The Unexpected Roommate.

By _YourFavoGay

24.1K 1K 309

Moving in with 3 gays shouldnt be that bad for a newly single 30 year old, Corey, trying to figure out his ne... More

My New Short Story


2.6K 143 33
By _YourFavoGay

5| Making Up.


"Aww fuck!" I moaned as Gordo swallowed my cum. My toes curled as my dick was still deep down in his throat. I looked down at him and he was staring at me with the dick sucking tears in his eyes. I smirked as he slowly came up and wiped the sides of his mouth. He climbed up my chest and laid on top of it.

"You going to stay over again?" He asked.

"Yeah. I dont wanna see them right now." I angrily told him as I stood up and walked towards his bathroom. He exhaled, "I know you think you suppose to side with me...hell I find it hot ass fuck. But I feel you guys should all talk. Its been 2 weeks. You havent even called them."

"Not true. I saw Corey at the his job." I corrected him and he sat up ans gave me a look.

"We are all at fault for what happened, but dont you think its petty. This is yall last summer for awhile. No telling when you will have time to come back from Pollie and visit. Name one thing yall do in the summer?" Gordo asked me and I wiped my face and leaned on the wall.

"We usually do a weekend at the Country Club up north. Its called Lost Lake. Its our time to really bond because the cabins only have one room and we all sleep in sleeping bags and shit. Its use to be fun as—." I was lost in translation or in memory I didnt even notice him typing on my phone. I asked, "What are you doing?"

"Inviting them all their for the weekend. Everyone can drive up by their self. If they show up they want to talk about it." He told me and I bit my bottom lip and asked, "Are you going to—."

"Nope. Ill be here when you get back. I know they hate me, but its not because of me personally...its because I am with you. They are use to you fucking and dumping...they are already about to lose you to a body of water between yall and me. Its scary." He explained and I walked over and sat beside him and looked over at him.


We both shot a look down at the group message and seen that Aladdin had replied.

"Ill be there. 😘." -AladdyZaddy

"Ill check my very BUSY schedule." -Romanio

"My store just opened a few days ago...Ill see."-Kaid🧐.

"Look you didnt even need to be surprised up there. They all replied." Gordo told me.

"That doesnt mean there wont be heated discussion. This group cant just talk normal. Rome will say something shady and everything will go left." I explained. He rubbed my back and replied, "Well, hopefully nothing goes left and it goes right." I kissed his cheek and rubbed his face.

"I am happy I found you." I smirked and he replied, "Well to be fair...I walked up to you. I saw you at that happy hour like who is the dude in all black...he looks like he lays pipe down. Hours later you had me climbing that shower wall." I tapped his shoulder and looked down at my dick. He smirked and said, "Well, Well,Well looks who is ready for round 3." He threw his leg over me and I cupped his ass in my hand. We started making out.

Lost Lake

"Cabin B." The lady behind the counter told me. I took the keys and walked out. I stepped out on the wood floor and stared out at the peace and heard the birds chirping. You cant drive towards the cabin. You have to walk the map. Its good for some freah air. I walked down the stairs and went back to the parking lot to get my bag from the car. As I dug in my trunk for my bag, I heard a car pulling up beside mine. I stared over and out hopped Rome in some little ass shorts. He rolled his eyes and spoke, "Just for the record I only came for the fantastic brunch. Now lead me to my damn cabin, please." He walked to his trunk and grabbed his bag.

We started following the trail and it was so quiet. He was on his phone glued to snapchat. He laughed, "Shake that assssss, José! Gosh I have to get to this club Fairytale." I stared over at him and said, "Fairytale?"

"its a gay strip club in Hollywood. And they have this new young boy there...José. He have blew up on social media because of it. He is amazing. Got cakesss for daysss." He explained and I shook my head yes. He exhaled and switched the conversation.

"Let me tell you something...Oakland James this is wayy beyond petty. You missed Kaid opening. Which was bomb. Vicky and Corey are dating now. Aladdin have been fucking everything with a hole. I legit caught him diving deep in apple pie—."

I laughed and he continued, "That shit was apple crumble within 5 minutes. But If we are going to move on you going to have to drop the bitch and apologize to Kaid. His face was red as shit. You slapped him like he was yo bitch and owed you money." My head dropped and I replied, "I aint dropping shit and I do feel really bad about Kaid. It just sort of happened. Yall going to have to accept Gordo... I really care about him."

