Love You Better

Por xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

773 0 0

Sisters like to steal everything from each other like food, clothes, and even songs from one another's Spotif... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 12

34 0 0
Por xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

"Let's take some shots up in here." I heard someone scream as Julian and I walked I to Blake's house.

"Yo this party is about to get mad crazy."Julian laughed. "I can tell considering people are already drunk and it's only 9:50." "I told you that we party hard here." "Yeah but I didn't expect this."

"Yo it's Julian." Brandon screamed walking over to us as a few people followed behind him. "What's up, long time no see." "We saw each other like 8 hours ago." "Yeah That was 480 minutes ago." "Shut up." He laughed.

"Hey you should probably get away from there." Karina said moving me away. "Well hi to you too." "Sorry, you know how guys are. He'll end up drunk soon." "That's what I figured."

"Yo K why are you stealing Morgan from me?" "Sorry I was just telling her about something." "Okay, keep an eye out for her just in case." "I will." "Let's go, I'm sure you wanna meet some more people." "Yup."

"Aye Manning what's up?" A boy with platinum blonde hair asked walking towards us. "Nothing Jay what's good with you." "You know, Lacrosse. "So who's this?" "This is my Girlfriend Morgan." "Ooh Okay I see you. Where did you guys meet?" "We go to school together." "Nice, have you had sex with her?"

"Yeah he's had Sex with me, is that even a question?" A girl with light brown hair said coming out of nowhere. "Victoria?" Julian asked very confused. "Hi Julian." "What are you doing here? I thought you and your mom moved to California and were staying there" "I live here now, my mom and Blake's dad got married earlier this month and she wanted to move back. It was unfortunate when we got back to find out that you had moved somewhere else. I could've finally all worked out and it still can."

"Victoria meet my girlfriend Morgan?" "I'm sorry what? If I heard you correctly you said girlfriend and I hope you mean that she's a friend who's a girl." "Nope, we've been together for over a month now." "You can't be serious right now Julian." "Sorry tori." "Sorry Melissa, but we need to talk." "It's Morgan but okay." I said walking away.

"Hold on Tori just give me a sec." "fine." She said rolling her eyes at me and shooting me dirty looks.

"Thanks for pretending to be my girlfriend, it's better that way considering that no one can hurt you and Victoria can get out of my way." "No problem." I nodded as he went off with Victoria.

"Hey." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. "Oh hey Zach." "Having a good time?" "What do you think?" "I would say good, but considering that Victoria showed up I would say bad." "It's not that it's just that he left me with a group of people that I don't even know but he said that he was gonna protect me."

"If I were you I would give him a few minutes. He talked to me on the phone about how he was planning this trip and that he wanted someone special to come with him." "Well I guess that makes me feel better."

"So how did you become good friends with Julian?" "Well we're both the soccer captains so we had to work on stuff together and we figured that we had more in common than we thought." I lied. "Well he talks a lot about you and he told me about how great you are." Aww that's sweet."

"So are you two a thing or?" "Nope we're just really really good friends." "Well now I'm questioning it since you said really really." He laughed. "I'm being serious. We've never been romantic." "Whatever you say."

"So how did you meet Julian?" "Well we met back in the second grade. That was when he still played baseball and had just gotten his braces. We both wanted the same toy to play with after lunch and after arguing about it for like 15 minutes we decided to share and we've been friends ever since that day."

"Sounds cliche but that's cute." "Yeah, we won best bromance last year." "Okay that's even funnier." I laughed. "You think that's funny? I saw that video of Julian crossing you up, wanna see it?" "Shut up."

"So how long have you lived in Florida?" "My whole life. Surprisingly I love living here." "Same, I feel like there's so much to explore here since every town is a little different." "Where did you move from?" "Miami, I've lived here in Florida my whole life, but I lived down south."

"Have you been back since then?" "Yeah, my family lives down there so I go see them every once in awhile." "That's great." "So why don't you tell me a little more about yourself."

"Well I'm 17, I have a sister who's a junior and a brother who's a freshman, my favorite color is turquoise, and I love food." I laughed. "Really? I love food too." "Haha funny, but now it's your turn to tell me about yourself."

"Well unfortunately I'm still 16, but my birthday is in late November, I have 4 other siblings one in college, one that's a sophomore, and one that's in 8th grade, and one that's in 5th grade, and my favorite color is yellow."

