Weiss x reader: Frostbitten

By toxicbotto117

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Weiss x reader fiction, in this story you start out from the first episode of RWBY volume 1. at first you hat... More

RWBY: Weiss x reader: Frostbitten: Chapter 1: Initiation
RWBY: Weiss x reader: Frostbitten: Tutoring
Chapter 4 synopsis
Another update (sad news)
RWBY: Weiss x reader part 4: Friends and Enemies Part 1
Friends and Enemies part 2
Frostbitten: Chapter 5: New Starts
Song of Retribution

Weiss X reader: Frostbitten Chapter 6: Ozpins Game

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By toxicbotto117

Frostbitten: Chapter 6: Ozpin's Game

Your POV:

The first week of school wasn't bad however it wasn't the best. I had little free time because of the classes and the new expectations. We were also given many more assignments that I have struggled to keep up with and Weiss was helping Jaune and I again. This semester the hardest class was psychology and learning the brain and it's functions. Especially with the thought process of criminals like Adam Taurus and Roman Torchwick.

Weiss: The few explanations that we can assume made roman who he is today is that he was either abused in his childhood by one or both of his parents and he takes that anger and the other emotions out now. The other explanation is that he saw something that traumatized him as a kid and he acts out now.

Jaune: That makes sense.

Weiss facepalms.

Weiss; Of course it does. Those are what we assume of him and professional psychologists have never been able to get his real story.

Jaune: How so?

(y/n): When he was asked the few times he always came up with a different story. Not only that but his assistant was the first to try back when he was first arrested, but he manipulated her.

Jaune: What were his lies?

Weiss: He claims he loves his assistant, but He doesn't love anything except himself.

Jaune: How do you know he hasn't told any secrets.

(y/n): He claims they are but they aren't.

Weiss; Like the line about his father.

(y/n): Or his one about his runaway mom. He has gained a lot of sympathy with that one.

Weiss: he told his last psychiatrist that there was only one time he had seen his father really happy. "He took me to the circus when I was seven."

(y/n): He has a million of them.

Jaune: How do you know all of this?

(y/n): It's in news reports and of course the psychology books for all the times that the psychologists believed him.

Weiss: he has made it to where no matter what he can't be trusted.

Jaune: i see, that makes sense.

Weiss: It looks like someone has been studying.

She smirks to me and I smirk back.

(y/n): Impressed?

Weiss: I am. You are getting better and improving.

(y/n): Thanks.

Jaune; What about me?

He smirks too and Weiss folds her arms and stares at him in annoyance.

Weiss: No. You haven't improved at all.

Jaune: Oh...

(y/n): Don't take it personally Jaune. It's the Weiss queen.

You and jaune snicker at the pun as Weiss looks away irritated.

Weiss; Hey!!!!! No puns especially in my name!!!!

(y/n): But they are funny. Especially when Yang makes them.

Jaune, Weiss; You actually think those are funny?

(y/n): Well I mean some of them are others are dumb.

Weiss: All of them are dumb.

(y/n): hey! I have my personal tastes too.

Weiss: i guess I can't change that.

(y/n): Well you didn't act like that in the beginning and your family certainly tries to change everyone's tastes to fit their own.

Weiss; hey!!!! You don't know anything about my family!!!!! Unlike Neptune.

(y/n): Here we go again.

Weiss; he is so dreamy! He is caring and he understands me.

(y/n): Are you saying that I and your team don't?

Weiss; Well no. But he seems trustworthy and he is respectful. He is also more a gentleman than you.

(y/n): Ouch.

Jaune: You just got thrown out bro.

(y/n): I know Jaune.

Weiss: No offense (y/n).

(y/n): Honestly there isn't any taken. I know you meant that but not in a rude or condescending way.

Weiss; Thanks for understanding.

Jaune: How can you say that?

(y/n): I just deal with it. Anyone who lives with her or hangs near her almost every day knows how she rolls and how she acts.

Jaune: I guess that makes sense.

Weiss; Well then let's go get some food.

Jaune: Finally! I was starting to die here.

The two of them get up and start to walk away.

Weiss; You coming (y/n)?

(y/n): Actually i have some more homework to do. Plus I want to study more. We have a test two days from now. Gotta get in as much as we can.

Weiss; I understand. Well if you want to join us you are welcome to. Yo know where we sit.

I nod as they walk off and out the door.

(y/n): Good. Now that they are gone I'm going to do my own research.

I pulled up a computer and looked at the news coverage from the night prior.

(y/n): Where the heck did this Genocide disappear to?

You see him fall off the building and disappear after that. The news camera shows the soldier that fell off the roof with Genocide and was knocked out.

(y/n): I know you have cloaking Genocide. I don't see how the news missed that however I know you did that. What strikes me as odd though is that Ironwood himself missed you.

I looked at the news footage more closely and kept looking at certain parts of the video to see what may have happened like right as Genocide disappeared and when Ironwood arrived.

(y/n): Or did you "not" notice?

I looked at when Ironwood put his hand to his ear talking to someone on the other line and saw him stop putting his hand down. His movement looking like he shoved an officer away was off.

(y/n): Did he notice something.

I zoomed in on the footage and saw a shimmer in the light like a camouflage of some sort.

(y/n): That's him.

I looked closer and noticed that the footage cut right after Ironwood moved the soldier away. However looking closer I saw a figure starting to appear right before hr feed cut.

(y/n): I think I found Genocide. Gotta take this to Ozpin as soon as I can.

Ozpin: *on loudspeaker* Excuse me students, sorry for the interruption, but we have a new transfer student from Vacuo, and since he is a transfer student, he will be a one man team.

(y/n): Coincidence surely.

After that I went to go get some food and joined the rest of team RWBY and all of team JNPR. However Yang seemed to be missing.

(y/n): Where did yang go?

Ruby: She went on a walk with her lover.

(y/n0: Lover? I thought she only loved a guy who passed away three years ago.

Blake; She is trying to tease. Yang went on a walk with the new transfer student.

(y/n): Interesting.

Weiss; She seemed slightly off though.

(y/n): Did she?

Pyrrha: She did. However she told us she was fine.

Nora: If she is fine then she is fine.

Blake: I mean it didn't bother her too much whatever it was, however it did cause her to go on the walk with the transfer student.

(y/n): Did you guys get his name?

Ren: He said his name was Brett.

(y/n): ah okay.

Time Skip: Because I ran out of dialogue. XD

I decided to go out on a night walk as well as get some school supplies. Plus I needed to get some money out of my bank account to buy the new geology and psychology books. I had gotten the school supplies and now I was taking a walk near the docks to smell the fresh sea water and clear my mind of the week.

(y/n): Reminds me of home a little. Even though I live three hours from a beach, it's only a day trip to one.

I kept walking just enjoying the time not paying attention. As I was walking I heard a noise. I looked over to it but didn't see anything except a warehouse.

(y/n0: What's happening there?

I went over to it and looked through a window to see some people lying on the ground unconscious and in the distance I saw a hooded figure strike to hit someone else.

(y/n): That isn't good.

Before I went in I saw the figure help someone up and then start to walk out. I hid behind one of the walls as I saw Genocide jump out of the window and talk to someone on an ear piece.

(y/n): (What is he up to?)

I see him starting to run off and I follow him. I see him in a dark alley and he stops and looks around as if he knows I'm there.

(y/n): Good sixth sense)

He then climbs on top of one of the buildings and runs off.

(y/n): Damn it.

I then start to walk away when i see one of the people he helped. An older man. In Fact it was the shopkeeper.

(y/n): How are you sir?

Shopkeep: I'm doing better now that I'm free.

(y/n): From what?

Shopkeep: From the White Fang. The odd part though is that the mercenary Genocide saved me.

(y/n): huh!!!!!?????

(imagine it as one of those super surprised anime expressions)

Shopkeep: I was pretty surprised.

(y/n): I almost can't believe that.

Shopkeep: Why do actually believe it?

(y/n): Over the summer my sister was captured by white fang and Genocide saved her.

Shopkeep: I wonder why he has had a change of heart.

(y/n): Definitely interesting.

Shopkeep: Well I hate to say it kid but you should get back to Beacon. After what happened to me it isn't safe anywhere.

(y/n): Thanks for the warning. I may not have my weapons but I have my semblance.

Shopkeep: that would work depending on what it is.

(y/n): It's hard to explain. Let's just say I can create stuff.

Shopkeep: Ah I see. Then you can definitely defend yourself.

(y/n): Well I'm going to head back as I don't want to risk anything.

Shopkeep: See you around kid.

I walked back to the airship and hopped on as it flew back to Beacon academy.

(y/n): (I should tell this to Ozpin)

I hopped off once it landed and went to my room to set my supplies down. Then I started to head towards the elevator.

Ozpin: (y/n)? What are you doing here?

(y/n): Actually sir I was looking for you. Why are you here so late?

Ozpin: And why were you looking for me? Not only that, but it is past curfew. You should be in your bed asleep.

(y/n): You see sir. I was getting some groceries and went on a walk and ended up getting side tracked.

Ozpin: Ah. I understand how that can happen sometimes.

(y/n): So anyways sir. I need to tell you something.

Ozpin: What is it?

(y/n): I saw Genocide. Not only that but he helped someone just like how he helped my sister and Weiss over the summer.

Ozpin: That is very interesting. I wonder why he is changing.

(y/n): I don't like it. Something is fishy.

Ozpin: You never know with some people. He could be changing and becoming a good person.

(y/n): Why?

Ozpin: He may have had a revelation or maybe something happened to him personally.

(y/n): What do you think it could have been then?

Ozpin: I personally think that he could have been forced to do a mission.

(y/n): How so?

Ozpin: His life or any friends and family of his could have been threatened.

(y/n): Interesting.

Ozpin: Well I must really be going now (y/n). I'm sorry. But you know I have a life too.

(y/n): Alright sir. You have a good night.

Ozpin: I will. Also one more thing.

(y/n): Hm?

Ozpin: A training week for the entire freshman class is coming up in two days. Everyone from your class of graduation except any transfer students have to go. Be ready.

(y/n): Okay. Well thank you.

Ozpin: Any time.

I head back to my room after the conversation with Ozpin pondering on what he might have meant about Genocide. It was very specific. As if he knew something.


Third person POV:

It was the day before the supposed training week. Ozpin had made the announcement the day before as a heads up but didn't leave any details about it.

Yang; I wonder what the training camp will be.

Ruby: It would be cool if it was some sort of zombie apocalypse thing!

Blake: It would be interesting to have one of those but how would they do that?

Weiss; I wouldn't like that.

(y/n): Not want to be zombified?

Weiss: Exactly. I don't want to look gross.

Yang; Ah, I bet you would be a good looking zombie.

Ruby: Especially when you first get up in the mornings.

Weiss; hey!!!! Some people aren't early birds!

(y/n): it isn't that bad. I have played a zombie game with rem and a group from the village we are from. It was actually a big village meeting with other nearby villages. The adults orchestrated a game for all of us kids.

Yang, Ruby, Nora: I bet it was fun!!!!! We are so jealous!!!

Ren: Seeing you as a zombie Nora would be creepy.

Pyrrha: She is even creepier when she is nurse Nora.

Nora: How am I creepy. I only want to make sure everyone is good and fine

Nora: I won't let them endanger themselves either

Ren: That is exactly why you are creepy. You basically hold us prisoner.

(y/n): Reminds me of Anne Wilkes.

Blake; You have read that book too!?

(y/n): One of my favorites.

Blake: It was really dark wasn't it?

(y/n): Definitely.

Yang: Who is Anne Wilkes?

Blake: A psychopath from a book.

Yang: Oh.

(y/n): She kidnaps people and holds them prisoner making them do things for her and once they are done then she kills them. She will usually tie them to beds and break their legs or ankles to prevent them from escaping.

Yang: That's pretty scary actually.

Ruby: What book is this from again?

Weiss: It's a book you might not want to read.

Pyrrha: Well even though we don't know what tomorrow will hold for us, do you think we should do some training?

(y/n): I'm down.

Yang: You bet!

Ruby: Then let's go!

