Don't Speak(Reddie)

By slashwriter

1.8K 56 101

In which Pennywise doesn't exist and Eddie is mute. After a severe childhood trauma Edward Kaspbrak has gone... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter One

265 6 6
By slashwriter


Stan and Bill invited some new guy to hangout with us today at Stan's house. I was uncomfortable with the idea because new people made me anxious. After what happened and what it caused, it was hard for me to trust people. Bill, Stan and my mother were the only people I trusted. I was worried once he found out my condition he'd make fun of me. Even though I was home schooled I still saw some of the kids from the public school and a lot of them teased me. 

I was on my way to Stan's house now. I was trying to give myself a little pep talk in my head as to try to shake some of my nerves. I didn't have much time seeing as how Stan's house wasn't far from my own. I knocked on his door and he opened the door allowing me to step inside. "Got your notebook and stuff right? Pretty sure loud mouth won't know sign language. He isn't here yet so you can relax a little." I nodded to answer his question and the tension left my body for the time being. I was trying my best to trust my friends not to introduce me to someone who was going to be mean to me.

I made my way into the living room to see Bill sitting comfortably on Stan's couch. "H-Hey E-Eddie." I signed hello to my stuttering friend and took a seat next to him. Both of them had learned sign language so it was easier for me to communicate with them. At least for small words. If I had a lot to say it was easier to write it. I sat my book-bag on the floor in front of me and pulled my notebook out along with a pencil. "Not going to lie, I am super nervous about this you guys." I wrote out in my neat handwriting.

"D-Don't be n-nervous E-E-Eddie. You know w-we wouldn't b-bring anyone who w-would tease you o-over." Sometimes it was hard to sit there and listen to Bill try to get his sentences out but neither of us ever finished Bill's sentences for him because we knew it bothered him. "I know." I scribbled quickly. My head shot up when I heard a knock on the door and my body tensed. Stan went to answer it and a few second late he returned with a tall, curly headed boy who wore a thick pair of glasses.

He was kind of cute. I accepted a few years ago that  I liked boys. I told Stan and Bill but they were the only ones who knew. "Aww he's so cute and small!" The tall boy exclaimed when his eyes landed on me. I felt my face flush and my mouth fall open a little. How could he be so bold? He made his way over to me and Bill. He sat next to me and the small couch started to feel a little cramped. We were so close together our legs were touching. Luckily when Stan sat on the other couch Bill moved over there and I was able to move away from the stranger that was invading my space. 

"You really gotta tone it down around people you've just met Richie." Stan reprimanded. Leave it to him to do some scolding. "You know I don't know how to tone it down Stanley my boy. It's just not in my nature. Besides I think Eds and I here will get along just fine." I felt my face flush and I was starting to feel flustered.

"Do NOT call me that." I wrote quickly and showed it to Richie. "So call you that all the time now? Gotcha. Anyway Eds on a scale of 1 to 10 how hot is your mom?" My mouth fell open again. The audacity of this kid. I couldn't tell if I liked him or not. I wasn't used to being around someone so bold. "B-Beep beep R-Richie." Bill stuttered out. I drew a question mark and showed it to Stan because he would be able to explain it to me quicker than Bill. "Just our way of telling him to shut the hell up. Works every time." I let out little giggle and covered my mouth with my hand to muffle the sound. I'd have to remember that because I felt like I'd need to tell Richie to shut up often. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies but barely paying attention to them as we kept getting caught in conversation. "Oh whatever Tozier, no way in hell you've ever slept with anyone." He had been going on and on about sleeping with Greta Bowie. Stan finally decided to shut him down. "Y-Yeah you c-couldn't shut up l-long enough to h-have sex." My face was red because of the topic. I knew about sex of course but after my experience I didn't think I'd ever be comfortable enough with someone to do it so I rarely thought about it. 

"Aww look at how red your face is." Richie cooed at me before reaching out and pinching my cheek. I swatted his hand away and huffed at him. Richie snickered at me and retracted his arm. I looked over at Bill and Stan, they were sitting closer than they had been earlier. I also noticed both of their faces were a little red. I smirked because I always teased them and told them they should just date and get it over with.

"Well it's getting late and Eddie should probably get home. You mind walking with him Richie? It's not far and it's on the way to your place anyway. I wouldn't ask but it's dark out and my parents will be home soon. They'll freak if they catch me outside at night." Stan's parents were really over protective. Usually Bill would walk me home but I guess he was staying the night.  Good for Stan. My heart sped up and anxiety flooded me.  He didn't seem like a bad guy but I still didn't know him like that. But if Stan and Bill felt like they could trust him maybe I could too. 

"Sure, why not? I'll be sure to protect him with my life!" I rolled my eyes at him and gathered my things. I kept my notebook and pencil in my hands because I knew the walk to my house would be anything but silent. Richie really was a loud mouth. We left Stan's and set off for my house. The tall boy talked my ear off the whole way. Once we were at my door he ruffled my hair. "I look forward to when we next meet!" He called out as he walked down my driveway. 

What a dork. I thought to myself as  I entered my house and made my way to my room. I passed my mom who was asleep on the couch on the way to my room. I was glad she wasn't awake because she would have immediately inquired about Richie and I wasn't in the mood to explain myself to her. I spent the rest of my time awake that night thinking about the tall boy with the glasses.

A/N: Wooo new story that will probably also suck :P

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