The Broken Girl


184K 5.8K 422

... I didn't know what to do... so I did nothing. There I was, sprawled onto the ground. Just looking at the... Еще

1 ~ Zara
2 ~ The Bully
3 ~ Smell
4 ~ Rogue
5 ~ Fight Club
6 ~ Hiram and Markus
7 ~ Waiting
8 ~ Found
9 ~ Beloved mate
10 ~ Abomination part 1
11 ~ Abomination part 2
13 ~ Lightning
14 ~ Emotionless
15 ~ Sick Note
16 ~ Savage
17 ~ What?!?
18 ~ Did I Mean It?
19 ~ The Going Away Present
20 ~ Pine
21 ~ It's not acting it's called dying
22 ~ Suffocating
23 ~ The Alpha
Author Note ~ Happy New Year!
24 ~ Crazy Jane
25 ~ Accidents Happen
26 ~ The dress
27 ~ The Problem With Heels
28 ~ Ceremony
29 ~ The Prank That Went Wrong
30 ~ The Sleepover
31 ~ Batmans The Best
32 ~ Whisper Thank You
33 ~ Don't be stupid
34 ~ Who Are You?
35 ~ Inevitable
36 ~ The Phone Call
37 ~ The Phone Call: Part 2
38 ~ The funeral
39 ~ Doves
40 ~ Buried Alive
41 ~ I was Home
42 ~ The Piggy Back Ride
43 ~ We Gave It our All
44 ~ One Man's Weakness Is Another Man's Strength
45 ~ This Means War
46 ~ Tranquillity
47 ~ The Truth
48 ~ The First Battle
50 ~ My Biggest Enemy, My Greatest Fear
49 ~ Wasps Nest
51 ~ To be Selfless or Selfish
52 ~ The War to End All Wars (Part 1)
53 ~ The War to End All Wars (part 2)
54 ~ Fairy Tales Aren't Real?
Hello Readers!

12 ~ Wayne

4.9K 140 25

Don't play the song yet there is a side note further down when you need to.

~ Dean's POV

"So let me get this straight, last night after your... whatever that was Zoë came back? And now you have contact with your wolf and it turns out she was trapped with other wolfs, but it wasn't that bad because she felt like she was only there for 2 weeks and the other wolves weren't that bad." By this point after Zara explaining everything again and again my head was spinning.

"Yes, exactly."

"Wow, no offence but your life sucks!" This made Zara let the cutest giggle I've ever heard.

"Hey that's not fair! I bet there's people who have worse!"

"Don't blame me, I speak the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth." This caused Zara to pause and punch me in the arm. "Hey what was that for?"

"You annoyed me." She smirked.

"Nice to know your personality hasn't changed' I chuckled.

~ 2 hours later

Alpha, the pack is going crazy without you when are you coming back? Also they want to know why you left, what should I tell them?
~ Beta

Tell them I will be coming back today and I will explain everything.

Yes sir!

A little while earlier the doctor came in and told Zara that she is able to leave, but he was a bit wary about her speedy recovery. I was going to tell him about her, well differences but Zara wouldn't let me. She looked terrorised at the idea of me even mentioning it, I took that as a sign that she doesn't want anyone to know, and if that's what's she wants me to do then I won't.

Anyway we have bigger problems, as me and Zara have to go to the pack house today so I can announce her as my mate. Well if she accepts.

She does!

Shhh! Crowley huffed but thankful Shut up. If I don't introduce my mate it will look like I'm hiding her and packs don't like that! Well now for the fun part telling Zara.

~ Zara's POV

"You have to what!!! I'm sorry did I not hear you right, it sounded like you just said that you have to introduce me as your mate to the entire pack."

"That's because I sorta did." He Said the last part quietly but I could still hear it.

"I can't! I won't! I'm not ready for this!" He sat down besides me on the hospital bed and started rubbing soft circles on my back. I hate when he does this it always makes me calm in situations I shouldn't be! Stupid mate bond!


Shut up it was just a matter of speech!

"It will be fine I will be along side you the whole time. Just be yourself and everyone will love you, well maybe not your full self try and lose at least a bit of the sarcasm."

"I don't know what your talking about I'm never sarcastic." I giggled to myself but this only earned me an eye role. "But what about the pack fight? Actually don't worry I think I have it covered, hopefully." To be accepted into a pack you must first win a fight against a warrior who is picked at random.

