Never Again.

By CoffeeAndABook6

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At fourteen my life was flipped upside down. And not for good. I was held captive for many years. I didn't k... More

Never Again.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Thirty-Two

63 4 0
By CoffeeAndABook6

We walked the long way home too, stopping to pick up a couple groceries. Jaz had texted Kane, letting him know she would be about half hour late, so we had an hour to make dinner.

"How long were we at the aquarium today?"

"Far longer than you'll believe."

"Let me guess, seven hours?"

"We got there at eight, and we just left at five thirty."

"No way! That's nine and a half hours!"

"What did I say?"

"It felt like two maybe three."

"Time flies when we're together."

"Yes, it does."

"You're thinking."


"About that couple?"

"Yeah. Do you think it's weird that they asked if we were married? Or that they didn't think it was weird at all that we would be so serious about marriage?"

"I don't think it's weird. At first I did, but as she kept talking it made sense. As for them thinking its weird that we are serious, no. They see themselves in us, in a way, and they've made it together for a long time, so maybe they just assume we will too."

"I guess so. Do you think we will make it that long?"

"Are you ever leaving?"


"Well I'm not, so unless you change your mind, I think we will. I was glad to see someone else that feels the same way."

"Me too. She made me realize a couple things too, it was... needed."

"Like what, if I'm not pushing."

"No, you aren't. This might sound weird, how do I put it? Umm, you have told me that you love me, that I will be your love forever, but the way she talked about me having your heart, I guess it made me realize what that really meant. Then when you said it was true, I guess I realized how much I mean to you. I know how I feel about you, and now I know that it's a mutual feeling. I get why you want what I want I guess. I don't know, it's hard to explain, it just kind of came together when she talked."

"I get what you mean. Honestly though, I was worried."


"Yeah. She kept saying how in love I was with you, but never mentioned it the other way. I guess I was worried that she didn't see how you felt."

"She knows how I feel, she told me. If she hadn't, would you think I cared for you any less?"

"No, I guess it's just nice to have someone else say it."

"I guess so."

We were just walking into the elevator and I spotted a couple walking across the foyer, "Kane, look!"

He looked over and was as shocked as I was.

"Is that-"


It was the couple from the aquarium. They walked over and sat on the bench by the door. He had his arm around her shoulders and she leaned on him, like it was the most natural thing in the world. I smiled and put my head on Kane's chest with my arms around his waist, and he pulled me close, one hand on the back of my head, running through my hair, as the other was on my shoulder blade.

"He waved."

"The man?"

"Yes, he had a knowing grin on his face and waved. I think she had her eyes closed, so I don't know if she even saw us."

The doors closed and we started moving.



"Promise me we will always have something to talk about?"

"I promise beautiful, we will always have something to talk about. What made you think about that?"

"Some couples spend all day with each other and couldn't come up with something to talk about if they wanted to. That couple has been together for decades and have something to talk about. They chatted the whole way through the aquarium, and as they were walking."

"Yeah, I like that we always have something to talk about. Although, even when we are quiet, it's not awkward, it's comfortable."

The elevator chimed and we walked out, "Yeah, I'm not complaining. And even when we are quiet, there is something we could talk about. I just don't want it to get to a point where there is nothing to talk about."

"That time will never come, I promise."

"Thank you."

My life has had enough silence, now I just want someone to either share it with me comfortably, or not have it.

He handed me stuff to dice up, I started but he looked at me with a what-are-you-doing-that-for? face.

"What? Is this wrong?"

"No, not wrong. It's just faster if you hold the knife different and stand so you can lean over it."

"Oh." I moved and he laughed, "Kane, what's wrong now?"

He walked over and placed his arms around me, placing his hands on mine, and cut a couple times, "Like that."

"Okay," I tried it and he smiled.

"You're a fast learner."

"I think I just have a good teacher."

"Although a part of me is happy, if you were a slower learner I could've kept you in my arms longer."

"You're such a guy. But your arms do feel nice around me. They're so strong and sure."

"Strong and sure?"

"Yes. You know what you're doing and do it, whereas I'm slow and clumsy."

"With a little practice you'll be fine."

"I will keep practicing then."

I felt like I was a chef in a fancy restaurant chopping away like I knew what I was doing. I finished quicker than I usually did and handed them to him, "You're right, that was much faster. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"What are we having?"

"Something my sister used to like. It was something I would make for her birthday, or when she had a rough day. It seemed to lighten her mood. It's just sliced baked potato wedges, which we always melted cheese on, and I serve it with grilled salmon and salad, although sometimes fries or coleslaw, depending."