You all leave to go to the training room. You met Brett there and Yand and Brett started to train. He was annoying her and making her shout and yell out of n=annoyance. Ruby and Blake went together, Pyrrha and Jaune, and Ren and Nora.

Weiss: i guess this leaves us together.

(y/n): I guess so.

Weiss: You can't use your semblance!

(y/n): Why not?

Weiss; Because it is overpowered and cheating! I can't beat that!

(y/n): No one really can since I gain full control over it.

She pulled out Myrtenaster and you got Saber and Vile.

Weiss: Are you ready?

(y/n): Always.

You charge at her and shoot from Vile. She uses her semblance to make a blue shield around her. Two of the bullets bounce off and blow up on the ground. You strike with Saber and the shield deflects the blow pushing you back.

Weiss: Thank you.

She creates glyphs around you and starts to dash between them some of which she breaks the laws of physics and stands upside down.

(y/n): Not yet.

As she strikes you block her blows however you are pushed back slightly and lower your stance just a little bit with every hit.

As she goes to strike from downward you roll out of the way and swing around with Vile. She blocks the blow but backs up a few feet as you start pressing her with more strikes and keeping her at bay with Saber.

Weiss: Saber is so hard! How can I get past it?

(y/n): Gotta figure that out yourself.

You keep striking and get one punch to her gut which she steps back catching her breath seeing you starting to strike down with Saber.

She uses her semblance to create another shield that pushes you back on impact and she jumps over you then kicking you in the back. You fall forward and roll out of it to block a strike from Myrtenaster.

(y/n): Good trick. But not good enough.

You roll to the side letting her force push her forward and you then jump on her knocking her to the ground.

Weiss: No fair!

(y/n): Gotta work on your defense.

She growls in anger and then uses a glyph in between her and you and pushes herself off the ground. You fall back and she uses two glyphs to sandwitch you.

(y/n): Ow.

Weiss: Gotta work on your defense.

(y/n): Damn you.

You struggle for a moment but can't do anything and she releases you to start the match over again.


Weiss: That was pretty fun. And tiring.

Ruby: But it was a lot of fun. I have only ever trained against Blake once before.

Blake: I'm surprised we don't spar too often. I enjoy it. It certainly helps both of us more than if we train without normal partners. We can see more weaknesses in our cobat.

Yang: That's a good point. And Brett pointed out some of mine. Even though he did it in a way to take advantage.

Ruby: haha. You two are meant to be together.

Yang: I hate him!!!! I'll never love that buffoon.

Brett: Ouch.

The girls jump at his sudden comment.

Weiss: Where did you come from?

Brett: Dinner. I'm heading to my room and I saw you guys.

Yang: Don't scare us like that!!!!!!

Brett: Brett: Something wrong Kirino? Can't fight a man?

Yang: What did you just call me!!!!???

Brett: Kirino. An annoying blonde anime girl.

Yang: How dare you!!!!!

She chases after Brett as he runs towards the stairs and disappeared behind the wall with Yang on his tail.

Weiss: they are so going to fall in love.

(y/n): I agree.

You walk to your door and see the rest of team RWBY going in except yang of course.

Ruby: Good luck tomorrow (y/n)!

(y/n): You guys too.

You get in the shower and wash off before going to bed thinking about what Ozpin has planned.


You all get up at 6 AM for the training.

Ozpin *on loudspeaker*: All you need to bring with you are yourselves and daily clothes. I will explain the rest as we travel on the airship.

(y/n): Where will we be going?

Nora: yay!!!! A field trip!!!!

Ren: I don't think this is a field trip as much more of a mission or training.

Pyrrha: I'm quite intrigued as to what he has planned for all of us.

Ruby: It will be a bang!

Yang: Don't you mean a Yang. Eh?

Everyone groans as you chuckle to yourself but hide it from everyone else. It may be stupid but it was a little funny to you.

Weiss: Why do you always make such bad puns?

Yang: They aren't bad. You guys just don't have any taste. I saw you chuckle there (y/n).

(y/n): Damn it! Don't call me out!

Weiss: You actually thought that was funny?

Ruby: How!?

Blake: You are a moron like Yang.

Weiss: I don't get you.

(y/n): You have never gotten me elsa.

Weiss: Hey!!!! I do too understand you, and don't call me that!!!!

Ruby: But you have ice powers like her.

Weiss: Just because I can control ice and cold temperatures like doesn't make me her. That's like saying "a soldier with two guns is master chief, or the Night Fury."

Blake: That is a surprise knowing you have read that book.

Weiss: What book?

Blake: The one of the Night Fury.

Weiss: Oh. As a kid I had my mom read that book to my sister and I before bed. It was always our favorite fairy tail.

(y/n): It was Rems too.

Weiss: Seems we finally have something in common.

(y/n): I guess so.

You all walk to the cliffs near Beacon and the emerald forest.

Ozpin: Get on the airships. All you need is the clothes you have today and yourselves.

Jaune: Uh sir.

Ozpin: Yes Mr. Arc.

Jaune: Do we need our weapons for this?

Ozpin: No you don't. It is a pretty easy training.

Nora: What is it we are exactly doing?

You all get on board and the airships leave the cliffs.

Ozpin: Well we are taking you all to an island twenty miles from here.

Yang: What for? Can't we train on campus like we usually do?

Ozpin: I guess you could, but then you wouldn't be ready to explore the environments of this world.

Pyrrha: I think I see what you are saying here. He just wants to train us for the environments we will go through on our hunter missions.

Ozpin: Exactly. And so you will be on this island for a week. You will be teams of four and one of five.

He looks to you and team RWBY

Ozpin: And you will get points depending on your skills you use, what you learn and how you survive this island. You will also get an additional fifty points if you guess the team leader of every team on this island. And you will all meet in the middle in the end to battle it out.

Ren: What are the points for?

Ozpin: Good question. The points can determine who wins even if a team beats everyone else. If that happens then there will be two winners.

Ren: Interesting. And what if we don't go to the middle?

Ozpin: Well then a gas will knock you out and you will be disqualified.

Ruby: Huh?

Jaune gulped in fear.

Ozpin: All of you will keep your scrolls. This will show a minimap. This minimap will show a white zone which you are supposed to be in and it will get smaller until it disappears so you better win before that happens. A few yards away from there will be a blue zone which is where the gas will be. Being in there you will fall unconscious and be disqualified and the other professors will pick you up.

Blake; So it is basically like "the most dangerous game" by richard Connell?

Ozpin: It is, but it has a small twist.

(y/n): So when do we drop?

Ozpin: You can drop any time once we get over the island. All you have to do is survive til the last round and then battle it out. You have to create your own weapons and or you can work together with other teams. As of right now the maps of the island are being transported to your scroll. And you will need these.

Ozpin hands every team member a green card that has a scan code on it.

Weiss; What i this sir?

Ozpin: This card is what will define who is leader of the group. You must keep it a secret so the other teams can't gain points. You also need to find a base. This base will scan your team name in it preventing others from taking it and there is no way someone can take another's base. The card will however scan the leaders fingerprints and show who is the leader of the team.

Cardin: So taking others cards will give us the team leader. And doing so do we get fifty points for all the teams we learn, or is it where every team leader we learn we get fifty points?

Ozpin: each team will give you fifty points if you learn who their leader is.

Jaune: Oh great.

Ozpin: And now we are here. Get ready to jump.

Jaune: Um. Are we in charge of landing on our own again?

Ozpin: Oh good question. I almost forgot. Here are parachutes for all of you.

You are each handed a parachute and the back door opens showing the island down below as the wind blows furiously on everyone.

Ozpin: Jump whenever!

Ruby: Okay team! Where shall we jump.

Yang: I'm fine with whatever just as long as we get off this soon. I don't like that wind messing up my hair.

Some of the teams had already jumped and many were about to.

Blake; Let's wait until we are closest to the underground base. Plus it's near the middle of the island so if the white zone goes anywhere we won't have to go extremely far.

Weiss: Plus it will shelter us from the weather.

Yang: Sounds like we got it.

(y/n): Where will JNPR be going?

Nora: You will find out!

You all wait for a few more moments before team JNPR jump out. Yang: Well I guess they are going to be near us. Let's go!

She jumps out followed by Ruby and Blake. Weiss looks to you for a moment and you smile to her reassuring her before she jumps out and you right behind.

Yang: Yeah hoo!!!!!!!!!

You all fall for two minutes before pulling the parachutes and floating down to a small hill.

Weiss: So where is this bunker?

Ruby: it should be over... Wait no... Its to the left?

(y/n): Let me see it.

You walk over and look to her scroll to see that she has accidently made several markers on the map.

(y/n): Well the first thing is that you can't read a map. And the second is that you accidentally made too many markers giving our position away.

Ruby: No one taught me!

Yang: I tried.

Weiss; Then I can teach you while here.

Ruby: Ohhhh, but i don't want to learn. I want to have fun.

(y/n): You can learn and have fun can't you? While Weiss teaches you how to use a map we can also explore.

Ruby: Fine.

Blake: Well with my map it shows that we are just two hills away.

Ruby: While we walk we should pick our leader.

Yang: That's a good idea.


Jaune: Hey Pyrrha. I'm confused. I see other markers besides our own. And they are all the same color. Where are we trying to go.

Pyrrha looks to Jaune and holds his scroll.

Pyrrha: It looks like there are three groups near us. We plan to go to the barracks. Some shelter and many small buildings and dugouts that if anyone else comes they might not even find us. And if they do we can ambush them.

Ren: It seems team RWBY are near entrance to the underground tunnels.

Nora: How can you tell.

Ren: it is the closest location to them and if that place were to be contested by the other two team RWBY would likely win.

Nora: Except against us.

Pyrrha: We may have won a few times against them but that doesn't necessarily make us or them better.

Nora: But we can be better this time around. We just gotta get more points than them.

Pyrrha: Depends on how we do and if we pick their leader correctly.

Jaune: Do you think it could be Ruby?

Pyrrha: Too obvious.

Ren: It is, but the other three seem obvious as well.

Jaune: I'd go with (y/n) because he is part of them for this training.

Pyrrha: Dang this is hard. Everyone seems too obvious but not at the same time.


Dove: So who should we select as the leader.

Cardin: I think that we should leave it as me.

Russell: Why? Won't that be too obvious.

Cardin: It would be and that's the plan. They will think it is too obvious and think we are trying to trick them so they will pick someone else only for it to be revealed as me.

Sky: I get it. Your plan is to throw them off by making them overthink it.

Cardin: Exactly. And guess how we win.

Dove: Save our points and take everyone else's.

Cardin: Close.

Russell: how?

Cardin: We spy on the teams and see who the other leaders are. We guess right and with the 10 other teams we can get 500 points just by guessing the other teams leaders.

Sky: That could win us the entire thing from just that.

Cardin: And to ensure victory we take the care package.


Blake: So it is decided then. Our team leader will be Weiss.

Weiss: I didn't ask for this you know.

(y/n): Yes you did. Remember in the beginning of last semester?

Ruby: What about all that stuff about teamwork.

(y/n): "Not on a team with you!"

Weiss: Shut up!!!! I was just stressed out back then and learning a new lifestyle of not being spoiled!

(y/n): So you admit.

Weiss: I admit nothing!!!!

Yang: Of course you don't.

You all finally arrive to the entrance of the tunnels and it begins to rain. The wind starts to blow in and everything get's cold very fast.

Weiss: How are we going to keep warm?

Blake: Well it's too late tonight to get any firewood.

Yang: And there isn't anything in these boxes to keep us warm other than this lamp.

Ruby: That will have to do then.

(y/n): There is one other thing we can do.

The entire team looks to you curiously.

(y/n): We kept the parachutes right?

Yang: Yeah.

(y/n): We use two of them to block out the wind and rain from this entrance by tying each side to the corners. And use the other two for blankets.

Blake: That's a good idea.

Weiss: But wouldn't it give our position away.

(y/n): It could, however if we scan the thing now then they can't take it.

Ruby: But there aren't any rules stopping them from coming into our base.

(y/n): true. Though if we don't reveal who the leader is then I don't see any qualms with it.

Blake: I could only get behind it if it were team JNPR.

