be any of the boys.

"I did not. Let me check." He pulled the covers off his body and so did I. My curious mind sometimes works a lot.

While descending down the stairs, we didn't expect such a bizarre scene pulling up in front of us.

"Baby look what you've done to me!!
Baby look what you've done now!!
Baby I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way..."

"Liam, is he okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows at Jason who was too busy dancing with a broom as if it's his girlfriend.

"Yeah, just a little drunk form our party." Liam tried to detach him from the broom. Jason squealed like a little girl and fell unimpressively on the couch. The broom now broken.

"Why is he singing songs?" In a horrible way? I wanted to add.

My question was probably to the walls because all of us were busy watching how Jason knelt near the broom and started collecting it's broken half pieces.

"Who cares. Just take care of him." Harry rolled his eyes and tugged at my wrist to follow him back.

"Ciara!" My head whipped to Jason's voice.

"Are you okay?" I shrugged off Harry's grip and moved towards my drunk friend who was sitting cross legged on the floor, his supposed 'girlfriend' now resting on his lap.

"What's your favorite flower?" His eyes were gleaming with mischief.

"Rose. But why?" I saw Liam trailing towards the kitchen probably to get away from the shit cutting loose as well.

"Mine is jasmine." He triumphantly smiled.

Harry snorted, "Guess someone's in love tonight."

"She knows it, right?" I chuckled at his poor joke.

"She knows she knows that I've never let her down before.
She knows she knows, that I'm NEVER GONNA-"

"Shut the fuck up man." Harry growled and pushed him up so that he could sit on the couch. While doing so, the wood pieces scattered across the floor and our beloved 'drunk lover' cried aloud.

"I was picking up my broken girlfriend. Why'd you have to do that?" Now Jason was speaking in Irish accent.

"She will gather herself up." Harry explained like a mature dad.

Wait, dads are mature.

"Swallow some Tylenol. You'll feel okay tomorrow." Liam entered the scene balancing a glass full of water and few pills in his other hand.

"Best friends always save other best friend's ass." Clumsily, Jason took the objects and gulped the pills down.

"Tomorrow Jasmine is going to ask him about all of this." Liam filled the silence.

"Was she there too?" I enquired.

Liam was talking fast now, "Yeah, she heard him saying 'I wanna breathe jasmine' and all that."

"He's so clingy." Harry scoffed, "Who chants their crush's name while being drunk?"

Liam gave him a pointed look, "Bro, I think you've forgotten how much of a pussy you were being during our New Year's celebration."

I was eyeing him curiously now, "What actually did you do there?"

Liam smirked, "Basically, he was all around the place singing how much he loves you and how he makes you feel when you both do naugh-"

"Fuck you Liam." Harry smacked him at the back of his head and Liam started laughing loudly.

"I told you Ciara! Look at his blushing face right now!" Liam poked his dimples.

"Babe, let's go now. I'm sleepy." Harry dead panned and flicked the finger at hysterically laughing Liam and passed out Jason who was still mumbling how tasty jasmine tastes.

I don't know which 'Jasmine'.

Perverted minds are welcomed with opened arms.

"I'd love to know further details on that." I elbowed Harry and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"We have all night."


"And if you don't know how Louis does that, you can't cook potatoes."


"I think you can eat toothpaste."

"Harry what's it?"

"It's very chocolaty."

With an irritated sigh, I looked up at Harry with his eyes closed, "What are you saying?"


"Are you awake?" I asked almost to myself.

I shuffled in the blankets to get a clear view of his face.

Indeed, he had been sleep talking the whole time.

Instead of waking him up, I found it a perfect time to stare at his face.

Add all those adjectives like chiseled jaw, long eyelashes, proud protruding cheekbones with a magical shadow effect because of the sunlight peeking through closed curtains, little freckles at his eyes etcetera etcetera etcetera.. Then also I can muster up more words for him.

Making sure that I don't wake him up, with the back of my hand I slowly traced his jaw and cheekbones.

He groaned a little and tightened his grip around my waist, "Sleep." Was all he said in his raspy voice and buried his head in the crook of my neck.

His hot breath fanned my neck and I giggled when his curls started tickling my cheeks.

I further broke into laughs when he started peppering my neck with small kisses and biting it ever so slightly so tickle me more.

"Stop." I unwillingly whined and he pulled away.

"You don't like being waking up to kisses?" He raised his brows at me.

Now that we were face to face, I covered my mouth and wildly shook my head.

"I wanna brush." My muffled voice came out.

"Kiss me first."

Vigorous head shakes.

