Vampire Brothers

By Kat_Garzia

31 0 0



Back to School

17 0 0
By Kat_Garzia

"The first day back to school and I'm already late" I thought to myself.I grabbed my bag and walked out the house.I started to run to school on the way there I passed the park and remember a lot of things.I finally arrived and had to get a late pass since it was 20 minutes after the bell rang.I rushed up to my homeroom but I accidentally hit someone while I was running to my class I fell backwards and landed on my back I then heard a voice start to apologize.I opened my eyes and saw this tall hot guy he put out his hand for me to grab I grabbed it and he pulled me up.He said he was deeply sorry and I said "it's ok I should've looked where I was going".He then asked if I knew where C52 was I said "that's where I'm going if you want you can follow me" he responded back with "that would be awesome thank you".I was so scared to talk because he was just so darn cute omg I asked him what classes he has and surprisingly he had the same as mine.I asked if he was new here he said "ya me and my uncle just moved here" i asked if he lived with his parents he said that they died a year ago.He said "how about you" I responded back saying "my parents died two months ago I had called them to pick me up from a party because i wasn't feeling it.We were driving over a bridge and out of no where my dad lost control and we drove into the lake and some how I made it out but my parents did it".I asked "how did your parents die" he said "from a fire".We got to our homerooms and we walked in to take a seat and he sat right next to me which made me happy.
(Time Skip)
*Bell Rings*
I got up to walk out the classroom and the new kid walked up to me and said "hey I never got your name mines Dylan" I said "Katherine" and smiled.We were practically together the whole day.I went to go look for Brooke which was my BESTFRIEND I needed to tell her everything that happened and I spotted her outside the school on the grass waiting for me I ran up to her and hugged her I told her that today was an amazing day she asked why and I said "that there's this new kid that was cute and we were together the whole day" she squealed with excitement and told me if that was him I turned around and saw Dylan."How did you know"I said "I'm physic" we both started laughing and she asked me what his name is I said "Dylan".She screamed out DYLAN which omg was so embarrassing he heard her and stared walking towards us."Omg he's coming why'd you do that" I told her she sad because that's your new boyfriend.He was right next to me and saw me of course and said "Hey Katherine" I said "Hi Dylan how's it going".I introduced him to Brooke and then she said "Well imma start walking home see you later Eileen"She came to hug me and whispered in my ear "text me the details"He sat down and said "Hey I was wondering if you could help me with the homework" I said "sure if you want we can go to my house right now and I can help you" he said "ya".We got up and started walking back to my house.

Hey i hope you guys like this chapter I actually think it came out good love you guys and thanks for reading i think I might post the next on Monday before school or Tuesday bye guys see you next time -Katherine💕

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