Good Boy

By inactive_121

1.3K 72 9

Lashton More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chaper 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors Note

Chapter 12

48 3 0
By inactive_121

* 1 year ago *

"Class for the next couple weeks we're going to have a student teacher with us" Mrs. Tanner said as she began walking over to the classroom door.

"You know what this means right?" Ana said looking over at me.

"What?" I laughed her evil grin always meant trouble that I was happy to get into.

"We now have another teacher to give hell and this ones a rookie so it will be easy." She replied as her bright red lips curved up onto a smirk.

"I like the way you think." I laughed leaning back in my chair watching as our teacher opened the door allowing our next victim to enter.

"Class this is Mr. Alec Charmical." Mrs. Tanner said as a handsome younger dark haired man came walking into the room.

"Sorry I'm a little late. I woke up late this morning along with traffic." He spoke in an angelic voice as he used his fingers to comb over his hair.

"This is the only time I will forgive you as I was a little late myself." Mrs Tanner said with little laughter in her voice.

I couldn't help but look the student teacher over. He wasn't like any teacher we had ever had before. He was probably close to six feet tall and it was obvious he worked out. His t-shirt was tight but not to tight and his black jeans where well the same way. He was just perfect in every way and god I wanted him to fuck me.

"Luke you ok?" Ana asked pulling me out of my thoughts."

"Of course why wouldn't I be?" I laughed a little nervously.

"Well he's kind of hot and well that's coming from me which definitely means something." She replied laughing a little.

"Shut up." I replied rolling my eyes. Sure she had a point but no chance in hell I was going to let her know it. I was never going to live it down if she found out that I was into him.

The rest of that class seemed to fly by especially since I wasn't paying any attention. I couldn't help but think about the new student teacher the entire time.

"Hey you coming?" Ana asked as she smacked my arm.

"I'm coming." I laughed grabbing my book bag following her, Elaine, and Justin out of the class room.

"Ah ah ah you four stay back," Mrs. Tanner spoke up I instantly groaned knowing she was talking about us.

"What's up Mrs. T." Justin said walking over to a desk in the front where he leaned back in his seat putting his feat on the desk.

"You four are going to be polite to Mr. Charmical." She began to speak as she pushed Justin's feet off the table. " If you don't there will be consequences. Do you understand."

"When aren't we polite?" Ana said in the most offended voice she could do. She was pretty convincing I guess three years of drama class did her some good. "I'm very offended Mrs. T I thought we had something going here."
Ana begin to fake cry on Elaine's shoulder hitch just caused Mrs. Tanner to shake her head and sigh.

"Mr. Charmical if you'd like to say something to them nows your chance. I can't promise they'll listen, but you can try." Mrs. Tanner said walking back over to her desk preparing for her next class.

"I've heard some stories about you four but I promise I don't scare easy, and I'm pretty easy to get along with and I tolerate to an extent follow my rules and we'll get along fine."

"Yes sir Mr. C" Justin laughed putting his feet back up on the table.

"Ah so your the one that talks huh?" Mr. Charmical said standing in front of Justin.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Justin scoffed.

"You are all talk but you can't go through with any of your threats. Your most likely really insecure that's why you talk big so you can make yourself feel better if people are afraid of you." Justin just went silent with his out student teachers words.

"What the hell do you know." Ana spat out shooting the student teacher a glare while pulling on Justin's arm. "Let's go Justin."

"And your stuck in wanting to be in the movie grease. The way you have your hair done, the red lips, leather jacket. Can't face her own time so she pretends to be part of a movie. Probably took drama class as well along with some dr am of being an actress world revolved around what you think." Ana went just as quiet as Justin staring at our student teacher with a blank look.

"Should I continue?" Me. Carmical said looking over Elaine and I.

"No sir." Elaine said pulling on my arm to pull me out of the class room. Justin and Ana began to follow us as well.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" Ana said crossing her arms storming down the hallway.  "His life is going to be hell from no on." She growled.

Annoyed by her bitching I decided to slip down another hallway and out the back way to where we all smoke. If I could get a smoke and some fresh air maybe I could forget about our student teacher and ignore Ana for now.

"You know you're not supposed to be doing that, especially not here." A voice said from behind me.
I looked behind me to see the new student teacher pulling some cigarettes out of his pocket.

"You know you're not supposed to be doing that." I replied putting my cigarette back between my lips.

"I think we could come up with some way to keep each other quiet don't you?" He replied leaning up against the wall beside of me a sly smirk across his face with a cigarette between his fingers. I stood there speechless not sure what he meant by that and not completely sure how to respond.

"Oh come on kid. I saw you checking me out durning class. You couldn't keep your eyes off of me and if I'm being honest I can't keep my eyes off you." He replied moving to where we were facing each other. "What's wrong baby boy car for your tongue?" He whispered making it where there wasn't much room between us.

"We... could.. get.. caught." I just barely was able to get out my heart was beating fast and I was beginning to get turned on.

"Isn't that what makes it fun?" He smirked. "Besides everyone's in class. No one's out here." He replied getting close enough I could feel his breath against my lips.
Not being able to take it anymore I leaned forward and let our lips crash together. Right away it was hard and heated. Both of us fighting for dominance but I quickly gave in as he let his hand go to my hip.
We continued like that for a few minutes, but then suddenly he pulled away making me whine. I hated how much he had pulled me in but with the little touches we already had I needed more.
"Meet me after school and maybe we can have some fun." He winked before walking back towards the school leaving me with an embarrassing situation.

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