"Really yellow?" "Yeah when I was younger I had this yellow rain coat that my mom loved and she used to tell me that if I wore it, then the sun would come out. It was also my moms favorite color and she got me Into it." "That's cute." "Yeah, but it's hard to look at the color without thinking of her." "It seems that way, but I hope you get better." "Me too, I hate being upset all the time." "I would too."

"Hey Zach we're gonna take a few shots, wanna come?" Kyle asked "Yeah I'll be there in a sec. Wanna come?" "What are you guys drinking?" "Henny, you sure you can handle that?" Kyle asked again. "Oh yeah, I've gone harder. One time my friend spiked my vodka with Hennessy and I surprisingly was fine in the morning."

"Oh that doesn't sound like Julian, he's a lightweight when it comes to drinking." "Really?" "Yeah he can only get three in his system before he completely loses it." "Damn I can get 5 in, but that rarely happens."

"Zach, Kyle, Morgan what's up?" Julian asked us already a little drunk. "Nothing what's up with you?" Zach said stealing the drink from his hand and drinking it.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, you want one Morgan?" Kyle asked. "Yeah sure." What do you want?" "Anything." "Sounds good."

"Oh there you are Jul, I've been looking for you all night." Victoria said running up to him. "Uh why?" "Don't you wanna pick up where we left off?" "Where did we leave off?" "Well you were telling me how pretty I look." "When was that, 2 years ago?" "Are you serious?" "Yeah sorry but I got my girl right here." He said unexpectedly grabbing my waist and pulling me into him.

"Ugh Julian your so pathetic, don't come crawling back when she fucks Brandon or Kyle behind your back." "Thanks for the advice, but she isn't like you." "Whatever."

"What did you mean when you said I'm not like her?" "Well for one thing you didn't go and cheat on me with one of my best friends." "Who got with her?" "Blake did, I hated him for so long after that, but after awhile I got over it and we became friends again."

"Did you end up breaking up with her?" "Nope, but I was dumb. Blake told me time after time that she forced herself on him and I didn't wanna believe it, but everything changed in California. She disappeared every night and didn't tell me where she was going and she would come back at 2:00 am."

"Wow that's crazy." "Yeah and that's why I ended it right before I left. I didn't wanna keep hiding the truth when I knew that she was lying. If I'm gonna be honest, I thought I loved her until she started acting strange."

"Yo Julian hurry up before a group of girls try to take your glasses." Kyle said waving him over. "Wanna come?" "Yeah I guess, some people here seem a little off." "Yeah and they're even more off when they're wasted." He said waking me over to the bar in the next room.

"Hey Manning I didn't expect to see you here." A boy with Black hair said as he poured Hennessy in a shot glass for Julian and poured tequila in another glass pushing it towards me. "No one did." "So who's this?" "This is my girlfriend-" "Morgan nice to meet you, I'm Ty." "You too." I said awkwardly sipping from the glass.

"I gotta go pee and then go with Kyle to grab a pack of beer from my house, but just try to stay close to Zach or Brandon just in case." "Wait who's driving?" "Karina." "Sounds good." "Bye." He said kissing my cheek.

"You better drink that fast before he comes back and makes you stop drinking for the night." "You're right." I said quickly downing the first glass. "So when did you start dating him?" "A month ago." "Are you guys serious or are you just fucking around?" "It's just casual, but I think I'm falling for him." "Well Don't."

"What do you mean?" I asked. This was my only way to figure out his true past. "Julian Manning is bad news. He tries to be everyone's friend just to get something from them, but he's friends with girls just to get them in his bed. He also leaked a girls nudes last year which made her move across the country."

"Well that's interesting, but I don't really care." "So what if he leaked your nudes, how would you feel?" "I don't take nudes." "But what if you did?" "I wouldn't because I'm not dumb. If he wants sex he'll get sex, I'm not gonna send a pic of my boobs to stare at." "Maybe you need another drink." "Maybe I do." I said grabbing the new drink he put in front of me.

After drinking about four glasses my eyes started to get heavy. "Want another drink?" "No I'm okay." "Good because my shift is over, Mark come take over" He screamed.

"Wwhere are we going?" "Just follow me." "Okay." He said walking me into a random room and then locking the door.

"Let's take off your shirt." "What?" "You said you don't send nudes so I wanna see them." "Yyyou can't." "Why not, I don't think Julian would mind sharing." "I don't care just let me out." "No" he said slamming me against the wall.