"I don't care about your morning or afternoon or evening or night breath. Kiss me!" He demanded and held me tightly against him.

God, it's so hot being around such a hot boy.

I pecked his cheek and after trying another million times, he finally let me go.

"I'll come back to that, I promise." He warned and started trailing behind me.

I laughed and walked into the bathroom.

"Do you have any spare toothbrush?" I scanned his toiletries.

"You can use mine." He wrapped his arms around me, my back pressed against his torso.

I grimaced, "I'll not use your toothbrush."

He further leaned into me, his hot breath fanning my neck, "Believe me, you'll love my toothbrush made only for you."

"You're so sex addicted!" I gasped and shook my head.

"What?" He looked at me weird, "My toothbrush comes with inbuilt paste-"

"For God sakes Harry!"


"Are you done yet?" Harry rolled his eyes at me.

Since I couldn't speak, I rolled my eyes and kept on chewing typical Bubble and Squeak. At first, I thought it would be a perfect disaster preparing it but it came out to be tasty enough.

"Come on we'll have fun there!" It was the thousandth time Harry was irritating me.

"Harry?" I gulped down my bite.

"What?" He pursed his lips.

"Shut up." With that, I sipped some water and stood up.

Harry heaved a heavy sigh, "Took you long enough."

Harry and I decided to go for ice skating in Altrincham because I've never tried it in my entire lifetime. The place isn't too far enough, just 12 miles away from our place.

"Don't forget to wear clothes." He remarked while we were wearing our boots and sneakers respectively.

"Oh really? I thought I wasn't wearing any." I dead panned.

A small proud smirk appeared on his lips, "You can count on me on that."

"Tell me... Is being stupid a profession or are you just gifted?" I retorted back.

"You're learning from me." He patted my head like I was a little girl.

"I learn from the best, definitely not you." I shoved him away.

"Angry Bird!" He deeply sighed and slung an arm around my shoulder, "Just wear a thick jacket. I can't see my girl catching cold."

And that's how he calms me by calling me 'his girl'.

"Once we get there, I'm going to pay the charges and in the mean time you'll get our shoe business done. Okay?" Harry roared the car's engine to life.

"You're ordering like we're to war." I put on my seatbelt.

"Something like that." He smirked

"How about your final exams?" He pulled out from the driveway and turned a left.

"In a couple of months." I coolly replied.

"You're scared?" He almost knows the answer.

"Ask me after a month." I chuckled and he grinned, "Looks like someone would be running after me for revision."

"Definitely." I assured him.

He glanced at me before tearing his gaze towards the road, "And your mom and dad? Are they back from their trip?"

I shrugged, "They're away for three days or so." I looked at him curiously, "Why you're asking me so many questions all of a sudden?"

Harry smirked, "I wanted to know my girlfriend properly."

After half an hour drive, we finally reached at the spot.

Harry rushed away at an instant to pay off the bills and as always, adjured me to get our shoes.

"Good evening ma'am, how can I help you?" A guy at the service asked.

I really don't know what's up with boys. They're always so smart and swoon worthy.

Like this guy, who's having mesmerising brown eyes. His straight blond hair swept backwards like a perfect Calvin Klein model.

"I-I want two pairs of shoes." I stuttered like a maniac.

He flashed me a warm friendly smile which instantly calmed me, "What sizes would they be?"

"Eleven and six." I grinned back when he winked at me.

Ciara you have a sexy boyfriend!

But, smart boys are smart boys. My hormones are out of control when they're around me.

"I am Brad. What's your lovely name?" He placed those heavy shoes on the counter.

"My name's Ciara." I smiled and began picking the shoes.

"Wait, what are you doing?" His eyes widened and he held my hand to stop me.

"Picking them to take away." I shrugged.

My gaze dropped from his soft blue eyes to his hand which was completely covering my wrist.

"It's inappropriate for a beautiful girl to carry such heavy shoes."

I. blushed.

"Yeah, it's appropriate for my girlfriend to throw them right at your face." A familiar husky voice blared beside me.

Brad's eyes widened and he meekly nodded, "Sorry bro, I didn't know she had a boyfriend."

"Now that you know, get your hands off my girl." He spat and slapped away his already slipping grip from my wrist.

He picked up our shoes from his other hand and rigidly dragged me by my arm.

I rolled my eyes and pulled away from his grip, "Chill dude. He was just talking-"

"Talking?! The fuck to talking! He was starstruck looking at you mentally stripping you naked! For God sakes open your eyes Ciara!"

I tried my best to not roll my eyes, "Stop yelling first of all. We're here to enjoy. Not to involve ourselves in a stupid fight over some boy who allegedly tried to flirt with me." I cradled his face in my hands which was now inches away from mine.

