Rich. [Jensa]

By Chaeng-Soo

46 1 1

Anything is possible when they have wealth and all the lucks in life. They can hold the world with all these... More

The Heirs

46 1 1
By Chaeng-Soo

They are the royal amongst all the classes in this modern society. They are known as untouchables and too fragile to touch yet castaway from anyone and anything below them. They play with their cash while others die to have one in their hands. They have wads of money ready in their pockets while others barely have coins clinking in their wallets. They have countless wealth while others struggle to have it their entire life. They sleep in their bed of treasures while all these people below them, looking up to them, barely acquire a cushion to have a good night sleep. They are the luckiest people of this world, and so the common public believes. They are often referred to as the Rich Society.

Rich Society, often times being stereotyped as selfish people who know nothing but earning money and looking down on poor life as peasants. Sadly, what these judgmental people are unaware of is the actual life of the rich society hiding behind the walls of money. Truly, the underprivileged do suffer things that the rich society might not feel but the same goes for the rich people. For the poor knows none of the endeavors behind all these treasures, they are ignorant of their kinds, oblivious of their human emotions.

Yes, the rich society doesn't only compose of selfish group that most of the public constantly presumes. It comprises different kinds of people like how the general community works. There are good and there are bad, there's the bright side and there's the dark side. The rich society works like this, contrasts and contradictions, equally and likewise to any other individual.

"Good morning Miss Jennie. Welcome to World Hotel." The receptionists in unison brightly greeted this gracious yet chic-looking lady whom they respectfully named with a formal bow.

Walking courteously, the lady named Jennie in her stylish casual outfit returns the same bright morning smile as she greets them back, "Good morning. Have a nice day and don't strain yourself too much!"

"Wow, you sure are popular in this place huh? Everyone's bowing down on you. As expected from the daughter of a great man, you're such an eye candy." Her amazed companion commented upon noticing the staffs and other servants waving and greeting her humbly.

Jennie titters while they continue marching forward into the expansive yet crowded lobby, "Of course Nayeon. We own this hotel in the first place. Everyone knows me here except for some of these guests wondering around."

World Hotel, a place compared to a paradise, to an Eden where everything's heaven-like, from its structure to its services. The superior ambiance, the premium amenities they can offer, the top class services they can render, all these world class features they can provide are to satisfy and delight these guests and visitors, may it be local or foreign people, to snatch the satisfaction and total quality management that any topnotch business can offer.

"Look who's here, isn't it the World Hotel's sole heir, Miss Jennie Kim?" Someone praised.

Jennie swiftly tilted her head around reaching that foreign husky voice with an accent of an old man. Though puzzled for she cannot recognize this old man in his exclusive business suit with his well-dressed wife, so Jennie presumed, she still smiled back at them and formally initiates a handshake saying in her fluent English, "Ah yes. I am Jennie Kim and it's so nice to meet you. Excuse my rudeness but may I ask who are you might be? And also, I apologize for wearing so casually right now. I just actually passed by here to give something to my father real quick in his office."

Then his wife softly accepts and acclaims, "Oh please don't apologize. It's alright. We understand that. Besides, you look so lovely and adorable even with your casual outfit. You're such a one fine lady, I have to say. Your parents must be so proud of you."

"T-thank you." Jennie uttered in a flush.

"I see you haven't talked to your father about us yet." The old man smirked and Jennie can only stretch out her lips while staring back at his amused eyes. "We're the Manoban from Thailand and we're here to talk about some business proposals we have in our minds with your father. You know, we might often see each other soon." He then said to clear things up for Jennie's muddled mind.

"They must have really researched about your family background. They even know you. Be careful." Nayeon lowly whispered from behind Jennie who is professionally facing the couple.

Realizing Nayeon's point, Jennie skillfully handles the situation as she rejoins, "Oh I see. Now I remember my father has been busily working on this partnership with an outstanding and exceptional restaurant intensifying throughout the world. I've also heard about you and your first-class restaurant once or twice from others. Well, I do hope things will go well for us."

The old man was satisfied with Jennie's professionalism, on how she turned her simple retorts into charismatic using her smile and those unwavering eyes she have. And so he notes smiling bitterly, "You're such a professional Miss Jennie Kim, despite of how young you are. You're still a college student, I presume but you already think like a true businesswoman."

"I highly look up to my father, that's why." Jennie humbly said.

But the old man frowned as he goes on saying, "I just hope our daughter is just like you too but you see she's hopeless. She's just somewhere around here and surely making mess again and again..."

"Excuse me?" Jennie raised an eyebrow.

Then his wife immediately cuts off awkwardly laughing, "I'm sorry for that one. Please ignore what he just said."

"Uhm... okay?" Jennie timidly nodded, unsure of how to react with this sudden awkwardness that the couple is emitting at the mention of their personal life.

"Anyway, we'll get going. It's so nice to finally meet you, Miss Jennie Kim. I hope this won't be the first and last time we'll talk." The man concluded and again formed a handshake.

To which Jennie gladly accepts with a smile, "Don't worry. We'll meet again soon. Have a nice day."

They watch the couple walking away having some small arguments in a mutter and Jennie can tell by just scrutinizing at their backs, the wife's continuous spitting of words out of her mouth towards her mummed husband and some small gestures of annoyance. Jennie observed all of it and left none unnoticed from her observant eyes and from her brilliant mind that's working extraordinarily for this matter.

"So those people will be acquainted to your family soon, huh? No wonder why they know a lot about you. They must have checked on your background when they first discussed about the partnership." Nayeon guessed, looking at the same direction where Jennie's eyes are darted at.

Jennie breaks her gazes to the couple, who disappeared from the lobby then sighs heavily, "That's expected since they'll be investing not only money on us, but also their trust. I'm sure that my father did the same but never told me about it. Well, I wished dad told me though if he really did."

"Do you really want to be that involved with your family business?" Nayeon cautiously asked.

"Of course since I'm the only heir, I want to get involved." Jennie confidently responded but then she scowled as she continues, "But... for dad and mom, I'm useless in this business world and they cannot entrust me with anything. I'm such an incompetent heir..."

Nayeon straightaway patted the downhearted Jennie as she attempts for a comfort, "Don't say that. Your parents are just worried about you, particularly with your health. It's not that you're useless. You should know by now, you should know it yourself. It's painful but you know it yourself that your body can't handle such things, unless you want to die right away."

