The Sadistic Pair (Karma x Re...

By TheMonsterofReading

130K 2.6K 4.2K

in the class you were put in after the discovery of you having the same powers of class E's sensei (not tenta... More

Just a quick warning
New book 💀 | my hero academia
Prologue pt.1
The SLIGHTLY more detailed description
Prologue pt. 2
Chapter 1 - "the observations"
Chapter 2 - "the first slice"
Chapter 3 - "part of the class"
chapter. 4 - "Fight"
Chapter.5 - Not really a B**ch. pt 1
Not really a b***h pt.2
Chapter 6 - "Parents evening! - almost revealed"
chapter 7 - "Don't Drink That Poison!" pt1
"don't drink that poison!" pt.2 - the grandmaster
Mid-term intruder
A/N bonus chapters
Bonus chapters - "Messing with Phobias"
bonus chapter - DRUNK LOVE!
Ok - i'm not discontinuing, buuuut........
just updating you all
You when...
If my story had an ending

The assembly

3.4K 85 94
By TheMonsterofReading

This is basically a short chapter on the assembly I skipped before


we had started walking down the mountain path and my hair had turned blue with rage it was dark blue with light blue ends as if it was dip dyed at the length of at least 2 to 3 inches.

"well look at that hair" Karma said with a smirk, but at the same time a wavering voice

"I can here the tears in  your throat" then with a baby voice I said "diiid swome wun miss meee?" he got angry and decided to skip the assembly

" brings me joy to see him annoyed. well that was fun" "what the hell is wrong with you?"Irina shot "nothing, apart from me having metal issues such as insanity and split personality disorder. Now tell me what's wrong with you..."  and with that I jogged and caught up with the rest at a bridge.

"ARRRGGGHHH" okajima fell into the river because the bridge was broken and Chiba? ....well I think he's dead. =_=

"OKAJIMA!" Mimura started screaming as he held the body of Chiba in his hands....what a lovely scene this would be if this was a movie

"COMING OKA!!!!!" I yelled to Okajima shortening his name and dived into the water going against the tide [like the strong person I am] and pulling him out on the other side.

"ugh...*pant pant* thanks (y/n)" Okajima thanked me and I just stood up proudly with my wet hair dripping on my wet uniform....ugh.

oh and you'd think the pain would've stopped there, "ah! why are there snakes?!" three girls said in unison and I just ran to there aid blocking and throwing the snakes away. some landing on Okajima. damn he's in trouble again, "sorry about that. they're probably hungry. I'll take some off the snakes off you so they can feed on me instead." who the heck would let snakes bite them instead of someone else...?




"LOOK OUT OKAJI-" you interrupted the  guys and went to save the day

"ON IT!" I outran the boulder like the speedy person I am (A/N slow people...just lie to yourselves =_=) and starting a few feet away I stood my ground, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" Terasaka asked, but I ignored him. hands and legs in a strong stance, as I turned my shoulder towards the falling rock letting it ram into me. "WOAW!" everyone gasped. I honestly wanted to tell them to bow down to me cos 'i'm their savior' but I didn't have that kind of time

"GOTTA FLY! NEED TO SAVE OKAJIMA AGAIN! BYE!" and I legged it down the hill catching up with the distraught child


"beehive? screw that..." you said taking it a little slower so that the bees don't notice me too "SORRY OKA, BUT I'M SITTING THIS ONE OUT!"

"(YYYYYY/NNNNN)!" He yelled desperately calling for me. at least I'm needed


"Can't talk! gotta save our perverted, porn magazine reading child!" and I carried on legging it down.





"I'M FUDGING COMING! SHUT THE FREAKING HECK UP!" I climbed a tree and used my AMAZING parkour skills to manoeuvre between the branches



"AAAARRRRGGGHH!" I did a battle cry quickly and drop kicked that bear in the face boi!


__Third Pov__

"aww man..I'm on the floor now, no advantages or anything....this is fan-freaking-wait..." you ran around with the bare chasing you and looked for any weapons you had left here. you're near the campus and that's where you hid the weapons. "there we go!"  a classic knife "heh...let's begin"

running straight for the centre I kept going dodging most attacks though I got hit cos I didn't bother trying to attack anywhere else but the centre *stab!*  the beast fell backwards with a thump. luckily I didn't get blood from any of that creatures wound. I released the knife before the blood could even consider making it's way towards my hand. blazer sleeve ripped just below the elbow on the outside bleeding deep cut on my face. like there was seriously quite a bit of blood there. a bruise was showing up on your collarbone just above your bandaged chest where your breasts should be (A/N don't question your chest). your clothes still wet, but not as much and you turned around at the others who were taking a rest, staring at you with 'OMG' faces. "Get up you lazy asses, we gotta go" you said with blood dripping down your cheek and soaking your black blazer a little. Karasuma sensei had then stated that they still have time to get there and with the pace at which they are going, they'll make it on time.

Looking down at Irina and back at the class you weren't really sure. As you let the blood drip down your face and arm and started jogging down the rest of the way, just to come to a holt "the bear..."

 "leave the bear-" Mr K demanded

"nope. I'll catch up with you guys. see ya!" and with that you went to the bear and dragged it's dead.