Ruby: Hm. That gives me an idea. There was no mention against alliances.

(y/n): That is also true. We can work together and maybe doing so will get both our teams points.

Yang: Then it is settled. We ally with them tomorrow and survive the week together. Or we can all die together.

Weiss: I'm not jumping on another nevermore ever again.

Blake: I never intend to ride one. Though I don't think there are any grimm on this island as far as I can tell.

Yang: Then that gets rid of guard duty.

(y/n): Now all that's left is the sleeping situation.

You all look at each other before Yang smirks.

(y/n): What?

Yang: I don't mind al of us huddling together under blankets for warmth. Now all we need is a mattress.

Ruby: Found one!

Weiss: Hey! He is mine!

(y/n): Do you really have to tease and make it awkward.

Yang: Yes I do.

She then grabs you and pulls you and the rest of the team down farther into the tunnel and sets up the mattress. Afterwards you close off the entrance with the other parachutes and got to bed.


The next morning the sun shone through and you and team RWBY got up at 7 AM. You looked out and saw a blue wall sixty feet away.

(y/n): Hey you guys. What is that?

On the other side was a gray fog.

Weiss: I don't know but it doesn't look good.

Ruby: I think it might be the gas Ozpin told us about.

Blake looks at her scroll to see the white zone farther away and the blue zone next to you all on the minimap.

Blake: It is. And it appears that the white zone will shrink earlier today so we can't stay here.

Weiss: Well then what are we waiting for! Let's get going.

(y/n): Hold up. We should decide where we want to set up base before so we don't get into trouble by other teams.

Blake: The blue zone will move to Bhardi today. That is four miles from us.

Yang: So then we could go to Camp Campbell, cardi, or Pompeii.

Ruby: isn't that a show o-

Weiss: I say we go to Cardi.

Blake: Why do you think that.

Weiss: Well if the blue zone moved closer to us in the night then we could risk getting stuck in it if we choose to stay in one of the other two that are farther away.

Yang: That is a pretty good strategy.

(y/n): So then we stick with staying in the boundary of the blue zone while everyone else gets closer to the middle and pick each other off?

Ruby: I like the sound of that.

Blake; Then it is settled.

Ruby: Let's grab this stuff then.

She walks over to some boxes and pulls out blunt arrows and some flat wood swords.

(y/n): It seems Ozpin doesn't want us to hurt each other too bad here.

Yang: And isn't Pompeii some old town destroyed by a volcano in an old empire?


Nora: So where shall we go?

Pyrrha: Jaune and I were thinking we would move to Cardi.

Nora: Well then let's go!

Ren: Wait Nora.

Nora: What?

Ren: I think we should equip ourselves.

Nora looks to him confused and then he pulls out a long thick stick and tosses it to Pyrrha who catches it and looks to it. He then tosses Jaune a shorter stick with two branches protruding out to the side right in front of his hand as a guard. And he tosses Nora a log that is thin on the bottom and gets thicker near the top with a rock enlodged in the root in the end.

Nora: Ah! Weapons!

Pyrrha: Good thinking Ren.

Ren: It can still hurt, however it won't drain our aura very much and it won't knock people out. I figured Ozpin didn't want anyone seriously hurt since it is training and he took our weapons away anyways.

Pyrrha: That is pretty good awareness.

Jaune: Well shall we get going?

Before they leave there is a horn that plays a monotone sound but loud enough to hear from everywhere. They stop and look for the source.

Jaune: What is that?

Suddenly eight cannons shoot and there are small explosions in the sky.

Nora: Huh?

Before any more questions are asked eight images pop up of other students from the class.

Ozpin: *on speaker system across island* Many of you are asking yourself. "What is going on right now?" Well, these are your comrades and other teams that have lost and are out for the training. This is also a counter system so you can know how many people have lost by the images as well as the sound of the cannons. It will also tell you how many people are left in the arena. And you will still be allowed to guess who was the leader of the groups. May the odds be ever in your favor.

The speakers cut out and the images stay up for a few more seconds before fading away.

Pyrrha: I've read that somewhere before.

Ren: This is all too familiar.

Jaune: in what ways?

Ren: I don't remember at all.


Weiss: Is it getting hotter to anyone or is it just me?

Yang: No. I feel it too.

Blake: We are on an island after all. They are usually warmer and of course tropical.

Yang: That's weird. Because in Vale it is getting colder by every day from the seasons.

Ruby: Shouldn't this be getting colder too because it isn't far from Vale.

Weiss; Interesting.

Blake: I don't think that is natural.

(y/n): Speaking of unnatural. How do you think Ozpin and professor Goodwitch are creating this gas and the white zone?

Blake; Semblance Maybe?

(y/n): I saw Good Witches semblance and ruby did too. It's not hers.

Yang; No one has seen Ozpin's. It could be his.

Weiss: i think that would be a pretty weak semblance. Especially knowing who Ozpin is.

Yang: Good point. Then it must be someone else's.

(y/n): Or this island is man made.

Weiss: Atlas does have the technology to do that.

Blake: The only question is why would they make this?

(y/n): I can only think of it as a fail safe.

Ruby: For what?

Weiss: Maybe in attack?

Yang: Or it could be a secret bunker filled with weapons!

Ruby: And maybe it holds a lot of government secrets!

Weiss: Uhg! Not again! You two are obsessed with these conspiracies!

Yang: I'm telling you! The moon landing was a hoax!

Weiss: What is your evidence!

Yang: No blast mark on the ground from landing or take off! The fact that each part of the moon broken off has a gravity well. Making it super hard to get through those to the main piece of the moon. And that there were a few shadows facing different directions than the rest.

Weiss: Those were just the camera angle! Things can look super different just by one angle and the light source.

Yang: But how many light sources!? There could have been more than one! Making it fake!

Weiss; The space ship could have had a big light on it so when they landed and took off they could see a good place to land! Plus if an astronaut got too far away they could see the light from the ship in the distance if it were on!

Yang: They showed us what the ship looked like! It had no light on it, making that be an extra light source as if it were on a movie set!

Weiss: This is ridiculous!

(y/n): It is. We don't have time to argue over things. We need to focus on our mission.

Yang: Good point.

Weiss; Seconded.

Ruby: Looks like you guys can finally agree on one thing.

Weiss: Quiet you!

(y/n): As I was saying.

You all look to the new building and see the multiple buildings lying around.

Blake: Ths should be good now. We are in the place. We should leave tomorrow first thing in the morning.

As you are all about to set up the camp and scan the card to take the spot a rocl is thrown to Weisses hand and knocks the rock out of her hand.

Weiss; Ow! What the?

You all look in the direction of the rock thrown and see a figure disappear behind a tree.

Yang; Who is there?

You all start to cautiously walk to the place where the figure was hiding before a stick is thrown at you and you and ruby dodge. As you look up you see Nora come out from behind a fence and charge with a log and rock in the roots.

(y/n): Crap!

You roll out of the way as Nora strikes and breaks the wall behind you. She then trips Ruby and hits her on the stomach knocking the breath out of her. Yang gets mad and hits her fists together trying to activate her semblance. However it doesn't work

Yang: What? Why isn't my aura or semblance coming?

You look to her and see Jaune from behind her and stop attacking to be just as confused as all of you.

Ozpin: *On speakers* Oh! Did I forget to mention that in this exercise no one will have their aura. Any damage done onto someone won't be healed anywhere as fast. If anyone is seriously hurt then they will suffer. The reason for this is if you are in the wilderness and run out of your aura reserves in battle and need to survive a few days or weeks without it.

His speech ends and you look at jaune and Nora. Then Ren climbs down from the roof of the building and Pyrrha pops out of a garage.

(y/n): An ambush.

Blake: Why aren't you attacking anymore?

Ren: After hearing that we don't want to hurt anyone too bad.

He looks down to Ruby who is moaning in pain while rolling around on the ground before Yang picks her up to her feet.

Weiss: I admit, that was a good surprise. You probably would have had us if you continued.

Pyrrha: It seemed like we would have but we had other thoughts that we prefer to initiate instead of attack you. Though it would have been proposed after our battle.

You all look to them questioningly.

Jaune: We want to make an alliance. Work together.

You all look to each in surprise before looking back to them.

(y/n): I don't see why not.

Yang: fighting in numbers is always better.

Nora: Don't expect us to go easy on you though once we are the last teams standing!

Ruby: You will never beat us! We are the best team!

Jaune: Hey hey hey. Let's not destroy our alliance already.

Nora and ruby glare at each other for a minute before Ren pulls Nora away and Yang pulls Ruby away.

Weiss: How can we trust you not to stab us in the back tonight.

Pyrrha: Well. You did want to be on my team in the beginning of school. This is your chance to be on it.

Weiss then starts to clasp her hands in an evil way and leans down wards with an evil grin.

Weiss: (this is great! The smartest girl in the class and the best fighter in the class! We will be unstoppable!)

Ruby: Oh great. You got her to fantasize again.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry.

Weiss: I guess I'll accept that as an excuse.

Blake; Well then since we can't share the same place once someone claims it, what do we do?

Jaune: We could always ask Ozpin.

Nora: How do we do that?

Yang; Maybe we can speak to the speakers?

Suddenly Rens scroll goes off and he looks at it to see Ozpin's caller ID.

Ren: It seems he was listening.

Yang: Well pick it up!

Ren picks it up and Ozpin starts to speak through the scroll.

Ozpin: This is the first time anyone has made an alliance with another team. It hadn't occurred to me, so I'll make it for your cards and your cards only to be able to share one place as a bigger team. Though your team leaders stay the same and in the end you can still get points by guessing each other's leader. In the end you are still enemies.

(y/n): Well that is convenient.

Pyrrha: So then when we scan we still need to hide it.

Ozpin: yes.

He then hangs up and you all look to each other. Yang hands you the card and you put it in your pocket.

Jaune: So then either you or Yang are the leader of yours.

(y/n): Maybe. You don't know that for sure. For all you know it could be Ruby.

Ren: But then that would be obvious.

Ruby: Exactly! We want to throw you all off!

Pyrrha: You guys keep making it harder to guess your leader.

Yang: Of course! We can't let you get the points.

Blake: I assume that you guys chose the least likely for your team leader.

Pyrrha: Yep.


Goodwitch: Professor! Why did you allow that!?

Ozpin: Well you see glynda. This has never happened before and of course if a hunter or huntress is in a real situation like this, people have to come together. Even if they happen to be mortal enemies.

Glynda: *Sigh* I guess I see where you are coming from sir. But why else have you allowed this?

Ozpin: I want to see what sort of weapon I can create.

Goodwitch: You mean like them being weapons pointed at the enemy so someone else can claim a victory?

Ozpin: Exactly!


You all group up surrounding Weiss on the scanner. She scans the card and then types in her name to lock the camp down and shortly after team JNPR do the same thing when you and RWBY walk off.

(y/n): Well, it is getting late we should actually set up now.

Weiss: It's nice we actually have beds to use this time.

Pyrrha: i think you may want to rethink that. They are rotten and moldy.

Weiss: Gaaaa!!! I hate this!

Ruby: Settle down. I'm sure we can figure something out.

Jaune: Don't you guys have the remaining of the parachutes? We could use those.

(y/n): Good idea Jaune. We used them as a door yesterday.

Yang: It blocked out the wind.

Blake and we used the rest as blankets.

Jaune: Then we can use them as sheets. Cover the mold.

Ren: That isn't a bad idea.

Ruby: And I think we have enough to use as blankets too.

Pyrrha: then we have figured out the issue.

Weiss: Thank god.

Pyrrha: You complain more than I thought.

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?

Pyrrha: Nothing really. I just didn't realize how much it occurred.

Ruby: Well she is the ice queen.

Weiss: Hey!

Pyrrha: oh come on Weiss, we are only teasing.

Pyrrha chuckled as she said that.

Ren: Now, what shall we do?

(y/n): I can go get some firewood.

Yang: Great! We might need it for how cold this night will get.

Blake: When you get back we need to plan where else we will stay for tomorrow.

Ren: Nora and I will see if we can find some food.

You and the others leave to do your respective jobs.



Dew: Hey you guys?

