Scorpio (Tokyo Ghoul Touka x...

By Skilg4nnon

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For as long as you can remember, you've been in anteiku. Your mother was a member before you, since she'd bee... More

The Scorpion and the Centipeid
Three years earlier...
Always room for one more
Back off!
Stay close to me
First Date
The zodiac
Border patrols
Dangerous thoughts
Revenge is a dish best served...
It's not about me, its never been about me
It was raining that day...
The SS rated Scorpio
Filthy Bindging Gourmet
If i die tomorrow...
One way or another...
...this war ends today


5.8K 127 44
By Skilg4nnon

Zuno-ryoku sat at his desk and reviewed the information that the forensic team had found in the sewerage, they had found traces of a composition made mostly from ghoul vomit and human blood. It had been difficult to separate the different blood samples but it was now confirmed that all five missing persons were now dead, all had been devoured by the same ghoul. The DNA from the vomit had been tested against the system but to no avail, the ghoul was not in the system. However he did know that a ghoul previously unknown to the CCG has killed four investigators at once, clearly a formidable opponent.

The ghoul was likely to have taken damage since they found traces of ghoul blood that matched the vomit, evidently he was doing his best to avoid detection. He had killed the five people and devoured them all on the spot, making continuous trips to vomit up the meat into the drain in order to avoid being tracked. This particular feasting set this mystery ghoul apart from the binge eating ghoul that had started acting up recently, the binge eater had no concern to cover up its movements while the mystery ghoul had taken extra pains to avoid being detected.

This ghoul was a previously unknown, someone who was taking any and all steps possible to avoid being tracked by CCG. Yet they were capable of fighting and killing four investigators, so clearly it wasn't out of fear like smaller ghouls. So it must have been protecting another of its kind, It's child perhaps? The broken phones of the investigators had been discovered in the drain as further testimony to the determination of the ghoul to remain hidden, the SIM card of the first investigator was still in tact allowing him to listen to the calls prior to attack and Zuni-ryoku was eager to test his theory on wether or not the child Neil was involved.

"Neil what is it?" The first investigator asked.

"Pap I saw a ghoul." The child whispered as he panted down the phone almost passing out by the sound of it, the fear and terror was evident even to a high functioning autistic man like Zuno-ryoku.

"What?! This isn't funny, don't joke around like that!"

"Dad I promise I'm not playing around! This is serious!"

"Ok Neil this is very important!" The man told his son as Zuno-ryoku heard him rush out of the office. "Stay out I'm coming! Describe him to me!"

"His my age! H-he has blue hair! He had two w-wings as his eyes turned!"

A young ghoul with blue hair, Male, ukaku judging by the description. There had been some mention of a similar ghoul in a case file he had looked at before, if memory served a human reported two young siblings with blue hair as ghouls and the investigators who were sent had been killed by several Ukaku crystals. A third file had crossed his desk about another two investigators had been killed in the last few days, he began to write information down as he went along keeping very detailed notes in case of his death for his successor.

A few months ago the investigators were killed by a child with blue hair, a child who was a ukaku ghoul. The ghoul most likely changed locations and tried to blend back in to human society for a new start, the open day at the school would back up that theory. Somehow the ukaku revealed them self to the investigators child, attempting to either chase down their victim or escape the possibility of the CCG coming onto them they flee the school only to be ambushed by four investigators. The ukaku then kills the investigators and feeds on them to hide its presence, for now the two other doves would have to remain out of the investigation since it was impossible to link them to the other murders.

Wait, if the ukaku was a child who managed to kill four investigators then why would they bother hiding it? If they were protecting someone then why would they expose themselves in the first place? No, Someone else must have intervened. The second theory was that the investigators were called to a reported pair of ghoul siblings, the investigators were killed by a ukaku ghoul. This was indisputable, the blue haired children's parent had arrive in time to kill the two investigators and save their children. Then when the young child was discovered in the school he tried to flee, then the parent once again arrived in time to save the child.