"Well what about our care? Huh? Oakes, I am all for you hanging up your whore jersey but make sure you hanging it up for some one worthy of it...He walked around our loft how many days and seen plenty of pics of Aladdin and never even mentioned anything. If he was hiding that...what else can he be hiding?—Cabin B." He said as he ran up to the door and I tossed him the keys. He walked in first and Aladdin walked out of the kitchen and said, "Fuck...we wanted dinner done before you two got here."

"We." Rome and I said in unison. We heard feet rushing downstairs and we looked over and Corey said, "Yo! They got a bear head up there—OAKES!" He rushed over and we hugged. I said, "Ohhh I didnt know you was coming."

"Me neither. Aladdin woke me up this morning telling me..yall might need a referee." He told me. Rome asked, "Have yall heard from Kaid?"

"He just texted me. He just pulled up." Aladdin added. Rome took a deep breath and replied, "Show me to the bottle...pleaseeee." Rome maybe was dramatic but he was right about this bottle. Kaiden was abused as a child. By his older brother alot. Not sexually. Just a bully beating on the little kid. Broken bones, jaw fractures, and all type of other shit. He have alot of anger built in him from that and I knew I shouldnt have touched him. It was just the hype of the moment.

"Come help me warming up the jacuzi." Corey told me as we walked out on the back patio. I helped him lift the top off and move it over and he spoke, "Look I know I had nothing to do with that night or even have anything to do with this weekend...but what I do know is the loft aint the same without you.Plus, you the only one can tolerate my pussy talks. Rome be fed up and walks away." Little did he know, he aint fed up he just want the pussy you talking about to be his.

"I just wanna clear the air with all this before coming home. Gordo is a part of me just as well as you guys. This is my last summer to do all the things I want before Pollie in the fall. And I just want all the important people in my life to get that so much to ask?" I explained as he turned on the hot tub.

He exhaled, "lets just hope this is a time machine and we go back to that night and Rome dont beat up Gordo and you dont slap your bestfriend." We heard the door close and I looked back. Thru the glass I stared at Kaiden. Kaiden stared at me. He exhaled and dropped his bag.

"Let it begin." I mumbled. Moments later the hot tub was warm and all of us was inside it drinking out of glasses. It was that awkward silence for a couple of minutes and then Aladdin spoke.

"Look we came here to talk whatever issues motherfuckers are too stubborn but this is my last summer with you guys for alongg time. Hell same for Oakes too. So talk." Aladdin said. I stared over at Kaiden. He was between Corey and Rome.

"Kaiden, In sorry about slapping you—." He exhaled and stepped out of the tub and said, "I aint doing this." He walked into the house and they all gave me the eyes to follow after him. I hopped out of the jacuzi in my black shorts ans grab my towel. I walked inside and went upstairs. He was slamming the bathroom door. I knocked at the door and he snapped, "Leave me alone Oakland." I leaned my back on the door and slid down it to my wet ass hit the wood floor.

"No. We need to talk." I told him.

"You didnt come to my damn opening. Its like these last few months everybody that I love have been shitting on me. First, Sir Brock—."

I cut him off, "Dont you ever fucking compare me to that closet case. What we have is wayy different than that."

"So why you ignore it. You got with Gordo and push me to the side. Literally the night before you and Gordo was official...please tell me what we did." He bluntly spoke. I exhaled and confessed, "Made out and we gave eachother blowjobs...but thats been happening since forever."

"Exactly, but you knew my feelings towards you and you always said..oh I aint looking for nothing imagine my face when I see you waltzed in with your new boyfriend. And I still sat there like a real friend and accepted it. Then you put your hands on me. I ran for 2 miles straight, nonstop. My blood was boiling. My insides was on fire. I wanted to kill you. I told you that the next person ever put their hands on me like my brother did...It will be a funeral for them a week later." Kaiden explained.

"Kaid, Im so sorry about that. I wanted to slap more of the situation than you. All the people I care about at odds, pisses me off." I confessed.

"Oh you care about me? Im shook." He told me. I sucked my teeth and replied, "Would I let anyone else shave my damn legs...." We both laughed and he said, "Those shits need to be shaven again. And dont make me laugh...I walk into that cabin trying to be mad and when I look into your eyes my entire chest caves in. I got it bad! But I wont let my stupid feelings ever get between our friendship. So if Gordo is who you want I will accept it." He unlocked the door and I hopped up. I walked in and closed the door behind me. We stared at one another and he slowly stated, "The exit is that way." I pulled him close to me and crashed my lips into his. We made out for awhile.

"I will love you always, Kaid. No matter who I am with, you are the one constant love in my life. And thats why I didnt want to react on our feelings because it will ruin what we have. You know me inside and out. Probably more than anybody would. So never question if your crown is shaking, because you will always be my queen." I stated and Kaid smirked. We hugged and he said, "And you are going to buy two paintings for missing my damn opening."