The rest of team NDGO look to dew at their camp fire.

Dew: I know this is risky, however I think we should team up with team SSSN.

Nebula: Why? That will only risk them discovering you as the leader.

Dew: I know, but if we do, then we can use each other to gain more points. We can also share our points when we tell of the others leader.

Gwen: But what do we get in return?

Dew: I was talking with Sun wukong, and he said that they would give us some of their points. And maybe even take us out to dinner.

Octavia: I do like that idea. Neptune is a cutey.

Nebula: It's too risky. I can't allow it. I'm sorry even though the deal sounds enticing.

Sun: You sure?

Other than Dew, all the other girls jump at his sudden appearance as he jumps down from a ttree.

Gwen: Aaaa! You scared the hell out of us! Why are you here in the first place?

Sun: I want to make the deal.

Nebula: And we don't!. So leave.

Sun: Look. I will guarantee you guys victory.

Nebula: Then why don't you want to be the first victor?

Sun: All we care about is not getting in last place.

Dew: They are buffoons and know they can't get a good place in the training if they don't make an alliance.

Nebula: And how exactly will you make us claim victory?

Sun: I'll have my team and i find out everyone else's leader and we can give them to you. All you have to do is give us one hundred fifty of your points.

Dew: See? We only give them the one hundred points we start with and then we give them one of the set of points by one of the leaders but getting all of them will give us at least 600 points or more.

Gwen: How do we know you won't back out.

Sun: I had neptune write up the agreement. If you sign you can hold us to it. If we break our agreement then you can do whatever you want to us.

Nebula: That almost sounds like you want us to do things to you to give you guys a boner.

Sun: I swear! It's not like that! I like Blake bellodanna. Neptune likes Weiss Schnee. The other two members like you guys.

Nebula: I will admit some of us like you guys as well. So you got yourself a deal.

Sun: Sweet!

They sign the contract and Sun parts ways.

Nebula: Now all we need is to find out the team leader for RWBY.


(y/n): I'm back! Anyone get the food.

Blake: Ren and Nora are still looking. However they did return twice with berries and some rabbits.

Yang: I'm looking forward to it. Ruby and I have never eaten rabbit before.

(y/n): I like it. I haven't had it for a while. But I do like it.

Jaune: Sweet. I haven't had it either.

Blake: I enjoy it. However I don't like to eat it often because of how common rabbit faunus are.

Yang: How about we just don't tell velvet about this?

Everyone: Agreed.

Nora and Ren walk in with some more food. A few fish and some peppers, onions and apples.

Yang: Looks like we are going to have a feast.

Pyrrha: We should save it. It will last us the rest of the week. It is only the second day after all.

After that you all have some of the food for dinner and then get the beds ready and fall asleep almost immediately.


Pyrrha was the first to wake up in the morning getting a breakfast ready for everyone and eventually waking the rest of the teams and you up.

Pyrrha: Let's get our meals in because the blue zone is super close to us. We can't dillydally.

Everyone gets up and starts to eat the breakfast Pyrrha had made.

Ruby: What shall our next location be?

Everyone grabs their scrolls and sees that the white zone has moved twice as far as the other days.

Ren: We are going to have a long day ahead of us to catch that white zone.

Jaune: I don't see any specific place on the map. Most of the possible buildings are only sheds and barns. Not a good roof. Too open and big.

Nora: How do you know?

Jaune: I mean just look at them. They don't look safe.

Pyrrha: I agree with Jaune.

Yang: Then what shall we do?

(y/n): We could just biff it.

Weiss; And live out in the wide open!? Possibly be attacked by other teams or animals!? Hell no.

Pyrrha: Well would you rather be cramped up all in one spot. Possibly risking being sitting ducks? Or be in the open and have a chance for survival?

Weiss: *sigh* I guess the latter.

Pyrrha: Good. That is a far better option. Even if some of us lose.

She gives Weiss a slight glare and Weiss looks confused before stepping back.

(y/n): How about we stop the chit chat. As Pyrrha said, we are low on time and can't waste it.

Everyone nods and then continue their breakfast before packing everything up and leaving.


Nebula: Alright dew. I hope you know I truly hate to do this to you.

Dew: I know, but we need to make it real if we want our plan to work.

Nebula. Get ready.


Ruby: So how far do we have to go exatly?

Jaune: We have to hike thirteen miles today. Longer than I have ever gone on.

Pyrrha: I have been on six mile hikes and those take hours.

Weiss: Then how will we even get there on time?

(y/n): We just gotta go. It's still early and the earlier we leave the sooner we get there. If we go now, the time should be around seven PM when we arrive.

Weiss: But that means walking the entire day.

Blake: Well we can take breaks when we need to. It's not like we have to muscle it out.

Ren: Blake is right. We only need to get there in a timely fashion.

(y/n): The only part that I won't like is this rain.

Ruby: Why don't you like the rain? I love it!

(y/n): The problem with rain is you get cold and wet. Then you don't have dry clothes.


Woltec: My pervert sense is tingling.

Lisa: Your pervert sense always tingles Woltec.

Woltec: No it doesn't. Only when someone says something that can become a pervert joke.

Toxic: Like if we go out in the rain right now.

Lisa: How? We will only be getting wet-

Woltec: That's what she said!

Lisa glares at both toxic and woltec taking out her weapon.

Toxic: What did I do?

Lisa: You implied something innocent to make me say something perverts for woltec. He get's beat for making the perverted joke, you get beat for leading to the pervert joke


Weiss: It doesn't help that Rby and I have skirts.

Jaune: Maybe you two shouldn't wear them all the time. Don't they just get in the way?

Weiss, Ruby: They are combat skirts!

(y/n): Moving on.

Pyrrha: I agree with (y/n). We need to get moving.

Weiss: Look at you, taking charge of us all as if you are the leader.

Weiss and Pyrrha glare at each other as Pyrrha waks by.

(y/n): (What's happening here? I don't like how this is turning out)

You all leave and start to walk right before the rain starts but around twenty minutes after starting the walk the rain starts and it begins to pour.

Weiss: We need to stop! I can't risk getting this wet and cold. Nor can any of you.

Yang: But if we stop then we have more to cover and the risk of getting stuck in the blue zone.

Pyrrha: Well actually. We don't know what the blue zone is like. For all we know it could be dry in there. How about you test Weiss. Go in and then come back out and tell us.

Weiss: How about you!

Blake: Or how about we don't risl touching the blue zone and make sure we don't lose anyone here.

(y/n): I agree with Blake.

Weiss glares at Pyrrha while Pyrrha smirks and then you all continue walking.


Ozpin: Glynda.

Goodwitch: Yes?

Ozpin: I'd like to ask you to show this live feed to (y/n's dad and sister.

Goodwitch: Why sir? I mean there aren't any rules forbidding we show others this live feed, but we haven't done it before. What Could it do for them.

Ozpin: It might teach these students more than one lesson, as well as help his family learn something.

Goodwitch: Alright. I'll do it now.

Ozpin: Thank you Glyynda.


The rain keeps coming down making the dirt below all of you muddy and slick.

Ruby: Uhhgg. I'm getting mud all over my legs.

Weiss: I hope we get really nice showers and baths after this training.

Ren: That would be nice.

Nora: Ahhhh, just thinking about it makes me warm.

Pyrrha: I'll definitely enjoy one once this is over.

Blake: Well we only have two more days besides this.

The rain keeps coming down and it gets darker and foggier as you start to hike through some mountains.

Weiss: When can we take a break.

(y/n): Right as we get to the bottom of the other side of this mountain. If anyone esle is behind us then we will have that between us and slowing them down.

Weiss: Does anyone know if there is little shelter.

Nora: Worst comes and we just hang under a tree.

Ren: Nora and I have camped under trees all the time. It isn't too bad.

Blake; Unless of course there is bad lightning.

You look to your scroll and see that below the other side of the mountain is a small hut that you could go into but there is someone else in there.

(y/n): Well I see there is a place we can take shelter however...

Jaune: However what?

(y/n): There is someone else in there.

Weiss: Like a team?

(y/n): No. Just one person. I don't get why.

Ren: Did they maybe get split up?

Nora: Or it could end up being a trap of one of the other team members claiming they got lost or their team left them on purpose so they can join us and then sabotage us and learn our leader names. And then somehow (y/n) will figure out a way to stop them only to have him being the one behind the entire plan the whole time!

She says that in a odd cheerful attitude and smiles to everyone.

Jaune: How the heck...

Ruby: Did you come up with that?

Everyone including yourself looks to her in confusion.

Nora: I mean it is the only logical possibility.

Jaune: It is not. There are many more logical things that could be in play here.

Weiss: Like maybe it being a trap to screw us.

Pyrrha: it could be. However we don't know for sure and we don't want to abandon anyone in real danger.

Weiss; True, but there is still that risk.

Yang: I think we should go there to make sure and take some shelter. If we stay out here then we could all get sick.

Weiss: I htink we are also already pretty cold just standing here.

Pyrrha: Then we will find out when we get there.

As you all hike down the ground gets more slick and everyone slips just a little bit.

Pyrrha: Hey (y/n).

(y/n): Yes?

Pyrrha: Better make sure we can see this time. We don't want you to fall off a cliff and be captured by white fang again.

(y/n): Hey! That was only one unlucky time.

Ruby: Unlucky as in you were captured or you fell.

(y/n): Well... Both really.

Yang: But it wasn't just all poor luck. You survived.

(y/n): True. But I guess you could say that for most situations.

As you look back to the bottom of the hil you slip and fall in mud.

(y/n):Oh come on!!!!

Pyrrha: haha. We warned you.

(y/n): I was just standing still! I think that is bullshit that I fell over. Now all my clothes are muddy.

Weiss; Look who is complaining now.

(y/n): Shut up!

Pyrrha: At Least he doesn't complain as much as you elsa.

Weiss; hey!!!!!! Don't call me that!!!!

Blake; Let's stop teasing each other guys. We still need to get to the bottom.

Jaune: i agree with Blake.

Everyone looks to each other before Weiss helps you backup. You notice that her skin is colder than it usually is. And as you all walk down you see her shiver just a little.

(y/n): (I hope Weiss is okay.)

The hike down was again very slippery and every now and then someone would slip in the mud getting a little dirty.


Woltec: Dirty hahaha. I get it.

Olivia: Hm? What are you talking about?

Woltec: My dirty joke sense.

Lisa: *Sigh* He has this supposed sense. Very similar to the spider sense but a little different.

Olivia: Of course he has something like that.


You all finally get down to the bottom of the hill and start to walk to the small hut. As you enter you see Dew from team NDGO. She sits in the corner with a bruise on her shoulder and cheek.

Ruby: Ummm... Hi...

Dew: Hm? What are you guys doing here?

Yang: Taking shelter for the night. You and your team better not be here.

Nora: Where is your team?

Dew: So you are here to kick me out then?

Weiss: Only if you and your team pose a threat.

(y/n): Mind if we come in?

Dew: I'll leave now for you guys.

She starts to walk out but Jaune grabs her arm and she looks to him in surprise.

Jaune: We aren't letting you go. You look to be hurt. What happened.

Dew: Why does it matter? I'm going to lose anyway.

Pyrrha: It matters because even though we may be enemies in this training exercise, we are friends and fellow students in school and should look out for each other.

Dew: I respect your point but even if you help me I will only bring you down.

Ren: no you won't.We fully believe you won't.

Dew: And what if I do? Then won't you be mad at me?

Blake; Not at all. We won't think anything of it.

(y/n): To be honest, we understand if you slow us down or hurt us, it isn't exactly against the rules and can help you guys.

Dew: my team abandoned me! How can they help?

Weiss: So thats how you got those bruises.

Dew: Not at all! I got them from falling down to this island.

(y/n): Sure you did. Look. It's fine if you don't want to talk about it. But your team shouldn't do that. If they hurt you and then abandoned you then they aren't really a team.

Dew: Why are you all so nice?

Pyrrha: We care. We don't want anyone seriously hurt from here.

Weiss: Exactly. If anyone gets hurt here it could get worse for everyone.

(y/n): Look. We only want to help.