His hot minty breath fanned my face as his anger dipped in jealously started dropping down.

He groaned, "I don't want to lose you. Just the thought of you leaving me gets me all worked up. I didn't mean to ruin our evening."

I smiled, "You never ruined anything. After all, jealously looks hot on you."

"You complimented me after a long time." He brushed his lower lip against mine.

"Maybe I should do that more often." I kissed his cheek and pulled away.

Harry grinned and again tugged at my arm, "Ice skating is waiting for us."

In front of us was a huge and straight sheet of ice and nearly fifty people were happily skating on it. Many couples, happy children and group of friends racing each other.

"Sit on the bench." Harry instructed.

I did the same and looked up at him. I guess he wasn't having any plans to sit.

"You don't want to sit with me?" I innocently asked.

He smirked, "Madam, we're here to skate. Not to rest." With that, he surprisingly crouched down and took hold of my foot.

"Sincere we are, aren't we?" I laughed.

He placed a hand on his heart as if hurt, "I'm always a sincere man."

Before I could use any proper insult he cut me off, "Except from bed of course."

I rolled my eyes, "Your innuendos never make me laugh."

He took my other foot and began taking off the shoe, "This is the third time you rolled your eyes at me. I'll remember that."

I only suspiciously wiggled my eyebrows at him hinting that he can't really do anything to harm me.

Within a few seconds Harry changed from his boots to skating shoes.

"Don't try to go all ninja techniques because I'm going to teach you first." Harry moved a bit backward and was finally on the ice sheet.

I observed the way he moved because he resembled a damn ballerina.

"Wohoo!" He twirled like a princess and I was dumbfounded looking at him.

When did he learn to do that!

"I'm having so much fun!" He exclaimed with joy and skated up to me.

"Gimme your hand, your majesty."

I turned pink when a lady in her mid thirties watched us with a smile and I took his hand.

"And your other hand should be in mine too." He cheekily commented as I followed his lead.

I stepped on the white layer and observed it was soft beneath my crazy heavy shoes.

It's. Hella. Slippery.

Too. Much. Slipprey-ness.

My KFC wings save me what if I fall! Oh, God I'll die with embarrassment.

Please write embarrassment as a reason on my death certificate.

"Angry Bird! Good Lord you'll never fall!" Harry laughed as I straightened my legs and held him tighter.

Did I cry my thoughts aloud?

"Here. I'll hold you like this." His arms moved to my waist and he walked backwards so that I was moving with him.

I giggled when his fingers dug at my thick jacket, "For how long will I have to practice like this?"

"Until you learn it properly." He stared deeply into my eyes.

I didn't have time for a proper comeback because I was too busy slipping and holding on to Harry tightly.

"I'm going to die today!" I yelled.

"Say that once again and I'll leave you here. Alone." He threatened.

I meekly nodded and he regained his calm posture, "Don't put pressure just at your one foot. Make sure you're leaned in and your hands are floating at your sides to maintain balance. If you feel that you're losing control, try your best to reach the railing and steady yourself. Now gently try to move forward just like you're walking on the floor and I'll always be by your side."

Can I breathe?

"You're there? Try it."

He cares for me million more times than my own self.

"Angry Bird?"

Have I told him that I love him?


"I love you, Harry."

He chuckled, "I love you too Birdie. So much. Now, there you go." He gently pressed his hand at the small of my back and soft air started whipping around me.

"Imagine you're flying whilst walking. Enjoy yourself." He winked as I ever so slowly slid past him.

"Balance. Ciara. Balance." I muttered under my breath repeatedly until I reached the railing.

"Yay!" Harry and I simultaneously cheered when I further tried to skate all by myself.

"My girl is very intelligent." Harry gushed.

"Credit goes to her boyfriend." I played along.

"Level two." He stopped and made me stand too.

"And what's that?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We're gonna skate across the place. Without any support, without any railing." He challenged.

"Through the crowd?!" I practically shrieked.

"Through the crowd." He smugly smiled.

If he wants to lose then.

"Let's bring it on." I accepted the challenge by dramatically shaking hands with my boyfriend.

We made our way to the railing for the start point.


"Already doubting your skills?" He smirked.

"At least give me a head start. Give me a slight push." I pouted and he sighed.

"You'll have it." He pushed me a bit, a clue for me to step forward and maintain the velocity.

"I do it so much better than you." He sang as he swum through the crowd like a fish.

"That's cheating!" I whined and stumbled a bit when I accidentally bumped into a body.

"Slow down there." That person chuckled and made me steadier.