"You're sister was lucky to have you."

"I was lucky to have her."

I smiled and looked down, he had never taken his family for granted and he only had his sister, I had two sisters and two parents and I had read rather than doing things with them, or rolling around making memories.

"Dani?" I looked up, "Don't be sad."

"I'm not sad."


"No, I'm not sad, just thinking."


"I had two parents and two sisters who I took for granted. Rather than making the most of our time, I read or wanted to hike alone. The older I got, the more they were out of the house and I didn't spend time with them when they were home even. You had one sister and treated her like a princess. You showed her you loved her everyday. You gave up so many things for her, I didn't gave up that much and I had four other people. I loved them with all my heart, I still do, I guess I just wonder if they know that."

"Dani, I had to do what I did. Before my mom died I barely knew my sister, I did my own thing with my own friends. After mom died I realized that I had taken her for granted and told myself that I would do everything for my sister because I didn't want her to think I took her for granted, ever. I had a huge shock when mom died, she had held us together, making my sister and I do stuff together on occasion. You don't take people for granted, you never have, I know that without a doubt. My mother's death was the shock I needed in some ways, although I wish it hadn't taken that for me to wake up. You're past made you realize too, or you wouldn't be going back home."

"Visiting back home. What if I am taking them for granted. I just assume that they will want to see me. I'm taking them for granted just by coming back, by putting myself back in their lives, by assuming that I'm still family, as if after almost six years they will just take me back."

"No Dani. You aren't. You are showing them that you love them, that you still think about them after seven and a half years and that you don't take them for granted because you want to see them again."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes Dani." He grabbed two plates from the cupboard as the door opened in the front room.

I heard her put her keys in the bowl by the door, take her shoes off and walk to the kitchen.

"Hey Jaz."

"Hello Kane, hi Dani."


"I'll be right back, I'm going to put comfier clothes on."

"Dinner will be ready in two minutes."

"Perfect." She rushed out of the room and Kane finished making the plates.

"You make them look so professional, with the parsley, and toppings like that."

"My mother was as much about presentation as she was about the taste with her cooking. She always made it look presentable, even stew. I guess I picked up on it."

"I guess so."

"Kane, did you make what I think you made?" Jaz called as she walked back into the kitchen.

"Yes, I figure it's a good start to our trip."

"It smells better than I remember. I didn't know you still cooked like this. The last couple times we ordered everything."

"Well, someone I know was never taught to cook, so I cook with her, right beautiful?"

"Yeah, he shows me a couple things."

She didn't reply for a while, just smiled and looked me over before looking at Kane, "She's worth your cooking but I'm not?" Her voice had a playful side to it, it suited her.

"She's worth a lot more than that."

She raised her eyebrow as she lost her playful edge, "Kane?" I saw her nod at me but that was all she said, as they exchanged a couple looks and I only picked up on his end, which just made me confused and I turned bright red as I carried the plates over to the table. I had no idea what they were talking about but I knew it had to do with me and decided I would ask him later.

I turned back around and he nodded his head as she smiled widely before they walked to the table.

"I'm happy for you Kane."

"Thanks Jaz."

I sat down with them and started eating as they did, I felt more than a little out.

"How was work?"

"Same as every other day."

"Do you enjoy your work Jaz?"

"Yes, I wouldn't do it if I didn't, especially the hours I work."

"Good, you should only ever do what you love."

"I know, you would make me quit if I didn't like it. You taught me better than that."

"Good to know you still remember some of it."

"All of it Kane. How was your day? What did you two do?"

"We went to the aquarium."


"Then came home to make dinner."

"How long were you at the aquarium?"

"Almost ten hours."

I held in my laughed as her jaw visibly dropped, "Ten hours? You looked at fish for ten hours?"

"Nine and a half, yeah."


"Yep," but I could tell she wasn't dripping it there, until Kane sent her a look.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"We don't know yet. Any recommendations?"

"Personally, I like the museums, but I know that isn't your cup of tea. Dani? Do you like history?"

"Less than Kane does."

"Then two museums are out of the questions, there is a museum on science, one specifically on evolution, it's a little smaller, one on art, and there's another on something else, I forget. Or you could go swimming, skating, dancing, there's a lot more in the summer, but they're all closed in the winter. Oh! There's bowling and malls if you want to go there Dani, I don't really know. I don't go out much, and usually it's to the same places."