"Just please let me out of here." I hiccuped "Nope, your all mine, now shut up and let me do what I have to do." He said attempting to unhook my bra as his pants were already off.

"Yo what's going on in here?" A voice said. "Nothing, now get the fuck away." "No." The person said breaking the door.

"Shit." He said grabbing his pants. "Hey are you okay?" The voice said until it got closer. "Zach?" "Morgan, what the fuck are you okay?" "No, I want Julian." I said starting to cry. "Let's go find him." He said holding me close.

"Yo Julian." He said calling him over. "Woah Morgan what's wrong?" "She had too much to drink and the next thing I know Ty is all over her." "Oh hell no, I need to go beat the shit out of him." "Don't worry about it, Kyle, Blake,  Brandon and I can do that. Just get someone to take you guys back to your place." "Thanks guys, I owe you big time." "Anytime bro."

After I slept in the car to try and sleep the alcohol off.

After we got back to his house I took a shower and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't so I went to Julian's room. "Hey Julian can I sleep with you tonight?" "Of course."

"I'm so sorry for leaving you, that was one of the worst decisions of my life." "Iiit's okay you didn't kknow that was gonna happen." "I know he got you drunk intentionally and it has Victoria written all over it." "What do you mean?" "Ty and Victoria used to go out before Victoria and I started dating. I think this was just a revenge plot."

"Well he told me some stuff about you." "What are you talking about?" "He told me that you used girls to get them in bed." "That's untrue, I was loyal to Vic." "So what about you leaking some girls' nudes?" "Shit he told you that?" "Yeah." "So basically some girl freshman year that had a thing for me in elementary school sent me nudes and my dumbass screenshotted them like she told me to and some guy at school. After that one of my senior friends went on my phone and found them and sent them to everyone. He got charged for child porn because he was 18. I never got charged though because I wasn't the one who sent them. After that the Senior girls hated me because I never got charged."

"Wow that's rough." "Yeah but I got over it and eventually everything fell back into place." "That's great."

"So on a scale of 1 to 10 how drunk are you?" He asked. "11." "What about you?" "12, but I want you so bad right now." He said and immediately noticed that he was the horny drunk. "Do You now?" "Yeah I mean who can resist a girl in a velvet crop top with tight jeans." "Not you." "Right. You're hot, funny, athletic, and smart everything a guy wants.". He said kissing me.

First he removed his shirt and took off mine. He kissed up and down my neck as I held tight onto him. His touch is what I needed at the moment. I felt protected in his arms.

"Okay as much as I wanna do this at the moment I just forgot that I left the window to my car open. I'll be back." "Okay" I said wrapping myself in his bed sheets.

As I was sitting I felt something vibrating under me. I figured that it was just me over thinking. I started to drift off when the phone started to vibrate again. I sat up and noticed his phone glowing from under the sheets.

I knew it would be bad to peek a quick look at his phone, but I did it anyway. When I looked I saw multiple texts.

Cutie- Thanks for Thursday, had a great time with you and I can't wait till you get back to make our relationship official.

Cutie- I'm just afraid about how people are going to react because Miles and I were together for awhile and I just broke up with him randomly.

Cutie- But anyway goodnight, we'll talk

Cutie-Love you

After that my heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces. I know that we we're sleeping together for fun, but a sense of jealousy and sadness came over me.

"Hey I'm back, why don't we finish this." "We shouldn't." "Why not?" "I don't think your girlfriend would approve of it."

"Shit." "You used me." "No it's not like that at all." "Then What is it like?" "I don't know how to explain it, but didn't we agree that we were just friends." "Yeah but that doesn't mean that just because she won't give it to you, you come to the next best person."

"I never intended to hurt you." "Isn't it ironic that you say that every time we get in an argument? I'm starting to believe Ty now."

"Are you freaking serious? That guy literally just tried to rape you and you believe him over me?" "At least he didn't lie to me. Just because he left out details didn't mean he didn't tell the truth."

"Are you listening to yourself right now? That was me in the past, I left that in the past, but according to you I'm the same guy." "Stop twisting my words. I don't know the way you acted and I definitely don't wanna know."

"Of course you don't. Whatever go fuck Noah, I'm done." "Fuck you." I said getting up from his bed and slamming the door. Tears immediately started falling from my face. I wasn't sure if it was from what he said or how bad he hurt my feelings emotionally.

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