Growing Up and Moving On: A O...

By Imagine_liam_1D

81.5K 493 29

Sophie Sinclair lives in North Tahoe with her best friend, Annie Taylor. As they are enjoying their first day... More

Growing up and moving on: A One Direction story
Chapter 2: Secrets and Opportunities
Chapter 3: Analysis of my situation
Chapter 4: Rachel
Chapter 5: Dreaming eyes open
Chapter 6: Awake
Chapter 7: Battle of the Sexes
Chapter 8: Fly with me
Chapter 9: Falling for you
Chapter 10: Beginning of the end
Chapter 11: An unfortunate affair
Chapter 12: Believe me?
Chapter 13: A confession
Chapter 14: A stranger revealed
Chapter 15: Reasons why
Chapter 16: Can we try one more time?
Chapter 17: The crowd
Chapter 18: The fountain
Chapter 19: Effects of peer pressure on the blossoms of a teenage relationship
Author's note: it must be said <3
Chapter 20: calm and the storm
Chapter 21: Welcome to Sophie Sinclair driving school
Chapter 22: Blackout
Chapter 23: A memory (Whoaaaaaa... That rhymed ;D)
Chapter 25: Mission Date Impossible
Chapter 26: Serenity?
Chapter 27: Adventure time
Chapter 28: Sleepless in the city
Chapter 29: Yearbook camp arrives
Chapter 30: What now?

Chapter 24: Just some Pokemon Rumbling in the mornin'

2.1K 15 1
By Imagine_liam_1D

I sit there in shock. I've never been pretty. I have never been popular. I have been the girl that always gets called ginger for her flaming red hair. I finally change that and someone has to wreck it.

Story of my life.

I run back downstairs trying to avoid Niall at any cost. Liam wanted to sleep in the couch for the night. I can't stand not being with him. He is fast asleep on the couch. All tuckered out or, as he would say, knackered.

"Liam...?" I kiss him softly on the cheek hoping to wake him up. I'm so frustrated with all of this. Can Niall just find a way to tear us apart? I tickle Liam's elbow(his ticklish spot) and he burts out from his sleep.

"Eh.. What? Errr who's there?" He states into the darkness as I sit on the floor beside him. "Liam its just me... Uhh the movie gave me nightmares... I really can't sleep. Will you cuddle with me upstairs?" I smile smile hopefully even through he can't see me.

Liam reaches out for me in the dark and turns on the flashlight and picks me up to carry me away. We plop groggily on the bed. He groans happily,"This is so much better than the couch."

"Liam... I'm really tired. Let's just sleep...okay?" He wraps his arm around me and I snuggle up against his chest. He still smells slightly of pineapples. It's miraculous. I drift off to sleep in ecstasy.

I wake up at 10 am to hear the sounds of teenage boys yelling downstairs. I flutter my eyes open and Liam is sitting on the bed next to me looking awfully suspicious. I take his phone away to see him in his twitter page posting a picture of me sleeping.

The Liam Payne:

Isn't she beautiful? Even in her sleep! @SophieSin26

Of course, plenty of girls make jokes about how we are in bed together. They should realize that Liam isn't a pervert and neither am I.

"FUCK YOU I DOMINATE AT POKEMON RUMBLE!!!!" Louis is shouting from downstairs. He is probably playing with Zayn and Harry because I hear a not so manly voice scream,"My quiff! You messed it up!" Boys will be boys.

I try to get up out of bed but Liam stops me and insists that he carry me. "You're my baby. I intend to treat you like my baby." I think Liam might be confusing me with a different type of baby but I don't care it's morning and I didn't feel like walking anyway.

He comes infront of the TV still carrying me and the boys say good morning. I try to look for Niall but he is no where to be found. Liam plops me down on the three sitting on the couch.

"My carrot!!!"

"My stomach!"

"My trousers..."

"Oh shush you wussies I couldnt have caused that much pain. I'm quite lightweight." I jump up and flutter my arms to the amusement of the four boys. Harry reaches over to poke my stomach while Liam slaps his hand and yells,"No touching my girl Styles!"

I run back upstairs to find the water running. Annie must be taking A shower... Moving on... I open the door to see Rachel and Jake having a full on morning makeout and burst out of the room quietly. You can't unsee something like your kissing a guy. It's weird. Okay... I wonder how she feels when I kiss Liam. Hmmm...

They order us room service of eggs and pancakes and well, the works for ten people. I eat only a little bit because every time I look up I see Niall smiling at me. He can't be evil... Just creepy as hell. I thought he was cute but man, he is just a piece of work.

"Where are the damn carrots? I ordered them! Where are they?" Louis is having a spaz attack at the kitchen table... I'll just put on some news.

"Do you have one direction fever?" Oh my god... The local news is turning into the insider where everyone is paparazzi. "After a late night at the Summit Movie theater in South Reno yesterday, one direction's car broke down and they were forced to stay in the Hilton Hotel. Jake Tomlinson,younger brother of member Louis Tomlinson, tweets 'The Snazzy Jake Tommo: spending the night in the dark with my best friends and their girls atthe Hilton but I only care about my girl @rachboobear15' Police are now on stand by as hundreds of girls crowd around the hotel. No one can get in or out."

JAKE IS DEAD. Zayn and Niall stay downstairs while Louis, Liam, Harry, Annie, and I creep up the stairs to scare them. Jake and Rachel are still making out. I don't even want to know how long they have been in that room.

"Jacob Taylor Tomlinson! I am going have to disown you. Just look out the window at what you did!" Jake jumps off of Rachel and runs up to the window to check the damage. I glare at Rachel. She's only 15 she shouldn't be making out for an hour and a half I haven't even made out for an hour and a half!

"Crikey! Look at all the girlies out tree that fancy you!" Sure enough, there were about five hundred girls out there.

"Date night will get cancelled." I kiss Liam softly and frown. "Not if I can help it! Daddy Directioner to the rescue!"

Harry and Zayn sit on the floor absolutely deprived of energy. We need Starbucks. Sure enough, there was a Starbucks across the street. "Hey Anne... We aren't famous therefore we will be safe to go get some coffee... LET'S ROLL!"

The boys throw money at us and we skip out the door. We ride the elevator to the bottom and listen to the girls screaming for one direction. Police have made an aisle for anyone that needs to get through and we walk down it. Within thirty seconds of walking we suddenly hear our names being chanted. "Sophie I love you!" "Annie you are the greatest!" is heard across the square.

Are we famous overnight? Do they already know us and like us? One girl leans over the caution tape and begs for an autograph. I sign it even though we don't have a signature. We sign a couple of papers and run down to Starbucks. We order 10 coffees of different varieties and try to get them back safely. We push through the girls that are trying to grab our drinks.

Eventually we just stood there and explained which coffee was for which person. My favorite is the mocha cookie late... I need the sugar rush so I can deal with the in hotel suspension with the boys who will be soon bouncing off the walls.

We need to get security to firmly lock the doors before the girls follow us up to our suite.

"Vas happening barista girls?"

We place the coffee and we ask them to grab their respective drinks. I sit on the couch with my drink and begin to check my twitter when Liam jumps to my left and Niall jumps to my right. I lean onto Liam's shoulder and see Niall with his braces smile while sipping his frappechino. This could get awkward.

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