What the Fluff

By SmexyGoatBuns

400 23 31

Okay, I don't even know why I'm writing this. But I need to let out all my anger on these things because some... More

Why the fluff are you labeling your story?
Why the fluff are you in school?
Why the fluff are you a homophobe?
Girl, you aren't fluffing cute.
A Message to the Four of You

Why are you taking a fluffing "selfie"?

46 3 7
By SmexyGoatBuns


So, I've been gone forever, but school's to blame. And guess fluffing what? I have mother fluffing summer homework for English. What the actual fluff? I love English and all, but it's for next year and that's a bit unnecessary. And the bad part is that I have to do it even though I don't know what school I'm going to next year anymore because I have to move once again. If I end up going to the school I was originally going to go to, I have to do it. But if I don't I have to do it anyway because there might've been a possibility of me going to that school and I'm finishing that homework in June. Ugh. Who wants to go to high school? Not this girl.

At least if I do move, I'll be starting ninth grade and it's not like I'm starting the year as a twelfth grader. That'd be horrible.

Anyway, enough about my boring unnecessary problems.

So, today I'll be talking about "selfies". Who even came up with a horrible name for taking pictures of yourself like that? And my dad told me that there's "usies"? I don't even know how to spell it, but it's all so dumb. Is it weird that my dad knew what that was and I didn't?

Why the fluff are you taking a picture of yourself and posting it on the internet for the whole world to see? Without any reason? I can see if you're taking a picture of yourself in front of a waterfall or whatever and went to that waterfall alone so you have no one to take the picture because you don't want to ask a random stranger but you wanna prove to all your friends that you went there. But if you're standing on a toilet, making this weird little kissy face in the mirror...(and people can see your phone in the mirror, while it flashes) what in the world are you doing?

And then there's some people who I know that take pictures of themselves then post it on the social media for the whole world to see, and then someone comments "awe!!!1! your s0 preety!1 omgomgfg!!1! your #blessed! ahghghh!" and then they reply, "ugh wat r u tlk!n bout i lok s00 ugggz! ahahah lolol #liar #hashtag #hashes #hashbrowns #iactuallythinkimpurty #purfectbutt haahaha!!!!!1"

First of all, please, please, pay more attention in English class. Second of all, why the fluff are you posting a picture of yourself on the internet for the world to see if you think you're so ugly?

I think selfies are so conceited. And I don't mean the people who take a picture of themselves every once in a while so people won't think they still look like a twelve year old when they're twenty. Or if they take a picture every day to make a time lapse video or show their way of losing weight stuff. It's the people who take a picture and post it for the world to see everyday for no complete reason, and then they get mad when people say they look ugly, or they get mad when someone says they look nice. It's not okay for people to call you ugly, but shouldn't you expect that from someone when you're posting it for the whole world to see? So really, I guessing I'm hating on the people who take these unnecessary selfies and use for the wrong purpose.

Or maybe I'm annoyed that someone came up with some name to call it and everyone says it all the time.

One time, I was just walking in the halls to go to my next class because if you didn't know, that's why I go to school, and this group of about three or four people stopped in the middle of the hall and took up all the space in the hall and took a picture of themselves. Are you serious? Some people want to go to class. Maybe not to learn, but maybe to finally sit down after standing for a while, or maybe they have to pee but don't have enough time to so they need to sit down, or someone has a leg injury and they don't want to stand around waiting for you idiots to take a stupid picture of themselves in the middle of the hall, maybe some people just want to get to class to see an attractive teacher, maybe they want to get away from all the annoying people for at least a few seconds, there's so many reasons, and these idiots are holding everyone up.

I mean, I understand group photos. Memories, duh. But they could at least go to the side or something. I would've pushed past them, but you know, I didn't want to get sat on.

So yeah. Stop taking pictures of yourself so much!

And before you go accusing me, no, I do not take pictures of myself. Why would I? I don't want to break the camera screen and blind people. And if I do, it's of my eyeball and I try to make it look cool and professional. But I don't go posting it on the internet. I only show a few of my friends. But I don't do it very often because I don't have nice eyes. I have brown eyes, and they're unattractive on me.

And why do people make fun of filters? Actually, why do people call effects filters? There's a difference. The effects look cool, sometimes, but I wouldn't use it. Just use the lighting of the sun. That's what I do with my eyeball. 

Lil Wayne is so weird.

I don't understand anything these days. I don't keep up with the latest gossip, the latest fashion, the latest celebrities, the latest fun trends and stuff, no. Everyone talks about this little "nay nay" dance. What the heck that? And why does this girl keep saying llama neck? What is that supposed to mean? I don't understand the clicking, I don't understand that dumb hair place someone told me about today I forgot the name, I don't care, I don't care, I don't care.

This started off about selfies and ended up with me ranting about how annoying the people of today are. I hate my generation. They're all ungrateful idiots too busy trying to look good and cool and worried about money and obsessing over stupid things that don't and won't matter. Actually, I kind of take that back. Not all of them are like that. A lot of them aren't. But a lot of them are.

I'm gonna really miss eighth grade English. I don't think I'll ever have another awesome teacher like her to teach us about things that matter, to help us realize things some people will never realize or know in their lifetime.

I think I'm even going to miss all my classes, I don't even care if I hate some stuff. I'll miss it. It's so weird when you think you hate something like school so much and then when you have to go, you don't want to and you realize just how much you loved it.


Wow, it's so nice of me to get off topic. I don't even know how that happened. Sorry it did. I guess I just needed to get that out. I don't want to go to ninth grade.

Well, I'm just going to go. I haven't posted in forever. Sorry. I guess I'm just having trouble with coming up with stuff. That's why I'm not posting the newest book I'm writing until I get to chapter 15. I'm almost done writing chapter four.

Oh, and just in case anyone wanted to see a picture of my eyeball, it's to the side. Just kidding. I'm so proud of that photo I took, it took me forever to get it just right. And it took me a while to put eyeliner on my eye like that, and I just like the photo because I love to take professional looking photos, especially of scenery. I only put that eyeliner on one eye because I'm lazy and I usually don't put on that stuff.

Okay, try to have fun, everyone. I'll just sit here and pretend not to be sad. Hah, kidding, that sounded bad. Stay awesome. Peace out home muffins.


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