
By oliviakrieger02

122 17 11

I sit alone in my room and just watch him through the window, not in a creepy way, in an adoring kind of way... More

Why Am I in Your Car?
Finn? What Are We?

The Boy Next Door

56 5 0
By oliviakrieger02

Millie's POV:

    It's 11:30 pm and I'm looking out of the window trying to clear my mind, stupid panic attack. Anyways for the past ten minutes Finn Wolfhard, the hottest guy ever, has been dancing around his room pretending to play air guitar. I have to admit he's making me forget about the tightness in my chest and my uneven breathing.

      As I stand up to climb back into my bed, his light is abruptly shut off and I can no longer see him. Why is it that the freak of the school, me Millie Brown, is so quick to catch feelings for the most popular boy in school who doesn't even know I exist.  I shake my head at how ridiculous I feel and slowly pull the covers over my body, slowly melting into the silk sheets that line my bed.

{6 am}

     I've never wanted to throw my alarm clock across my bedroom so bad.  I've been dreading this day for the past two weeks, I have to read what I think love is in front of my whole English class first period, the same English class as Finn. I'd be completely fine if the whole thing wasn't based on him, I would've written something else except this is some of the best work I've written.

     I slowly climb out of bed and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, straighten my hair and apply some makeup; nothing big just eyeshadow and mascara. Going back into my room I grabbed my clothes folded up nicely on my chair, got dressed and looked in the mirror. I looked somewhat decent in my light jeans, random band t-shirt and leather jacket; you can't forget my should-be white converse.

   I grabbed my backpack off the hook and ran downstairs to grab an apple and leave. I walked to school almost everyday bc it was only a block or two away.

{at school}

     I walked into the brick building and went straight to my locker, it's not like anyone was waiting for me because no one at school likes me. I twisted the lock and pulled down opening my locker, there was a note at the bottom of it. I picked it up eagerly hoping it was from Finn, but who am I kidding it won't be. I was right, it was from Sadie, one of his friends, she told me to kill myself. Tears sprang to my eyes and i quickly wiped them. Looking around I see Sadie and "her group" snickering at me, Finn was the only one shaking his head before he stormed off.

    The bell rang signaling it was time for me to go to English, yay time to read my essay. I walked into the musty room and sat down in my seat and waited for class to start.

     "Okay everyone today is the day we get to read our essays out loud!" Ms.Ryder said too cheerfully. The whole class let out groans of annoyance.

    "Okay Ms.Brown why don't you start us off!" The teacher spoke, staring at me. I reluctantly got out of me seat made my way to the front of the classroom.

    "What l-love means t-to me.." I stuttered nervously. I cleared my throat and began to read.

     "the way your dark eyes light up when you're happy melts me every time. Every damn time. I get those beautiful little butterflies in my stomach that make you feel queasy. you're gorgeous pale, freckled skin is beautiful. It makes me want more of you so I can cherish you. you are a mysterious creature to me though you're amazing but you can not be mine. you will not be mine. that's just the way love is. but you are lovely needless to say. you are what love means to me."  I finished off strong and for once I was proud of myself. All eyes were on me and the whole class was silent.

      Ms.Ryder spoke up, " Millie that was beautiful." She cheered and began clapping the class joined in.

     "Thank you" I whispered walking back to my seat. I couldn't help but fiddle with the hem of my shirt when I sat down.

     The class continued to read their essays but I didn't pay attention I was to caught up in my head. I wasn't snapped back into reality until I heard Finn's deep voice fill the room.

      "What love means to me, love is that can't sleep can't eat type of nervousness where you are so caught up with one thing that you can't seem to pay attention to the outside world. Like the way she cutely stares out of her window looking at the night stares as she sighs and walks away and you just can't help but yearn for her to come back. you yearn for her to come back so you can adore her more. you want to be more so you can worship every inch of her pale skin because it's utterly beautiful."  Finn finished quietly and walked to his seat.

     The teacher let out a soft wow and the class began clapping. Was the last part of his essay about me? I'm probably just over thinking and I'm completely wrong.

The bell rang signaling the period had ended. My anxieties had completely left my body and I felt better. This is going to be the start of a long day.


   Finally ninth period ended, I don't think I could take another forty minutes of hearing Mr.Brenner go on about the human body.

I went to my locker and put my books away, finally I can leave this hell hole. I'm ready to go home and do nothing at all.

{walking home}

    I took the long way home today so I could clear my thoughts, but I feel like someone is following me so I couldn't even clear my head because of the nervousness flowing throughout my veins. You're probably just overreacting, like always.You. Are. Fine.


Okay you're not fine. Pick up the pace and get your ass out of there.

"Not so fast. Where do you think you're goin' Brown?" Sadie said with a devious smirk. This can't be good.

"I-I'm g-going h-home." I stuttered quietly not making eye contact as I turned around. She's going to beat the crap out of me, I just know it.

"N-n-n-no you're not Brown!" Sadie mocked getting in my face. This is it, this is where she beats me and leaves me for dead. The worse part is I'm in the woods and no one is around to stop her.

Sadie smacked my books out of my hands and shoved me sending me over a log. It's not long before she's on top of my clutching my shirt, repeatedly punching my face.

     Seventeen punches later and one kick to the side of my head and stomach, she leaves like nothing.

I laid there for a good twenty minutes before I felt like I could continue walking home. I rolled over to get up slowly picking up my scattered books. My face was bruised and my lip bleeding but I pushed the tears aside and trudged home.

I stopped shortly after not able to breathe and started coughing and coughing and coughing; there was blood in my mouth. I spit on the ground and kept walking.

{at home 3:45pm}

Finally I'm home.

I immediately unlocked the door and collapsed into sobs on the floor, I didn't care if anyone heard or saw me because my family is never home. My sister Paige and brother Charlie live back in London with their own families, my mom and sister Ava live in Alaska for some laboratory my mom works at and my dad has been in Japan for the last six years running a factory.

I assume you're wondering who lets a sixteen year old live alone in a huge house, well my family does. Everything's paid for and I always have money to spend on food so I'm okay. They also trust that I won't do anything which is correct because I don't have friends to do anything with.

I sit up, breathing in deeply, ouch, I cough more blood. I force myself to swallow the blood and stand up. I carefully walk over to the stairs and climb up them one by one. I open my bedroom door so I can grab my towel and go get the blood out of my hair. Before I grab the towel I glance out my window and see Finn looking at me, concern lines his face. I give him a small smile before I pass out; my world going black.

{fifteen minutes later}

I slowly open my eye, God my head hurts, wait whose car am I in? I slowly sit up, an ice pack falling into my lap, I touch my head. I wince in pain touching an open wound. Where did I get this big cut on my forehead? Fully sitting up, I look at the person driving me.

"F-Finn?" I croak, barely able to speak, I'm beyond confused.


Hey everyone! Thank you for reading, please like and constructive criticism is always wanted . Thanks -liv

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