Immortal Mortals

By moosesforgooses

68.7K 1.7K 424

She is the Immortal worlds most powerful High Goddess. He is the Immortal worlds most powerful War God, and... More

An Unfortunate Meeting
Early days
A Mouthful of Wine
Mortal love
Tai and Meili
Family of Four
Growing Awareness
The Unveiling
The Unveiling 2
The Break
Blue Belt Vine
Days of Ease.
Days of Ease 2.
Playtime 2
The consequences
The Grand Kowtow
Days of Grovelling.
Wedded Bliss
The Potion
Revenge 1
Revenge 2
The Count Down Begins
The Past Returns
Love Hurts
A Shattered Calm
Facing the Truth
The Preparations
Tai and Zhou Ru
And then there was one.
The Pearl
Meili and Chiang Gui
Past Futures
Last Days
A New Beginning
Mount Cang Wu


1.3K 39 3
By moosesforgooses

After Jie left, Ai lay in bed thinking over the amazing events of the day.  As a child, no one would have dared to have strike her, they would not have lived another minute if they had.  She had been pampered her whole life and allowed to voice her opinions openly and without restraint. 

 So to be suddenly spanked had her mind in a daze, but not in a bad way.  For some reason and unable to explain it, she had felt an overwhelming feeling of comfort.  It was the strangest emotion to have, considering she was a High Goddess, with immeasurable power, but Jies strong stand against her actually made her feel more worthy and precious than any amount of power or magic she could possibly own. 

 She suddenly felt loved, wanted and adored enough that he would use such an extreme measure to stop her from hurting herself, and she also knew, that had he known her true identity and what she was capable of,  he would have still spanked her regardless. 

But these thoughts did not linger long as a much more important one began to take over her mind.   She was getting married!  The thought of marriage to Jie, a mere dream only yesterday was suddenly a reality today, she could not contain the mile wide smile that was plastered across her face.  Though happy beyond words, she could not help but feel a sadness that her family would not be there for her special day.  But that feeling did not last long, if they knew about Jie and what she was planning to do with him, they would drag her back to Qing Qiu and lock her up.

But an even more serious thought arose.  Though she was still pure, Jie would consummate their wedding night and that brought on a fear of children.  Something she could not allow.  But she did have three days spare, it would be enough time for her to quickly return to the Peach Tree Grove.  She had no intention of bearing children in this form, not when she had to eventually return to Immortality and take Mo Yuan as her husband and a child would put that marriage at jeopardy and her fathers wrath was stronger and more powerful than her desire to cancel her marriage arrangement.  Because she knew, this would be one time, he would truly lose his temper with her, and having seen others wilt under his glare alone, she did not want to test it.

Rising she quickly prepared herself.  If she left now, she would get there in time to avoid Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen who would be asleep.  Lowering her barrier, her true form along with her full powers erupted.  Without a look back, she left for home.


Jie rode back slowly.  He was so lost in thought that several times he had brought his horse to a stand still without realizing it, forcing himself forward each time he returned to the present.  In the end, he pulled his horse towards a small hill and jumped down to walk around.  He felt much more comfortable thinking when he was pacing and if his horse could get dizzy with his pacing, it would have.

He was getting married!  That thought alone had him smiling so widely he thought his face might break.  And even though only an hour ago, they had been fighting,  their very first fight, he could not focus on anything else other than Ai and a full Mortal Realm life with her at his side.

His beautiful Ai would live with him in the home he was building for the two of them and the urgency to finish it quickly had him thinking of hiring more men to have it finished within a month.  It would be a huge undertaking but it could be done and Ais home could be their town home which she could keep as a place to stay whenever they visited town and didn't want to return straight away.

  And as his mind moved towards a fast approaching future, his mind too went to the possibility of children and though he would love to bless her with a child, he knew it would be unfair on the child as he would not stay for them or their grandchildren once Ai died.  He had to find a way to prevent her from getting pregnant, without her knowing.  

And there was only one thing that came to mind, which would involve a trip back to the Peach Grove.  And with so little time, he had to leave immediately.  If he left now, it would be quite late at night, so he should not have any problems running into Zhe Yan or Bai Zhen.  