"Geez, do you really have to remind me that I'm defective?" Jennie groaned but faintly smiled at Nayeon.

"It's my role as your best friend you silly. Because you're hard-headed and you sometimes intentionally overlook of your health condition, I have to remind you of it all the time to make sure you won't go out there to make it hard for yourself. Your parents also asked me to look after you so yeah, I have to comply." Nayeon recapped and strictly lectured this lady yet both smirking at this discussion.

"Well thank you for reminding me that we're best friends. I almost forgot because you keep on criticizing me and pulling me down." Jennie sarcastically returned and earned a playful spank from her annoyed best friend.

And this well-known hotel, not only to the public but especially to the upper class, is owned by a powerful family belonging to the rich society, a family that's famous and recognized and here is the sole heir, as named by the Manoban, the young lady Jennie Kim, being treated like a princess in this entire building they own, like an untouchable royalty of this generation. However, under certain circumstances, this only heir, though she doesn't have any competitor for the throne, regards herself incapable of the position and the title.

The best friends march towards their destination wherein they have to passed by some floors and coming across some guests, and some investors who recognized Jennie. This has been a usual day-to-day routine for people fitting in the rich society, casually meeting one of their kinds along the way like it's a normal thing, people that public that cannot be seen very often in the crowded sidewalks and busy streets can be informally meet in these kinds of places.

"Miss Jennie, what brings you here?" One of the guest services asked the elegant lady as he approached them the time the elevator for VIP opened in front of them, at the exclusive top-most floor of this lavish hotel in which the entire floor is occupied with an office dedicated to the most powerful of this business, Jennie's father.

"Oh, I'm just looking for dad since he forgot something important at home. Where is he?" Jennie politely responded to the alerted servant.

However, another man in his suit, having a secretary's nameplate attached to his coat, interjected and regrettably informed, "Oh, the President is currently on an interview inside his office. He'll be featured in a business magazine for next month so they are conducting some photoshoots and talks right now. I'm afraid the interview will take long since they are just about to start. Then right after the interview, he'll have a board meeting with some investors waiting in the meeting room. And lastly, after the meeting he'll also have a short lunch with the Manoban, our new potential business partner. His schedule is quite tight for this month."

Jennie frowned and appeals, "I see. But can I go inside and take a peek? I just want to see him. I promise I won't interrupt."

"Sure Miss Jennie. There's no problem with it." The secretary said and appreciatively yet silently opened the office door ahead of them for the demanding daughter.

Jennie has been in this office for a million times since she was young and from time-to-time there are changes in its interior that always makes her feel new whenever she enters. Likewise for her best friend, who always tags along with her, feeling so different every time they visit this office. And near the opened glass windows of this cold and well-ventilated office, having a perfect view of the city from the sky, there they saw the authoritative man facing this beautiful journalist professionally, in the couch fully set with the necessities they both need for the interview.

"Let's watch it from here. I want to hear what my dad will tell." Jennie hissed to Nayeon as she suggested and positioned themselves far behind the interviewer but near the photographer and cameramen documenting this one rare interview.

Jennie gazes at her father from his seat, the man she looks up to. By just purely looking at him, Jennie can only admire him even more than before. He smiles to cover all his anxieties like any protective parent would do. He professionally handles and keeps things in order like any top businessman can do or even more than that. He controls everything in his hands, may it be for their family or for their business. This man, with the support of this small family he has, he's here sharing the greatness they acquire.

And so the interview launches, "First of all, thank you Mr. Kim for allowing us to have this one exceptional interview. We're so honored that you let us conduct this."

"Oh, no worries. I'm honored too that we'll be featured for your next issue. However, we have to make this interview quick if possible. Well, as you know, my schedules are hectic this month." The man humbly retorted.

Thus, the journalist immediately throws in her first query, "Being the owner and President of World Hotel, having numerous branches not only in Asia but also expanding throughout the globe, you never fail to amaze the general public with your generosity. As we all know, you always conduct charities and handed out relief goods to the poor in the countryside. In fact, yesterday, you and your family were just on the news for the event you conducted in the rural area. Because of that, the public admires you more and more. Can you tell us more what inspires you, a high-class man with a prominent family, to be involved in such activities?"

The tall man answers courteously, "Helping the poor and the needy has been our family's tradition and passed down through generations. We're taught the same by our descendants and passed it until this era. We do this every time we think it's the right time to do so or whenever there's a calamity that happened and people are greatly affected, specifically the indigenous ones. Just like lately, the heavy typhoon just passed by the countryside and so our family decided to go there and extend our help. Not because we've been into nothing but our business, that doesn't mean we cannot do good deeds. This is not a business and this is just our family's personal affairs. As much as possible, we didn't want our family activities to be publicized for some sort of reasons but I guess it can't be helped if all eyes are on us."

"That's admirable of you Mr. Kim. You don't only keep all the wealth and fortunes for yourself but you also share it to others." The amazed journalist commented.

"Yes, that's right. We don't just keep our money to ourselves. Not that I'm boasting but we already have much so where should we put it? Although we belong to the high-class and we're often being talked to be on the top, that doesn't mean we don't sense what the indigenous people feel. We're all humans obviously and if they feel something then we feel the same. If they are physically, emotionally and mentally stressed, so do us. I mean, being rich doesn't exempt us from feeling what the entire humanity feels. And with this in mind, we would want to share what we have to those people who need it more." The man further explained his side in calm.

The journalist, as well as the other staffs gathered around applauded and notes, "Impressive Mr. Kim. You're truly an inspiration."

"Actually, at some point, I and my wife wanted to put a hold to these activities because our business is continuously growing bigger and it's becoming globally competitive. Our time tables are so tight and it's so hard to fit in all the time, unless we won't sleep. But you know I have a persistent and hard-headed daughter who insisted on continuing it and so we couldn't say no to her. There are times she's the one leading our charities and helps out together with her best friend too." The man said and laughed at this image of his pouting daughter in his mind.

And the journalist giggles along, "You must have taught and raised her well. Maybe she must be aiming to be a leader like you too. Isn't she the sole heir of World Hotel? She's your only daughter and her name is Jennie, isn't it? We sometimes see a glimpse of her on the news too and she's lovely."

"Ah yes. Her name is Jennie, my only daughter. She's currently in college taking up a business course." The man proudly introduced with a bragging grin written all over his face.

