Never Again.

By CoffeeAndABook6

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At fourteen my life was flipped upside down. And not for good. I was held captive for many years. I didn't k... More

Never Again.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine

Chapter Thirty-Two

66 3 2
By CoffeeAndABook6

Another hour and a half later we hit a bump and my eyes flew open.

"Sorry, speed bumps."

"Where are we?"

"Still a couple hours out, about six more to go."

"Okay. How long was I sleeping? Are you hungry?"

"Only an hour and a half. Getting hungry, it's almost dinner."

"Do you want the subs now?"

"I guess so, we can count them as dinner."

"Sure." We had packed lunch meat, and vegetables for on the long buns Lily had given us, so we could have subs. I made them and I fed him and fed myself, alternately. Eventually, I just let him eat all of his before eating the last bit of mine. It was so filling that I didn't really want the whole thing, but I had to knowing I promised him I would eat.

I hate making him worry, and this is one of the things I can do to stop it.

"We should get bicycles."


"We should get bicycles when we come back, then we can go cycling this summer, all over."

"Sounds fun."

"There's a path through the woods a couple towns down, or we can just stick to roads. It's up to you."

"Both sound good. Did I ever tell you that we used to bike all over?"

"Yeah, that's what made me think about it."

"Kane? Are you going to play football this summer?"

"Are you going to play volleyball?"

"I don't know, I haven't really thought about it much."

"Do you want to?"

"Yes, but-"

"I think you should."

"Because I used to play?"

"Yes, you sounded like you really enjoyed the sport. I think it's another part of you that made you, you."

"I see what you mean. I'm probably horrible now though."

"You got back on skates and you're phenomenal. You'd think you had been skating every day your whole life."

"Kane, you're much better than me."

"Dani, do you see my point?"

"Yeah, it might come back to me."

"I think it will, you were obviously really into it."

"I was, two practices and a game a week, and my dad had a net put up at home so we could fool around there too, then in the winter I played on my team and at school."

"You played all year round and at school?"

"Yeah, three seasons a year."

"Sounds like it kept you busy."

"It did. I started when I was eight, I only played for six years."


"How long did you play football?"

"Since I was eleven. So nine years, I quit at twenty."

"We should both restart this summer."

"We should."

"Would you actually play again?"


"Can I watch?"

"Of course. Would I be able to watch you?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

"Good. So you're really going to play again this summer?"

"I think so. Lily mentioned sports, I think she wants me to pick it back up because of the years I lost."

"I can see that."

Two hours later we reached the border.

"Kane? Do you want to take a picture? Kat won't be happy if we don't."

"Of course." He pulled over and I unwrapped the camera.

"By the sign?"


We walked over and I held the camera away, facing towards us and the sign.


"Do you not like pictures?"

"I don't mind them, not as much as I used to."

"I'm sorry, we didn't have to."

"No, it's okay. I want to remember this trip, we can show our children one day."


We went back to the truck, but I didn't put the camera away.

He started driving again and I started taking pictures of outside.

"Those aren't of me, right?"

"No," I snapped his photo as he looked over, "But that one was."


"I won't if it bothers you."

"I won't stop you, I just hope there are photos other then just me after this trip."

"Of course."

I took his photo again and he made a silly face and I laughed seeing that I had caught it on camera.

"Delete that."

"No way."

"Beautiful, delete that photo, that wasn't nice."

"Handsome, you made the face."

"I'm not going to win this."

"Not by a long shot."

I laughed and took his photo again as he rolled his eyes.

"Are you hungry?" It had been a couple hours since we ate.

"Yeah, but we can eat when we get there if you want."

"It's up to you, how far is it still?"

"Not long, maybe an hour."

"Really? I thought it was a long drive."

"It's been seven hours beautiful."

"It doesn't feel like it, it went by pretty fast."

I yawned and Kane laughed, "Looks like it. You should sleep the last hour."

"It's okay."

"Dani, for me?"

"I don't get why it means so much to you."

"Because if I see you asleep I don't worry as much, I know you at least got some sleep."


I shifted a bit, but he brought me close and I leaned on him with my feet up on the seat.

"Wake me up when we get close though."

"I will, one hour."

Kane ran one hand through my hair and I was out before I knew it.

