By -harryshallway

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You will drown in the sweet sorrow of the passion. More

The Prologue
The Epilogue.
New Book


1.6K 71 23
By -harryshallway

The moon outside makes the room dim-lighted, it being our only source of light we welcome into his house. It makes us visible to eachother in the dark night yet to come. We both are seated on the couch downstairs and both holding a hot chocolate milk.

My eyes flutter close every now and then and feel my mind drifting off to sleep, although I try to stay awake and cherish this peaceful and soothing moment even more. When a yawn escapes my lips, all that is gone.

"Come on, my sleepy angel," I hear Harry whisper next to me, "let's go to bed."

I slowly open my eyes and look over at the beautiful man seated beside me. His emerald green eyes look down at me and a smile is spread on his angelic face.

When again, a yawn escapes my lips,  I nod at his previous offer. I stand up and take my now empty cup and bring it to the kitchen. Everything is dark and that makes every thing hard to see. A small light from the moon outside makes a slightly visible path.

Harry trails behind me and I feel his presence close. I look over my shoulder to him and meet his stare on me. He bites his lip and divert my attention away from him again. My feet bring me up the stairs.

Going up all steps, I try to make my way up as smoothly as possible, because everytime I blink with my eyes, they protest and want to stay closed. I hear Harry chuckle behind me and I furrow my eyebrows, although I know he does not see it.

"Come on now, lovely.
Hurry up. You are almost there." He rasps out behind me and lays his hand down on my back, supporting me.

We reach the door of the room given to me by him and a sparkle of joy races through me thinking of sleep engulfing me soon. But it's interrupted when Harry's voice sounds through the hallway.

"I want you to sleep in my room," His breaths are close to me and all hairs on my body stand up. I look behind me to see his detailed face close to me, his eyes waiting for a reaction. With tired eyes I reach his.

"I want you in my arms tonight." His lips linger over the shell over my ear and his breath spreads over my face. Cold air on my warm skin.

I let out an exhausted sigh -- my body is ready to let go and relax. I want to wander into the unknown, let myself go into the darkest worlds where all magic happens the way we allow it to be and want it to be.

"Why? I have my own bed." I argue.

He smiles and rakes a finger through my hair, playing with one piece of hair. His eyes are a source of light and beauty in the dark room.

"I know that. But you are sleeping with me tonight, so come on darling." He nudges his head and walks away from me. I groan and roll with my eyes, before following Harry towards his mysterious black room.

He is already inside and before I even comprehend what I am doing, I drop myself on the bed. Everything starts to happen in a sort of blurry movie, my eyes flutter close every now and then and my mind is already shutting off, so it feels.

My head hits a pillow and I let out heavily sigh, finally satisfied and not really caring about the bed I am in. I am still clothed in my, or rather his shorts and shirts, but am far too exhausted and drained to actually care. I hear Harry chuckle somewhere far away in the room.

My eyes close and I am met with the color black. Wandering into the unknown, I fall deeper and deeper. A pair of strong and ring clad hands grip my waist and pull my body to the right, probably moving me so he has place too.

Covers fall over my body and sudden warmth meets me. Harry lays down behind me and I sense his presence. My mind is still in a state processing all around me, but I am falling deeper and deeper. The last thing I feel before I am completely gone, are arms around my waist, a body behind me and I hear a soothing whisper,
"Sleep tight, pretty angel."


Arms move around my body, sliding over my skin and locking me in. My eyes shoot open to be met by Harry's room. I am pushed into another one and I feel Harry close to me. Warming me with his delicate touch.

I move around and face him, to be stopped when his arms tighten their grip on me. Trying to pull them off of me, I huff. They won't budge. I am facing the window now and see the light outside, shining through the curtains.

"Angel, try to sleep some more,"
Harry whispers with eyes still closed. I look at his lips and see them moving, their refreshing color present. His voice is hoarse and deep, perfect.

"I just want to get up," I whisper back.

His arms are still around me and they embrace my rested body. Harry lets out a sigh and licks his lips. "I know, lovely. But just lay here...with me. Please?"

The pleading and needing in his voice makes me give in. I relax and allow his arms around me, allow his body close to me and his care. I close my eyes again, but as soon as I do my mother enters my thoughts.

Without being able to do anything about it, tears well up in my eyes I am desperate to hide them. Breathe. Breathe. Just breathe and let go. Counting to ten and controlling my breathing rhythm, I already sense it's far too late for any of that.

It quickens at such fast pace, I barely keep up. My throat is suddenly closer and no puffs of air are allowed to escape nor enter my body. Violently shaking I pull at his arms and try to get them off of me. So desperate for air. My lungs burn and black spots dance on my vision.

His arms won't move and I know Harry is asleep. No sounds escape me, all preventing me from being able to wake him up. The only thing I can do it pull at his arms, so I do. My heart drums against my ribcage and it feels like it will explode.

"Darling?" Harry suddenly whispers with eyes still closed. I squeeze my eyes close when a sharp pain goes through my heart.

"June! What's wrong angel?" Harry is now fully awake and witnessing. Unrelaxed eyebrows and eyes piercing through me. I am unable to answer him. His arms leave me and I look up at him, meeting his eyes. Harry presses our fronts against eachother and holds me close.

"Keep looking at me." He orders when my eyes leave his. Obeying, he takes my head in his massive hands and caresses my cheeks. His eyes stare into mine powerfully and he tries to hold contact with me, trying not to lose me.

But in my current state, it's not possible to really answer him. Black spots are still circling my vision and feel myself losing the surface. Falling so deep, I get scared.

"June, please look at me."
In a rough manner he jerks my head upwards and holds my chin tightly in his hand. "Breathe with me, come on now darling, I will get you through this."

I nod and stare at him with fear in my wide-opened eyes. I take his hands in mine and hold them tightly, squeezing them now and then. His smile reaches me and he presses his forehead against mine. Our eyes stare into each other and still laid down, I try to calm down.

His gentle touch helps me relax and I feel my breathing getting slightly regular again. "That's right, baby. In and out, just like that."

I close my eyes and notice the way breaths escape me. I follow his lead and try to control my body and its way over dealing with emotions. Squeezing his hand I press myself against him even more.

"You are doing so well, my pretty angel. Almost there. In and out."
His soothing voice is like heaven, it makes all negatives things dissapear. The calming sound it has is enough to make me go weak.

My breathing is close to normal again and I let out a relieved sigh. Opening my eyes, he lays in front of me still close and caring.

"Well done, darling. You did it all on your own. You are stronger than you think," he soothes me. I shake my head and my eyes flutter close, still shocked about my previous state.

His plump lips press against my cheek and I inhale deeply. "Thank you, Harry." I open my eyes.

Seeing the man that carried me through one of my most scariest moments and feel all sorts of things. His calming effect on me was so present and I realise we both help eachother.

We are both not insane, nor are we completely sane. But what I do know for sure is  that we have eachother
and as long as we are together, we help eachother with our problems.

We are our own cure, but we do need something or someone to help us reach and achieve our cure. And I know I am his and he is mine.


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