My Protective Vampire ✓

由 bjorghalla

42.1K 1.5K 92

{Book 2 in the Vampire series} Emma is now gone but is she really gone forever? The last thing Emma remember... 更多

{Chapter 1}
{Chapter 2}
{Chapter 3}
{Chapter 4}
{Chapter 5}
{Chapter 6}
{Chapter 8}
{Chapter 9}
{Chapter 10}
{Chapter 11}
{Chapter 12}
{Chapter 13}
{Chapter 14}
{Chapter 15}
{Chapter 16}
{Chapter 17}
{Chapter 18}
{Chapter 19}
{Chapter 20}
{Chapter 21}
{Chapter 22}
{Chapter 23}
{Chapter 24}
{Chapter 25}
{Chapter 26}
{Chapter 27}
{Chapter 28}

{Chapter 7}

1.4K 65 1
由 bjorghalla

|My Protective Vampire|
|Chapter 7|

The music is very loud and is coming from this 'bar'. I have heard of bars before but I have never been to one before in my life. "A bar? What are we doing in a bar?" I ask her, this is strange, I never thought Maria was the kind of girl to go to bars. I somehow have strange feeling about this place, the kind of feeling that tells me that I won't like it one bit in this bar. I see people going inside, some of them have formed a line inside, but some walk right past the line. There is a guy who is somehow standing guard and is allowing the people to get inside but few people who are in the line can't go inside. "Emma, this is your chance to have some real fun, have something to drink, dance to the music. You know, the normal stuff" she answers. I'm not so sure about this but how can I be sure if I have not tried it by myself.

Maybe this will be all right, perhaps this won't be like in the movies. "Ok" tell her. I'm kind of nervous to be here, there are so man people that are going inside. "Come on" she says and I follow her, we walk right past all the people who are standing in the line, why are we cutting the line? Maria talks a little with the guy at door then she goes inside the building and I follow close behind. The music is even louder here on the inside than it was on the outside. People are drinking and dancing all around to the music, some are even kissing. The music here is so loud that it is blasting my eardrums, I'm expecting them to start to bleed out. I'm trying as hard as I can to stay very close to Maria since I don't want to get lost, besides I'm pretty sure she knows her way around this place so it's better to be with her right now rather be by myself and completely lost in this huge place.

Something tells me that I won't like this place very much, by the looks of it, I know this place is not for me, I guess I just have to survive this night and never come to a place like this again. Maria takes two glasses from a man that is holding a tray with many glasses, she hands me a class with some kind of a Liquid, does she want me to drink this? This doesn't exactly look yummy to me. But at times likes these I must remember not to judge the book by it's cover, maybe this only looks bad but taste wonderful. There is only one way to know for sure. I take one sip of the liquid thing that is in the glass and I almost throw up, this does not taste very good. It takes a lot of effort for me to swallow, what in the world is this? How can they even serve something like this? Maria drinks this like she is drinking water or something, how can she do that without wanting to throw it all up again?

I think she is liking this, all the people here agree with her about that this is good. I am so sure that this is some kind of a alcohol. I really hope they have water here, other wise I'd have nothing to drink. I feel someone tap my shoulder, I turn around to see who it is. It is a man, he is very creepy. "Would you like to dance?" He asks me. He is very tall so to look at his face I need to look up to see his face. He is also holding a drink but the color on his drink is different from mine which means he has a different kind of alcohol. I have Jason so I think it is best not to dance with some other guy that is a stranger. "No, thank you. Bye" I say as I quickly walk away from him. The deeper inside the house, the more the smell becomes gross. What do people like in this bar? This isn't exactly the cleanest place in the world.

One part of me is telling me that Maria brought us here because she wanted to, not to get my mind of things. But this is what normal people do and I am not that innocent little girl that I was before. I should join the people, do as they are doing and the first step at doing that is to finish this drink, even if it tastes very badly. I take a deep breath as I bring the glass up to my lips. I take another sip and swallow, then another and another, until I have finish the glass. With each sip I took it only tasted worse and worse. I don't like this drink. My body feels weird when I have finished the drink. Is that normal? I hope so because I don't want to be sick. "Come on Emma, let's dance" Maria says smiling, but there is something else behind that smile, I just don't know what it is. She takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor, where most of the people here are dancing.