However, the journalist regrettably remarks, "Reports are saying though that she has a congenital heart defect. If time comes in the future, will you still let her take over your business and be the next great President? Will she be able to handle it despite of her condition?"

"Well... about that..." The man hesitated.

He's been focusing hard with the interview that it took him so long to take notice of his daughter standing right behind the cameraman and the photographer, listening intently to every word he utters and carefully absorbing all of his proficiency. He saw his daughter glowered upon the mention of her being an heir, grimaced on how he hesitated at the question as she looked down and avoided eye contact.

"Oh, you're here Miss Jennie Kim." The journalist then also realized as she directed where the man is looking at behind her.

The man urgently makes a stand and announced, "Can we take a fifteen-minute break? Let me just talk to my daughter."

"Oh sure. It's fine." The journalist respectfully acknowledged and makes a temporary exit out of the office together with the staffs that are with her.

The father cautiously walked close to his daughter who seemed disappointed with him. This isn't the first time he saw this side of her but already seen the same dejected expression every single time he talks about business and disregards her at some point. Though this isn't new to him, he feels so bad and guilty whenever Jennie manifests this evident depression in her face with her lowering lips and weak stares she hides under her dangling hair.

"I thought you're having a tight schedule. What's with the fifteen-minute break?" Jennie coldly asked as she looked out through the windows.

"Family first." Her father rejoined short.

The sulking Jennie roughly extends her hands as she passes that one folder in her hand lowly uttering, "Here. You forgot it on your table this morning so I came to give it to you."

"Thank you." The father at first reacted but he goes on saying, "You should have just asked our servants to deliver this here instead of making an effort to come here. You still have to attend your classes too and it will start in a few hours I believe. Moreover, what if you got stressed and had a heart attack again? You know I don't want that to happen and your mom might kill me if something happened to you while you're on your way here. Please do watch yourself all the time. Don't be so carefree."

"I just wanted to be useful at least once in a while. Besides, I'm in a perfect condition today. I properly took all my medicines this morning and the doctor said it himself that I'm doing well." Jennie pouted.

The father though smiled at her childishness and pulled her for a tight warm embrace to comfort her. "You're already more than useful for me Jennie. Please don't make it so hard for yourself and for us anymore. Just do what's best for you, okay? We got this. Please understand." He then said softy in hopes that it will calm her.

"But dad, I just—"

The father immediately cuts her off, "No more buts young one. You should go to the university and attend your classes instead of being here and stressing yourself out with us. This isn't the best place for you." Then he looks over to Nayeon at a corner and orders, "Can you take your hard-headed best friend out of here and drive her to school and look after her?"

"Aye sir!" Nayeon saluted and gently pulled Jennie farther from her father.

The father lastly patted his daughter's lowered head and said, "Be a good girl, Jennie."


This has been Jennie's life ever since she was pronounced as weak and labeled herself as an unreliable defective heir. She's been constantly pushed back by her own parents, not because they hate her but because they care for her more than anything else, more than this wealth they have in their hands. Yet, nevertheless, Jennie, knowing that she's the only one, feels a huge responsibility resting in her shoulders, a duty that only her can do. Hence, being the heir of this family she loves, despite of how hard she's dealing and battling with her own self, she feels the need to push through with her limits.

This has been the bright and good side of the rich society. However, the good and decent won't exist if the dark and negative side doesn't exist. There would be no white without the black and vice versa. There will always be dark if there's a light and there would be no shadows behind the glow. For people live differently, live with varying beliefs and views in life, it creates opposing sides and contradicting standpoints. Be on businesses or personal life, there will always be people who live under the shade, under the darkness and gloom in their dark hearts.

If there's the good side of rich society, if there's the modest and ever charming heir and if there's a family who mastered the art of kindness, then there would be the total opposite side of it. Jennie may have been living under the roof and care of her supportive parents and she may have been living like a princess of a royal family but not all as rich and as powerful as her receives the same treatment. One best example is this unruly and rebellious blonde woman in her 20s.

In this suite hotel room she stays in, she regain her consciousness one early morning under the crumpled white bed sheets with a messy hair and naked beneath those thick blankets. Thanks to this phone ringing on the bedside, with her dizziness and rumbled mind, she found herself in this unfamiliar room equipped with comforts but she felt no panic and only groaned deep as severe headache started drumming to her brain.

The woman with her smudged make-up rolled closer to the phone and lazily answers, "Yes?"

"Ah, is this Miss Lalisa Manoban?" The caller respectfully and smoothly voiced over the phone.

And the woman who was named Lalisa returned another lazy and husky retort, "Yes, why?"

"This is the billing services of World Hotel. We would just like to remind you that your time has already expired and you need to check out within the next hour. If you would want Miss Lalisa, are you going to extend days for your stay with our hotel?" The caller dutifully informed.

"Oh no, thanks. I'll be out in a minute." The lazy woman said and immediately dropped the phone call.

The sluggish lady Lalisa wobbly sat up on the bed and eyed on her own bare body being brushed by the cold breeze coming out from the air conditioner. She sniffed the mixed aroma of sugar apples and grapes sticking into her skin and coming out from her morning breathe. There are red marks planted like land mines from her chest down to her belly as she counted with her eyes. Then wiping off her lips is a lipstick stain that's not hers as the unrecognizable color tainted her hands. Lastly she traveled her half-opened eyes to the cold tiled floor and there are her clothes and underwear scattered, together with an outfit that's unfamiliar to her.

"Oh damn... I did it again..." She grumbled as she finally grasped what kind of situation she's currently in.

Although she's in an unfamiliar room in such a scandalous situation, she felt no fright and acted normal in her usual morning stretches to her wide morning yawns. Like any other people who wakes up naturally in the morning, she checks on her time, walks out of the bed and get herself dressed, picking up her crumpled shirt and pants on the floor to kick off her day.

"Babe~" A sexy woman with looks moaned under the thick blankets she left, in a same situation as her moments ago when she's naked and full of red marks all over her smooth body.

The passive lady in the bedside wearing her sneakers replies, "What? Get off the bed now and leave."

The erotic one sits up, snaking her arms around the inattentive one from behind and she seductively whispers close to her cold ears with her lips brushing against her earlobes, "Can we go another round?"

For the first second, she was given a dirty smile but then it was proximately replaced with a death glare together with a cold return, "No. One night is enough and don't ever show up to me ever again. Did you understand? I don't even know you."

