The New Girl

By Kathy202

477K 11.8K 4.8K

Allie is the popular girl who says and gets what she wants with the snap of her finger. She's the most beauti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
10 years later

Chapter 16

15.4K 387 185
By Kathy202

(Allie's POV)

"Owww my head is pounding like crazy" I thought to myself as I was sitting up in bed and rubbing my head trying to make the pain go away.

"Just how much did I drink last night?"

"A lot." A voice answered.

"Who's there?" I asked scared.

I then looked over and saw a slim figure walking out of the bathroom. It was none other than her.

"Oh it's just you." I said scrunching up my nose. "since you're already up do you mind getting me a cup of water and some medicine for my headache?" I asked slowly laying back down.

"Ok, but can we talk when I get back?"

I quickly bolted up, which was a bad idea, "Uhhh sure." I said nervously.

She then smiled and left the room.

"Shit shit shit, what if she wants to talk about last night or what if she remembers what Ash did to her or maybe all the above!" I said talking to myself while freaking out.

I  tried calming myself down, since all the freaking out was giving me a headache,  which worked until she walked in. I started having a mini heart attack until I noticed she was blushing.

" What's up with you?" I said trying to calm down again.

She handed me the water and medicine,  which I gladly took, "I just saw your friends doing it on the kitchen table." She started blushing again and covered her face. It's so cute seeing her like that.

Trying not to laugh," sorry you had to see that I'll have a talk with them."

"Speaking of can we talk now?" Spencer asked.

I sat there wanting to leave but shook my head yes without knowing it. Great.

"So what's on your mind?" I said getting up and leaning against a wall.

"Its about last night, thank god it's not about the other thing, I knew you were drunk and instead of making sure you were ok I might have some how lead you on ,wait why is she apologizing, wasn't it my fault what happened last night, and-

Before she talked any further I cut her off," Why are you apologizing, as far as I remember I was the one who pushed myself onto you and I was the drunk one who for all I know made a move on you first so the one who should feel horrible and apologize is me."

She looked taken back from what I said and I was shocked too, because it's not like me to take the blame for something, even though it was my fault, and to say sorry. Well here goes nothing.

"I'm sorry." It felt weird saying it, but I felt realieved I continued apologizing for everything I did to her too.


She stood there for a second, then she started walking toward me, I tried moving away, but realized I was already against a wall.

I closed my eyes waiting for her to hit me, but to my surprise I felt arms wrapped around me and realized she was hugging me. I can't lie this hug felt great, it was warm and comforting.

I opened my eyes and started hugging her back. We were like that until she slowly let go and looked into my eyes, "you're forgiven," and smiled a smile I've never seen before. Her smile was really pretty and  gave me butterflies. Without knowing it I kissed her and it seemed like she had the same idea because without any hesitation she immediately kissed me back.

The kiss was nothing compared to the kisses we've shared before, mainly because one of us were drunk, anyways the kiss sent chills and sparks throughout my body I felt like melting right there.

Our lips were moving in sinc, our kissing wasn't fast or slow it was really passionate. We did that for a little bit until I decided to slip my tongue in her mouth. She tried fighting for dominance, which was cute, and of course I won.

We stopped to take a breath and then started again with us ending up on the bed this time,  with me on top and her on the bottom and continued our makeout session. I wanted to go further but knew she didn't want to.

We stopped again and I checked the time and realized we've been making out a little over 2 hours.

I rolled off her and she positioned herself by me and we ended up laying there cuddling and talking, losing track of time again.


We laid there  peacefully, until she spoke up. "So what now?"

I rolled over on my side resting my head on my hand and said, "what do you want to be?"

She started blushing and playing with her hair and said," well I like you a lot  and I assume you like me too.......... and I was just thinking, do you want to go out with me?" She then covered up her face then peaked out making sure only her eyes were showing.

I laid there thinking and smiled, "Well I guess I like you enough to go out with you." 

She gasped and playfully punched me.

" I'm just kidding, I like you a lot to, so yes I will go out with you."