Me and her dance with the music like all the other people. Some of them look and act like zombies which is very creepy but I just shake it off and continue dancing with Maria, I'm here to have fun and that is exactly what I a going to do even if many people here are creepy and scary. "Isn't this fun?" She asks between hiccups. She is acting weirder than usual and that is creeping me out here, it must just be the adrenaline in her body. She is just having fun, maybe more fun that I am but still, that doesn't exactly explain why she is acting this odd all of sudden. "Yeah, I guess so" I tell her, this is fun but some of it doesn't feel like this is me, I don't feel like I belong in a bar like this. I can't go anywhere since I have no idea how to get out of this place, besides Maria has the key's to her car, not me so I'm stuck here until Maria wants to leave with me.

And I know for a fact, that it is going to be a long a time until she wants I can tell just by looking at her face. She is happy and it makes me happy to see she is happy. I think I have never seen her this happy, well there is one time, when she and I were watching The Twilight movies for the first time. She read the books first and she loved it and she could not wait until she saw the movies. Me on the other hand, I have only watched the movies with Maria but someday I'll read the books. I will do that when my crazy life has slowed down. No, I can not think of this right. This the whole reason I am here, to take my mind of the crazy things in my life. I think I will stay here for awhile since this is suppose to take my mind of things. All this dancing is tiring me out here. I need something to drink, I do what Maria did before and took one drink from a girl that is holding a tray with drinks, serving everyone.

I'm looking forward to drink this but this is what people in bars do so that is what I need to do. Everyone else is getting this gross thing into the mouths so why shouldn't I? I wish I could drink water. I look down at the drink in my hand. The liquid is glowing, what is happening? I look around and this isn't happening to no one except for my drink. I gaze back at the drink in my hand that is still glowing but not that much, just a little. There isn't even a light on the drink or anything, this is very odd. All up sudden I see that the hand I am holding the drink on its also glowing, all right this is freaking me out. My palm and the liquid are glowing the same. Suddenly the color of the liquid starts to chance and it becomes watery like. Then the glow in my palm and the drink fades and becomes nothing. I dare myself to take on sip of the drink swallow. I hesitate but I still do it.

I take on sip the the drink, my eyes wide and I nearly choke. This is pure water and the best water I have ever tasted. Did I just make my wish come true on my own? Did I just turn some liquid into water? I guess my crazy life has followed me here, can't I escape it for just one day or what? I need to test this new theory, but I don't exactly know what I did. The only thing that I did was wishing that I would have water but I didn't do anything with my hand, I was already holding on the glass with the drink in it. "I need to pee, ad your coming with me. Your hottie of a boyfriend would kill me if I'd let you out of my sight for just one second" she says as she takes my hand and leads me somewhere. All right, this is just a coincidence. I guess I could add that on my list that is crazy in my life, that list is endless and It keeps growing and getting longer with each day that I live.

Now I think it is very good that she needs to pee, but that is weird that she just said that when I just thought that I needed to test the theory of me turning liquid into water. On our way to the restrooms I see another person holding a tray with drinks and I take another glass and I leave the glass with the water on the tray then I am pulled again by Maria. She really doesn't want to lose me, and she said it herself. Jason will be mad if anything happens to me, I know now for a fact that he would do anything for me and keep me out of harm. That is why I find it very hard to believe that he just let me go without going with us, it is very strange but Maria must have used her magic. When I say she used magic she didn't use magic like the one I have, she uses her magic of convincing and if necessary threatening, let's just say she always gets what she wants one way or another.