Looking around to make sure he was completely alone and unseen, he returned to his true form with his powers fully open, before leaving in a puff of silvery gold smoke.


Bai Qian and Mo Yuan arrived at the Peach Tree Grove at the exact same time but at opposite ends.  It was late at night, and no one was around.  Making their way quickly, they only had minutes to spare in order to be back in the mortal realm in time, neither wanting to lose more than a day.

Making their way quickly to the center of the grove where Zhe Yan kept his contraceptive peach trees, of which there were many, they quickly gathered as many peaches as they could carry in their sleeve pockets.

Suddenly Mo Yuan caught sight of movement from the corner of his eye.  Stopping he looked up and almost dropped the peaches in his hand when Bai Qian suddenly came into view, who also happened to look up.  As their eyes met, she stopped in her tracks unable to move.

Both of them realizing they were there for the same thing, Mo Yuan spoke first.  "Lets just pretend we didn't see each other." he suggested in that same soft voice the she remembered, the same voice that Jie spoke with.  

Stunned to see him there, and obviously for the same reason she was there, she had no idea how to answer him, but being the mischievous one out of the two of them, she could not help herself.  Taking a bite from the peach she had only moments ago tried to hide from him, she slowly walked towards him, with a glint in her eye, that he could not help but notice.

"Why?  We're both playing the field.  It's pointless hiding it." she said seductively as she slowly moved to stand just mere inches from his body, that had gone rigid under her glare.

Outraged that she would try to seduce him having just admitted to having an affair while still engaged to him, Mo Yuan lost his temper.  "Have you forgotten who you are?" he glared down angrily at her.  "And have you forgotten who you are talking to." he added, before forcefully shoving her aside to move past her.

But she was not having it.  Placing herself back in front of him she continued to walk towards him, forcing him to stumble back until he was hard up against one of the peach trees. Taking another bite of her peach, she smirked up at him. Then lifting her hand to his face, she lightly stroked his beard.  For some reason, it fascinated her.

 "Whats the matter Mo Yuan?" she said softly as she ran her other hand lightly down his sleeve and up into the inside to remove a peach from his inside pocket.  Holding it up in front of her, she took a bite out of that one too.  "Are you the only one that can have fun while I stay in Qing Qiu waiting for you?" she asked bringing herself hard up against him.  "How terribly old fashioned." she laughed taking another bite as she watched his anger rise as she continued to stroke his beard.

Snatching her hand that held the peach he pulled her in even closer until his lips were almost on hers.  To Bai Qian. his eyes looked exceptionally dangerous as she swallowed back the peach in her mouth quickly.  Then running her tongue across her top lip suggestively she smirked up at him as her body shook with silent laughter at his sudden anger.  

Suddenly, without warning, he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her off the ground before she felt herself being transported under a haze of silvery gold smoke.  Within seconds, her feet once again felt hard ground under her, and as she looked around, she realized she was back in the Mortal Realm, in the forest on the outskirts of her little town.  

Before she could even wonder why he had brought her to that particular part of the Mortal Realm, she suddenly felt herself being pushed hard up against the bark of a tree, with Mo Yuan once again only inches from her face.  "Do you think you're being clever Bai Qian?" he asked, his voice still in that same soft tone, but now edged in danger.  "I don't like being played little girl." he whispered softly against her as his lips lightly brushed the side of her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

Laughing in his face mockingly, she lifted both hands to his shoulders.  "Who's playing who Mo Yuan?" she asked with a growing smirk before raking them down his chest, causing him to quiver at her touch, as she looked directly into his eyes, then upon reaching his sash, she pulled it so his robe fell open about him.  Reaching her hands into his robe, she circled his waist and pulled him in even tighter his hardness evident against her causing her to gasp. 

Reaching his hands into his robe he ran his fingers along her sleeves until he reached her inside pockets and quickly removed the peaches she had placed in them, then pulling them out he held them up for her to see, smiling at her sudden look of anger.  It was the first time he had managed to upend that smirk, and he suddenly felt the excitement rising at having infuriated her and wiping that smirk off her exquisitely beautiful face.