Dew: I don't need help! But I appreciate the offer.

Dew starts to shiver sitting in her corner. You look to everyone else and everyone nods. You then all walk up to her ad huddle around her putting her in the middle.

Dew: What the hell are you all doing?

Ruby: Keeping each other warm. It is a cold day with this rain. And it will be a cold night too.

Yang: Plus this roof isn't exactly the best as it is leaking.

Dew: You guys seriously don't need to do this.

(y/n): We want to. You have no say in it.

(y/n): Now let's scan this little hut and get our points.

The two teams cover the leader as they scan the card for the hut. You look over to Dew as she glances to see you giving the card to Weiss. And then you all go back to huddle and open up some of the left food.

Blake: You need some of this.

She hands Dew some of the food and she reluctantly takes it to eat.

Ruby: Better?

She uses her infectious smile and dew looks over and smiles a little. You lie down and relax after eating your share and sigh in relief. Eventually everyone else starts to huddle up and lie down shortly falling asleep.

(y/n): You okay Weiss?

Weiss looks to you and glares for a moment.

Weiss: Of course I am baka!

(y/n): If you say so.

You turn to face away before seeing Weiss wipe her nose and shiver a little more.

(y/n): (Let's hope this works)

Ruby: Good night everyone.

This small time skip goes to Gael.


At some point in the night a shrouded figure in the group looms over Weiss and steals her panties. Before hiding them and going back to bed.


Weiss: Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!

Her scream woke everyone up from their slumber.

Yang: is it the blue zone!?

You all look at Weiss and see her face bright red.

(y/n): Definitely not the blue. So then what is it Weiss.

Weiss: Get out of here you perverts!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She uses her skirt to cover her legs and you stand back a little surprise before realizing what was going on.

(y/n): Oh gotta go!

You dash out of the hut grabbing Ren and Jaune.

Jaune: What the hell (y/n).

Pyrrha: Why did you kick them out Weiss?

Weiss: My panties are missing!!!!!

Yang and ruby start to snicker holding in their laughter.

Weiss: This isn't funny!!!!!!

Jaune: Oh...

(y/n): Which one of us took her panties?

Ren: I'd never do that.

Jaune: Why would I do something as gross as that?

(y/n): I have seen you Ren take a peek at Nora sometimes.

Ren blushes.

Ren: How did you- You know what. I'm not going to say anything.

(y/n): And Jaune: I know you have a magazine under your mattress with panties on it.

Jaune: What the fuck dude!? How do you know that!? Stalker much.

(y/n): Um... It was the writer that made me do that.

Jaune: Sure it was.

Pyrrha: Which one of you took her panties!?

Pyrrha yells to you as she walks out of the hut and Nora and Blake follow out shortly after glaring at the three of you.

Jaune: I swear I didn't do it.

Ren: Nor did I.

(y/n): Do you really expect a gentleman like me would do that?

Blake; Of course the men would deny it.

Jaune: Why do you think it was us?

Nora: Because only men would do that sort of thing!

Ren: Nora. I have never done that before so why would I do that now?

Nora: I just heared what (y/n) said. I believe you could do something like this now.

Pyrrha; Well boys. We won't have an issue if you just come clean. SO who has it?

She holds out her hand.

(y/n): Did it occur to you that it could be Dew.

Pyrrha: She wouldn't do that. I have spoken with her in classes and the halls and she is a nice girl. Plus after helping her last night I doubt she would do that.

Blake; SO is it going to be the easy way or hard way?

(y/n): Maybe it was Woltec?


Woltec: Oh man, I wish I could be in their position right now.

Toxic: Why!? They are gettnig beat up.

Woltec: Exactly! They are being beaten uo by girls!

Lisa: You are so creepy and masochistic.

Woltec: What? I'm a wolf. My master did that to me all the time. Plus I'm supposed to be subdued by women. I'm a pet.

Lisa: Someone is really going ot need to send both you and raven to therapy.


Blake; I hope that was painful enough. enough. Now you three need admit to stealing the panties and check your pockets, then apologize to Weiss.

You can all hear Weiss sobbing in the hut.

(y/n): (I'm sorry Weiss)

The girls walk back into the hut to comfort Weiss.

Ren: Well (y/n). Going to take them out?

(y/n): Hey! I don't have them see!?

You empty your pockets only to see your wallet and scroll.

(y/n): Jaune?

Jaune: I don't have them!!!!

Ren: I'll show that I don't. He pulls out his pockets and takes everything out of his sleeves and the knife from his boot.

Jaune: I swear! I don't have th-

As he says that he pulls her panties out of his sweater pocket.

Ren: I least expected this from you Jaune.

(y/n): Shame bro.

Jaune: I swear I have no Idea why they are here!!!!! I would never do this!

(y/n): But you do love Weiss. It isn't surprising really.

Ren: It isn't. Though I think it would be worse if you did that to Pyrrha.

Jaune: Come on you guys!!!!! You have to believe me!

Ren: Then what is your defense?

Jaune: I.. I don't know!!!! I just know I didn't take them.

(y/n): (Oh I believe you Jaune.)

Jaune: Please! One of you guys has to take this!

Ren: No way.

Jaune then walks up to you and throws it in your pocket.

(y/n): What the hell Jaune!

Jaune: I don't want to get caught, good luck!

(y/n): You jerk!!!!

Jaune backs up and you start to hear the girls coming back out.

(y/n): (Oh god!)

You quickly throw them in a bush as the girls walk out and they don't see anything.

Blake; Alright, let's see what you guys got.

Each girl pats the boys down and find nothing.

Pyrrha: Where did you put them?

(y/n): No where! None of us took them.

Nora: So you expect that it was Dew? You guys are all jerks.

Blake: Then the least you should do is apologize to Weiss.

You all walk in and Weiss sits turned away with tears streaming down her face.

(y/n): Weiss. I'm sorry this has happened to you and I truly hope we find them.

Weiss: I believe you are innocent (y/n).

(y/n): Thank you.

Ren and Jaune apologize too but Weiss remains sad and angry, specifically to Jaune.

Dew: So what do we do.

(y/n): She speaks.

Pyrrha: Shut up (y/n)! You have no right to talk to her!

(y/n): Why?

Pyrrha: Because you are accusing her of something she would never do!

(y/n): So hen this is about us boys then?

Pyrrha: Yes!

Ren: I don't think this is a good time guys.

Pyrrha: Why not?

Jaune: Look at the blue zone. It's only a few yards away from us.

Blake: It is the third day and we only have two more days. The next white zone is super far again.

Ruby: And we have a lot to go over.

Yang: We can't go anywhere when Weiss doesn't have her panties.

Nora: Yeah! Ren!

Ren: It wasn't me Nora!

(y/n): Let's step it back.

Everyone glares to you as you say that.

(y/n): If we argue we won't get anywhere. Let's look for them together.

Blake; I guess that could work. We will find who the culprit is.


Goodwitch: Should we step in Professor?

Ozpin: No. I want to see how this plays out. We should only step in if the situation gets uncontrollable.

Goodwitch: But at this rate they will eventually start argueing and lose.

Ozpin: They may, but there will be a lesson in it.

Goodwitch: What is it?


Yang: Found them!!!!

Everyone looks up to see Yang pull the panties from the bush you threw them in.

Weiss; thank god!

She grabs them and runs into the hut to get them back on.

Ruby: I hope the panty thief has loved this situation. Trying to screw us up.

(y/n): That's why I think it is Dew.

Pyrrha: Will you stop accusing her!!!!!????

Nora: What is it with you and her.

Dew looks sad for a moment and looks away.

(y/n): Nothing other than she is the most obvious culprit.

Yang: Just because she is new to the group doesn't make her the culprit. Honestly I think it was you (y/n). You are the least likely to steal them making you the most obvious culprit because it is easier for you to blame others.

(y/n): How does that even make sense!!!!???

Yang: Because logic!!!!

(y/n): I'm not even going to argue anymore. We have more important things to deal with... LIKE GETTING AWAY FROM THE BLUE ZONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone looks to see it is much closer to them. Almost touching them.

Blake: Run!!!!!!

You all start to run as it moves closer.

(y/n): Today is going to be a long day.


Sage: So do you think the plan is going to work? I still don't trust them.

Sun: I totally think it will. It may be team RWBY we face, but they don't have their weapons.

Scarlet: Plus, Neptune told me that Ruby is bad in hand to hand combat. Yang is good in hand to hand but not the best in everything else. Weiss is decent in both but better with her sword, however she relies all of her skill on her semblance. Since there aren't any semblances here in the field, that's her weakness.

Sun: Blake is moody and can get distracted on things too easily or too focused on something.

Sage: Then it seems (y/n) is the only problem.

???: And if you tell us your leader then we can take care of (y./n).

The three teammates look over to the cliff edge of the voice and Cardin and his team reveal themselves.

Sun: And why should we trust you.

Dove walks up nd throws a beaten Neptune to the ground.

Sage: You bastards!

Cardin: He isn't too hurt yet. He is still in this match you see.

Sun: He doesn't look it.

Cardin: If he were unable to keep in then wouldn't we hear a cannon go off and see his image appear.

The rest of team SSSN grab Neptune and backup a little.

Scarlet: What will you do to us if we don't comply.

Cardin: Nothing to much. We won't really hurt you even, we will only take your card from the leader. We know it isn't Neptune so we are guessing it is either Sage as he is the most likely to be the next leader, or it has stayed as Sun.

Sun: So what choice do we have?

Cardin: Two.

Dove: Either you can let us know who your leader is and we won't hurt you and help you fight team RWBY. Or we learn your leader now and don't help.

Sun and his team look at each other for a moment before Sage hands them the card with his name on it.

Cardin: That's very kind of you. Now don't worry about (y/n). We can deal with him.

Neptune: And what about the other teams. I get that you are trying to win by learning everyone's leader name. But how do you know the other teams?

Sky: We simply deduced who was leader.And as for team WOLT. We bribed Woltec, much to his team's discontent.

Cardin and his team laugh as they walk away tossing the card back to Sage.


Weiss: Can we stop please! I'm so tired. SLipping in the mud doesn't help and my clothes are so dirty!

(y/n): At Least it stopped raining and is a warm day.

Weiss: But that just makes us more tired.

Yang: I hate to say it but we don't have time right now to stop.

Dew: The bluezone is still close to us, the most it is is a mile from our locatin.

Both team JNPR, RWBY and Dew make it to a hill and start to run up it. You notice Weiss is getting slower and falling behind.

(y/n): Let me help you.

You walk up to her to pick her up and give her a piggyback ride.

Weiss: I appreciate it but i can't take your help!

(y/n): Why not!?

Weiss: Because I need to support myself. This is training after all I can't just take help al the time. You taught me that!

(y/n): I may have, but you don't feel so hot!

Weiss: I'm hella hot here! This weather-

(y/n): That wasn't what i meant and you know that.

Weis: I still can't rely on help all the time.

(y/n): Then let's at least slow down for you.

Everyone looks back and slows down keeping Weisses pace with you and her.

Pyrrha: We are going too slow for this, the bluezone is going to get us.

Blake: We don't know that. Hopefully it stops for us. And we can't just leave a teammate behind.

Pyrrha: I guess you're right.

As you keep running there are six cannon shots and you look up to see six faces of some of the other teams who failed.

(y/n): I wonder what causes someone to be out f the battle if they aren't in the blue zone?

Jaune: I'm sure we'll find out but we don't have the time now.

As you keep running you notice the blue zone has stopped moving.

(y/n): I just realized something.

Everyone looks to you confused.

(y/n): Now is the best time to run to the white. The blue zone stops moving when the cannons go off.

Everyone stops briefly to look and see what you are talking about.

Ren: It seems (y/n) was right.

Yang; Then what are we waiting for!? Let's go!

All of you keep running as the blue zone is stopped for the few minutes until it starts to move again.


Ironwood: Interesting exercise Ozpin. I should do this with my students. And might I say for a great job on finally finding a use for this facility.

Ozpin: It has other uses too you know.

Ironwood: I know. It's a safe haven in case something really bad is to happen.

Goodwitch: So how do you think WBY and JNPRs odds are?