However the case files of the first two investigators death show that the woman who reported the siblings claimed that their parents had abandoned them, or at the very least was unable to care for them. So there was no parent to defend the young ghoul, perhaps they surprised the investigators by releasing their Kagune at a young age and firing their RC crystals before they had a chance to defend themselves. That wouldn't explain the four investigators being killed at the same time, unless the escaped siblings has managed to find a stronger ghoul to defend them.

An interesting fact to consider was that the first  incident took place behind Zodiac lines, while the second happened over the border line into neutral territory. The young Male has escaped from zodiac controlled territory into free land, were they seeking to scrap out on their own? Or was someone harbouring them? Someone strong enough to take out four investigators, possibly...

Capricorn grinned and lifted his hands up in a sign of surrender, he was wearing a black overcoat with his mask stripped him his handsome face. He was clearly happy about something, you seemed to be the butt of some joke. "Is something funny?" You asked squeezing harder around his neck, it was quickly becoming your signature move to wrap around the neck and squeeze before crushing the head entirely.

He grinned as his face turned purple. "Your a hard man to foul Scorpio." Your threw him across he floor and watched as he rolled across the rooftop, you raised your Kagune and hardened the bulb to fire your ukaku crystals at him.

"How did you find me?" You demanded.

"With great difficulty." Capricorn admitted with an irritating smirk, clearly he found something amusing. "No known friends, no criminal charges and no known addresses. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were hiding from us."

"I have no interest in joining your cult. And you didn't answer my question."

"You didn't think your run with Taraus would go unnoticed, I've been watching you for a while. I know you've scouted the location of every camera in the local area, but you clearly don't know about some of mine. And don't worry, I'm not here on zodiac business."

"Then I have nothing to say to you." You told him as you turned your back to leave.

"I'm your half brother (Y/N)." You froze as the words teaches your ears, you weren't sure what to say as you both stood frozen in place. That wasn't possible! Shinsetsu would have told you something like that! Unless of course... He looked around two or three years older then you, was it possible your father had a second family while he was still with your mother? Looking over him you started looking for family resemblance, actually it was there. The same high cheekbones, the same strong jawline, though it was hard to tell for sure since you hadn't fully matured yet.

"Who are you?" You asked as you stared him in the eye searching for any hint of sarcasm or mockery, if he was lying he hid it well.

"My name is Yagi Tensai, but usually I'm called Tensai by my friends, Capricorn by my peers. I bet you have a lot of questions."

"Actually just one." You responded as your Kagune suddenly extended with the spike stopping a mere inch from his eye, it would take only a small amount of force to lance through into his brain. "Zodiac has made it clear it wants to rule over ever expanding territory, judging by past actions you'll want to take out Anteiku. So my question is this, Capricorn. Why shouldn't I kill you right now?"

Tensai met your gaze with equal intensity as his life hung in the balance, there was fear in his eyes but no panic. This was a man who could hold his cool under pressure, in that mind of his was the same calculated coldness that you possessed. Even more reason to kill him if he was an enemy.

"Because, I think it's time for a change of leadership. Leo may be strong and charismatic but he's prone to certain, idiocies... Zodiac iwasted under him, however he is stronger then the rest of us so I can't guarantee a victory. Libra, Taurus and Aquarius are definitely loyal to him and it'll take a lot for the others to come around, most won't join unless they are confident we'll come out on top."

"Let me guess, you want me to help you fight. I assume you'll also offer me something in return, be your second in command or something? If you managed to track me down then your smart, probably smart to know a threat will result in your head getting harpooned."

"I don't want you to work for me when I lead. I want you to lead!" You raised eyebrow as you glared at him, this was turning out to be more and more interesting.

"So you'd just give your power away? Why? And to me?"

"I've watched you for a while now (Y/N), your smart and your cold. I know your strong too, I can smell it on you."


"But i think you'd be able to lead us to a more prosperous future, Leo is just gaining more and more attention from the CCG. You see the news right? Everyday we're the main story, you and I both know that we're doomed if we're firmly in their sights. I think you could lead us better, you'd make sure we thrive in the long run."

"Why not you?"