She smiled the biggest smile and crashed her lips onto me, thus starting another make out session, but ended up stopping when she got a phone call.

"Ok, ok, yeah, ok, I love y'all too, bye."

"Who was that." I asked.

"My parents I have to go, since its a school night."

I felt upset, "ok well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"I can't see you tomorrow I have some things to do", she said and apologized.

I felt a little angry and jealous, but let it go. " Yeah me too." I said even though I knew I didn't have anything to do. I guess I'll just hang out with Em and Quinn.

"She grabbed her things then left."

I laid there in bed and ended up thinking about her again, which caused me to get butterflies in my stomach and  my heart started beating faster.

I never felt this toward anyone. My feelings for her seemed like they were getting stronger.

"Hey, do you plan on going home anytime soon too?"

Breaking out of my daydreaming I looked over and saw Emily standing at the door. Crap I forgot I was still at her house.

"Yeah, yeah I'm leaving." I said getting up out of bed.

"I've also noticed that you and Spencer are getting closer and ended up sleeping together last night." I glared at her then rolled my eyes.

"Nothing happened,"I said.

"Like I always say, I know when you're lying so spill it." Emily said crawsing her arms and raising an eyebrow. 

Giving in and wanting to talk about it with someone I ended up telling her everything even though I knew she would tell Quinn, which I didn't care.

"So you can't tell Derrick about us, let me talk to him."

"I won't you can trust me."


I'm sitting in class not paying attention because I'm too busy thinking of a way to break up with Derrick.

I got out my phone and sent a quick text to him.

"Hey can we talk after school?"

"Yeah, but what's wrong?"

"I'll explain it later."

"Ok see you then...... I love you."

After reading those last three words made me feel a little bad, because he loved me a lot, yeah he's not the brightest and can be a jerk at times, but he is nice and kind and I never loved him the way he loved me. Besides our relationship was getting boring anyways.


The last bell rang and I quickly grabbed my things and waited outside on Derrick.

"Hey babe!"

I turned around and saw Derrick in his football practice uniform, jogging my way then giving me a kiss. I couldn't help, but scrunch my nose when he did that, because his lips were kind of dry. Ewww.

When he kissed me, he noticed I didn't kiss him back.

"So what did you need to talk about?" He asked questioningly.

I sighed," It's about us?"

"What about us?"

"It's not working out."

"What do you mean?" Is he stupid or just playing dumb, I mean it's kinda clear what I'm talking ablut when I say it's not working out.

"I think you know what I mean." I said wanting to roll my eyes, but didn't.

He started tearing up," If it's something I did I'm sorry."

Seeing him cry did make me feel bad, but come on it's just a break up. Toughen up. "Its not what you did its what I did and still doing."

"Whatever you did then I forgive you just don't do this..... I love you." He said crying. What a baby.

I sighed again, "sorry to break this to you, but I don't love you."

"You did, what changed?"

Feeling a little bad, I thought,  I never once loved him, I just dated him to raise my popularity and everytime I said "I love you" to him I never really meant it. 

Wanting to end this conversation quick I said, " I like someone else."

He looked a little mad,"who? Do I know the guy?"

I closed my eyes, thinking can this be over already. I then opened my eyes," its not a guy it's a girl, the new girl to be exact."

He stood there staring off in space, so I just stood there messing with my nails until he snapped out of it.


When I realized he wasn't going to say amything I finally said,"You didn't do anything wrong, besides being boring, it just happened that I found someone better." I said.

He looked hurt at what I said, but I didn't care, all I wanted to do was go home.

"Well I guess it happens." He said still hurt. 

Feeling bad I gave him a hug in response, he hugged back," I just hope we can still be friends.?"

Rolling my eyes," yeah, sure, of course we still can."

After letting go of our hug we stood there in awkward silence just staring at each other.

"Hey you don't want to be late for practice." I said breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I'll see you later.... Bye." He said then walked away.

I watched him walk away until he was out of view then I started my walk home.

I never thought breakups would be so tiring.

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