Ozpin: Not good, right now the only teams remaining are WOLT, RWBY, JNPR, CRDL, SSSN, and NDGO. Leaving only twenty four people on the course. And team RWBY and JNPR are the only teams far behind.

Goodwitch: So they will likely lose first.

Ozpin: It seems so. However... I don't like the looks of this.

Goodwitch: What do you mean?

Ironwood: I can see them arguing more and more. It will be their own undoing.

Ozpin: Something isn't right with Dew.

Goodwitch: it seems she is the one causing all of the issues. Meaning (y/n) is right about her.

Ozpin: That is true, but there is something else.

Goodwitch: How could there be?

Ozpin: I don't know, but there seems to be a much bigger plot in this. Why are all the teams against team RWBY specifically? And how did they all get to the white zone and close to the center so much faster?

Goodwitch: Their landing positions from the beginning?

Ozpin: Well team Wolt was lucky enough for that. They have only needed to camp out since they are in the spot where the white circle will disappear. It just seems to me that all the teams are falling into someone's master plan. As if they are weapons pointed at the enemy so someone else can claim a victory.

Glynda looks at the map and positions of the teams. She starts to see what Ozpin is thinking after thinking to herself for a few minutes.

Goodwitch: I see it now. Someone is pulling everyone elses strings. But I have no idea who it could be. I'd guess it is NDGO or Cardin but those are the only ones I can think of.

Ozpin" They are the most obvious suspects and have the most evidence to prove it is them. But we can't go to assuming it is them. We have learned our lesson about assumptions all too well.

Ironwood and Glynda look to the ground sadly as they remember when they were students.

Ironwood: And we still don't know what happened to Zed.

(A/N): (*Cough* hint x reader fic for future *cough*)

Ozpin: I wonder how they would both react to seeing the world now and what happened to Summer Rose.

Ironwood: That day changed SUmmers life forever.

Goodwitch: It changed all our lives.


As all of you run Weiss trips and falls to the ground trying to get back up.

Weiss: Ow!

Blake; We gotta keep moving.

Dew: No. I mean we should but right now we are far enough away from the blue zone that we should take a break. Weiss needs it.

Weiss: Thank you.

Dew: Unfortunately our break can't be too long.

Ren: Let's make it about ten minutes. Otherwise we will be rushing again.

Pyrrha: No matter what we will still be rushing.

Weiss sits down on a rock and catches her breath.

Weiss: Water.

You grab a pouch and open some water gathered from the rain. She takes it from your hand and starts to chug it down. She then hands it back to you and you give it to Blake who puts it away.

Ruby: so while we rest, we should set our next camp.

Nora: Great idea!

Jaune: We are going to want to set it up close to the middle of the white zone. That way whether the white moves to us or a little farther we won't have far to go.

Weiss: But we are still extremely far away. How can we get there before the blue zone gets us?

Ren: I have an idea...

You all look to him and see him point to a tree.

(y/n): Um? I don't get it.

Ren sighs before grabbing one of the parachutes and then points back to the tree.

Yang: Oh! You want to build a raft!?

Ren: There you go. It will not only give us a break from using our own energy but I'm sure the river will move fast letting us have a pretty good distance from the blue zone.

(y/n): Well then. I don't see why we shouldn't start now.

Dew: Building is my forte. I am from Vacuo and since that place is a run down area many of the people build there.

You all start to make a raft and use many pieces of wood and logs you find on the ground.

Weiss and Ren start to cut and tear part of the parachute to use for tying the raft together. Once it is made you all hop on to test it before flowing down the river.

Weiss: Ah. This was one of the best ideas! Thank you Ren.

Ren: No problem.

Dew: Well then let's get going. The blue zone has caught back up to us.

You all set the course to the end of the river where the white zone is and slowly sail down. Every now and then you all have to push the raft from the shore every time you get closer to it. The river starts to get faster and you all start to get farther to the blue zone.

Yang: How long will this take?

Blake; A few more hours. I mean we sill have eight hours before nightfall.

Jaune: This should get us to our spot by then.

Ruby: So what now?

(y/n): Well we should keep on the lookout in case anyone sees us and tries to attack.

Pyrrha: Then we should all look in a different direction so we can get a full 360 degree view.

(y/n): Perfect!

You all sit back to back looking out as the wilderness flows by and listen to the sounds.


You all hop off the raft as you near the spot you decide to camp at which is only a forest with thick trees.

Yang: Let's make camp before it starts to rain again.

(y/n): I'll get the firewood again!

Yang: I'll go with!

Weiss: I'll get cooking.

Jaune: You can cook?

Ruby: I'm surprised. I didn't expect the Ice queen to cook knowing that all of her meals were cooked for her.

Weiss: Hey!!!!! I learned those skills too! I wasn't just learning how to become a brat!

Pyrrha: At Least she admits that she is a spoiled girl who gets most things she wants.

Weiss: Hey! I take offense to that!

You smile and both you and Yang start to walk off to collect firewood.

Yang; What do you think is going to happen when we get back.

(y/n): I don't know. Knowing Weiss though, I could see her getting in an argument like she and Rem did.

Yang: Speaking of. How is Rem. I haven't seen or heard from her since she left.

(y/n): She is doing pretty good. Just working and living at home with my dad. We have texted a little back and forth.

Yang: Made a move on her yet?

She grins and purrs at her question before nudging you.

(y/n): Hey! I would not do that to my own sister you pervert!

Yang: Haha. I know I'm teasing. Though I am curious.

(y/n): Don't say it!

Yang: Who do you like? I know you and Weiss hang out a lot. And you two happen to get in a lot of trouble?

(y/n): Damn it what did I just tell you!?

Yang: Aw, are you going to be mean and not answer a girls question?

She pushes up to you giving you a cte sad face pretending to be sad.

Yang; Yo are so mean.

(y/n): *sigh* I do. I like Weiss.

Yang: I knew it!!!!!!

(y/n): Keep it down will ya!? Do you want the entire cap to hear?

You move your hand over her mouth to shut her up before she grabs it and moves it away.

Yang: I'm only teasing baby. Plus I think it is cute the mortal enemies become lovers.

(y/n): Like romeo and juliet?

Yang: Yes but less of that drama stuff.

(y/n): Makes sense. It is kind of ironic isn't it?

Yang; I guess you have been frostbitten.

(y/n): That's an interesting analogy.

Yang: Well you were hot headed with her in the beginning and since you have cooled off.

(y/n): That is also true. Where are you getting these analogies from?

Yang: Um... nowhere...

(y/n): It sounds like you are from somewhere. You just want to hide it.

Yang: I have no idea what gave you the idea, I have only thought of them.

(y/n): Sure you did.

Yang: Well I ship you guys nonetheless.

(y/n): Gee. Thanks.

Yang; Oh come on! It was a compliment!

(y/n): I know it was. Though let me tell you what I htink about you.

Yang; Um okay?

(y/n): You and Genocide seem to have had a few outings together. He also seems to like to pick on you the most when you are wih your team fighting him. So you two are OTP in my fan fiction I call my life.

Yang: We are not OTP!!!!!

(y/n): Oh. Looks like someone has a fanfiction bug.

Yang: I don't like that!

(y/n): Oh but that word rolled of your tongue so easily.

Yang: You little-

Before she finishes she stops and grits her teeth trying to cool herself off from her annoyance.

Yang: I have nothing more to say.

(hopefully someone catches that reference. Someone caught another reference from the series that scene comes from in a previous chapter)

(y/n): I guess I'll lay off.

Yang: Thank you!

(y/n): In fact. I need to use the bathroom first.

Yang; Then go. I won't look.

(y/n): Good thing I don't need to go number 1. So if you did decide to look you might see more than you want to see.

Yang jumps back blushing and a little grossed out.

Yang; Gross!!!!! I didn't need to know that! But I thank you for warning me.

(y/n): hahahaha. As much as I'd like to see your reaction in that situation, I think it would traumatize you.

Yang: i was already traumatized enough when I looked through our room window and saw Professor Ports junk!

(y/n): Hey. You were the one who wanted to see some of the younger male teachers junk. And Peaches garments to see the fashion trend for the men. So it was entirely your fault.

Yang: Don't remind me!!!!!

You walk off into the woods.

A few minutes later and you come back to collect the rest of the fire wood with Yang.

Yang: So when are you going to ask Weiss out?

(y/n): I mght ask her to prom.

Yang: You better. I'll make sure you do.

(y/n): I have a bad feeling when you say that.

Yang: Ah don't worry! I'm the master at hooking people up!

Yang was about to say something more but you both hear some screams in the distance and look over in the direction to see a lot of smoke coming up and some red light from flames.


Yang: What the heck is happening!?

(y/n): It looks like a fire.

Yang; And it is near camp!

(y/n): Let's go

You both drop the firewood and start to run back to camp. Once you arrive there you see the entire camp is on fire and the parachutes are withering away.

(y/n): What the hell happened?

You look to see everyone a few feet away in shock including Dew.

Pyrrha: Someone... Someone committed arson.

Weiss: Why!?

Ruby: i don't know!

Blake:It had to be one of us. We would have seen and heard someone from another team if they were around.

Jaune: I don't want to blame anyone but It must have been someone from team RWBY.

Yang: What!? Why accuse us! It could have easily been one of you who committed it to accuse us.

Pyrrha: Or it could have been the complainer.

Weiss: I have had it with you and your accusations!

Ruby: Now comeon guys... It's not-

Ren: Don't try to stop this Ruby it's only going to get worse.

Blake; Don't interrupt my team mate!

Ren: I'm sorry but we al know what she was going to say.

Ruby: That was kind of rude!

Dew: I'll bet you it was someone from team RWBY.

(y/n): Don't accuse us!

Pyrrha: You are the one accusing dew of everything!

(y/n): Because she is the obvious culprit!

Nora: You can't prove that!!!!

Before you know it everyone is arguing and yelling at each other.


Ozpin: This is exactly what I was afraid of.

Goodwitch: I don't think we have ever seen this happen before.

Ozpin: This is the first time it has happened and hopefully if this get's worse or better they all learn a valuable lesson. Since this is what stress can do to people.

Goodwitch: And a lot of this test is to see how everyone deals with stress in hard situations.

Ironwood: It also shows everyones weaknesses and just how easily someone can get too focused on one task.

Ozpin: We can only hope they come to their senses.


You keep seeing them argue as the forest starts to spread and all the trees around you begin to burn. As if the entire world is burning and dying. You finally hear Ruby and Pyrrha threaten their friendship. Which in turn makes you crack. You bonk Weiss on top of her head, shove Pyrrha's face away, pick Nora up and throw her to the ground and pull Blakes ears as well as punch Yang on the shoulder.

Weiss: Ow! Hey! What was that for.

Yang: Don't you dare hurt my sister!!!!

Yang was about to strike you but ou shoved her to the ground.


Everyone looks to you in shock as you yell to them and show your anger.

Blake; (y/n...

(y/n): Can we all just stop fighting.


Rem: (y/n)... You actually hit a girl?

Father: I'm killing that kid when I see him at the festival!

(y/n): This is ruining our relationships and I know that if we keep it up then we will regret it all in the end. And I'm sorry for hitting you girls. That was uncalled for. I give you all permission to exact revenge on me after this is all over.

Everyone looks to you in sadness before they look to the other team and start hugging each other and apologizing.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry for how I was treating you Weiss. I just never saw quite this kind of character from you.

Weiss: And I'm sorry for getting angrier only to prove your point.

Ren: I'm sorry for attacking you guys. And for being rude to you Ruby.

Ruby: I'm sorry I overreacted Ren.

Everyone: And (y/n). We are sorry for our behavior and everything we did on you.

They all lean in for a hug which you accept the group hug.


Ozpin: It looks like they learned a valuable lesson.

Ironwood: This is how the kids should learn.

Professor Port: And it seems (y/n) has some leadership qualities.

Qrow: I'm beginning to think Oz that you were right about this kid being able to help stop what may come.

Ozpin: As time goes by I will assign Genocide, Sera, and the chosen one to be a team and to defeat Salem. Together with their powers, and combined semblances I believe they have what it takes to beat her.