"Me? I could do well, but I wouldn't hold the power I gained before someone else took over. Not only that but my enforced policies on others would cause them to rebel. You however? I believe you can cause people to give their lives for you, you can inspire people."

"You clearly don't know me."

"Oh I do brother, better then you know yourself. Think about it, as leader you could ensure that all ghouls in Zodiac territory get a fair crack of the whip while also keeping stronger and more aggressive ghouls in line. No one else can maintain balance like you could, no one else can ensure your friends stay safe. Join me Scorpio and you could guarantee your friends safety, all you have to do is overthrow Leo."

Suddenly crystals erupted out of Tensai's flesh and he screamed out loud, you jumped back in surprise and avoided another blast of crystals. Capricorn was hurt but alive, he collapsed to the ground as someone slowly walked over him.

"Well well we'll, Leo suspected you had turned traitor for months." Came a male voice as a figure merged before you. "Finally you gave me all the evidence I needed to kill you though." Said Libra, already covered in blood from another kill. His eye twitched and his cracked his neck furiously as he stared at you without even bothering to hide his blood list, he was known for being an unhinged psychopath and it wasn't  out the question he'd suddenly turn on you.

In fact it was then he suddenly rushed forward and sprayed more Crystals from his Kagune, who wings with what looked like Phoenix feathers came from his back with the top of his Kagune forming a crown above his head. Your eyes widened as you moved your own Kagune to block the incoming projectiles, it took lightning speed to block them all but thankfully you managed. Libra was suddenly on top of you as his Kagune started slashing widely and sending furious blows, he was constantly moving and his footwork was amazing as your Kagune worked overtime to block his attacks.

One of his wings sliced through your cheek and left a deep cut as he slashed wildly, he forced you back as you lost ground trying to defend against his relentless assault. He was smiling as he kept swinging at you with unrivalled ferocity, you could see now why Capricorn had been worried about trying to over throw Leo if he was stronger then Libra. You'd killed four investigators at once and that had left you weak and sick, Libra's dove kills ranged nearer to a hundred.

Your Kagune was meant for offensive and evasive capabilities, defence was not one of your strong suits. You had to get some distance between you and him so you could start swinging, the problem was Libra was forever pressing the attack and moving forward whenever you moved back. You didn't even have room to dodge as he caught you across the thigh after his Kagune bounced off yours, thankfully it was deep and wouldn't impede your movement too much.

Libra really was a maniac since he was grinning evilly through the assault, his two wings were a blur with quick movements testament to his ukaku blood. You were in trouble here as you kept backing up to avoid his attacks, you were starting to tire from everything and found it harder and hard to keep up with the incoming ukaku wings. That's when it suddenly hit you, that the only reason Libra was so strong was because he was a maniac. Take that away and his speeds the only thing he had going for him, Libra was relying on attack hard and fast to push his opponent into a corner. You had to get him away from you for only a second to regain your composer and then it would be an even fight.

Blocking yet another of his attacks you suddenly pushed yourself forward causing his wing to slash your side, but the risk seemed to be worth it as you head butted him and brought your Kagune around his back. A your heads collided Libra paused from being stunned, just as your Kagune punched a hole in his stomach. Hooking your spike upward you swung him away from you, slamming him into the ground. Without letting up your tail wrapped around his ankle and lifted him up, you began to repeatedly slam him across the floor in large powerful arcs before throwing him off of the building.

Libra got up after a while, though it was evident that he was hurting. His grin was gone now and he cracked a few joints in an attempt to push through the pain, he gave a low growl and looked up towards you. You approached the edge of the building slowly, standing over the street below like a king. A bright light approach as a news helicopter started to film the pair of you, so much for keeping it quiet. Though you weren't surprised, between Capricorn's scream and the fact Libra's face was plastered over every wanted poster and news outlet it was unlikely this confrontation would ever go unnoticed.

"Your a strong one Scorpio." Libra admitted. "But I'm not done yet!" He roared as his Kagune suddenly erupted outwards, his wings wrapping around him and more RC cells growing from his shoulders. The smaller wings forming his crown folded around his head and formed a singular black eye in the middle of his forehead, more of his Kagune sacks erupted as he now had six wings growing from his back. Your eyes widened as you realised what had just happened, Libra was a kakuja.