The seductive lady was pushed away and was left alone without further words from Lalisa as she has done fixing herself and shut closed the door behind her then walked away from the room casually. Along her way to the elevator, this woman named Lalisa is giving off an emotionless expression with her eyes straight on her way and ignores the morning greetings from the hotel staffs she passed by and some disgusted glares from the guests walking around.

"Look at that woman in blonde hair. She looks so cool. Is she an artist or something?" One of the guests walking around the area was heard chattering with her friend.

And the other one was also heard responding, "Well maybe? She looks unapproachable though. Let's just ignore her."

Lalisa heard all sorts of gossips about her from some people she passed by but yet again, all were left overlooked as she moved on calmly to the receptionist to properly check out and pay for any balances. Taking out gold cards and wads of money from this hotel's guests is nothing new and not surprising anymore for the staffs. But definitely, her foreign name is eye-catching and cannot be left unseen and intriguing to these hotel staffs.

"Manoban?" The receptionist accidentally gasped loud while checking on her card.

"So?" The impatient lady raised an eyebrow.

The receptionist attending her quickly recomposed herself and skillfully said, "I'm so sorry Miss Lalisa Manoban. I'll be checking on your card now. Please wait for a while."

Lalisa stands there aggravated while tapping her foot and with her arms crossed, glaring at the calm woman across her. The severe headache is still there buzzing her mind, her body pains still making it harder for her to tolerate the wait. Adding to her annoyance are these people eyeing on her as if she's a criminal on loose, judging at her inappropriate outfit from head to toe. All are wearing formally and fittingly jiving along with the hotel's environment yet here she is looking so ragged like a lost woman.

"Lisa!" A husky and angry voice of an old man called pending close behind her but low enough not to let the entire lobby hear his noise.

Recognizing that tone, the ragged lady closed her eyes and sighed in a cuss, "Shit... how did they know I'm here? And why are they here by the way? Did they follow me?" She didn't need to look back to confirm that angry voice for she has been hearing that sound and bugging her ears as far as she can remember with her rumbled mind.

The warned receptionist nippily handed over the card back and rightfully finished her duty for the complete check out and payment as she sensed trouble between the man with his wife in their fuming eyes and to this troublesome lady trying to escape away from them while striding fast away from the lobby, out of the hotel. The rampant lady didn't stop from her huge and fast strides until she reached the parking lot where her luxurious yellow sports car was parked but unlucky for her that she was blocked by men in their suits to prevent her from escaping any further from this couple who peacefully followed her all the way out.

Soon she gave up and raised both her hands up to surrender from this persistent couple and asked with her back facing them, "Okay fine! What do you want from me again and why the hell are you here?"

"Is that how you talk to your parents who are just worried about you?" The well-dressed woman scolded in a bark.

The old man stepped forward and scolds heavily, "What have you done again this time Lisa? When will you ever stop doing these wrongful things? When will you ever do something that's right for you and for us? We didn't send you here in this country just to continue your misconducts and make it worse!"

But the cold daughter reverted, "Oh c'mon dad, mom... This is who I am. Quit forcing me into things I don't like to do! I'll do whatever I want to do with my life, okay?"

"But at least keep it low and unnoticeable if we can't stop you! The media is already meticulously tracing our family because of you and your dirty games!" Her mother roared back at her.

"You don't even go to college! You don't even want to finish a degree and you keep on disgracing our family with your delinquencies! You hook up with random prostitutes out there! You go on gambling with all the money we're sending you! You get lose all the time out there with your useless dance troop and unwind your entire life! When will you ever stop being so rebellious and unruly? When will you ever listen to us Lisa?" Her father deeply dug as he went on reprimanding his upset daughter.

Then her mother further scolds, "Moreover, all of hotels wherein you can play with a hooker, why has it to be here in the World Hotel? Did you know we'll be associating with this business soon? What if the negotiation goes wrong because of you and your attitudes? What if they get disgusted and get turn-off with our family business because of you?"

Lisa had enough. She's already having a hard time keeping herself altogether for this morning yet she's being bombarded with left and right lectures from her severe parents. Lucky for this arguing family, there are no people in the parking area as of the moment aside from them to hear those exchanging heating words and shouts that resonate. There are no media, worse the paparazzi, to cover things being unfold and the area was kept safe for them because of the highly guarded bodyguards surrounding the parking lot of this hotel, causing quite inconvenience for some guests too.

Lisa snaps out in a high cracking voice for she cannot hold her frustration any longer, "Seriously, did you really just come here all the way from Thailand to lecture me and yell it right into my face that I'm not worthy of an heir? Well, I'm sorry that I'm your only daughter, okay? I'm sorry that your only heir is a woman who's going after what she really wants in life and not being controlled by her parents' ideals! I'm sorry for being true to myself!"

"Watch your mouth young lady!" Her mother pointed at her offensive mouth that keeps spitting out crudeness.

"I believe you didn't just come here because of me, right? Now, if you please excuse me before I get caught here by those media you fear the most and embarrass you yet again and humiliate you!" Lisa thundered last and brawled with all the men in suit blocking her car's door. Then she drives fast and drifts out of the hotel and successfully made an escape from her concerned parents.

Her father signaled his men to cease from their acts of chasing her and said, "Let her go if that's what she wants. We'll handle her later on because we still have more important things to work on today. Just make sure to keep an eye on her wherever she goes. I'll make sure to find a way to make her go to a right path again."

"Yes sir."

In a freeway, Lisa recklessly drives he car, making zigzags overtaking some slow moving cars obstructing the road ahead of her. And the more she thinks of her recent collision with her parents, the more she steps on the accelerator and speeds up faster, not caring if authorities will catch her over speeding. All she wants is to free her mind from all these problems that this society is pressuring her. All she wants is to escape, at least temporarily and release all these stresses she already earned this morning, and perhaps counting as the day goes by.

This is the dark side of the rich society, and it can be darker if the people belonging to it wanted to. They use not their power and authority to enrich those people who need their help but they use all they have for themselves and one best example is this disobedient heir of the Manoban, a lady living such a carefree life following none of the laws of the rich society.

Normally, heirs of a well-known distinguished family follow the rules of the rich society. They can be controlled by the guidelines organized by their parents, fine of being a robot which only moves with the use of a remote controller but Lisa isn't one of those kinds. If typical heirs let themselves be measured by the society and let themselves be dictated, Lisa does it her own way, going to a way where her genuine yet darkening heart takes her, not in to those complicated business trips and plans but on a well-resourced dance studio wherein she can be herself.