"Well if you fight half as good as you did two years ago then I'm sure you will do just fine." My cheeks were now probably rosey red from embarrassment.

"You saw that? I just assumed you left after you saw I was fighting, I mean we didn't really leave on good terms." He frowned obviously remember what happens I just wanted to take it all away.

"You know I'm really sorry for that, I'm not proud of it and I really hope you can forgive me, I was young and stu-" before he could say anything else I leaned forward and covered his lips with my own, they moved in synchronisation, a full moment of blissful happiness. There were fireworks going of in my brain right up until we pulled apart both gasping for air. Not to sound like a Disney movie but it truly was magical.

~ At the pack house

After driving to the pack house, which felt like it took forever, not that I was complaining I mean I really didn't want to go there. We walked into this mansion, well it was a pack house after all. I got the feeling that the entire female population in the pack house was glaring daggers at me as we walked into this hall. I couldn't work out why until I looked down at my hand seeing it entwined with Dean's. Oh, that's why...

I had guessed that Dean mind linked that there was a pack meeting on the way down here as everyone was already here. We walked up to the stage, well Dean walked I was dragged.

"Hello Blue Crescent pack." Wow that was their name, I like it but I also hate it, weird.
"Thank you, for coming here today I have some very important news to share with you. I have found my mate." Mixed emotions filled the air some where happy, some suspicious and well almost every female without their mate was jealous.

"When will the fight begin?" Asked someone in the crowd. I looked around at the others and only recognised one person, Kaelynn she looked excited. I think it's because she wanted to see me fight after I told her a few minor details of my past, no specifics though.

"The fight will be in 1 hour on the training field, anyone who wants to see the fight be there 5 minuets early so we can choose a fighter. That's all, please carry on for now." They all left without another work, wow that was obedient.

"So what now?"

"Now we prepare you for a fight. Think you still got what it takes?"

"Well I escaped all by myself so I guess so."

"I've been meaning to ask how did you escape?"

"That's a story for another time." He looked skeptical but ended up shrugging it off in the end.

~ 55 Minutes Later

The field was now crowded with people. They had to stand back as we were supposed to do one fight in human form and the other in werewolf, you have to win at least one to be accepted.

Names were put on pieces of paper and Dean would pick one out. The suspense was killing when finally it was announced I swear I saw Dean gulp! "Zara is to fight Wayne or otherwise known as Stainless Steal." Oh shit! This guy would have been really good if he didn't underestimate me but he won't fall for that now!

(A/N: Play the song now)

We walked up to our starting places, people patted him on the back as he walked up in all his pride and glory, Grrr! I just wanted to smack that smirk of his face this was the second fight he wasn't going to win.

From the looks of it he didn't recognise me, or he? We took our starting positions, the first fight was to be in human form.

"3, 2, 1, go!" Everything slowed down my senses heightened I blocked everything out except winning. He made the first move forward a lunge forward and aimed for my head I simply step aside, but it looked like he had learnt not to use all his momentum as I didn't get a chance to do anything before he made his next move. A side kick aiming for my left hip very swiftly I grabbed his leg and knocked the other one over causing him to fall to the floor.

He let out a vicious growl and I saw his eyes turn black, and like that gone was nice Mr Wayne, he threw me off him in an animalistic manner. I yelped as I hit the floor but quickly got up to defend myself, as I got up I saw Wayne charging towards me full speed I took this as my opportunity to win. I clenched my fists and focused all my energy into my right arm. Wayne was about 2 seconds from impact I jumped and I felt energy overtake me. My right fist came pummelling down on his chest, completely weakening him, it wasn't over my fists punched, left, right, left, right until finally he was unconscious. I had won.

"And the winner is Zara!" The crowed bellowed except for a few who looked like they were in shock. "Now go and shift and meet back here in 5 minuets Wayne should be conscious by then, after that we will decide if he is able to fight or we need a new competitor.

I walked behind a tree where I stripped of all my clothing and attempted my first shift in 2 years. I imagined myself as a wolf and was overtaken by the noise of cracking bones, it's what it felt like in my first shift, painful.

Finally it was over and I trotted my way back to the training field. When I got there I was greeted by some shocked faces. "What?" I decided to finally speak up this was weird. Dean finally said something.

"I-it's your wolf."


Oooooo😂 what's up with her wolf?😂 find out next chapter.
~ Mia❤️
Wednesday 1st November 2017

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