"I know, I know, I'm working on it, I shouldn't just work. Although, you did this too."

"Yes, which is why I know you don't even know you're doing it until years go by. Go out Jaz, at least once a week."

"Do you?"

"Yes, Dani and I do something a couple times a week. Even if you just watch a movie with a friend."

"Okay Kane, I'll try."

"Thank you."

She looked over at me, "Is he like this with you?"

"Stubborn but caring at the same time?" She nodded, "Yes, but usually I have to promise."


"Yes, he makes me promise to do it. You're lucky."

"I'm not that stubborn."

Me and Jaz looked at each other and laughed lightly, "No." We both said in an obviously fake way.

He rolled his eyes and kept eating. I had taken like two bites and he looked up at me when Jaz looked down. He lifted one eyebrow and looked between my food and me. I nodded and picked my fork back up.

"Kane, this is delicious, you added something didn't you?"

"Maybe, I've been experimenting a little more with flavours. I added-"

"Herbs and spices, I know, but you never tell me which ones."

"A little of this, a little of that."

"Right, because that's any less vague."

"It changes every time, I don't really remember."

"You should write a cookbook."

"I hope you're kidding."

"Yeah, sorry, it's the business part of me."

We were done eating an hour later, and had talked a little more. I learned that Jaz still played instruments and occasionally some sports with coworkers or friends, but mainly stuck to work. She reminded me of Kane, how he threw himself into his work, well, before me.

"Jaz, how often do you play?"

"I bring my violin with me when I travel, I play it all the time. My guitar, I play it quite a bit when I'm at home, but not when I'm away, it's too heavy for luggage. I still tinker in piano and play it every once in a while, actually, a lady down the street wants me to teach parts of her music class, but with work I can't be committed enough. I also still play the saxophone but haven't played anything else in a while. I was at the music store a couple weeks ago looking at their flutes but don't know when I would find time to play it, so I didn't get it."

"Jaz, you have to make time for you. You barely play sports any more and you work all the time."

"Not for long. Im finally taking your advice."


"Not everything, but work. I'm not going to be travelling as much. It will only be rare occasions, and big parties. Im moving to another branch at work, more the brainstorming area, so I'll be home more often, and the hours will be more regular."

"I'm happy for you Jaz."

"Me too."

"Do you like the work?"

"Yeah, it's my favourite part of my job right now, so it seems like a good fit. Plus, I can't keep living out of a suitcase, not for much longer, I find myself wanting to be home more everyday."

"Then I think you're making the right decision. Do you think you'll teach music then?"

"I told her I would think about it, and I've shocked myself with how much I've actually considered it, I figure once work is more structured I can try it out."

"That's so good to hear."

"But how often are you working Kane? I hope Dani is keeping you more occupied than work."

"By far. I stop before it even gets dark, and don't start as early. It's probably a good eight to nine hour day. Sometimes longer when she's with me."

"You help him?"

"Yeah, it's interesting, and I don't feel so bad for pulling him away from it."

"I'm glad you like it."


"And what do you do for a living?"

"I work at a diner, sort of like a waitress."

"Kane told me you worked a lot too."

"I did, for a while. Then Kane and I started hanging out."

"How much did you work?"

"From open to close every day for weeks until Lily made me take a day off."

"Made you?"

"Yeah, I like working. I get bored easily so it keeps me busy."

"How did you meet if you were always at work?"

"Kane was a customer. He ordered coffee at the counter."

"Ah, coffee. I see."

"Yeah. I thought it was weird he didn't buy food, but it makes sense, considering it doesn't taste as good as his."

"Yeah, I don't even try to make him food, it's a losing battle."

"You're not that bad Jaz, you just follow recipes rather than guessing."

"Yeah, I didn't get the cooking gene."

"Don't start this, you got all the other good ones."

She rolled her eyes.

We talked for a couple hours before Jaz said she had to go to bed because tomorrow was another early day. we said goodnight, they hugged and Kane and I curled up on the couch.

"Can I sleep here tonight?"

"Kane, I'm not sleeping on the bed while you sleep on the couch."

"I meant both of us. I'll sit up."

"Kane that can't be comfortable."

"I think you would be surprised."

"Do you really sleep like that?"

"Yeah, I actually fall asleep pretty quickly. Do you mind? I will leave, its not a problem."

"I know you would, you can stay though. Maybe I won't wake up, and you won't stay up all night."


We had never spent all night together, especially not on purpose and I we praying I wouldn't freak out.

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