"Thanks." I mumbled and pushed my feet through the growing masses of humans.

"Almost there." I heard Harry cheering who was already standing at the ending.

We both knew Harry would win. It's just that he knows I love challenges. Even if I fail, I learn something new. I get encouragement to do better next time.

The moment I was almost seven feet away from the ending, Harry toppled me by his feet making me fall on him.

"What the heck!" I heard myself yelling as Harry and I both fell on the cold surface.

Well, the impact was indeed less hurtful for me because my shock absorber was Harry himself.

"You deliberately tripped me, didn't you?" I amusingly looked in his soft green eyes which were crinckled at the sides because of his bright smile.

"I don't get to see Angry Bird this close to me." He held me close by wrapping his arms around my waist as I dreamily looked at him.

Harry leaned in, his eyes on my lips, his tongue stuck in between his teeth.

Might as well he'll kiss me. Oh, yeah.

"A sweet vendetta for rolling your eyes at me, princess." His lips were almost milimeters away from me that the air surrounding it was kissing.

My eyes rolled at the back of my head when our lips lightly brushed against each other.

"Mom! Are they both checking the tempah-rature of the floor?" A high pitched young voice chimed beside us.

I snapped out of my thoughts and stood up. Harry helping me in doing so.

After straightening myself up, I saw a little girl in her pink jacket and pink boots excitedly looking at us. Her mom following shortly.

A woman whom I saw earlier when Harry and I just had arrived.

"We were making snow angels." Harry easily lied smiling adorably at the girl.

She turned towards her mom, her short dirty blond ponytail whipping after her, "I want to make them too!"

That woman laughed and nodded at us, "When you'll grow old, then you can do this."

I blushed further and Harry laughed.

Even if I wanted to say something, I was being pulled away by Harry.

"What's up?" I sensed his mood was still going all flirty.

He winked at me, "That's enough training for tonight. We'll make out in the car."

Our shoe exchange business was everything but comfortable, where Harry kept shooting daggers at Brad, he kept his gaze on anywhere but us.

"You're so mean. It wasn't his fault." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Of course yes. It's your fault for being so beautiful." Harry pulled me in his warm embrace as we made our way to the car.

"Can I drive this time?" I hopefully looked up at him.

"Do you have your license?" His footsteps slowed down.


"I guess you have the answer then."

"That's unfair!" I whined.

"There's time for everything boo!" He cooed and pinched my cheek.

I just huffed in annoyance as we made our way to the car.

"Remind me where are we headed to?" He turned on the engine.

"I don't know. Maybe I should go to my home?" I fumbled with my thoughts. I don't know how my residence changes so fast.

He thought for a while and then nodded to himself, "Let's do one thing. We'll drive to your home to get some of your spare clothes so that you can spend rest of the days with me. Alright?" He drove past our skating place.

"Okay. Deal." His offer was a not to miss thing.

The car ride was again full of discussions about the Big Bang Theory, expanding of the sun and when probably dooms day would be there.

"Earth has almost completed it's life. Now within quite a short time the sun will annihilate the earth!" I joyously announced.

"Why are you so happy about it? That's why researchers are looking for alternatives of planets." He seemed serious for it.

"All will happen for good. Don't worry my dear Harold." I swept my hand across his imaginary sweaty forehead.

"You are something." He mumbled as we pulled up at my house's driveway.

Both of our ears perked up when we heard shouting and yelling from my house. It was actually quite loud to get us worried.

"Stay here. I'm going to check." He ordered and I shook my head, "I'm coming with you."

"Then stay behind me." He turned the engine off and we simultaneously got out of the car.

I hope we don't have robbers in there. But why would they shout in the first place?

With my periphery, I saw Harry picking up a rock.

I eyed him suspiciously, "What's that for?"

"Just in case." He nonchalantly shrugged as we neared the entrance gate.

My heart was erratically beating in my chest because I've never encountered any case of theft like this before.

When we were standing a foot away from the door, the voices became more vivid. Harry dropped the rock out of shock and my eyes flew open when we realised the loud voices belonged to none other than my own mom and dad.

They were supposed to be on the other side of the world, weren't they? Why are they here? How did they get here? Why didn't they inform me? Why are they fighting on the top of their lungs?

They're fighting for the second time in my entire seventeen years of life.

"What in the world?" Harry gasped.

Same Harry, same.



Almost two months but then also my lovely readers waited along. Thank you so much.

Also, it's very important for an author to get as many votes as possible which is only feasible if you all VOTE. X

Please? For me? If not for me, then Harry? Or Ciara?

Until next time,
Much love,
Mohika Arya.

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