Rem: I'm glad (y/n) knew what he did was wrong.

Father: I guess I can forgive him for this one time. But I'll still kill him when I see him just because.

Rem: You really do like to roughhouse with him.

Father: It's one of the things that connects us.


The entire team makes amends and you all finish hugging it out.

Ruby: Now we should move away before this entire forest fire consumes us. Right Dew.

You turn and notice Dew is missing.

(y/n): Where'd she go?

Pyrrha: I'm beginning to think you were right (y/n).

Ren: She can't have gone too far. We can still find her.

Yang; And this rain should help douse the fire.

(y/n): Then we have no time to waist. Let's find her.

Jaune: The leader's should stay here. We don't want them to ris being caught.

Weiss and Nora look in their pockets and can't find the cards.

Weiss; This isn't good.

(y/n): What's wrong?

Weiss: The cards were taken...

(y/n): Well then, we have no other choice but to beat the team.

Blake: It's too late.

Jaune: We may now lose some points but I'm sure if we find their leader and the others we could win.

(y/n): That will be a hard task.

You finish the conversation and all start to run in the forest to find Dew.


Dew: Too easy.

???: Give those back!

Dew looks back to see Weiss as the rain starts to fall.

Dew: Aw, does the poor leader want her card back.

Weiss; Both of them!

Dew: Why? It doesn't matter now that I know who the leaders are.

Weiss; We can still use them.

Dew: Oh good point. But If I keep them then you can't use them and gain back your lost points.

Weiss; I said give them back now!!!!

Dew: Make me.

Weiss charges Dew getting her fists ready but Dew just steps out of the way pushing Weiss off balance. She catches it and charges again to punch which Dew grabs her hand surprising Weiss. She then pushes Weiss back and as she steps back catching her balance Dew punches Weiss in the head.

Dew: I'm sorry that you made me Dew this. Hahaha get it?

Weiss; You are just like Yang.

Dew: I guess I am a little. But better.

Weiss; You bitch!

Dew: I really don't like doing this. I truly do. But in order to win I have to.

Weis: You and your team planned this from the beginning didn't you.

Weiss charges again and gets a punch on Drew's shoulder but she doesn't flinch and grabs Weisses hand and twists it controlling her direction and throwing her into a tree. As weiss hits the tree and steps back from the force Dew gets ready and kicks her in the head knocking her out and letting her fall into the mud.

Dew: We had planned on picking team JNPR but once we learned you were all working together we thought we could benefit from all of you, especially if you guys got in a fight.

She turns around and sees you.

Dew: And why didn't you fight me?

(y/n): Since you know that the cards are useless to have on either side I figured it would be a waste of energy risking my own defeat and making my team weaker for the finale fight tomorrow.

Dew: You are pretty smart. Ha. Well then here you go. I don't need them.

She drops the two cards and runs off. You then go and walk up to Weiss waiting for her to wake up.


Weiss: No!

She jolts awake but can't move. She sees you standing above her as the rain keeps falling and she starts to shiver.

(y/n): Glad to see you are okay.

Weiss; What happened?

(y/n): You lost the cards and Dew got away.

Weiss; Damn it! I'm a horrible leader. Ozpin was right in choosing Ruby to be leader.

(y/n0: Don't say that. You were a great leader.

Weiss; But I didn't do anything!

(y/n): You did everything you could to help and you found and fought Dew. You may have failed, but the care for your friends and team is what counts.

Weiss: I'm so sorry (y/n). I'm so sorry.

(y/n0: It's okay. There is nothing to worry about.

Weiss; How can you say that?Now we will lose fifty points.

(y/n): We may have but I promise you we will still win.

Weiss; I want to believe that.

(y/n0: And you will. Now rest.

Weiss; i can't.

(y/n): I said rest.

You pick her up from the mud and slowly walk as she falls asleep in your arms.

(y/n): I know you are watching Ozpin. And I need to talk.

You hear a "bing" sound and look over to see an arrow point to the west.

(y/n): Thanks.


You walk to this small cave and see Ozpin step outside.

Ozpin: What is it you wanted to talk about?

(y/n): Is there a rule against switching leaders.

Ozpin: What do you mean?

(y/n): I mean is there a rule specifying that we have to stick with who we chose as leader.

Ozpin: Well only if and when the leader is in condition to lead.

(y/n): And does Weiss look to be in that condition.

Ozpin looks to you surprised. Before narrowing his eyes towards you and picking Weiss from your hands.

Ozpin: I figured it out. You are one smart bastard. You planned everything from the start yourself didn't you?

(y/n): I have on idea what you are talking about sir. I'm only asking you if I can become the leader to team RWBY for the rest of this training.

Ozpin: Granted. After what you pulled. You have leader qualities. But what you pulled was dangerous as well. Now go and find the team so you don't worry them.

(y/n): Yes sir.

You start to walk back with the two cards of yours and JNPR. Once you arrive the rain stops and most of the forest fire is extinguished from the rain.

Pyrrha: Oh thank goodness you have come back.

Ruby: We were so worried!

Jaune: Wait? Where is Weiss.

(y/n): She found Dew. Her ass was kicked and Dew was going to take the cards, however Weiss got them back. The only problem is that Ozpin came and took her to recover from her injuries. She fell into bad conditions and can't help us for the rest of this training tomorrow.

Everyone looks sad.

Yang: Good for he thought. She became a leader and helped all of us.

(y/n): that she did.

Pyrrha: We still lost the points though.

(y/n): That doesn't matter. Sometimes sacrifices need t be made.

Nora: That is very true.

Ren: Well now that we are all friends again and have lost everything, shall we huddle tonight under this tree for warmth?

Everyone nods and you alll cuddle and fall asleep pretty fast.


You start to feel a pain in your eyes, throat and nose. It starts out as small but it slowly gets stronger.

(y/n): Ow, why am I hurting?

You open your eyes and they immediately start to water and then you hear everyone else get up in pain.

Jaune: hat is this?

You finally open your eyes much to the discontent and see this gas everywhere that is too thick to see far into.

Blake; We need to get out of here!

You help everyone up and look to the map on your scroll to see where the white zone is.

Jaune: It's over to the west!

You all start to run in the direction as the pain gets worse and worse, you can barely see as your eyes water. You start to trip over some of the tree routes and worry about falling until you hear ren and Jaune fall to the ground and their screaming just stops.

(y/n): You guys okay!?

You don't hear anything until there are two cannon shots.

(y/n): No.

Ruby: Keep running!

You hear her voice in the gas and start to run towards it until you run out of a border that stops the gas.

(y/n): Ahhhhhh that hurt so much.

Ruby: Do you know if someone else made it out?

You look to ruby to see her eyes water and you wipe the water from yours before standing back up and grabbing her arm to comfort her.

(y/n): I haven't. I saw Ren and Jaune trip and they never got up.

Ruby: Do you know what happened?

You two then hear two more cannons and shortly after Yang and Blake stumble out.

Ruby: You guys!? Are you okay!?

Yang: Other than having my skin and face stinging i'm fine.

Blake; Other than getting gassed like that I'm good. I feel like that was nerve gas.

(y/n): I feel it was too. It can only kill if you are in there lng enough.

Ruy: So what then of JNPR?

You look up in the sky to see the entire team of JNPR as images projected on a hologram.

Blake: It seems they have been disqualified.

You were about to say something but you see all of team JNPR walk out of the gas.

Yang: Are you guys all okay!?

Pyrrha: Yeahy. It was only going to hurt for a few minutes. It's a very low thing of gas, to be honest most of this "gas" is just fog.

Blake; So then what are you guys doing?

Jaune: Ozpin contacted us on our scrolls once the pin actually stopped and told us we are disqualified so we have to head to a cave entrance and watch the rest of this training camp.

Ruby: oooooohhhh I get it now. So that's what happens when the teams are disqualified.

Nora: i guess so.

(y/n): Well then you guys better get going.

Ren: Yep. We will see you guys after.

Yang: So then the middle is right up here?

Blake: It's so small.

(y/n): And there are twenty of us left.

Yang: oh man this is going to be fun.

Ruby: It's going to be a bloodbath!

Blake, (y/n): All we can do is be ready for anything.

Yang: Then let's get going.

Yang smiles and pops her knuckles. The three of you follow her and once you are over the hill you see more trees and bushes but no one else.

Blake: If we can't see them then that means they are hiding here.

You all walk around staying close. As Blake comes around a tree Sun jumps down ontop of her startling her.

Blake: What the hell Sun! Get off!!!!!

Sun: Nope. Not until you surrender.

You three charge him however before you reach them the rest of his team jump in your way.

Neptune: hey, where is the ice queen?

Ruby: There were some complications.

Dew: You all caused them.

You look back to see team NDGO appear behind some of the trees.

Blake: You are working together aren't you!?

Yang: Now that I hink about it. It makes sense.

Ruby: You will pay for what you have done to our friends and team mate! And we will make sure you never see the day of light again!!!!!!

NDGO and team SSSN look to each other all confused.

Yang: Um Ruby, its "light of day"

Ruby nudges to the team members and you get her hint. You run and kick both Gwen and Nebula. They fall to the ground and hit their heads.

Ozpin: Nebula and Gwen are unable to battle! Team NDGO only has Dew and Octavia left.

Octavia and Dew look to each other surprised before getting back to back. Sage and Scarlet charge at you and Ruby.

(y/n): Duck.

You and Ruby barely duck in time and Scarlet and age go over you and look surprised and end up kicking Dew and Octavia taking them out of the match.

Ozpin: Octavia and Dew are unable to battle! NDGO is out!

Sage and Scarlet rub their legs after landing on them and hurting them. Before they get up and and Ruby walk up and kick them in the face knocking them out.

(y/n): Well that was easy.

Ruby: And it will only get easier!

She starts to run towards Sun who gulps and loses his balance once Blake stands up.

Neptune: i really don't want to hurt you Yang.

Yang: You don't have to if you don't want!

She lunges for Neptune who dodges her punches and kicks as he punches her in the face pushing her back a few feet.

Neptune: I'm sorry!

Yang: Don't be big boy!

She then goes for the punc but fakes him out and he gets a wiff of her hair as she jumps over him.

Neptune: Ahhhh!

Before he comes back to his senses Yang gets a punch to his gut and he falls to the ground gasping for air and doesn't get up for a few minutes.

Ozpin: And Neptune is unable to battle. Leaving only Sun left for his team.

Sun is surround by you, Blake and ruby.

Sun: I give up! Please don't hurt me!

Ozpin: And Sun forfeits the battle. Team SSSN is out!

Blake: So eight people are out now. Who is left.

Woltec: me!!!!!!!!!!

He surprises all of you and jumps out of a tree right as the blue zone is shrinking a little more.

Ruby: He should be easy.

Before Yang can do anything Woltec lands on her and as she is about to shove him off, he licks her with his tongue and jumps to Blake doing the same thing. Blake and yang suddenly go white and faint.

Ozpin: And Woltec licks his victims into submission! Team RWBY has lost a little more than half their team!

Ruby: Aaaaaahhhhh!!!! Gross!!!!! Don't get me!!!!!!!

Woltec: Ruby!!!!!

He jumps for Ruby but you step in the way and his tongue licks your arm which makes him go white and faint.

Ruby: Seriously? He fainted for likcing a guy?

(y/n): It makes sense since he is a pervert.

As you look back you get hit by a rock and see the rest of Woltecs team come into the arena.

(y/n): Well well well. If it isn't the creator himself.

Toxic: Sup you guys.

Ruby: Are you going to attack us?

Toxic: Normally we would but because we have already lost a team member and our leader was revealed we kind of won't win so we surrender.

(y/n): Then that leaves... Team CRDL... Great.

Toxic: Sorry you guys.

He and his team slowly walk off picking up Yang, Blake and Woltec.

Cardin: Well then. It seems it is time to win.

Cardin and his three team mates slowly walk up to you and Ruby surround you all.

(y/n): Back to back Ruby. That way we both fight two and don't get overwhelmed.

Ruby: But I'm so bad at hand to hand.

