Before the Daisies Grow

By mickistreet

152 2 0


Before the Daisies Grow

Dotty, Nora and Wilma - the characters

93 1 0
By mickistreet

Three lives connected since teenage years

Held a future with no fears.

They reached adulthood and followed their dreams

Nothing panned out, so it seems.

When they met to exchange their news

Dotty was firm with her irreverent views.

What did Nora and Wilma care?

Their friendship, still so ever dear.

Nora chose an early marriage

Desperate to push a baby’s carriage.

However, life was not all marital bliss

After twenty-five years, hubby blew one final kiss.

He’s moving in with a beautiful young dolly

Nora was furious with his mad folly.

She brought out a knife and threatened to lop

His manhood off with one quick chop.

Wilma’s life was great until

A hasty decision to chuck the pill

And marry John, her boyfriend of years

Before her biological clock disappears.

In quick succession, three children had she

But John decided he wanted to be free.

He emigrated to Alaska to pack fish

Out of her life, he did vanish.

Dotty the oldest and impetuous one

Certainly knew how to have fun.

A blissful marriage of years by forty

Sex was euphoric and rather naughty.

But alas this wasn’t to last much longer

Sydney, her husband, the silly codger,

Climbed the ladder for a hedge to trim

A car knocked him off and broke every limb.

Three people entwined forever more

Must cram their lives with fun galore

As golden years pass in a flash

It’s time to venture with a bash.

Nora and Wilma are not too keen

Age is creeping and wrinkles are seen.

“Nonsense!” says Dotty, a destination she’ll find

Never forget, “age is a state of mind”

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