To me she is sometimes very scary buy she is sill my best friend in the whole world. We enter the restroom and she goes straight to the toilets and closes the door behind her while I wait out here. To my luck there is no one in the restroom except for me and her, she can't see me which is good. I wish this drink would turn into water. I need to think the wish, other wise it might not happen, I need to do exactly the same as I did the first time. My the drink glows and so does my hand and it does the same as before, it turns into water, this is just beyond weird now. Now I know that I can turn liquids into water with my mind and my hands, I have no idea which one does the affect, I guess just both. Maybe it is me who is crazy, I look into the mirror and I see that I am a little pale, I need to wash my face a little bit.

I turn on cold water of the sink. Still with my eyes on my reflection in the window, I put my hands under the water but I don't feel the cold water on my hands. I look down on my hands, the water that is flowing from the sink has formed a water bubble just above my hands. The giant water bubble is floating in mid air. I gasp and take my hands from the sink. Just as I take my hands from the sink, the water bubble falls down and slashes on the sink, as the sink continues to let the water flow, like it normally does. All right, this is crazier than crazy. I really wanted to have a nice day with out crazy and discover this all tomorrow, I guess life has other plans for me, like it Normally does. "What was that?" I hear Maria ask behind the bathroom stall, I guess she is meaning the water splash that happened, I have no idea how to answer her since I have no idea what happened myself.

This is a little freaky. I look down on my shaking hands, as long as I stay away from water and these drinks I'll be all right. "Nothing. Absolutely nothing" I tell her. She opens the door of the bathroom stall, I look up from my hands and on Maria. I smile at her, but she doesn't look so good. She somehow looks like some of the people who are in this bar. She goes to the sinks and turns it on, I step away from her and the sink, just in case something really weird happens. After awhile she turns of the sink and dries off her hand."Should we go back into the bar?" I ask her. She looks at me a nods her head, I don't think it is a good idea for her to be at the bar right now since she doesn't look the best but she is having so much fun. Besides I don't control what she does, that is all up to her and her alone. I shouldn't boss her around. "Of course" Maria says back.

We head for the same door where we came inside the bathroom before. We head for the dance floor once again, and we go back to dancing. After we have danced for some time and Maria has drinker many drink, maybe too many for my taste. She looks even worse than she did before. "Are you all right, Maria?" I ask her very concerned, she really doesn't look like she should be here right now, I think she has gone sick or something. Maybe it is best that we go home, I mean this has been a very crazy night and I don't want it to get any more crazy. "No, I don't want to go yet, this is our night of fun with no hottie who wants to put you under protection" she says as she almost falls backwards, but thankfully I took her hand, and helped her stand. All right I really need to get her home and straight to bed.

"Maria, can you point me to the exit door?" I ask her, as I hold both her hands for support, she isn't in good shape to walk or drive, I think I should drive us home this time, I do have my drivers license, It is just that, I have no car for me to drive. I have always been planning on buying a car for myself but I have always had money issue so that makes it harder for me to safe some money for a car. "It's this way" she says as she point to our west, I go the way she is pointing at, and. Just walk with to the exit door, still helping and supporting Maria as I go, she is on the verge to fall asleep, I think. At least she is very tired, even more tired than I am. I guess all that dancing and drinking must have tired hr completely out or something. I to am very tired but I still have energy to stand and walk with Maria.

I finally find the exit door after a really long time of searching, I go outside and walk to the car. I open the passage door and I let Maria find her way to the seat, she is still awake, but only a little, she is almost asleep, I help her put on a seatbelt, and I close the door behind me. I walk to the drivers seat, and just when I was about to open the door. "Hello again" I hear behind me making me jump a little bit, that voice sound familiar. I turn around to see the guy that I just turned down to dance with him before. What could he possible want right now? It is not like we can dance out here, I mean there is music but I don't think people are suppose to dance outside, no one is doing it, so I am guess you aren't suppose to dance out here, besides it is very cold outside. It is only January, and there is a little bit of snow but not to much.