"Wake up beautiful. We only have about five more minutes."


"Yes, unless you want to keep sleeping."

"No, it's okay, I'll get up." I sat up and stretched a bit before moving to sit right beside him.

"You're gorgeous."

"I can be in sweatpants, an oversized t-shirt and slippers and you think that."

"That's true."

"Although you look good in sweatpants, so I guess I can see how."

"Just sweatpants? When have I ever been only in sweatpants with you?"

"Once, you walked out of the shower and your shirt was on the couch."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing."

"I don't want to be a tease."


He laughed, "That building there is her house, well apartment really. She's on the fourth floor."

"Must be a nice view."

"It is. But she can only see west, which is a problem with the sun in the morning."

"Well, we can still watch the sunset."

"We can."

"Or we have to go outside to see the sunrise."

"That's true, I'm sure we'll see at least one of them."

"We don't have to though, it's just something I do because I'd rather see that then my room every morning."

"One day, you're going to sleep in and miss the sunrise."

"I hope so."

"Me too."

He pulled up to a parking lot and he grabbed both our bags and I grabbed the cooler, it was a small carrying cooler and pretty close to empty.

We stepped in the elevator and got off on the fourth floor, Kane knocked on a door.

A small brunette with wide eyes and a smile opened the door, "Kane!"

They hugged, "Jaz this is Dani, Dani this is my sister, Jaz."

"Hello," I said but she hugged me instead. I relaxed after a minute and hugged her back.

"Sorry, I should've warned you," he whispered in my ear as we followed her inside.

"It's okay," I whispered back and he kissed me right before she turned around.

"It's nice to meet you Dani, I've heard more about you than anything or anyone else this last month."

"It's nice to meet you too."

She led us to the bedroom so we could unpack and I was worried she thought we were sharing a bed.

"I'll sleep on the couch," she said before turning and walking out.

"No, I told Kane I would. I'm just tagging along anyways."

"Okay, we've all talked about this. I will either sleep on the couch or floor, period."

Me and Jaz looked at each other and shook our head.

"I'm sorry Kane, the office called and I have to go in for a couple hours tomorrow morning, so I'm going to hit the sheets, but make yourself at home."

"Thanks Jaz, we'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night Dani."


They hugged and she walked off.

"Are you still hungry Kane?"

"Yeah, but we still have food in the cooler."

"Yep, I saved you something."

He looked confused before realization set in, "Fruit salad?"

I laughed, "Yes. Would you like some?"

"I'm too hungry to say no."

I laughed and we walked to the kitchen.

I grabbed the fruit from the cooler and we sat on the couch in her living room. The kitchen overlooked the city, with large glass windows, and the living room was cozy with a couple pieces of furniture.

I straddled him on the couch.

"Do I have to close my eyes again?"

"I'm not that mean."


"Are you calling me mean?" I asked before I ate a strawberry, "I can be if you want me to be."

"Dani, that is not what I meant."

"I think it is," I gave him a grape.

We finished the fruit, mainly him, and he kissed me.

"The view is amazing Kane."

"It is," but he wasn't looking out the window.

"I meant outside."

"Yeah, that's nice too."

I rolled my eyes, "You're sister seems like she's full of life."

"She is. She smiles all the time, and cares more about everyone else than herself."

"You raised her well Kane, your mom would be proud of you."

"That means a lot Dani."

We sat there for a while and he yawned.

"You can go to bed, you're probably exhausting from driving all day."

"Yeah, we should probably sleep."

He made no move to move though so I tried to kick him off, "Kane, go to bed, we have lots of stuff to do tomorrow."

"What do you want to do tomorrow?"


"Hmm, aquarium, skating, swimming, museums, we have a lot more choices."

"We do, it's hard to choose."

"Think about it and we'll go tomorrow."

"Okay," he still wasn't moving. I wanted him to get up so I could take the couch, knowing he wouldn't go to the bed unless I made him.

"Dani, it's not going to work."


"You're doing what I'm doing. I'm sleeping on the couch, take the bed."

"No Kane, I'm smaller than you, you will be in pain tomorrow after sleeping on the couch. Plus, I can't massage out your bruises when you roll off."