"Deal. Now can we get back in the jacuzi." I told him as I opened the door. We walked downstairs and it was a knock at the door. I told him that I had it. I walked over and opened it. It was the lady from the reception desk.

"Yes." I asked her.

"Someone requested the Truth or Dare game." She said as she handed it to me. I closed the door back and joined them back on the patio. They all stepped out and walked over to the table. Rome popped the cork from the third patron bottle and got our cups back up to the correct placement.

I popped open the game and folded the cards and place them in the large bowl. Aladdin picked one up.. "Ill go first."

"Truth: Have you ever slept with a close friend, boyfriend? Almost." He confessed. Rome dug into the bowl next and grab a paper.

"Truth: Big Dicks or Fat asses? Big Dickkssss!" Rome yelled. I could have sworn the neighbors heard. Kaiden dug inside and read the paper.

"Dare: Sit naked for the rest of the game." He stood up and said, "Corey you better cover your eyes."

"Why? I seen all what you working with in the shower..plenty of times." Corey told him as we all laughed. Kaiden sat down and I grabbed a paper.

"Truth: Have you ever had a threesome? Yes. Twice." I told them. I moved the bowl closer so Corey can pull one. He got one out and read, "Dare: Kiss the person that is across from you." We all stared over at Rome. I said, "You dont have to—." He licked his lips and said, "Get over here." Aladdin and Kaiden said, "Oh Oh!!" Rome stood up and walked over towards him and Corey snatched him across his lap and crashed his lips into Rome's. The two started making out for a full 5 seconds. They stopped and Corey said, "Now you have finally tasted them. I know they have been on your bucket list." Everyone laughed and Rome said, "Ohh shut the fuck up. NEXT!" We played for about 5 more rounds before we went inside and played music...while waiting for the pizza to arrive. I looked over at the stairs and seen Rome waving at me. I went upstairs and he said, "I am so happy you made up with Kaiden...honestly. But its my turn—."

"Ever since I first met you...we have been match made in friendship. You know all my secrets even if I have some. And Vice Versa. So if you wanna date Gordo...go ahead and I wont get in the way anymore. I promise. The house phone started ringing in the bedroom. He walked off to go get it and I seen a paper on his back. I snatched it off and read it: Truth: If you have any type of sexual feelings for anyone in the game....kiss them." My eyes shot open. This got stuck to his back when Corey laid him across his lap to kiss him. Maybe I am tripping. Just maybe I am looking into this wrong...I rushed down the hall into the room and said, "Before I tell you what tea I just got you have to promise me not to wig the fuck out—." I seen his face drop. He slowly placed the phone back down and confessed, "A storm is coming in the morning. All guest in warned to leave for safety. We have to go."

"Aww damn. We can finish this back at the loft, but I have to tell you—." Kaiden entered the room and said, "Pizza is here."

"We got to go." I told him.

I was about to knock at Gordo door, but I decided to just surprise him. I have been driving all damn day...I am coming to get my clothes and tell him he was right about us needing to talk. It all worked out. The guys are back at the loft readying a game of GayGhost...we are about to be lit. I unlocked Gordo apartment door. I walked in and seen a shoe in the hallway. I picked it up and then seen a pair of jeans. I looked over at his room door and exhaled as I heard moans.

I swiftly made my way down the hall and burst into the door. Gordo couldnt even move as he rode the black dick under him.


"Gordo! Old me would call my boys and we jump your ass into the next century. I believe you over them. Thought you had my best interest at heart but all awhile you wanted me out of the apartment so this can happen. You are low down as fuck!" I rushed out of the apartment and down the stairs to my car. I banged on the steering wheel for awhile.

Moments later, I walked into the loft as I heard Aladdin screaming, "HUMP ME! FUCK—."

Coret blurted out, "ME, DADDY BETTER MAKE ME CHOKE! GO!" Everyone rushed to a white sheet on the floor and grabbed a beer from the middle table before doing that. They spotted me and Rome said, "Join in. We just started—Are you okay?" Vicky added, "Nope. I know that look...seen it in my mirror many many times. Someone just broke his heart." Kaiden stared over at me as I confessed, "Yall was right. Gordo wasnt shit. He cheated on me literally 10 hours after I leave."

Aladdin chuckled, "Thank God. I didnt want to ruin it between yall, but we did fuck a few times." I snapped, "What?" All I remember is charging at Aladdin before everything went black and all I saw was red.

To Be Continued.

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