"Hi guys!" Lisa brightly greeted the time she opened the door of this expansive room.

In this dance studio located far from the busy city, from an underground of this rest house isolated from all the noises of the judgmental people, here Lisa can emit her smile, a true happiness that immediately wacked her problems with her parents and with her unending anxieties. She needs this place, especially at this very moment she needs acquaintances to look after her, a place where her real self belongs.

A man on the glossy dance floor in his workout shirt threw his towel to the grinning Lisa and grunts in complain, "What the hell Lisa? You're way too late! We've been waiting for you!"

"Sorry Bam. I just had a great night." Lisa winked at him as she went on a corner to fix her bag.

Then another one, a girl in her trainers joins in the discussion, "We know you had a great night. You suddenly disappeared with that woman you were dancing with at the club without a trace and never called back."

"C'mon Minzy~ She's always like that and it's no surprise anymore." Bam said and altogether they laughed at the fact.

"That woman was unexpectedly good at bed. I can't help but to enjoy the entire night with her that I even checked her in to the World Hotel." Lisa boastfully smirked at them.

"World Hotel? Seriously?" The entire group who has been listening to their discussion gasped.

"When will you ever stop being a womanizer Lisa? Isn't it time for you to stop it and stick to one, at least? You're going nowhere with that." Minzy yearned.

Lisa rolled her eyes and annoyingly returned with a death glare, "Are you going to lecture me too like what my parents just did minutes ago? I already had enough of these pointless arguments! We're to dance and mold this group better, not to interfere into my private life!"

And the angered Minzy shouts back, "I'm just telling the truth Lisa! We're just worried for you, okay?"

As soon as the group sensed that the battle is heating up, they immediately came in between the two and separated them from corner to corner. While Lisa's mind still smokes, Minzy had long relaxed and settled herself on a side, stretching her legs on the poles and avoided Lisa's furious glares towards her.

"Maybe today isn't the right time to provoke her about her wrecking life. I sense something happened before she came here. She must have met her parents again and got criticized big time." Bam approached the calm one as he whispered while occasionally taking glimpse on Lisa who is cooling down still.

Minzy exhales in defeat, "I know. We've known her since she graduated in high school that I can distinguish her smiles already. And honestly, I think it's not only her family that's aggravating her these past few days too."

"What do you mean?" Bam questioned.

Minzy grabbed this new magazine in her bag and opened it on a particular page that caught Bam's instant attention. "Park Chaeyoung, you know her right? She's popularly known as Rose though. She's that model whose family owns the big time entertainment company she works with. And more importantly, she's Lisa's ex-girlfriend..." She then articulated and pointed at the gorgeous model posing on a one-whole page.

"Of course I do. They broke up because this Chaeyoung girl went with a rich man and flew to Australia together. Since then Lisa never heard of her. I also heard her popularity as a model somewhat declined when she confirmed her relationship with a businessman." Bam said.

Minzy again points on a particular article written below the photo and reads it out in a hiss, "Recently, it was reported that Chaeyoung came back here but she's engaged to that man. Rumors were saying that it's a forced and fixed marriage too. I think Lisa is bothered by that and still loves that woman. Yet unfortunately, Chaeyoung came back only to find out she's getting married soon."

"No wonder why Lisa just can't stop with her wrongdoings. She must be still in love with Chaeyoung." Bam hopelessly breathed and closed the magazine in his hands.

"I think she'll only stop with all these foolishness of hers when she's completely moved on with Chaeyoung. And she'll only get lucid if she learns to sincerely love someone." Minzy said as she believed, looking at Lisa's reflection through the mirror walls surrounding the dance studio.

"Anyway, she may be like this now but we're lucky that she didn't leave our group and she's still with us. She's one of our aces you know..." Bam positively said to cheer up the group in a heavy atmosphere and concluded the small gossip to move on with their day.

They may not see what's inside of Lisa's mind, but definitely they can sense her mood for it's easy to read for them, what's going on inside her crumpled mind and what's behind those irritations and bad behaviors. Lisa has been living this flow of life that she's been checked mate by these people she clings onto at her worst times and best times. For she has nothing but them, she can only trust them and dearly hold on to them, no matter how frequent they argue.

Indeed they are right from the very start. It's not only the family's jumbled affairs that has been stressing out this unruly heir but also to this news she had received not long ago, a news that knocked into her heart that it pulverized. As she warms up with her earphones on with her closed eyes facing the walls while she sways lightly into the music, her mind can only drown into this image of a happy couple, a pair she thought would last and she can live with forever.

"Okay! Okay!" Someone clapped his hands as he made an entrance from the back door.

The entire group, including Lisa who is not yet physically and mentally prepared all lined up in front of this well-built man. His appearance as well cut off Lisa's trail of thoughts about her bittersweet past. This man gives such huge presence that can make even the wild and bothered Lisa fully attentive and obedient like her groupmates whom she joined.

The man stands tall in front of the group until his eyes dropped to Lisa and said, "I heard you're late today Lisa. What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Lisa straightened up and denies, "Nothing in particular Taeyang-sunbaenim. It just so happened that I woke up late today."

To which the man Taeyang nodded riding along with her obvious lies behind her serious face, "I see. If you say so then I'll go on with my good news today. I have an announcement to make for all of you, for our group."

"Good news? What is it?" Minzy asked so eager to know that she tended closer.

Taeyang beamed at everyone and officially declared out of his stretched up lips, "We're going the underground hip hop dance competition. One of the contenders backed out and we were chosen to replace them. We're finally getting a shot on official stage!"

Everyone squealed their lungs out and began jumping around in overjoy. Some shed tears and some collapsed on the cold floor due to this electrifying happiness flowing to them. Even Lisa who used to be so disturbed moments ago found herself screaming and joined the group hug of the overwhelmed group that's so hyped letting their yells resound in this closed door.

"Finally! Finally! We've been waiting for this!" Bam wept in bliss.

Lisa briefly halted the celebration as she tosses her concern, "When will the competition be by the way? Do we have enough time to prepare and practice for it?"

"They haven't announced the official date of the competition yet but they assured us that we'll be given much and enough time to prepare. So, we should start right away and don't let this one big chance slip away, okay? We've waited for so long to reach this part. We sacrificed a lot just to form this team and now we're here. Let's not put it to waste." Taeyang said and motivated everyone with his gentle words.