__Time skip brought to you by God 707!__

you had taken it up at least half way the hill and deep in the forest next to a stream you tripped into "great, just when I was getting dry to" leaving the bear there you pegged it with everything you got down to the hall. all wet, bloody and sweaty. meh. you had just got in after Irina who had made her gobsmacking entrance hypnotising all.

"Arrrgh!" you turned around to see a class D student  screaming. "what's with all the snakes?!"

"snakes what...hehe oh yea!" you pulled the snakes of you revealing bloody bit marks on you neck legs and ankles. there were also more bruises there that you didn't notice. as you left the building to throw the snakes back into the forest, gossip raised dramatically as Asano Gakushuu looked at you like 'who the hell does she think she is coming in like that?'

once again....meh!

you walked in and your presence silenced everyone like commanding respect almost. then you walked to Karasuma telling him something then proceeding to wave to E class before then walking to the A class line right cutting to the front with a smirk. You gave Asano a cheeky smile with a shrug and to the front as he continued to glare at you which was getting on your nerves

"would you stop glaring? it's annoying." you told him still facing the front

"what do you mea-"

"don't give me that crud." then turning around you gave your own glare " if you've got something to say, say it. then again....actions speak louder than words and you began to crack your knuckles.

"Your threats don't scare me"

"what threats? I'm just saying....actions do speak louder than words though" and then all of a sudden the teacher speaking said

"The last announcement that is needed to be made is about our music department which has been funded greatly! We have been given many instruments to use for our classes and money separated out for each class to use with anything that had to do with music. We read the contract and signed it. The person who actually gave the money, instuments and made it affordable was a student from this school. (full name) please come up!"

and with that you turned around smiling with your last words to the boy, "see ya, strawberry. shocking ain't it?" and you quickly walked up to the stage, everyone gasping at the messed up looking girl with blood starting to dry up on her face.

"Thanks, sir" you said smiling at the gobsmacked teacher "I have a passion for music and thought it would be great if we created some more beautiful sounds with our hands and mouths instead of wasting it on what you call the  'scum' 'end' class. I believe we have some hidden talents in music in E class even if it isn't all of them it's at least some of them. So I decided the main funding will go to E class. they will get the majority of the funding"

the higher up students gasped and started protesting but you cut it short "ah ah ah!" you waved a finger at them "there was a contract and we must abide by it. Unless you want your school losing more than they could gain. less school trips for classes A, B, C & D don't affect the E class and I because we already know what it's like missing out." A bigger smirk came across your face. "Now, now. this isn't me being biase. I was just looking at something unfair and tried to even it out. I am completely capable of getting into A class, it's just that I don't want to become to spoiled, proud and show off and waste valuable time on  making fun of other perfectly fine people.and just in case you don't believe checking my name on that mid-term list. I'll make it into the top 50- nah 20 ...well that's if I don't ake it into the top 5...maybe 3? ACTUALLY I'M PRETTY CONFIDENT THAT I'LL MAKE IT FIRST!"

___Your Pov__


"IN YOUR DREAMS!"  strawberry yelled

"ok then...whatever you say! Anyways that's what I decided for the funding. if you've got a problem with it fix it! though I doubt you can do that without losing your family big money....maybe 1 billion yen? maybe more. anyways that's all for me ending this assembly."

then everyone left while you approached the rest of E class. Sugino then stepped up and said something to you, "umm..(y/n). when you went to the A class line, we felt betrayed and we kinda lost our trust in you and started talking behind your back. we're so sorry"

then everyone bowed in an apologetic way. the most monotone uncaring voice, you said


you didn't care

"You really shouldn't trust me anyways. take that feeling you felt before and use it as an example of what I could do but worst. I could completely shatter your dreams for all I care, just by using my words. anytime I help you is just pity and trying to make things fair. if it were the other way round I'd help the others instead.....I'm not here because of you"

and with that you walked away only to be met by another problem. bullies...ugh

"I heard you talking to Asano, how rude

"Asano? you mean strawberry? ohh that's his name. well I guess he's the good looking big shot in this school huh"

"yea and you better stay away from him!

"look at you! all messed up and part of the E class. who do you think you are?!"

"And giving those funds to those losers. sheesh. what an idiot"

"If it were me I'd actually give it to A class. an actual worthy amount of students if you ask me

"Well maybe if you cut down on trips and save up as a whole by yourselves, you'd actually get somewhere. sheesh. maybe you should think and not just have everything get given to you"

"Excuse me?!"

"you heard me, like I said in the assembly. spoilt. brats."

"WHY YOU!" she slapped me and I just went with the floor and made my face turn to the side with it.

"owww. that totally hurt you said with sarcasm" the other girl then shoved you into the wall and punched you in the nose "umm...thanks, now my nose is bleeding."  you shoved the girl away as you started walking ignoring her threats and yells telling you to come back. you noticed Nagisa being bullied from some other guys but just left him. You didn't care anymore. plus he's got this.


Edited: 3rd November 2017

2018 I meant for this to be a few hundred words.....not 2000. now see how much I could've put into the last chapter? SEE?! it was definitely better doing the assembly in a separate one

OH YEA! I just realised I get my POV's messed up.  one time i'm going 'you' and then I randomly switch to 'i' sorry guys. if you see that. just go with the flow

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