"Dani, just take the bed. You're either taking the bed or we're sharing the couch."

"Kane, you can't sit up all night as I sleep."



He sighed out loud and slowly got up. I heard him walk away as I laid down, pulling the blanket over me.

It wasn't long before I heard footsteps again. I opened one eye to see him unrolling the sleeping bag on the floor.


"Dani, if you won't use the bed, and are taking the couch I have no choice but to-"

"Use the bed yourself."

"No, use the floor."



"Kane, I get up every hour anyways, what's the difference if I wake up to see outside or wake up to see the walls in the bedroom? You need sleep, go to the bed."


"Kane, I'm not kidding. It doesn't bother me at all, it's not too small for me, unlike you."



"I'm not going to win this am I?"

"Not even close."

"Then use the sleeping bag, so you'll at least be warm."

"Thank you."

He tucked me into the sleeping bag on the couch and kissed my nose.

"Your aim is off."

He kissed me and I pulled him closer.

"Are you sure you're comfortable here? Not the couch, I mean here, in this house."

When I first walked in I had noticed it had an empty feeling. Kane's felt lived in, like the diner, but his sisters house felt empty and cold, like Charlie's.


"Dani, we can go somewhere else."

"It's fine Kane, honestly."

"Liar. What is it?"

"Does your sister spend a lot of time here?"

"No, it's usually empty, between her working long days and flying all over. She basically lives out of a suitcase."

"I can tell, it feels empty in here."

"Yeah, it takes some getting used to."

"Goodnight Kane."

"Goodnight beautiful."

"Ssh, it's okay. You're fine," I pushed at the arms around me and struggled to get away.

"Dani, Dani it's me, you're safe, you're okay. Please listen Dani, please. You're safe, you're okay."

It finally clicked that they were Kane's arms and voice and I melted into him.

"I'm sorry Dani, it's okay. You're fine now."

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," there were tears down my face and I had been shaking pretty badly.

"Don't be sorry, it's okay. You're fine now."

"What time is it?"

"Three in the morning."

I remembered waking up three times already, before this one.

"I'm sorry for waking you. Did I wake up Jaz?"

"No, she just left for work, about ten minutes ago. I was up so I said goodbye and then as I was heading back to bed you started yelling."

"I'm sorry. You can go back to bed, I'm sorry. Wait, why were you awake?"

"Don't be sorry, I was already up."


"There's a certain girl running through my mind, and usually I would decide she was to far away to hold anyways, but this time, it wasn't really true."

"I'm sorry."

"Dani, stop apologizing."

"I made you sleep somewhere else, but you didn't sleep anyways."

"Then, let me sit on the couch and we can both sleep."

"Okay." I was wiping the tears from my face, which had stopped after I realized it was Kane, as Kane lifted my head up and sat down, putting my head on his lap, on a pillow.

"Are you comfortable?"

"Yes, are you?"

"Yes." His hand was running through my hair, and it slowed down as he dozed off, but my eyes refused to close.

It was much brighter out now and I got up to make coffee, moving slowly so I wouldn't wake him.

I made two cups and walked back to the couch, sitting beside him. He put his arm back around me and kissed the top of my head. 'Aim,' but I didn't say anything because I'm pretty sure he was still asleep.

"That's a good smell, I better not be dreaming."

"No, I made coffee."

"I meant your hair, it smells like coconut."

"Kat got me new shampoo."

"Remind me to thank her."

I laughed, "Would you like coffee now?"

"I can think of a few other things, but coffee would be good too."

I rolled my eyes and handed him the coffee, "You're such a guy."

"You're such a morning person," he mumbled as he slowly woke up a bit more and opened his eyes, "Did you get some sleep?"

"Yes, you?"

"Some." 'Before I woke up terrified.' I hadn't slept after that.

"Did you sleep after you woke up?"

"No, my eyes just wouldn't stay closed. I couldn't shut my brain off."

"I'm sorry Dani."

"Don't be. I'm glad I didn't wake Jaz up."

"Yeah, she said she'll be home around six, so I figured we could make her dinner after our day of adventure."

"Day of adventure? What do you have planned?"

"I figured we could go to the aquarium today, I don't know what museums you would find interesting so I figured we could put them off."