"Yeah. We won't miss this chance. We won't let you down Taeyang-sunbae! I promise we'll do our very best out there." Lisa swore.

This has been the uncontrollable and defiant Manoban's life out of the rich society she refuses to live in. Out of the rich society she's nothing but a hard-working dancer with her group. Far from her parents' surveillance and out from the biased media's stakeout she's a woman in wild but loyal to her passion, to dance alongside with this small group she linked on to. She is a woman who was changed and formed by a bitter past, a woman who clenches to it and never learned to let go. Nevertheless, here she is, an heir having her own lawless life yet with a purpose.

Meanwhile, her counterpart, the obedient heir of a humble family, Jennie Kim does her work as an heir, following the laws and rules which were set for her life, set by the rich society. Like any top class apprentice she follows the regulations written and plays her role given to her. She lives in accordance to what she's told her. But despite of that fact, on the other hand, Jennie at times walks in her own path away from the eyes of the rich society, hard-headed like how the boisterous heir does as well.

Walking in to the university all by herself after she had separated ways with her best friend, Jennie talks to her butlers tailing her, "Excuse me but you can go and leave me alone. Don't follow me around."

"But Miss Jennie, your father strictly ordered us to follow you today. We cannot disobey him." One of the butlers said and refused to move back.

Then the other butler follows up, "In fact, your mother also asked us not to look away from you. She's worried that you might get heart attack today because you were busy with the charity events and been stressed lately with the family affairs. She wants us to keep an eye on you to make sure nothing will happen."

Jennie played cold and asked her butlers directly, "Who are you working for right now? To whom are you serving at this very moment?"

"You, Miss Jennie." They both answered.

"Then follow my orders and comply with it, not my parents' orders. You're my butlers and not my parents'. I'm going to attend my classes; I'll have some activities and some club meetings the entire day. I can't possibly have the all of you tailing me and watching me all day. You're not allowed to enter the classrooms while we're having classes too. What, do you still want to come with me?" Jennie went on with her cold acts in hopes that these butlers will waver.

And so they did unexpectedly as they stuttered, "W-well..."

"But if you want, you can wait for me by the university gate and wait for my classes to finish. And tell mom I'm totally fine. I already told them many times for this day. Why can't they just trust me?" Jennie grated.

The butlers stepped back, out of the line of the university's gate and decided, "If you insist Miss Jennie, we'll stand by here and we'll wait for you. Please be careful and please do not hesitate to call us if anything happens."

Jennie walked away from them and as she turned back, she grinned like a five-year old girl who's victorious over a hide-and-seek game. She happily hops on her way inside the university building where people on the same caliber as her are freely walking all over the corridors and some have their butlers beside them attending their respective classes. As all revolves around the same rich society, this university is the perfect place for them to grasp onto this freedom away from the judgments of the general public's eyes.

Until such time Jennie makes a turn going up the carpeted staircases of the building, she accidentally bumped into someone who's going the opposite way, jogging fast down from the stairs with such a speed. For neither of them paid attention of what's ahead of them, their careless action caused a strong collision and both ended up crumbling having their things from their bags scattered all over, their bodies sprawled in pain on the cold floor.

"Ouch..." Jennie cried low while holding onto her lower back that hit the floor straight.

"Okay, that hurts..." While here's the other one is simply shaking off her head as she stood up like nothing happened.

Jennie's weak body attempted to stand up on its own but drastically failed at this pain she felt. And observing this, a helping hand stretched out to her, this person bending down especially for her to aid her from that freefall. A goddess from who came down from the heaven, that's how Jennie initially perceived this woman apologetically smiling down at her while she waits for her hand to be accepted. She has her long hair dyed in dark purple, has her eyes glittering with a simple no make-up look and wears simple yet high quality branded black oversized t-shirt. Their eye contact only lasted for merely five seconds but Jennie's brilliant mind noted all of her features, from top to bottom.

Jennie later accepted the hand and was pulled up then said so shy "T-thanks and sorry for that. I wasn't really looking at my way."

"Are you alright though? It seems like you hurt your back or something." The concerned woman in her smile asked then went on her knees again to pick up their things that mixed up.

Jennie lightly massaged her back as she replied, "Yeah. It's hurting but this will be fine around a minute or two. Don't worry about it."

"I see. That's good to hear then. I thought you already fractured a bone." The woman giggled at her own silly pun before she handed back Jennie's things which she fixed on her own.

Jennie glared at her closely. She has never seen this goddess of beauty before around the campus but she is certain she has seen her somewhere else outside of the premises. Coincidentally, same goes for this gorgeous woman as she thoroughly ogles at Jennie, trying to recognize this cold looks yet warm aura coming out from her. Both felt the same sensation, a familiar feeling they cannot fathom exactly just yet.

"Uhm... have we met before? You look quite familiar to me." Jennie finally asked but so timid she almost tangled with her own words.

"I think so? You're Jennie Kim, right?" The woman guessed.

Jennie has her mouth open in shock, "Woah, why do you know me?"

"Who wouldn't know you? You're the heir and daughter of the one of the most famous business tycoons in the world and now that I think of it, I've seen you featured once in a business magazine with your family. I never thought I'd meet the beautiful sole heir of the World Hotel this close." The stunning woman said, giggling at Jennie's amazed expression.

Jennie madly blushed from that compliment and looked away as she uttered, "T-thanks..."

"And oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Kim Jisoo just in case you haven't realized it yet." The woman then finally introduced herself with a forced handshake as she just forcibly grabbed Jennie's hands.

Jennie huffed at her late comprehension, familiarizing Jisoo at last who shortly introduced herself. "Oh my God, why didn't I recognize the one of the country's daughters immediately? Who would have thought too that I'd come across the Prime Minister's daughter? I'm so sorry for not recognizing you earlier. I'm just so tired even before I came here for my classes. I'm so sorry." She then bowed down her head to formally apologize to this powerful woman she just troubled.

Jisoo pulled Jennie up from lowering down her head and assured with a huge smile, "Oh no please don't apologize. It's alright. It's not a big deal. As you can see, I'd rather be carefree and be on my own. Maybe you just expected that someone like me would have bodyguards all over me and protecting me even from the tiniest dust that's why you didn't notice it at once. Well, I'm not like that just to inform you. I'd rather be this free."

Jennie looked around her and really, she got no guards and no one to shield her from danger at all despite of how high her profile is which yet again, same goes for her. She's all unaccompanied and so does Jennie which supposed to be not for people like them. This similarity between them made Jennie chuckle for some reason, pleased to meet someone who sways the same way as her.

