Don't Let Go

By DramaFangirl25

70.6K 1.5K 712

Beck and Jade have just broken up again, but this time no one knows why, Jade just dumped him. Beck is upset... More

Out Of The Blue
Behind Closed Doors
Who Is That Guy?
What Have You Done?
A Story of Pain
Jealous Beck
Childish Jade
Not Going Anywhere
The Three Evils In Jade's Life
We Love Her
I Won't Let You Get Hurt
I Will Protect You
I'll Come Back To You
You Betrayed Us
A Pool Of Blood
Funny Filler Chapter
I Had To Help
One Shot


3.2K 65 71
By DramaFangirl25

Jade lifted the phone and put it to her ear.

"Jade? Jadelynn, I know I made some mistakes." She scoffed into the receiver. "I am so very, truly sorry. I don't know which one of you kids pulled the trigger-"

"And you not going to." Jade cut him off.

He sighed. "I accept my fate. I'm not trying to get out of here. I'm trying to apologize and say goodbye. I got mixed up with the wrong people and I let them use and abuse my little girl."

"I'm not your little girl anymore. I'm Beck's fiancee' and I don't care if you don't approve."

He sighed again. "I do. I do approve. I want you to be happy and I know how happy that young man makes you, sweetie."

"Never call me that again. If you knew how happy he makes me and you approved of that then you would have never given me to Noah like some trophy wife!" She yelled.

"I know. I'm sorry. Jade, he is going to have me killed for murdering his son and I know I can't get out of this without pining it on one of your friends."

Jade frowned and moved to hang up the phone. They would never be free from this awful mess.

Her father tapped on the glass to stop her and she put the phone back up to her ear and sighed.

"I'm not going to do that. I accept my fate. This is my punishment for all that I've put you through. I'm sorry. I just wanted to say that and to say goodbye."

Jade nodded. "Okay." She moved to hang up again and saw her father's sullen face. She put the phone back to her face once more. "Bye, dad. Say 'Hi' to mom for me." She said then she finally hung up and left the room.

She walked out of the prison and over to the waiting car. "You ready?"

She nodded and got in.

They drove in silence for awhile, then finally Jade broke it. "Thank you."

"It's no problem. You needed a ride and Beck is busy getting ready."

Jade scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Thank you for shooting Noah."

She snapped her attention from the road to Jade. "You knew it was-"

Jade nodded. "We all do. I was in Beck's arms and Cat was in Robbie's so it had to be you. So thanks."

Tori sighed and nodded. "You're welcome."

Silence filled the car again and again Jade broke it. "How did you-"

"Shooting range with my dad. It wasn't a far target and he was out in the open. I just, I've never shot a human being before." She whispered.

Jade looked over and she could see how much Tori was struggling. She's a good person and good people don't murder other people. Jade sighed.

"Just think of it this way, you didn't kill a guy, you killed a monster, you killed a murderer. Hell, Vega, you saved us, me."

Tori took a shaky breath. "Thanks Jade. I really needed to hear that."

Jade nodded. "I know."

"So, marrying Beck later tonight? Excited? Happy? Scared? Nervous?"

Jade chuckled. "All of the above, but, mostly just happy, really happy."

Tori grinned. "I wonder how Beck is feeling right now?" She asked.

Jade just smiled. "Happy."


"Dude, you sure you're ready? We are still just in high school ya know?"

Beck smiled. "I'm sure."

"Ya know when I said chiz needed to go back to normal, uh, this ain't normal, man."

Beck chuckled. "Nope. Sorry, but this is better. I am never losing Jade again. Not even close."

"Yeah, well, whatever."

Beck turned, looking very dapper in a suit and tie. "So, you're okay with me asking him instead of you right?" Beck asked.

Andre nodded. "I am okay with you asking your brother to be your best man. What changed between you two?"

"He protected Jade when I couldn't. He's earned it."

Andre nodded. "Yeah, well in the far future when I get married you better be my best man."

Beck smirked. "You mean when you finally get Tori to fall in love with you and you guys get married under the light of the-"

Andre punched Beck in the arm. "Man, why do I even tell you things?"

Beck chuckled. "Because we are best friends."

"Oh yeah, that's why."

Robbie knocked on the door and opened it. "Cat said Jade and Tori are on their way. You ready?"

Beck turned and walked over to him. "Born ready. Hey, you wanna be my best man?" He asked.

Robbie gaped at him. "M-Me? Not An-Andre?"

Beck sighed and licked his lips then he put a hand on Robbie's arm. "He's not my little brother and you are." He smiled.

"I am?" Robbie grinned. "Then I'd be honored."

Beck nodded.

"Ten minues til Jade gets here!" Cat called walking into the room. "Look at you two acting all nice."

"Beck called me his brother." Robbie said.

Beck swung an arm around Robbie. "My little brother." He chuckled.

"Just by a year!"

Cat rolled her eyes. "Okay you two. Quit it. Jade is on her way so everyone get in your places." Cat said then she left the room. Robbie watched her leave with a smile.

"So how long until you pop the question?" Beck asked and Robbie started stuttering. "Easy, buddy. Wait til you're both ready. When you're more happy and nervous then afraid."

Robbie nodded. "Right. I will, one day, in the future, not-not now."

Beck nodded. "Okay."


Beck and Jade got married in the cemetery near Nick and Helen West's grave sites.

Robbie smiled at Cat and thought about how he would propose one day.

Andre caught Tori's eye and she smiled at him.

Everyone was finally happy with their lives and thier relationships.

Even Trina, who watched from the tree by Nick's grave, smiled for them.

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