"Um... hi" I tell him kind of awkwardly. He looks even more creepier out here than he was inside the bar. I really want to get home right now, and I need to get Maria home to. "Your were pretty" she says. When I says that I don't feel the same affects that happen when Jason says it to me. I think that Jason has those affects on me because I love him. But with this guy, it sounds just creepy and I am feeling very uncomfortable. "Thank you" I say as I open the door of the car to get out of here but the door is shut by the guy that is very close to me. I don't like it one bit, and I don't like him at all. "Where do you think your going? The fun is just about to start" he says as he takes my wrist and pulls me to him. I try my best to get my wrist loose from his grip, but he is just too strong, what is it with guys that are holding my wrist begin so strong?

It is getting so annoying. He doesn't spell so good, the smell is just like some of the drinks inside, I am pretty sure that he is drunk and by the looks of it he has had a lot to drink, just like Maria. And I think that this guy is use to begin drunk since he is taking it very well, while Maria is very sleepy. I don't understand what he means by 'the fun is about to start' but I am pretty sure that I don't want to stick around to find out. "Can you please let go of me and step away from me?" I ask him nicely. He may be rude to me, but that does not mean I should be mean to him back. I just want to go home and into Jason's arms again, it has been too long since the last time I saw him. Well it may have been just this morning but what I mean is that it is so long since I felt his touch.

He laughs, his laugh reminds me of Sebastian but I know they aren't the same person. It only reminds me of him, and nothing else. "Why should I do that? I wanna play with you" he says, again I have no idea what he means but I know that what ever it is I will not like it. He tries to kiss me but I move my head away, what in the world is he trying to do? "I don't want this, please can you just let go?" I ask again nicely. My heart starts to race very fast in my chest. There is one thing I do know, he is not going to let me go any time sooner, and by the looks of it he won't do as I ask, when I ask him to let go. Maybe I should stop asking him nicely and see what happens after that. But I don't want to be rude, then I am just as bad as this guy and that is the last thing I want.

"Little girl, tell me your name" the man commands me, I have been told never tell your name to strangers I meet on the streets. So that is why I am not telling him my name, there is no way I am doing that. I shake my head, unable to find words. I know I am trying out this new brave thing but that is kind of hard, I need to get use to begin brave, and to do that I mustn't have lack of words. "No I can't" I say with my voice a little shaking but not enough so that this man could hear it. Now I am one step closer to becoming brave, just need a little more a practice at it. "Oh, the little girl has some courage, that's all right I do like a girl who plays hard to get, it makes it even sexier" he tells me as he pins me down by the car, what is he doing? His breath is horrible and smells even worse than he smells, it makes me want to throw up, will he makes me want to throw up.

He is just too gross for e to handle, never have I met a guy who is this creepy, not even Sebastian was this creepy. After I am all pinned down and stuck by his grip, I am still struggling to get free for him, but his grip only tightens and it hurts a little bit. He tries to take off my dress, why is he trying that? I know for a fact that I don't want this and he shouldn't be doing this. This kind of behavior is not normal. I scream, to get attention from someone to help me. I am done begin brave tonight I just want to go home. Tears run down my cheeks as I begin to sob. I look inside the car for help from Maria but she is fast asleep and has no idea what is happening to me. That makes me even more afraid, as I continue to struggle, I have no idea what to do. He is very close at taking that dress of me, he is watching me with hunger in his eyes.

Suddenly I feel him let go and begin taken off my, I hurry up to fix my dress. I get in the car, frightened to know that he would come back and hurt me again. I may not know what he was planning but I know that I don't like it. I put my hands on my face as I cry into my hands, I am too afraid to open my eyes and look up to see if the man is still there. After I have calmed down a little bit, I slowly take my head from my hands as I look up, and take a little peek just to see where that guy is. I don't see him anywhere, I look around in all directions of the car but he is no where to be seen. The doors of the car opens and I scream out in fear that it is the man, I pray to god that it isn't him. I ok up just to be sure that he isn't the one who opened the door. "It's all right, your safe now" A very familiar voice says to the person who opened the car door. Instantly I become very happy.


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