"They have more than one museum?"

"Yeah, there's two about history, one about science, I forget the others, I think there are five around here."


"Yeah, have you ever been to one?"

"No. My sister went with her friends to a museum, but I don't remember which or anything. I didn't really care back then."

"Well, before we leave we'll have to see a museum."

"Have you ever been to one?"

"Yeah, my sister and I went a couple years ago to the one about ancient pyramids and wars."

"Sounds like fun."

"It wasn't. My sister was a history nut back in high school, she even worked at the other museum for a couple ears through university, but it has never interested me."

"Same, I really never liked history. Especially now, the past should stay in the past."

"I agree. The future is much more exciting."

"It is."

A couple minutes later I finished my coffee and Kane finished his. I grabbed our cups and walked to the kitchen, Kane followed.

I put them in the sink and turned around to find Kane staring at me.


"You make places seem less cold, and more inviting."


"Every other time I've been here Jaz leaves and it feels empty, and echoes. Its almost haunting because you can hear other people. My house too, it feels lonely and cold but when we're there, even when you were in the shower, it feels more alive and homey."


"You're welcome. Plus, you make me feel more too."

"Alive or homey?"

"Everything. You make my senses go on high alert."

I blushed and he walked over and put his arms around my waist, "I think it's just because you're not alone any more." I said.

"Yeah but it still feels homey, even after you leave."

"I would think I would do the opposite."

"Even my sister said you bring light. You truly are just like the sun. You're my end and my beginning, my life revolves around you. I'm happy when you're around, I feel lighter, I breath easier, you are my sun Dani."


"Yes beautiful, you're my sun."

I pulled his head to mine and kissed him.

We had eaten breakfast and walked a couple blocks before we went to the aquarium. We had walked the long way because the city looked so nice with all the decorations in store windows and street lamps.

"What can I get for you today ma'am? Sir?"

"We would like to walk through the aquarium." Kane and him talked about it and set it up. Kane, again, insisted on paying, so I just kept quiet. I listened enough to know we weren't doing the tour, which I was happy about because it would just be the two of us, and that we had an all day pass, probably so we could take our time.


"Absolutely." I had brought the camera so I could take all kinds of photos for Kat and took it out.

We started walking through it. It was magnificent! The walls were all glass, even the stairs. There was water over, under an on both sides of you. It had sharks in some parts, then a divider and there would be a different animal on the other side.

We saw dolphins, whales, sharks, fish, jellyfish, octopus, and way more things I didn't know the names of. I knew most of them, or they looked familiar but some I had no idea about.

"This is gorgeous Kane."

"It is."

"It's remarkable, it feels like you're walking through the ocean. It's unbelievable!"

"I agree, i could come everyday and see something new every time. I'm glad you like it."

"Thank you."

"No problem beautiful."

He kissed me as a shark started swimming over to us and when we pulled away it dived to go underneath. I laughed and Kane chuckled.

"I think he wanted you too Dani."

"No, that was a female, it wanted you."

"How do you know it was a female?"

"Because the baby shark was hovering near it."

"Couldn't the baby shark hover near the male shark?"

"Unlikely. It's a nature thing."

"I see. Do you know much about animals?"

"Just what I read about."

"Did you read a lot?"

"Yes. Most of my childhood I read. Mom used to take books away from me or I would read all the time and have to rush through my homework. I read on the bus, at night, in the morning on weekends, and between volleyball games at tournaments. If I had any time, I would read. Unless I was with my sisters, or..."

"Or what?"

"Or... or walking through the trees by our house."

He hugged me, "I wish I had known, I would've gotten you a library card."

"Is there a library near us?"

"It's in the town beside us, by the bowling alley."

"Really? I didn't even see it."

"It's easy to miss, and it's not labelled very well, but it has a wide variety of books. We should go."

"We should."

"Did you go to the library when you were young?"

"Yeah, mom would drop me and my younger sister off and we would sit and read for hours before she picked me up. Sometimes my sister would play games online, but I would read."

"What type of books?"

"Any. I read true stories, horror stories, fake stories, pretty much anything the library would let me take out."


"Yes, except history books. I would read stories written by older people in history, but not books about wars or years and stuff. They bored me to tears."

