The Loud House : Lincoln's bi...

By Hemestrical

8.6K 226 42

(Most pictures in this story are from deviantart & some pictures belong to The Loud House. The writing is all... More

Chapter Two: "Clyections" (Connections & Clyde)
Chapter Three: "Feeling of Betrayal" (Choice at end)
Chapter Four: "Running Behind" - Choice 1
Chapter Four: "Operation Save Friendship"-Choice 2
Chapter Five: "Time To Dance"
Chapter Six: "A Secret Revealed"
Chapter Seven: "The Good & The Bad"
Chapter Eight: "Two Broken Shots"
Chapter Nine: "Making Amends"
Authors note 2

Chapter One: "The Hangout "

1.8K 34 9
By Hemestrical

Disclamer: All pictures through out the story doesn't belong to me. Also, the Loud House group has grown up to 3 years ahead.

To begin reading press the loud house fan button! ( don't press it )

Loud House Intro
Crashing through the crowded halls,
Dodging girls like ping pong balls,
Just to reach the bathroom on time
(Hey! Hey! Hey!)
Leaping over laundry piles,
Diapers you can smell for miles,
Guy's gotta do what he can to survive!

In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
Duck, dodge, push and shove,
It's how we show our love!
In the Loud House! In the Loud House!
One boy and ten girls
(Wouldn't trade it for the world!)

Loud House!

Lily: (spoken) Poo-Poo!

The school bell rang, as kids rushed out the door. School had been tiring for Lincoln, as he had to always study. "Finally, schools over." He mumbled to himself. What was he going to do? Homework was defeating. What to do, what to do. Those words floated around in his head.
He began walking down the street to go home until he heard...

"Hey, Lincoln!" Clyde shouted from the other end of the hallway.
His stomach dropped as he heard Clyde's soothing voice, putting all his pain and worry away. He had this feeling for weeks. He blushed awfully when he was around him. He just wanted to touch his red, soft, lips.
"Uh, Linc? You there?" Clyde snapped him back to reality.
"Yeah." Lincoln had a noticeable red blush on his face.
"Great. So any plans for today?" Clyde questioned.
"I was thinking to go to the arcade to ease down my stress." Lincoln said in a rush.
"I'll come with." Clyde responded eagerly.
"Good. Let's go."

Lincoln dragged Clyde 3 blocks away from the school to go to the arcade. He took note of how soft his hands was, admiring it in its presence. He could feel safe in those hands. He didn't get why Lori didn't like him. It's all because Lincoln has been telling her that Bobby is the one you want and no matter what there bond is unbreakable.. yeah right.
"We're almost there Clyde don't worry." Lincoln says softly.
"Lincoln?" Clyde said as he noticed Lincoln was up to something.
Lincoln ignored Clyde's call for his name and kept dragging him to the arcade.
Lincoln and Clyde entered the arcade. He offered him pizza, which he accepted. They played, chatted, but eventually, Clyde had to go home. The two left the arcade and walked home.

"That was so fun! Did you see me kill those pig zombies? I was all like PEW PEW while they were like SKRAAH!" Clyde says as they walk.
"That was so epic! I had at least 23 kills on them. More kills than you!" Lincoln says as he bumps Clyde a little to the right almost making him go into the street.
"My bad!" Lincoln worries.
"It's cool, it's not like I was going to fall to my death like those pig zombies." Clyde replies.
They reached Lincoln's house and they said there final words before parting their separate ways.

"Today was pretty cool! Want to do it again Clyde?" Lincoln said with such passion.
"Well, not tomorrow I have to study for Ms. Johnson's test but how about Friday?"
"SURE GREAT! It's a daaaaa-" Lincoln says giving Clyde hints to ask him out on a date.
"Day full of fun?" Clyde says as he assumes that's what Lincoln tried to say.
"Yeah... Day full of fun... sure.." Lincoln says sad and disappointed.
"Well I gotta get going, I don't want to get my dads worried. Plus I heard they're making my favorite food for dinner."
"Bye.." Lincoln waved.
"See you at school tomorrow Lincoln! Tell Lori I said hello." Clyde slowly faded into the darkness as he walks away.

"It's always about Lori..what does she has that I don't? Actually I'm not going to answer that." Lincoln opens and closes the door while saying those exact words.
"How do I get him to notice me, he's always under Lori's neck but it's like he's clueless about me."
He goes upstairs to go to his room and slams his door.
Everyone goes to his room and checks up on him.