"Give them back!" she said, her anger dangerously rising and her eyes darkening as she reached towards his hands to snatch at them.  "I need them Mo Yuan." she said, her voice rising and her anger also dangerously at breaking point.

Magically, he made them disappear, before slamming her hard up against the tree.  Looking into her eyes, he continued to smile.  "You won't be needing them.  Wife." he said mockingly before forcefully taking her lips in a fierce and passionate kiss while his hands rolled slowly down the sides of her body causing her to jump and gasp sharply as his hands stroked slowly over the sides of her breasts and his thumbs lightly flicking her nipples before moving down and enveloping her waist to pull her in tighter.

Raising her legs, she quickly hoisted herself up to wrap them about his waist to grind herself against him, as his tongue forced its way into her mouth.  Groaning softly against her, Mo Yuans hands moved down further and up into her dress to find their way to her bottom. And as his fingers moved to slide across her lower bloom she moaned softly at the sudden shocking pleasure that shot through her body while her fingers grabbed at his robe which was still hanging over his shoulders.

Deepening their kiss, he slipped his fingers into her silk undergarments and continued to stroke her now soaking wet clit while she moaned and writhed against him.  Then before he could do anything more, she suddenly disappeared from his arms and reappeared behind him.  Laughing at him, she held up the peaches she had managed to take from his robe pockets.  "I guess I should warn you.  I never lose.  Husband." she said breathing heavily, then before he could formulate a single thought, she instantly disappeared completely leaving him in the forest laughing.


Making her way quickly into her small home, Bai Qian quickly returned to her Mortal Realm disguise, her legs still wobbly from her encounter with her intended.  Laughing softly to herself, she counted the peaches she had managed to take from his robe.  Seven.  For now it would be enough, quickly pealing them all, she diced them quickly before placing them into a jar.  Once done, she added a selection of herbs, then covered the mixture in peach tree wine that she kept in a small cooling box.  The mixture would take 24 hours, and once ready she would strain the fruit and herbs, leaving the infused wine which she would only need a teaspoon a day.  There was enough for at least a month, before she would have to go back for more.  She was ready.

Now in bed, she thought about her encounter with Mo Yuan.  She did not know what it was about him that made her act so recklessly or so seductively, but the desire to take him this time around was almost her undoing.  If she had not left in time, she knew they would have made love right there in the forest and her marriage to Jie would have ended the day it began.

Suddenly the thought of Jie, and his gentle kind trusting eyes, brought tears to her own.  "Jie, forgive me." she cried softly long into the night.


By the time Mo Yuan had made it back to Tavern, the lights were out, and he was forced to wake the night watchman to let him in, which did not go down to well, earning him a harsh berating as he was led to his room.

Having already checked his inner pockets, he found Bai Qian had stripped him of all but one peach.  Laughing, he couldn't help but admire her.  Never had he been bested so audaciously, she suddenly rose in his estimation of her.  

It had taken the full walk back to the tavern to lose his erection, and the harsh berating from the night watchman had removed the last of it.  But now safely back in his room and his Mortal Realm disguise he thought more about her.  

It was only their second time together and yet he had desired her even more, and if she hadn't left when she did, he knew he would have taken her right there in the forest.  Though he was surprised she had not commented on what she was doing in the Mortal Realm, in fact thinking about it now, she almost seemed nonchalant about it.  So Zhe Yans impression that she was living here in disguise must be correct.

And as his mind dwelt on that fact, he also came to realize she must be close by, because she showed no distress at being in the forest he had taken her to, as if it were familiar to her.  Frowning at the thought, his mind began to go back over the things Ai had told him and the things he had found in her house.  

Ai. Suddenly the mention of her name, forced all thoughts from his mind as the realization that he had almost been unfaithful to her hit him hard.  "Ai. Forgive me," he said softly as he banished Bai Qian and their encounter immediately from his mind, his thoughts at once going to their wedding which he had to organize the following day.  Closing his eyes, he refused to return to his earlier thoughts no matter how much they wanted to stay and play on his mind.


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