"There's another thing that's the same. You got bored easily."

"I did actually. I never thought about it, but the only time I sat still was when I read. Actually, sometimes I would pace and read, or I would be doing something and prop my book up somewhere and read while I did something."

"And you haven't picked up a book in months?"

"No, I've thought about it a lot, but never have. I don't know what I would do if it was about kidnapping, rape or murder, you know? And romance books just don't compare."

"I get what you mean, except compare. Compare to what?"

"You, well us."

"We don't do anything special."

"No, but I don't want to read a story about someone finding the perfect guy, because it won't be about you. I get really into my books, I don't want to read that."

"You get into your books?"

"Yeah. My mom used to tell me to calm down because someone that I liked died, or left. I would feel bad for some characters or relate them to people I knew."

"Really? You got that into them?"

"Yeah. They were like another world. I would open the book and dive into someone else's life. It was my escape from my own. I would read more if I was stressed, mad, or bored. It was just easier."

"I can see how. Maybe it would be good to read."

"I don't have time any more, why read if I could be spending time with you?"

"Yeah, I'd rather spend time with you. Maybe for the mornings before work when you have half an hour to do nothing."

"Maybe, I'll think about it."


We kept walking through the aquarium. There were so many different fish and species. I know I wouldn't remember them all, but I took lots and lots of photos. Most had Kane in them, but I don't think he knew. Sometimes he would make a funny face and I would catch it or get it in the reflection off the glass.

We took turns making faces like fish, different faces for different fish, and laughed the whole way through. We got more than a few people telling us to be quiet, but an older couple smiled and talked to us for a bit.

"You two look like you're having the most fun."

"We are," Kane and I said at the same time.

"Don't let anyone tell you to stop, I've come here many times and people have it all wrong. They study the animals and try to put science behind it, rather than enjoying what they see and having a good time creating memories," the older woman said and the man just smiled and nodded, holding her close.

'I want us to be like that,' I thought.

"We definitely create memories," I said and Kane smiled pulling me closer.

"I haven't seen a young couple as in love as you two in such a long time. How long have you been married?" She asked as I blushed and looked down.

"We aren't, yet," Kane said and looked at me, smiling before continuing, "But when we do get married, we will keep making memories."


"Yes, when."

"Young lady, would you say yes?"


"That's good, you remind me of us when we were younger."

"I think you two are still like this," Kane said and she smiled as he kissed her on the temple.

"Well, when," she put emphasis on the 'when', "you get married, know that people will try to hold you back, try to stop you, or try to convince you that it's not right. I know I don't know you, but I know love when I see it. Tough times make you stronger, just hold on for the ride."

"We will," we both said and she smiled wide.

"We'll let you two be," but before she left I hugged her and whispered in he ear.

"Does he still surprise you sometimes?"

"Everyday. And I do the same for him. He deserves the world, and I give him what I can, knowing he would do anything for me too."

"Thank you."

"Just give him your heart, I know you already have his, treat it with love, respect and honour."

"I will, thank you so much."

She smiled, hugged me again, hugged Kane, and they walked off. I saw her lean her head on his arm as he kissed her head and I smiled.

"What did you ask her?"

"I asked if he still surprised her."

"And what did she say?"

"That he surprises her everyday, and that she tries to give him the world, knowing he would so anything for her too."

"I want us to be like that when we are their age."

"Me too."

"Is that all she said?"



"She said that I have to give you my heart, if you don't already have it, and that she knows I already have yours. She said I had to treat it with love, respect and honour."

"She seems wise."

"She does."

We were silent for a couple moments.

"She was right you know." I was confused.

"About what?"

"You already have my heart, and you surprise me everyday."

"You know you have mine too right?"


"Are you sure? Sometimes I don't think I tell you enough."

"Dani, you tell me in everything you do."

"I say it in everything?"

"Yes. Do you sleep around Lily?"


"Do you flinch when she hugs you?"


"Do you feel comfortable around me? Do you hold my hand?"

"Yes and yes. But I don't see how that says it."

"It does. It tells me you trust me, and that you hold my heart with love, honour and respect already."

"I always will. Always and forever."

"Always and forever."

We held hands and kept walking.

(Author: Vote and Comment!!)

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