"Lincoln are you hurt?" Lori says.
"Are you okay? Do you need Lily to kiss your boo-boo?" Luna adds on to what Lori says.
"I thought we came into see if Lincoln was hurt, why are we checking on his cut?"Leni asks to everyone.
They all facepalm at the stupidity of the question.
"Thanks for being concerned about me but I'm feeling fine." Lincoln said with a raspy tone.
"You haven't looked this bad since Ronnie-Anne pulled the plug on your relationship. I mean, you were no match for her." Lola said while looking at Lincoln.
Everyone gasps after hearing those words coming out of Lola's mouth. They seem very angry at her although she is oblivious to He anger. After, Lola looks at Lincoln and sees a few tears come out of his eyes.
"WILL EVERYONE JUST GET OUT PLEASE. I SAID IM FINE!!" Lincoln yells at the top of his lungs.
"I was only just trying to help.." Lola said.
"Nobody would never understand me. I'm just weird..." Lincoln mumbles while crying with the pillow on his face.
The door opens and Lola comes in to explain herself. Although, Lincoln was very eager to yell agin he contained it in and waited for her to be done. He knew she felt terrible for what she said but he wasn't angry at that. He just hoped the Clyde would finally notice him.

-3 hours later-

Lincoln was reading his comic, like a normal guy would do. He flipped pages, and pages, until he saw a picture that reminded him of Clyde. This is about the 7th time that this happened. He just couldn't get his mind off him.

[Wednesday Night]

Clyde throws rocks at Lincoln window to grab his attention. He repeatedly continued to do it until he came downstairs and opened the door.
"Yes..Clyde..What do you want from me?" Lincoln says slightly annoyed.
"I wanted to know if you would like to join me on an ADVENTURE!" Clyde says with excitement.
"Sure! Cool! I would love to come! Let me just get dressed and get my bag." Lincoln says loudly for only Lynn and Lucy to hear.
"Who dare interrupts my session with talking to Edwin's friends." Lucy looks around until she hears Lincoln's voice.
Lucy goes downstairs and tells them to keep it down until Lynn comes and tells them that she wants to join and if Lucy joins that means she can speak to her spirits at the hill since it's a full moon.
"Also Lincoln guess who I've brought with me." Clyde shows out Ronnie-Anne.
"Hey Lincoln long time no see." She said to him.
Really Clyde..Really, Lincoln thought to himself.
"Hey..Ronnie-Anne." He said to her nervously.
"Well, we should we get going before your parents realizes that you're gone." Clyde says.
"Sigh," Lucy says under her breathe.

[At the Hill]

"This is the most fun I had in a while! Can you believe I haven't been here my whole life?! Clyde, like dude how did you find out about this place." Ronnie-Anne looked into his eyes while saying those words.
"Uhh, well my dads told me about this place. This is where they had there first.."
"Kiss?" Ronnie Anne jumps to conclusions.
"No, romantic dinner." Clyde says while chuckling.
"Can we get going now? It's getting pretty late." Lincoln says while his face turns red.
"LUCY GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME THIS IS FOOTBALL!" Lynn said with a competitive voice.
They all laugh and puts their stuff in Lincoln's bag.

Lincoln and Clyde distant themselves from the rest of them.
"You know I don't like her like that I just thought that-"
"It's okay buddy I know you were just trying to look out for me." Lincoln smiles.
Clyde walks up to the rest and Lincoln grabs Ronnie-Anne's hand.
"What's your PROBLEM?" Lincoln says in a aggressive voice.
"Oh nothing just trying to hang that's all." Ronnie Anne tried to reason with him.
"You were flirting with Clyde! That's not cool, that's very low of you. Plus, what ever your trying isn't going to work. The reason why we broke up was because of YOU! Ronnie-Anne, I'm sorry but if you continue to act like this we could no longer be friends." Lincoln finally says.
Ronnie Anne walks away with a hurt expression on her face.


Lincoln hears knocking on the door.
"I guess it's already time for school, I'm coming Lori." Lincoln groans.
He opens the door to see who it is.
"Hey, Lincoln meet my new girlfriend!" Clyde says.
"That's right Lame-o, I stole your man." Ronnie Anne says sinisterly.
"That's right. Your too wimpy, Lincoln."
Dream Clyde punches him in his mouth, making him fall and bleed. Ronnie Anne then proceeds to have a make-out sesh right in front of him.
Lincoln wakes up and sees it was just a dream.
"Lincoln time to go get ready or I'll leave you behind and make you walk to school," Lori says very loud.
"It was just a dream..." Lincoln continues on after Lori says.
"Huh?" Lori asks while being confused.
"Never mind." He says.
Although, Lincoln knew it was just a dream it hurt him as much as it was reality. Lincoln felt weird and a tear falls down, his face falling down to the ground. He then sobs into his hands at the dream. It was then he thought the impossible;

"Am I falling for Clyde?"

Thanks for reading! This is chapter 1 of my story! Chapter 2 is out now!!

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