And because of this feeling, Jennie urged to prolong their conversation, "By the way, what are you doing in this university? I mean, this is the first time I've seen you around. I heard the Prime Minister's second daughter studies in Japan so what brings you here in the middle of semester?"

"About that..." Jisoo happily brought out her registration paper and said, "I'm a transfer student actually and today is my first day. It's quite embarrassing to admit it but I'm kind of lost. I don't know where my first class is."

"Really?" Jennie radiated in bliss at the information. "I can guide you if you want to. I still have approximately thirty minutes before my class starts." She then gladly offered.

"Are you sure?" Jisoo shyly asked for a confirmation and Jennie returned a cheerful nod, bobbing her head rapidly to indicate her willingness. "Then... please do guide me to my classroom." She then said so reserved.

Hence, the pair began striding towards their destination side-by-side which cannot escape from the students' sharp observant eyes. Before, everyone wouldn't care if Jennie walks along the corridors but this time she extraordinarily stands out with Jisoo beside her, a powerful duo as they perceive. From left and right they can hear students mumbling about them being together but neither cared as they continuously share laughter and constant exchange of profile about their daily lives as a member of this rich society.

"I'm still amazed that I met such a powerful person." Jennie exhaled while they move on to the building where Jisoo's classroom is located.

Jisoo jokingly returned, "Maybe we're brought together by destiny? Look, we even have the same last name. Maybe we should get married!"

"E-e-excuse me?" Jennie furiously blushed as she paused from walking.

"Oh, I'm sorry; my bad. That was a bad joke, huh? It looks like you're not used to those kinds of jokes." Jisoo immediately regretted and pulled out her huge smile and replaced with a grimace.

But Jennie hurriedly covered her flushing face with silly and awkward snickers, "It's n-not like that. It's just the first time that someone pulled a joke on me like that and moreover it's from someone like you."

As they go on walking Jisoo continues on with her remarks, "You must be that type of a decent princess then. Doesn't your lover tell you same lame jokes and make you laugh sometimes?"

"I'm single." Jennie shortly replied.

"I won't buy that." Jisoo initially reacted but Jennie glared at her seriously and so she let her jaw dropped in shock saying, "Are you serious? You're rich, pretty, elegant and perfect and you're saying you don't have a lover or any admirers?"

"The line is long for admirers though but my dad doesn't like any of them." Jennie said.

Jisoo acknowledges, "Of course. I should have known that at least. People like us don't easily get what and who we love in this kind of society we're in. Even our family is the same, only that ours isn't that strict as any other evil parents out there who would take control of their children's lives. We're well-secured from any harm but not with what we want to do."

"Lucky for you who isn't defective and you can freely do whatever you wish for. Unlike me, I really do have freedom too but it's limited because I'm totally unreliable." Jennie frowned.

"I heard about your heart disease from reports too. So I guess those reports were true then. I thought it was just a mere hearsay." Jisoo then also sighed but then she cheers her up smiling from ear to ear, "But don't let that stop you. It may be true that your activities are limited and your condition is constraining you from doing more but that doesn't mean you have to stop. You just have to do things little by little while considering your health, until you'll reach your goal, isn't that right? It doesn't really matter if you'll take long."

Jennie is in so much enjoyment to be talking with someone like Jisoo and she has been thinking about how alike they are over and over again since they began walking together up until to this moment that they stopped by the classroom. Talking to Jisoo gave her pleasure that she had forgotten her worries and just like that she was able to make her uncertainties fade with her smooth and truthful words. Truly, Jisoo just created this impact into Jennie's heart and made her way in easily.

"Thank you, Jisoo-unnie." Jennie respectfully bowed her head for the nth time.

"Please don't call me that way too. You make me feel so old. Just call me informally. Call me by my name. Besides, we're now friends, right?" Jisoo glowed.

"Friends..." Jennie thought then smiled in acceptance, "You're right. We're now friends, Jisoo."

"Anyway, it looks like we've reached our destination." Jisoo said pointing at the classroom number pasted on the door. "Thank you very much for the help and I'm sorry for having you to help me even before your classes start. I'll make sure to pay back your kindness soon." She then said.

But Jennie shakes her hands saying, "You're always welcome. And there's no need for you to pay back. I had fun talking with you."

"You're really kind Jennie..." Jisoo once again complimented which made Jennie blush.

"I'll... just see you around. Bye." Jennie awkwardly concluded and hastily walked away from Jisoo, hiding her reddening face as she lowered down her head.

If the obedient heir complies with the rules of the society, here's the delinquent one wasting her time lurking around the night city with her friends, together with her group who had just finished an entire day of dance practice that has gotten twice as hard in preparation for the competition they are about to face. Lisa didn't care much of these students she pass by and envied not of their exclusive uniforms. She felt no grudge against these salarymen having an after work get together on the street sides but because she feels so empty. Her heart is totally engulfed with dark that shows in her gazes that scare everyone they pass by.

"Should we try to hit the red light district tonight?" Lisa suggested out of the blue with her group that's carelessly walking to nowhere in the middle of the busy streets.

"Yah, not tonight Lisa. Remember our practices and daily routines will change starting tomorrow and we have to double our efforts. We can't afford to be goofing around." Taeyang flopped Lisa's dark ideas and the others comforted the sulking her by giving her cigarettes she often puffs when in a bad mood.

"Boring~" Lisa chanted as she wheezed her first cigarette stick for the night.

This swag looking group rarely spends their night life chilling and relaxing like this for often times they hit the night club and would amusingly watch Lisa hitting women in the dance floor with her drinks up. However, whenever this night groove comes up, Lisa would end up looking up on the billboards hanging up high with a face of an sophisticated and classy model, a woman that never left her mind.

Her worried friend Bam walked beside her and covered her teary eyes and hissed, "Don't look at her anymore. You're just torturing yourself even more. Just enjoy the night with us and forget partying hard at least for tonight..."

Lisa resumed her attention to the street in front of her and sighed, "Okay..."

"You must be Lalisa Manoban..."

As they continue on rambling through the crowded streets, all of a sudden they were blocked by a tough group of muscled men that passersby had to move aside in fear. All of their flaming eyes darted to only one and only to Lisa who seemed to be confused of their appearance and sudden intrusion. No matter how puzzled she is, Lisa nonetheless returned the same dirty looks, glaring at them one by one with her eagle eyes that match with theirs.