(y/n): You will just have to get one of them. That's all I need you to do. As soon as you take one of them out you can surrender and leave me to the rest.

Ruby: But won't you get hurt?

(y/n0: I could, though i don't want you hurt. And I think Yang wouldn't forgive me if I let you get hurt.

Ruby: You are right. So then who shall I go for?

(y/n): The most agile is sky. He is likely the weakest in strength.

Ruby: Got it!

CRDL get close to you as the white circle finally disappears and the blue zone slowly moves in closing.

(y/n): Now Ruby.

You turn around and Ruby grabs your hand, You start to spin around and ruby kicks each one of them in the face. They back up a few feet and then lunge forward. You throw Ruby and she lands on Cardin kicking him and knocking him over. You catch your footing from letting go of her force and being pulled forward from it. Before you fully recover Dove punches you in the face once and goes for it again but you side step and grab his arm, you then kick him away and block a punch from Sky. He throws more which you block until Ruby gets off of Cardin and runs to him tackling him to the ground and punching him in the face.

(y/n): You got him Ruby.

From behind you Russell grabs you and Cardin gets up starting to walk towards you.

Cardin let's see what we can do with you.

Dove then punches you in the chest taking your breath away. Cardin is about to punch but you use your legs to kick him away as well as push you and Russell. He let's go and falls into the blue zone trying to catch his breath and fainting. There are two cannons and you look up briefly to see Russell and Sky's images in the hologram.

(y/n): And then there were only two.

You look back to Dove and Cardin to see Cardin pick Ruby up from behind.

(y/n): Ruby!

Cardin then throws her to the ground and her back lands on a rock making her half laugh and half cry in pain.

Ruby: ow. Okay I give up.

Cardin: Sorry for that Ruby.

He offers a hand and she looks surprised but takes it anyway.

Ruby: You are helping me?

Cardin: You did surrender. I wouldn't want to keep hitting a girl.

Ruby: Well... Um thanks.

Cardin: No problem.

You watch Ruby walk off and then Cardin comes back to you.

Cardin: I don't care whether you win or we win, because we have already won.

(y/n): How?

Cardin: You will find out!

He starts to run towards you and you block his punch but get pushed back almost into the blue which only leaves a few steps for the three of you. Dove comes in and you swipe it away while stepping to get more room and onto a rock.

(y/n): It's over cardin! I have the high ground.

Cardin: Don't underestimate my power!

(y/n0: I guess it is a little king of the hill.

He and Dove start to jump on but you kick Dove away and he steps back a little until he is almost in the blue leaving only the rock out of the blue. Cardin jumps up and almost pushes you off making you step off the rock for a moment before you jump and shove him which takes him by surprise. He falls off the rock and hits Dove causing them both to roll down into the blue zone causing them to lose the match.

Ozpin: And (y/n) Is the only one left in the match supporting team RWBY.


You all got on the airship to head back to Beacon and do the point ceremony in the auditorium.

Ruby: So where is Weiss?

Ozpin: She is in the nurse right now. Getting her injuries treated. She also has a cold but I figured you guys could take care of her.

Yang: We totally can, can't we (y/n)?

She smirks and nudges you.

(y/n): You guys can. I won't.

Yang: Sure.

SHe keeps smirking but then talks with Ruby and Blake as the airship slowly starts its decent and you sit back and relax thinking to yourself.

(y/n): (it all worked, well except for the argument)

You all arrive and get right to the ceremony as each team from the school is awarded their points.

Ozpin: And now to announce the top teams who finished. Teams CRDL, RWBY, JNPR, SSSN, NDGO, and WOLT all finished in the top places.

Your team glare at SSSN and NDGO knowing what they did and in fear of them winning as they smirk.

Ozpin: In sixth place is team NDGO.

They look surprised and turn to Ozpin.

Dew: Why did we get sixth sir?

Ozpin: You did well, but you took the other teams cards. That prevented them from making any more points and was in a way cheating.

Gwen: But you didn't tell us we couldn't do that.

Ozpin: Change of rules.

Octavia: That's bullshit.

Ozpin: Well don't blame me. Blame the writer for being lazy.

The members of NDGO glare at SSSN and look away.

Ozpin: NDGO finished with 436 points. They were docked 500 when they took the cards. Had they not taken the cards then they would have won.

You and RWBY all sigh in relief and JNPR pat you all on the back.

Ozpin: In fifth place is team SSSN. with 500 points.

They look a little sad but then all high five for getting in the top five.

Ozpin: In fourth place is team WOLT. They finished with 560 points. Gaining points by the position of camps they took as well as making top 4. In third place is team JNPR. They were the first team who allied with another that we have seen in this training exercise. They got twenty points for every base they took with team RWBY and got an additional 100 points for getting third place. They have a total of 743 points.

You and team CRDL look to each other and get ready for the winner.

Ozpin: And in first place is...

You start to wait in anticipation for the victory.

Ozpin: A tie! Between CRDL and RWBY.

Everyone including you all look super confused and look to Ozpin.

Ozpin: And this is where the team guessing comes in. For fairness each team will get to guess who the leader of the other teams were. If you don't get them right your team loses 50 points. Let's start with team JNPR.

Pyrrha: Can we pass on guessing? We don't want to lose our position.

Ozpin: A wise choice. Either way you run the risk of losing your position, however choosing not to guess is far safer than risking it. Now to team SSSN.

Sun: We are going to guess that the leader to NDGO is Octavia.

Ozpin: That is correct. Now team NDGO who do you guess.

Dew: We guess that the leader to team RWBY is Weiss Schnee and.

Ozpin: That is incorrect.

Dew: Wait!? What!? But we saw her name on their card!

Ozpin: Leaders can change. Usually in order to change leaders you have to have a full agreeance with your team. But in RWBY's case there wasn't time to have the debate and Weiss wasn't in condition to be a leader and was unfortunately disqualified when she had to be treated.

Your team look to you confused as to how that works and who the leaders is.

Ozpin: RWBY. Do you guys want to guess?

You look to your team and debate.

Yang: We need to go for team CRDL if we don't get it right they could win.

Blake; But they will win if we guess wrong.

Ruby: What should we do?

They look to you.

(y/n): We choose that the leader is Sky. The least posible choice.

Ozpin: And that is also wrong.

You and your team look surprised and shocked.

Ozpin: Most people went that way but some teams chose to go with the most obvious choice. Their leader remained as Cardin.

He smiles and sticks his tongue to you. Yang gets angry and starts to fire up but you touchher on the shoulder and cool her off. She looks to you and sighs.

Ozpin: And do you cardin want to guess the leaders.

Cardin: The leader to team RWBY is (y/n).

Ozpin: Yes! 50 points!

Cardin: the leader to team JNPR is Nora.

Ozpin: That is correct.

Cardin: The leader to team WOLT is Olivia, the leader to team SSSN is Sage.

Ozpin: That is also correct!

(y/n): You have got to be kidding me.


Yang; I can't believe that Cardin guessed every team leader! That's so buullshit!

Ruby; I wonder how they pulled that off.

Blake; They technically exceeded the maximum points by doing that.

(y/n): And they didn't even win!

Yang: That is just so dumb. I want my revenge.

Ruby: Now hold n Yang. We will get in trouble if we just go and beat them.

Nora: What if we break their legs.

Ren face palms as all of you walk down the hall. You then enter the room and see Weiss lying in her bed.

Weiss; You guys are back. Did we lose?

Yang: Actually we didn't lose or win.

Weiss; How?

Yang: (y/n) can tell you that!

(y/n): Hey!

Yang: Sorry (y/n) The rest of RWBY and JNPR and i made plans to see a Jigsaw tonight! You will take care of Weiss.

(y/n): I didn't ask for this!

Yang: Gotta blast!

They all run out of the door before you can stop them and leave you and Weiss in the room together.

Weiss; Can you help me?

(y/n): *sigh* Im here and can't exactly leave so of course.

Weiss: Thanks.

She stands up and starts to lean on you as she walks.

(y/n): Where are you going.

Weiss; Bathroom.

(y/n)L Need to use the toilet?

Weiss; Yes but not in that way.

(y/n): Then in what way?

Weiss enters the bathroom and falls to her knees leaning into it.

(y/n): Oh.

She begins to throw up into the toilet as you hold her hair up so it won't get dirty.

Weiss: Thank you (y/n).

(y/n): Of course Weiss.

She finishes throwing up and then makes it back to her bed.

(y/n): I'll fix you some soup.

Weiss; And can I get more water?

(y/n): As you wish.

You grab a can of soup to throw in and warm up and then get a glass of water and bring it to her bedside table.

Weiss: So tell me (y/n).

(y/n): Yes?

Weiss: What in the hell did you do that got the team in second place?

(y/n): Well you see, it wasn't SSSN's or NDGO's idea to ally against us.

Weiss; huh?

(y/n): You know how that second night I got firewood?

Weiss; Yeah.

(y/n) I also went to SSSNs camp and found Sun. spoke with him about possibly making an alliance but he declined.

Weiss; You mean to tell me, you gave them the idea to work together?

(y/n): yep.

Weiss: So everything that happened was organized by you?

(y/n): Most of it was, the only thing I didn't plan was all of us to argue.

Weiss: You bastard! That betrayed my trust.

(y/n): I purposely let you slowly get worse. I knew Weiss. I knew you were getting sicker.

Weiss: So you meant for my condition to get worse?

(y/n): I did and I'm really sorry Weiss. I truly hated to do that to you. But it was only to throw them off for when they guessed their leader.

Weiss; I want to be mad.

(y/n0: If you don't want to see my face after today I understand.

Weiss: No. I want to be mad, but what you did got us up to the top. We almost won because of you (y/n)! That shows how much of a good leader you are! Even if you betrayed all of us along the way.

(y/n): I saw my opportunity here and I wanted to test the waters. What i learned fro this was everyone's weaknesses and now Ozpin knows them too. So we can make them all better and possibly get rid of our weaknesses.

Weiss: You are one smart bastard. But then was the Arson Dew or your dewing?

(y/n): You too!? Why does everyone make a pun on her name?

Weiss: I'm sorry I thought it was funny.

(y/n): You are all hopeless.

Weiss: Hey!

Before she can finish she throws up in the garbage can next to the bed and you hold her hair again to prevent it from getting in the way. You then give her the glass of water to wash her mouth out and then get a washcloth and wipe her face.

Weiss; Thank you.

(y/n): But yes. When Yang and i got the firewood that night, I snuck off under the claim of using the bathroom and started the fire.

Weiss; We could have been hurt!

(y/n): We weren't going to be. Ozpin told me that the island is man made so if they had to they could have extinguished it if natural weather didn't come and if someone were to get in danger.

Weiss: I'd never have thought of doing that.

(y/n): No one did. Ozpin even admitted that he had no idea I did it until I turned you to him.

Weiss: I'm impressed (y/n).

(y/n): Thank you. However a lot of it was for you.

Weiss; You don't mean that!

(y/n): I do.

The soup finishes and you grab it serving it to Weiss.

(y/n): It's hot.

Weiss: This means a lot (y/n). Thank you.

(y/n): Of course. I mean I love helping but some of this was because your teammates duped me.

Weiss: Haha. They totally did.And I hope they do that to you more often.

(y/n): Hey! That's not very nice!

Weiss: But this really means a lot (y/n). Thank you.

(y/n): Once you finish that Weiss you need to rest.

Weiss: I will, but only as long as you stay here with me.

(y/n): And if I don't?

Weiss: Then I'm getting you sick so you would have to.

(y/n): haha. Okay then.

Weiss; that's my (y/n).


(A/N): Sorry this took a little longer than expected. I had a friend over for two different weekends and that took time away, plus i hate to admit but writing this chapter was kind of boring until the end.

Though I hope you all enjoyed the twist. And hopefully you guys can find my references I threw in here.

I hope you have a good night or day wherever you are.


While I was trying to post this I freaked myself out a few times. I was trying to copy the google doc and while all the text was highlighted the browser froze and I tried to unfreeze it but when I did I somehow stopped holding "control" and ended up hitting "C" which deleted everything else. I was so worried when I tried and failed a few times trying to get back all of what I lost.

God I had a heart attack.

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