Libra's head snapped up at you suddenly before jumping up and firing a whole barrage of ukaku crystals, you barely managed to throw yourself back and dodge as the crystals landed where you'd been standing a second before. Not only were they far more numerous then before but they were also much larger, they tore the side of the building apart. Libra launched himself at you and slashed wildly again, this time you rolled to the side and dodged as his Kagune easily went through the roof. What the hell was with this monster?

You had no choice but to abandon defence all together and focus solely on evasion, you barely managed to survive his last assault when he used only two Kagunes so there was no way in hell you'd fend off another assault. If you got Pined down again, you'd never get back out.

Agility was only way you'd win this, it looked like you were going to have to dark souls it. Libra came charging with another attack so you you ran to meet him, before jumping over him at the last second and using your Kagune to wrap around his neck. The usual tactic seemed to work and you dragged him off his feet, choking him as your Kagune wrapped around his head and started to constrict. Libra screamed and his Kagune thrashed wildly, striking yours with added strength and determination.

Suddenly his head caved in under the force, his body lay still in the air as blood and brain ran freely on the ground. The light from the helicopter shone on you brightly, you lifted the body towards them before suddenly letting him drop. The message was simple, Scorpio was here to stay.


You yawned at work while making some coffee for the customers as Touka raised an eyebrow at you questionably, Ayato was even pitching in top as he cleaned dishes out back. You couldn't hide the tiredness from being up so late last night, after the battle with Libra you'd dragged Capricorn back to Yoshimura to help him heal and explain the situation. You weren't going to break the news to anyone, there was no need to cause anyone panic. You'd promised Touka you wouldn't go out without her and Shinsetsu wasn't even aware you sneak out at night, revealing you had a half brother wasn't something you particularly cared about.

Family was Anteiku, not just blood. If Tensai wanted to call himself brother, he had to earn that right. Wether or not he was genuine about protecting Anteiku through you, or if he was waiting to stab you in the back remained to be seen. Nothing like making your friends rich and your enemies richer to see which is which, you were almost hoping he would betray you so you could kill him and never speak of your half relative again.

There was no doubt he was your half brother in your mind, the scent gave it away once you knew what you were looking for. Your fathers smell may have been long gone in your house but it wasn't forgotten, you were keeping Capricorn as far a way from Shinsetsu as possible. You couldn't begin to wonder what your mothers reaction would be if she found out she'd been cheated on, you couldn't believe the pain it might cause her.

"We bring you this exclusive footage from the CCG concerning the Zodiac ghoul Libra last night." Came the sound of the anchorman on the news report. Crap! You though irritated that it had not gone unnoticed, now your mother was going to find out you'd been sneaking out. Touka would be pissed you broke your promise to her about going out alone, not to mention it might reveal Capricorn's involvement too.

"The CCG has shared footage of what appears to be two ghouls, one mysterious ghoul unknown to investigators and one the previously mentioned Libra ghoul. As we've covered before the Libra ghoul is confirmed responsible for the murders of two hundred people, he's considered an SS ghoul and is highly dangerous. The breaking news story however, is the confirmed death of Libra by the newly discovered Scorpio ghoul."

Around ten plates hit the floor in Anteiku as Touka and Ayato started at you with their eyes wide and their jaws open, the tv showed the footage of Libra transforming to a kakuja and attacking. The footage showed you dodge a few times before wrapping your Kagune around his neck and crushing his skull under the pressure, it looked like it had taken no trouble at all from the footage.

"This new Scorpio ghoul is already considered a SS ghoul, investigators are stumped as to his random appearance." The anchorman continued as it showed you the picture of when you looked directly at the camera holding Libra body. "Well bring you all the information as it is released, up soon is an interview with a CCG representative on the zodiac situation and offering insight into this latest incident."

You gave a yawn from being up all night due to fighting Libra and your own insomnia, acting like it was no big deal. The siblings behind you could barely speak as they couldn't believe their senses, as you turned around away from them you allowed yourself a small smile of amusement.

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