Taeyang closely pulled Lisa and rustled to her ears, "Hey, do you know them?"

"I wish I know but I don't." Lisa replied back with the same pitch but her eyes still fixated on them.

"Maybe they are just some dudes looking for money and will try to extort some from Lisa." Bam also shared his guess.

One of Lisa's groupmates stepped forward and bravely asked the tough group, "What do you want from Lisa?"

The man in the middle brought out a sharp knife out of his pocket which instantly alerted Lisa with her guards up and the witnesses be on the run and avoided the commotion between the two groups. Lisa's group that's unarmed all backed off and distanced from the bad but stayed sharing worsening glares with each other that neither planned to look away.

"So you're that filthy rich bitch who hooked up with my girl last night!" The man said as he threatened her with his knife pointing straight at her from a distance.

Lisa recalled that woman she brought with her to the World Hotel and as she reminisces deeper, that woman does have a boyfriend with her at the club that night yet she secretly brought her out of the club and did her for the entire night, away from her boyfriend's eyes. She was too drunk to realize those things and now her conscious mind is cursing at herself under her breath for her carelessness and now causing such huge trouble not only for herself but for her group standing beside her.

Lisa, however, has no plan to back down from this fight as she still mocks, "Yes I am but so what? It's not my fault that your girl asked for my touches and not yours! She enjoyed her most exciting night with me and it was her idea to do so. I just granted her wishes. And now you're here barking at me!"

"Damn you!" The man roared in anger.

The tough group commenced as they advance for the war. For they have weapons while Lisa and her group doesn't have anything in their hands, they all ran away going separate ways. Unluckily, the maddened group all followed Lisa and the chase goes from the traffic roads to the narrow dark streets of the city. Lisa uses all her remaining energy for the day but her tired muscles are failing her and continually draining at each huge hop she does until she reached her limit and cornered in between two tall buildings where fences blocked her way to meet her death end and panted so heavy right on the spot.

"You got nowhere to run anymore you moron!" The man evilly laughed at Lisa who is frightened at the sight of them pending close to her with their deadly weapons in their hands.

Lisa knew that her fists have no match with these arms they got but still she raised them up for defense, preparing for a nightmare she's about to face. Her entire body is terribly shaking in fear but manages to dodge the first blow of punch from her enemies. Thanks to her quick reflexes she acquired from her unending passion in dancing, the slices from the knife are easily being ducked with her smooth sidesteps.

For she's all by herself, she cannot possibly keep evading their blows forever and thus after continuously ditching them for so long, one of the men finally got a straight punch in her face and she twisted up in the air and wobbled at the pain. The group took advantage of her groggy self and so their main man pinned her by the moldy bricked walls and started beating her up with his heavy blows and constantly hitting her by stomach until such time the dazed Lisa coughed in blood while feeling the extreme pain all over her body.

Yes, Lisa has the wealth and money that anyone is dreaming of but these are deemed useless for this situation she's in. She has the power but it's inadequate to save her life that's on the verge of being taken away by these wrathful men she triggered with her misbehaviors. Lisa, despite of being one of the people living in a rich society, has encountered a circumstance that fortune cannot do anything.

"Over there!"

The group stopped from torturing the unsteady and bloody Lisa in that dirty dark corner when they heard the police's siren approaching close and some policemen on the run to arrest them. They all left Lisa covered in blood as they attempt to escape from the authorities and her concerned friends immediately picked her aching body up from the mud. She acquired bruises and cuts from all over her body, from her face that attained some damages to her arms and legs that were conquered with cuts.

"Hang on Lisa! We'll bring you to the hospital." Her worried sunbae Taeyang tried to shake her up to maintain her consciousness.

"Seriously Lisa, what have you gotten into that you prompted those men? You should have just listened to Minzy even before she has been warning you..." Bam cried while rushing her to an ambulance that quickly responded on the scene.

Her serious injuries are stinging her as hell but Lisa still taunted out of her burst lips and half-closed eyes, "Shut up Bam... you're such a crybaby... I won't die from these wounds. Don't exaggerate... Just be thankful I'm not yet dead..."

Lisa was taken by the ambulance and followed by her friends with their own luxury cars they brought along. Lisa was speedily rushed to the emergency room and the medics didn't waste a second to attend to her injuries, monitoring her blood loss and do all the necessary aids that the patient needs. She wasn't put into a deep sleep, though they injected her anesthesia for her not to feel the doctor's and nurses' aides they apply in her bare body she shamelessly revealed to them behind these closed curtains they are in.

As Lisa lies wobbly in her own space, next to her bed and next to her closed curtains, she heard a woman crying, "Jennie! This is why I've been telling you to rest! Look what happened to you!"

"Please stand back. We'll be checking on the patient." Then Lisa heard the nurse next, instructing the woman weeping.

Lisa with her interests, while she's being treated at her injured back, she slightly opened the curtains dividing her and that patient that was just admitted beside her. And there at the hospital bed next to hers with only a yard apart, she saw this beautiful lady with an oxygen mask attached to her face. It isn't Lisa's behavior or her nature to be meddling with others' affairs but for some reason she had this curiosity and disposition to check on this unconscious woman.

"She's beautiful..." Lisa thought.

They are the heirs living differently, brought up in opposing natures. They are rich but they do feel the pain, worries and troubles of the poor. They are now the heirs formed by their inevitable past they cannot change with their wealth. They are the heirs of the light side and dark side of this rich society they revolve around. And if light and darkness merge, will they contradict or coincide? Can these heirs, with so many differences yet share some similarities, be able to unite as one?


A/N : Okay, so I'll go straight to the point. As I said in the foreword/prologue, updates won't be as fast as my previous fic.

I go to work for 9 business hours, then I'm a part-time choreographer at night and on weekends I coach/teach volleyball too. So my time/schedule is really tight. I hope you understand if my updates will be slow in the following chapters. However, I'll do my best still to meet your expectations and deliver good chapters.

Also, please do help me out with this. I'm really dumb when it comes to politics. So I have a question, in South Korea, how do they name their leader? Is it Prime Minister or President? Or maybe either way? I don't really know so please do correct me if I made a mistake with Jisoo's character here so that I can change it immediately.

Well, as the usual, first chapter is the introduction of characters. But I hope you like it. ^_^

Bye for now guys~ brb to read comments soon.

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